I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Friday, 12 January 2024
Writer's Corner
Last night I attended a webinar with my fellow sisters (and men) held by Misty Evans who has written 90 books and won many awards. I had thought I was attending the Toronto Sisters and Crime, however, it was the USA and I believe I was the only Canadian. I can be wrong. I am beginning to think I attend more events from the States, than my own. Oh well, what can I say? They are nice to me. Canadians are good to me too, of course. Writers are a very welcoming world. I have been invited to attend a Black Authors event where I can showcase one of my books, but I am going to miss that because I don’t want to take away from any Black Author. I think they have somehow adopted me. Now, let’s get back to Misty. I found her delightful. Misty has turned Indy, because she wants to have control of her books. She states that you need an editor and proof readers. She states that as writers we need to keep evolving and be flexible (yup, I do that). She indicated that you need to reach out and get help when you need it. Then she talked about goals. Here goes: Formula is Productivity = Energy + (GMC) Goals, Motivation and Conflict.
Misty explained that High Energy = High Productivity (take care of ourselves). She writes every morning and does administration in the afternoon (I am best in the mornings too, after copious coffees). Tuesday is her low energy day so she does no editing. She told us that subscribers love recipes, cats and puzzles. No kidding? Well I have a cat and you know I had people come up to me at Fairs because I am holding Holy Terror on my poster which is a tad dated but still works so I continue to use it. No one has told me that my hair has changed colour and that I have aged because they love looking at Holy Terror. One reader actually told me she bought my book because I can’t be all bad if I have a cat or words to that effect. Well Misty takes weekends off. Well, regarding puzzles, I don’t think I am going to add that to my to do list. I like filling them out with a cheat list, but don’t think I want to try to think up a puzzle. Recipes - well, I am not much of a cook. I am a vegetarian and if I ever get to go to Niagara Falls to live (which may be sooner than later because Mr Attitude is in his 21st year now) I think learning how to make veggie food options myself would be healthier and so I am looking for the opportunity to take a cooking course over there. I am assuming I shall have more time for another hobby and I think it would be a good way to meet new people over yonder. That would be something to write about. Misty states to use your high energy to be more productive. Ok, I do not have a subscriber’s list. I did have a few ask me about that so you know what, I will have one next time round. Let me take a note right now. If any of you are interested, send me an email with your name. What I may do is just continue Writer’s corner with them who do not want to read my other stuff, like you do. Misty continues that Friday is a left over, with the afternoon off. I normally take Fridays off. I like Monday afternoons off. I like weekends off. I apparently need to learn how to pitch. Misty gets royalties. I don’t have royalties. She suggested trying a new genre. For you who have read my books (thank you), you will notice that each of my books have a different genre, or almost. Hey Guy Buy Me, I wrote for men, but women buy it too. This is a book that gets me into trouble when men come and talk to me about the book and their wives are not impressed. This happens. Not only that, but the women are pissed at me. However, I also get women who know a man, who knows a man and viola they buy my little book too. Some buy more than one, and that is my first book. Now my second and third, one is my bio and the other is the Internet Murders. Now what will be coming out soon is “Ominous” and this is my favourite so far. The words just sang to me. It is spooky, and there is romance, you may see a demon or two and hey of course an angel. My beautiful Holy Terror will be in it of course. As you know my baby girl died last year and my heart is still broken. However, I have her brother who keeps me grounded. He is funny. This being his 21 st year, he has slowed down, sleeps more and hates it when I am on the computer. Last week he wasn’t feeling good. I realized that I accidentally gave him treats that had beef. Beef is hard to digest for older cats so I never give beef to any of my pets. Now, once he felt better he started running around like crazy forgetting he is old. Then the poor little guy stopped, and started heaving. Of course I picked him up and held him. He is completely back to normal. Ok, Misty continues with we should dream really big. Someone else told me that. He is a painter of beautiful art. His name is Michael Pape. You can look him up at www.michaelpape.com. This man’s art is big, literally. I bought a calender off him on line and January has art from Robert Bateman, an artist I have appreciated for years. Misty continued by telling us to listen to people who have been successful. Ok. I am listening. Actually, I would love to win the lottery. Misty continues with have achievable goals. Ok, that puts a damper on the lottery. Misty is a writing coach. So, if you guys need help she is probably available. Misty talks about finding your path. Pick a word - (for me it is passion). She recommends growth, rather than being busy. She continues with taking courses you need, learning the craft, less is more. Determine your top three priorities and write them down. Have a plan for your writing. How do I do it? I don’t plan. I just write and write and it comes to me. The words kind of take ownership of me. I don’t actually get a brain freeze or what they call writer’s block, but then I have no structure either. I always have something to say as I am sure you have noticed. She said that we have a tendency to let our writing to the bottom of the pile. Take time for rest and recovery so you do not burn out. Take time away from social media and all the bad stuff out there. It hurts our Muse. If you only put garbage into your brain, it is hard not to put garbage out. I like that quote which she quoted from someone. She suggests that you do anything that feeds your creativity. Her readers love it. My readers keep telling me to include psychotherapy in my writing. Ok, the next book I write is about some of that - ok? I have been listening. Why not? It should be fun. Ok, now she gets in the gritty stuff of coaching and it is also what I normally recommend as a basic. First she states that prayer is asking for things and meditation is for answers. Now, I would say it a tad differently. Prayer can be about asking, but it can also be about thanking and it can also be a meditation as you just allow yourself to be cradled by God. Misty suggests quieting your mind and listening to your Muse. Bottom line is will it make your beat go faster. She states she gets invited to a lot of things (yup). What she asks herself is will it make her writing better, is it fun, quality over quantity. If it doesn’t help my writing, it isn’t. Misty asks us who is our biggest critic and she states it is ourselves. She asks why we became writers? One person responded that it is part of who she is. I agree, it is part of who I am. Since I was in elementary school I would read out my writings to my mother in the kitchen while she was cooking. I miss her cooking. She was my biggest fan, always encouraging me to write more. Father Bill German a Jesuit priest loved my books as well and was another version of my mom. Misty continues that we need to be adaptable and flexible (yup, I am that). Then she makes an impact statement. "Our world Need Your Stories." She continues to tell us to practice mindfulness and stress free techniques. Get adequate sleep, leisure (I recommend that always as well) and also to surround yourselves with positive influences. Yup I recommend that as well and practice it. She said that we were doing that by sharing with other writers. Focus on your strengths. Pamper your muse. The power of commitment - small smart choices - consistency over time. It is like saving money and over time you end up with a pot (of money). One thing she said which may apply to you if you are writing not to stop at the end of a chapter, but stop mid page. This is so you don’t return to a blank page. She said that writing has to be a priority. She indicated that some structure can help creativity. She also has a wonderful husband who is very supportive. Now, that can be a fleeting thought. She did provide a pdf of goals but I didn’t ask permission to share it so I just shared my notes. I really enjoyed the time spent with them all last night. Here are some links I haven’t looked up yet, but will. www.mistevansbooks.com and writing.nyxhalli.well.com and
writing - raven.com.
Have a good weekend everyone.
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