Thursday 14 February 2013

The developing brain and the environment – psych notes continued.

v  At one and five months
  Sign                           0                               1                                2
  Appearance             blue                  body pink                         pink
  Colour                                             H  blue           
  Pulse rate                absent               <100                                 >100
  Grimace                  none                 grimace                            cry
  activity                   limp                  limb                                  active movement
  muscle tone                                     flexation                                   
  respitory                 none                 slow                                  strong cry
  effort                                               irregular              
§  7-10 = normal
§  3- 6  =moderate hypoxia

Monday 11 February 2013

Further to snow, snow, snow

     When I finally got the energy to go out to face the snow after writing more of my book, I was pleasantly surprised.  The huge mound of snow blocking my car was gone.  My sidewalk was clean and I only had to shovel around my car.  My neighbour came rushing from across the street to catch up with news.
     "Did you clear my snow?"  I asked.
     "Yes", he replied.  He was excited saying he did not use his snowblower in two years and he told me how many hours he worked.  It sounded like a lot.  My other neighbour from the other side of my house, was clearing the snow from my sidewalk and right around the snowbank on the street clearing all the snow.  I was in heaven.  I suggested we build a snowman but there were no takers.  Another neighbour who had used a shovel to clear his drive stopped and talked to me a bit.  His face was beet red and I feared for his health.  I know enough about the male ego, to know when to keep my opinions to myself.  This was one of those times.  My neighbour commented that our neighbours from the South was getting the worse of it.  I felt bad for my Southern neighbours.  They have had a horrible time of it in recent years.  I am always proud when Canadians go South to help.  We should always help our neighbours.
     It was nice catching up with the neighbours.  During the winter we rarely see each other as we remain hidden inside.  But this day in the aftermath of our storm, we remembered that as Canadians we should be able to play outside.  I tried, but no one wanted to.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Snow, snow, snow.................

     I am missing my fun day as I am stuck shoveling snow.  I went out twice yesterday but stopped short from completion since I have injured my shoulder.  My neighbour helped clear the driveway with his snow blower for another car of his family to be squeezed in.  He also covered my green bin with a small mountain of snow.  Oh well.  Mayor Ford was going to do something about extra cars on drives but the people who like to hog them complained too loudly.
     I wonder if I could give off the appearance of being a sweet helpless old lady if I would be able to sit back and relax.  Where's the shawl and grey hair?  I guess I just look too good, independent and lively.  If it snowed more, I would buy a snow blower too. But where on earth would I store it?  I noticed a huge beautiful house in Niagara Falls (mulitple listing) with a private drive, garage, pool, cabana etc.......all for 245,000.  That is cheap compared to Toronto.  You can't buy much with that.  I was so tempted.  My mom said that I could go when she dies.  Funny lady.  Anyhow, the house sold.  I even emailed the real estate woman saying that if the house did not sell I might be able to buy it in another year.  Of course she did not reply.  I like looking at houses.  I even considered being a real estate agent (but do not care for the schedule) because I like going through them.  I like seeing how they are constructed, painted and decorated.  I find myself imagining how each house can look.  I have never been able to afford what I really like here at home.  Of course I am not going anywhere soon.  I have too many commitments right here.  However, I would not mind living in New York City or Disney World or more practical Niagara Falls.  I was sharing the latter concept, with a classmate looking for a house.  She is retired.  "They have only one Geriatric doctor for the whole Niagara area!" She responded.
     Oh yup, everyone is getting old these days.  Baby boomers are supposed to dominate.  What?  Not enough specialists for the old?  Are they legalising mercy killing yet or do people still go to Europe?
      Can you imagine?  "Not enough beds, sorry.   Here is a needle to put you to sleep.  You will not feel a thing." 
      "  You want to live in the middle of nowhere, in a glass house by the lake?  You think doctors make money out here.  Solution?  This will make you go to sleep.  You will not be a burden on your loved ones and besides they want your money and deserve it."
        What a comedian this morning.  Let's get back to the snow.  They showed an 80 year old woman on the news last night merrily plowing the snow away with a gas snow mower.  I wish I had her energy this morning.  I have just put my shoulder on ice and want to write a bit of my book before I go out and try to find my green bin.
     Aw, the city snow plow just went by building a neat huge pile to block my driveway even more.  What fun!   The news kept going on about where the snow plows are.  If they stood in one location long enough they would have seen them.  I saw them twice yesterday on my street and my neighbour saw them a third time.  How many other times did they pass without being seen?  I actually waved at the driver when I saw him coming.  The street was deserted.  I had hoped that he would not pile up more snow on my driveway but I must have been dreaming.
     What I would actually like to do now is make a snow man or snow woman or snow baby (probably easier).  During the last snow storm, a neighbour down the street had a huge snowman with a cool head of hair.  It was all spiked and painted yellow.  Very original.  I wonder what could I do to my snow baby?        
     Well one day, I will want to make a nice huge snow man with the help of friends.  Can I persuade any body?
     As kids, we want to grow up to do all the good stuff that is fun and then we grow up and get so serious.  Well, this kid grew up and wants to still do the fun things, like make a snow man.
     What will you do on snow day?  Tobogganing is fun.  I used to do that a lot with my parents.  I was still at it in my teenage years.  But in my twenties it was harder to convince others to share in this past time.  I also got too busy with other stuff like dancing.
      This snow is quite nasty in some areas.  If you do not have a snow blower, take your time and try to push the snow rather than lift it; that is what the news said though I have been doing that since I can remember.  Don't push yourself beyond what your body tells you.  Have some fun out there, if you can!  Build that snow man!   What do you think?  What would you like to do?  Why are you not doing it? 

Friday 8 February 2013

Do you need psychotherapy/pastoral counselling?

     There has been a lot of advertising lately regarding mental health in an attempt to de-stigmatise.  Celebrities are utilized so that if they can say that they needed help, than someone who is the average Joe should not be hesitant either.
     One of the challenges I know preventing people from getting help is the concept of strength.  " I don't need therapy because I am strong."  How can that strength be defined?  Is it the opposite of "I don't need help because if I get it that means I am weak."  Really?  Is it not indicitive of strength?  Thus the use of celebrities.
     If one has a back ache?  Does he ignore it?  Does he see a physician, a message therapist, a chiropractor or something or someone else to relieve his pain?  Does he ignore it?
     What is the difference between physical and mental health?  The two may be in most cases very interconnected.  If someone is suffering and it is causing stress, it is very likely that this may have physical ramifications within two years if it is not eliviated. 
     In my undergrad, (I mentioned this when I first writing this blog) I was taught that at times it is as simple as needing to confide in someone because there is no other in one's life to confide in.  The "Aunt Martha" so to speak is disappearing in people's life.
     At times it may be a chemical inbalance which can be controlled by medication.  I encourage all clients to have a complete physical as a process of elimination which again I have been taught to do as early as undergrad.  What keeps people from wanting to see a physician?  I remember when I was in Italy, a physician (in my second book) told me that "these people avoid doctors and then when they are so sick that have no choice, they come and then it is too late to help them.  The saying is don't go to see the doctor because he will kill you."  I remember some old Italian people saying just that.  "He was healthy.  He never went to see a doctor and then when he did, it was over."  I always found that humorous but when the physician was explaining this type of mentality among the locals of the area, I realized the ignorance connected to it and the ramifications.
      There are people who have suffered so much that they are simply not ready to face what has happend to them. 
      There are people who see a counsellor and cannot connect with her and so stop trying to find one where a connection is possible.        
       There are people who have positions of authority where people depend on them and they feel they need to go on and on and ignore the symptons they are suffering.
       There is a much longer list but I am sure you know what it is keeping you from reaching out.  Do you see yourself here?  What do you think?

Thursday 7 February 2013

The Alphabet (published poem 2013)

The words stood tall and swollen as they danced, C with B and D with E
Suddenly…….the entire alphabet stopped
And words began to form
After T and Z had kissed

Grape, grrrr  ape grrrr aaaa rape
Gr g grrrraaaaa grapppp
Grapppppppe grape

The words reformed and replayed and danced again
The words lay flat and raised and dance
And stopped
After J and K had fallen

Baby bab baaaaa  a bab ababay
B a b y

And baby grew while the alphabets danced and
Played and stopped and fell and raised
And ate the grapes till they were full and wanted

Milk, mmmmmm ilk miiiiiil millllll
Iiiiiil  illlk  ilkkkkkkkk ilk
Millllllk milk

The words reformed and replayed and danced

Wednesday 6 February 2013

The developing brain and the environment – psych notes continued.

     . an environmental transition
     . occurs at different stages of brain development in different species

By 5 months – bulk of neurons
Late differention: 
Cerebellum cortex, neocortex; hippocampus

Postnatal human brain growth (weight)
Adult:  1250 – 1500 g
Birth 300 g (20% of adult)
4 yr old -      (80% of adult)
9 yr old-      (90% of adult)
16 yr old-     adult brain weight

Rat vs Human
Rat                                                              Human
Birth                                                             4.5 month gestation
5 – 7 days postn                                            birth
21 days postn                                               2 yr postn
    This is important to study alcohol in trimester so we can compare