I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Saturday, 31 December 2022
For Love of Country - Military Policewoman www.silvaredigonda.ca
“She’s a real pain!” complained Carl. “I don’t care who she thinks she is. If she doesn’t stop bossing me around, I’m quitting.”
Carl was shaken.
“Relax, Carl and tell me what happened.” I said sympathetically. Carl was a good worker. He had also saved my life once by pulling me away from an oncoming farm tractor. The driver had failed to see me trip into its path. We had been working at the Exhibition during a fair.
“That woman is some army-type supervisor, and she is ordering me around like I’m one of her little soldiers and I won’t stand for it.”
“I’ll take care of it Carl. Take a break. I’ll join you later for a cigarette. I’ll buy the coffee.” I grinned at him, but he was still too furious to respond.
I approached the non-descript, rather masculine woman who had the ability to upset Carl so much.
“Hi, is there a problem here,” I asked?
“No there isn’t a problem,” she replied arrogantly. “I happen to be a supervisor in the army and security here could be improved. I was telling Carl…” She avoided looking at me.
“You are not in the position to tell Carl anything,” I began. “What you do in the army does not impress me or anyone else here. You will not dictate to anyone further. You will remain in your position and guard your area.” Not once did she look at me as I spoke. My serious tone meant business and she refrained from further demonstration of self importance. I left.
The remainder of the evening was wonderful. I loved the excitement of the fair. I spoke to an OPP officer in the arena and told him of my future occupation. He was about my father’s age.
“The worse part is the children,” he said. “You never get used to it. I’ve been to so many vehicle accidents…” His memories were too painful for words.
Walking alone, away from the bright lights and people, I approached a young man about my own age who was also working at the fair. He lived outside Markham. There is something appealing about men from the countryside. He talked about the earth and being in tune with nature. He spoke of values, traditions and of being at peace with oneself. He was so unlike the men I knew. He did not care for dance clubs, fashions or city life. Here he was, all alone and comfortable. The mystery of it dazzled me.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.
The Year is Coming to an end - Time to reflect, celebrate for a new Year!!!!!
I was watching the news and did not have to hear the stats at how Canadians feel about the state of the world. We have China believing they are superior, we have North Korea confusing fireworks with missiles and of course the supreme - Puta - I mean Putin who believes that Peace is Ukraine surrendering their land and people, while it bombards it consistently responsible for the loss of so many lives of children, the elderly, mothers etc....How proud Puta should be. I mean Putin. I have never noticed such extremes of leaders. Ukraine has not only gained my respect but I also have a little flag they gave me at one of their festivals which I have on display on my porch. I feel so sorry for the Russian people who have such a coward for a leader who just causes so much suffering and for what? Greed. However, we don't need to tolerate all this for long. There will be change. There must be change. I was thinking of how much havoc men of simple minds have created. I am not even going to talk about the Taliban. I think all the women there should escape and have those creatures, not worthy to be called men dissipate. This is my hope for the new year. That people realize how much power the general public has and to not only be aware but decide how to use it. We have choices and sometimes people can become so sad and accustomed to a feeling of hopelessness that they just surrender to their circumstances. However, only a spark is required to light up and see through the darkness. The holidays can be a difficult time as people suffer the loss of families they no longer have, tolerate the families they do and struggle living in a questionable economic time. How would you sum the end of the year and what do you have to look forward to the future? Look at us!!!!!!!! Look at the Ukraine people how they fight galantly for their right of country. What amazing leadership. Look at those who have much help those who do not. Look at the average person at home who makes such a difference in what may seem trivial by just a smile who may change the perspective of another. I think we have more good, than bad. It just seems that bad has power to overshadow good, but it does not. It is fleeting. I see the positivity of people all the time. I see how people who are suffering can take that step they need to rise out of their pit. I see the good in people. My hope for 2023 is that we unite more as a world, we help each other more, we take global warming seriously, we take archaic wars and make it obsolute by removing small men from powerful positions and throwing them where they belong - in a jail cell. I want for myself to continue helping people to heal, to take my writing more seriously in finding a traditional publisher and to recognize the scams. I want to enjoy my pet for as long as possible as he achieves 20 years of life. I hope for another summer with him while he continues to enjoy life. I see travel in my future and more times with family and friends. I wish you all a Happy New Year. If you are celebrating tonight - be safe. Happy New Year and blessings for the future. God speed.
Thursday, 29 December 2022
Harry Potter - on Christmas Eve?
Ok, I did it on Christmas Eve. I picked the last show just because there are so many people seeing Harry Potter and of course I didn't want to get sick. I did prior to Christmas and that really set me back. It was some strain of the flu which I already shared with you. As you know I love the theatre. However, though I found the play amazing with the acting and visual effects (probably the best I have seen to date) and that I got a Christmas bulb as a souvenir was wonderful, it was a tad dark for Christmas. I would say it is more appropriate for Hallowe'en. Oh well, but great just the same. That I had front row seats is a bonus. The play has been extended for six more months. It was packed. Of course there was a snow storm as well to contend with but when you live in the city it is easy to call "taxi." I normally love to see the Christmas show at Niagara and though I could get free tickets this year, it was not meant to be. Chuck it all in for experience - Christmas, stick to Christmas stuff. It is not over yet. There is still New Years Eve. I wish you all a wonderful time. The Christmas season can be difficult. Try to find time for yourself to wrap up the year and to look forward to making some changes for the New Year if you like. Small steps are always easier than big strides. Have some inner reflections. Check in with your soul. Take care of yourselves during this time. What do you think?
Monday, 26 December 2022
Condolences to the families in Buffalo
I had turned on the tv to watch the Disney Christmas show and what I saw instead for the first portion was the devastation in Buffalo due to the blizzard which is not all that far from Toronto. People were asked to stay home and there were 10 deaths. 34 people were killed in the States and I want to extend my sympathies to all.
Saturday, 24 December 2022
Wishing you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New
Baby it's cold outside. It's so cold I don't even want to deliver presents to the neighbours. Thankfully two came for some treats and I was able to exchange. However, some seemed to come and disappear like Santa Clause. I am so thankful for the team who shovels my snow. Brrrrrrrrr, cold outside. I am thankful that our city has kept the warming centres open and that the mayor is trying to find homes for the homeless. He is the best. That is why our city keeps voting for him. No one should be out in the cold during our cold winters. I am always happy to see how good triumphs over evil which is evident during Christmas, as people reach out to others and help. Mr Attitude wants me to wish you all a joyful time (no he doesn't, hence the name). I want to wish you a peaceful and thankful Christmas. This time of the year can be very difficult for many. Please be kind during this season. A sincere smile, sincere greeting and love can be felt. From my family to yours, I wish you the best. God bless.
Thursday, 22 December 2022
The Internet Murders continues
Philip left him and entered the room. Sandra was sitting up against an array of pillows.
“Hi, I’m Philip.”
She focused intently on him. Philip realized that his charm did not affect this woman.
“My partner and I were first on the scene when you were attacked.”
She looked out at Tomasso who was flirting with the nurse.
“I guess I am in great hands,” she replied sarcastically, casually looking out at Tomasso.
“Don’t let his looks fool you. He is very smart.”
“I’m noticing.” She remained stone faced.
“I’m sorry about what happened to you. I am wondering if you can remember anything?”
Sandra was wondering why she was so defensive. She wanted to know who did this to her. Her body ached, but she was managing to eat.
“I remember sitting at my desk and being attacked from behind.”
Sandra had remembered more since she first awakened from the horror. “I flipped him and was running away. I thought I had made it, but the door wouldn’t open. I don’t really remember anything after that. I think I saw you once before though, but not there.”
“I came to the hospital before to see you, but you[…]”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.
Monday, 19 December 2022
It's the most beautiful time of the year
I am almost ready but not quite yet. It is the journey. I am trying to keep it light this year. Christmas for me is amazing. I love the lights, music and well wishes. I love watching the community reaching out to help. This Christmas is extra special because COVID, wars and dictatorship seems to have taken a toil. I would wish that during this period that everyone would put down their arms and look up at our beautiful planet and unite to make it better. It is so possible. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays my friends. I wish you a healthy New Year. I shall be posting excerpts from my books in the days to come. Is that a bell I hear ringing? What do you think?
Friday, 16 December 2022
The Internet Murders continues www.silvaredigonda.ca
She was too close to the nursing station to risk finishing her off. Waiting for the right opportunity was fine. In the meantime … on the computer, there she is, another whore …. A Starbucks coffee rested nearby for the figure to sip on. Aw there was nothing better than Starbucks … and the little minxes. The figure typed expertly.
“Why don’t we go into the private room to chat? I find you charming, and please forgive me if I am too forward, you very sexy cat woman.”
“Spiderman, you are forgiven. I can be a very bad girl.”
Philip and Tomasso were talking in the patrol car. It was another nice day in Toronto. The sun was bright and traffic was moving again. Rush hour was over. They were going to check up on the girl at St Mike’s hospital.
“So?” Tomasso asked Philip. “How did you like your meal last night?”
Philip grinned. “It was great. Your mom is the best.”
“I thought you said your mom is the best?”
Philip smiled. “Our moms are both the best!”
They parked outside the coffee shop and entered the hospital. The angel stood boldly in the hallway; a light streaming on it offered a brilliance of power.
“That is one beautiful angel, hey Philip?”
Philip grinned at him. “Isn’t Raphael the angel for those who are sick? This is more like St Michael, the archangel. See, he has a sword.”
“How should I know?” Tomasso replied. “Angels are angels. They have wings. See – look at the wings. And, this is St. Michael’s hospital. Ain’t it?”
They took the elevator to the fifth floor and walked to the nursing station to check out the latest on Sandra. She was recuperating nicely and she would be able to speak today. Tomasso decided to stay at the nursing counter to talk to the cute brunette. He had a thing for nurses. They could make you feel better. That’s what he told Philip.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.”
Wednesday, 14 December 2022
It's that time of the year to be sick
I have been so good at removing my mask only when eating outdoors but it is seemingly imposible to sit six feet apart and so there were six of us and now all six of us are sick. I am however getting better even though just a few nights ago I felt my head was going to explode. I tested myself twice for Covid and it was negative. I cannot imagine what it would have been like if I wasn't fully vacinated for Covid and the flu. I am slowly healing and grateful for that. I have had to delay and delay and thoughtful people have arrived bearing Christmas gifts while staying safely on the porch away from me as if I have the plague and righfully so. It does feel like Christmas. I have my lights outside and my beautiful tree inside with a miniature small fire place next to my tv. I have been watching Christmas movies which have become redundant since it is always the same. A rocky relationship and then there is prince charming sometimes literally who arrives and then there is a new location and/or new or ex boyfriend and romance blooms once again. If I was lucky there would actually be a Christmas song. Do I have to write my own Christmas story? Ok, let there be romance but really how about something more substantial. Then there are those really low budgets but they hire one known popular male figure who is getting older but the women are getting younger to the point that they look like their daughters. That's when I change the channel. However, there have been Christmas musical shows that I have enjoyed. I watched the Voice last night and was not surprised by the winner. I agreed with America as they eliminated one by one in the same order as I had in my head. We were on the same page. Being Canadian I can't vote and I understand. I am expecting family when I heal and so need to heal fast since I haven't even started shopping. Wait. I did. I went to Homesense and Walmart before I was struck down. At Homesense I did Christmas shopping but I kept it all for myself. Walmart? I bought two boxes of Italian chocolates and the rest again was for me and Mr Attitude. One box of chocolates I gave out as a gift to someone still unwrapped. I need to do better next year. When you're sick, you're sick. I do feel much better though and may not need the anti-biotics some others are on. Anyhow, that is it for now. Sorry for the delay in writing my blog, but I was dying over here. What do you think?
Thursday, 8 December 2022
Hey Guy Buy Me - Half price for the holidays ($4.98 world wide) www.silvaredigonda.ca
It is the Holiday Season and it is time for gift sharing. Hey Guy Buy Me is my first book which I wrote in no time during my breaks. It was so much fun. I have had so much different responses to this book. Men and women buy it. Secure men love it. I won't share what the others have told me. Can't please everyone, however remember I wrote it in fun! I have dropped the price for this book for the holiday season and let me know who you are buying it for so I can acknowlege them with my John Henry. If you want me to write something, keep it clean. Have a good weekend people!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 6 December 2022
Improving Desire in long term Relationships - notes from AAMFT Conference (9 Nov 22) Speaker is Angela Skurtu, LMFT.
The speaker is a sex therapist. She stated that 70% of males are spontaneous and 30% are responsive. 70% of females are responsive and 30% of female are spontaneous. Responsive Desire types are forever maybe. They need to move into desire. Responsive to desire - feeling loved, feeling seen or appreciated, feeling beautiful or handsome, feeling having a great conversation, being affectionate in non-sexual ways. (Creating warmth and attention).
Talking dirty or flirty. Putting mind on a sexy topic. Watching a sexy movie. Laying naked with each other and rubbing bodies together. Making out or cuddling. Creative waves, dry H——ing. May suggest a date night. May affectionately touch partner (not necessarily sexually. May not be fully invested in sex as it starts but may get there. Likely will suggest an activity that will build desire over time (if that’s an option).
For Spontaneous persons- if available why not take it? Think about sex more frequently. Feeling sexually aroused and then act. Many post they can have sex daily, often initiate sex more frequently in sickness and even potential death would not prevent sex.
A person can be blends between Spontaneous and Responsive. There is no hard fast rule. As people age they become more responsive. There can be times when one is more responsive or spontaneous. Everyone has some response traits. Nerve endings fire differently as we age. We numb more and so need more build up and direct stimulation.
Desire strategies in therapy
Individual sessions.
Assess for trauma, relationship stress, underlying resentment.
Assess for sex education background and general comfort with sex.
Help the individual identify a personal goal for their sex life. “What’s something you can get out of this for you?
What makes sex good for you?
Is the sex good?
What kind of sex are you having?
Some clients have struggled with sex from the beginning. Boundaries in relationships. Have date nights and find ways to be alone. Maybe challenge old belief systems that sex is not good. If a person doesn’t want sex, go back to when it was good. Nostalgia. When you have enjoyed it, what was good for you. Has there ever been good sex? What do you see around you that looks appealing or not? Try to remove the idea that sex is for the other partner.
Sexual Journey: 1. Try anything, 1, 2, or thrice. Bring a sense of non judgemental curiosity. 2. My body is beautiful. (There is no need to arrive or get somewhere first. I am worthy of pleasure. 3. Exploration mentally, physically, emotionally and spirituality in core values.
It can be common if one doesn’t like his/her body now, didn’t before. Maybe said ten years ago. 4. How can you see yourself as your partner does? Explore the body and what is felt. How self compassion facilitates hot sex. Understanding and respecting brakes. The idea of having intimacy of some kind that works for you. Develop sexual creativity. Developing a personal connection around sex. Massage, nude nights. 5. Some dissociate when having sex. - feelings are flexible. - Make a choice to move toward a feeling - create a setting or a mood that would enhance said feeling. - Cultivating curiosity when selling and action state. - Deeply love and accept yourself even when you can’t get there. (cultivate self compassion).
Sex Routines: Hobby sex (not a chore) - anticipation. Maybe be flirty. Looking at different aides. Thinking about it, talking to partner about it. It is not something that just happens. Intimacy can be flirty, touching etc…affection not sex. Social, emotional (talk about feelings) intellectual - talk about sex. You can be intimate during stress. You need to find creative ways. Talking, watching a romantic film, cuddling naked etc…creating shift. Awkwardly go for it. Build tolerance for the uncomfortable. Taking risks. Flirting. Non serial affection. Changing the meaning of touch. The speaker provided an example of a man who was slapping his partners butt. He was asked what was going through his mind. His response was pretty and he wants to be close. He had to adjust his touch. Get clients to express what they mean when they touch and how the other feels when received. Angela Skurtu is a sex therapist and works solely on this topic. She is on u tube where she shares with clients.
Friday, 2 December 2022
PTSD and Moral Injury (mental health and military research)
I mentioned yesterday that I would attend a one hour webinar which I did. Dr Anthony Nazarov, Phd, spoke about the latest information regarding Mental Health and Military research results. I found the topic very informative and interesting. Even though this is based on our military and veterans it can apply to anyone who has suffered PTSD and Moral Injury. I will be receiving a copy of the slides and video. I asked if I would be able to share what I receive. I was informed that I could share with anyone who would benefit from it. I think information is very important for people suffering with moral injury and PTSD. I will be reaching out to the Veteran community and CF I know. I will also be sharing this with clients who may have or still are suffering from moral injury or/and PTSD. If anyone of you are reading my blog and feel this one hour video or slides or both may help you please provide me with your email and I shall attach the info for you or forward what I receive. I will receive one education hour for this but no one else would be able to use this as education hours because you were not in attendance. It will take about one or two weeks before I receive this. I have reached out to Dr Nazarov and asked to be kept in the loop with the latest research. I have a special interest in providing therapy for veterans, military, and emergency response persons. I do not provide therapy through Veteran Affairs because I refuse to share any information which is disclosed to me. I have a duty to report if I believe a person is going to commit suicide, the key word is believe. I also have to report any child abuse, or if a client is going to cause harm to someone. Of course if I am subpoened to go to court, I also have to disclose. Otherwise, I will not share even if the client signs a release form (under duress). The reason for this is that trust between a therapist and client is very important. People carry so much and when they realize that information with be shared with their employer or organization who has some control over them with employment or benefits they will not share what may be bothering them the most. They will censor themselves. The therapuetic relationship is very important. Please note that I cannot provide therapy to anyone I know. What do you think? Have a good weekend.
Thursday, 1 December 2022
Wow - Christmas is coming to town..........tid bits
Last night I finally got into the Christmas spirit watching the Rockefeller Center Christmas show. I have fond memories of taking holidays to New York City and it is my favorite city by far. I know Toronto is a big deal in Canada for better or worse, but it is New York that fills me with excitement. Though I had planned on living and working there one day, I am still here people. Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton is my favorite celebrity couple and I am a sucker for the Voice and watch it faithfully. I don't know what that is going to look like without Shelton. The invitations for Christmas parties and gatherings are arriving at my door but I am very much aware that COVID is still here and not my friend, so I am keeping that to a bare minimum with my social bubble community. I recently turned down a meet and greet and was so happy I did, when the host picked up something and became ill. Call me a sucky baby, but I want to be as healthy as possible. So far, so good. I enjoyed the warm weather where I spent most of my time outdoors. Today I am working and I will also be attending a one hour webinar "Intro Meassurement of Moral Injury." As you know I have more than enough courses under my belt for the year, but I just couldn't help myself when I read how PTSD is known for veterans and burn out for Doctors. That caught my attention because PTSD and burn out are very different. Burn out is something many of us have experienced from over work. PTSD is a physical response to trauma. So, my curiousity was perked. I shall let you know if there is anything of interest to you. I try to get all my work done in December for the year and of course that is not going to happen. But, that is ok, because self care is very important for all of us. I am not going to talk about China and Russia provoking us and begging for war by flying close to our air space. I am surprised that Putin is still alive to cause so much havoc in the world. Now there is starvation in the forecast for so many people suffering poverty. Putin, you are not respected. It is too bad it is not you flying in our space. However, I am not going to talk about that. Tis is the season for sharing, loving each other and doing something for someone else and don't forget ourselves. Christmas is a very difficult time for some people but remember that this is also a time for hope. There has been a lot of suffering in the world but don't forget that there has been so many reaching out to help. What do you think? I have included a photo of Holy Terror. I miss my baby girl. www.silvaredigonda.ca redigondapsychotherapy.com
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