Tuesday 29 November 2022

Adult ADHD and Addiction

It’s December and here are some notes from a one hour lecture I attended on line provided by Dr Tim Ayas, an addiction Psychiatrist. I was impressed by him and would definitely recommend him should the need arise. Definition provided: Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder that includes a combination of persistent problems such as difficulty paying attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour. Studies have shown a strong connection between ADHD, drug use and alcoholism. ADHD is 5 times to ten times more common among adult alcoholics than it is in people without the condition - 25%. Treatment can be challenging because medication used can be also become habit forming. Dr Tim Ayas indicated that ADHD has to interfere with functioning or development and present itself before age 12. He suggested that the questions to ask clients is: How many phones have you lost in the past year? Are you able to meet deadlines? He stated that in France, one needs to be hospitalized before being diagnosed with ADHT. Comorbitities go up as time goes by, usually as more than one condition. Do not recommend marijuana (I never do) as it impairs cognition and motivation. It’s like putting fuel on fire. There are safer things to try such as anger management training; support. They can change their lives with medication. Treat heart burn. No fruit juice or pop or coffee within one hour of medication. Water is fine. When there is no medication taken, risk can increase for drug abuse which can rise 4 times, speeding increase to rise risk of trauma. With medication social interaction gets better. One should be re-assessed each year for medication use ( neural re-wiring). One may have one or two coffees a day, no energy drinks. Marijuana can cause psychotic state. I have just finished reading an interesting article about ADHD in psychology today. I shall share that another time.

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