Tuesday 26 May 2015

Schizophrenia (psychology notes---note not amended since new DSM)

Schizophrenia Pick up patterns as in clusters of problems use your knowledge of psychology to this point: Two or more of the following each present for significant period/month/or less if successfully treated. Delusions - beliefs contrary to fact. hallucinations - (more frequently, auditory) distinguish between thought, actual voices. Disorganized speech (eg. Frequent derailment) or incoherent - conversations does not follow logical pattern. grossly disorganized (arms all over the place) or catonic behaviour. negative symptoms - (something typically present, not there; affective (not a lot of emotion demonstrated), no emotional response, negative thought disorders, poverty of speech…content allege or avolition (does not appear to be motivated to do much). Note: only one criteria. A symptom is required if delusions are bizarre or hallucinations consist of a voice keeping up a running commentary or the person’s behavior or thoughts, or two or more voices conversing with each other. B. Social/occupational dysfunction: for a significant portion of the time since the onset of the disturbance, one or more major areas of …… Schizophrenia - not as much thoughts as mania- manic, more energy. Deferential diagnosis: two or three possible alternatives to role out. Not all Schizophrenics show every symptom. This is where confusion comes into play. Duration: six months - one month of Criteria A. Criteria A, there is a decline in global function eg. hygiene, reduction of school achievement, no more friends wanted around. C. Duration: continuous signs of the disturbance persists for at least six months. This six month period must include at least one month of symptoms. or less if successfully treated that meets criteria A (ie. active phase symptoms) and may include periods of prodromal or residual symptoms. During these prodromal or residual periods, the signs of the disturbance may be manifested by only negative symptoms or two or more symptoms listed in Criteria A present in Attenuated form (eg. odd beliefs, unusual perceptual experiences. Ensure six months duration is there. Schizophrenia is very stigmatized. Even after four or five years Schizophrenics are put on anti psychotic drugs and sometimes this may happen due to stress or from another unknown reason. D. Schizophrenic Affective and mood disorder exclusion - have been ruled out because either (1) no major depressive Manic or Mixed episodes have occurred concurrently with the active-phase symptoms or (2) if mood episodes have occurred during active phase symptoms, their total duration has been brief relative to duration of the active and residual periods. E. Substance/General medical condition - eg. head injury. F. etc…..Pancreas not functioning properly. Sugar does not go into cells and can go into coma and die and that is why dabetics can have psychotic type symptom. Make sure medical conditions is ruled out. Make sure not autistic. To be continued: Different Types of Schizophrenics

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