I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Monday, 11 May 2015
For Love Of Country - Military Policewoman
Yesterday my phone rang with a voice from the past. I knew who it was before I answered because the name popped up on my tv screen. He loves my book. It brings him back. He likes how I wrote it. He stayed up two hours past his bed time which is huge. He has read 118 pages. His daughter went out to the bookstore to buy a copy or two. I couldn't have felt more exhilarated. I love to write like I suppose some like to bake. When you get someone who really likes what you write must surely feel like when you make the dish that pleases the pros (can you tell I watched Master Chef Canada last night?). Is who called me a writer? Nope! But, I can tell you that if he likes my book I can breathe easy. Every once in a while you meet someone who has had a significant impact on your life and he is definitely one of them.
I explained that I am not selling them in the stores this time. I cannot afford publicists, distributors ect....Nor can I afford to give away 45% to individual stores. I am simply the little girl (not the little guy) who is trying to maneuver her way into the system of business. It is a system. I don't think I ever took an interest in business. I was always in some type of service. However, I realize that everything works as a business so I have to find my way in it by trying different methods using my grey cells.
I was motivated by the voice who loved my book. Three people have read it or have a copy to date. One is a family member who really likes it but that is family and family doesn't count. Is family going to tell you that they hate what you wrote? When you cook a supper that you spent all day trying to make is your family going to tell you that they hate it burned or not? If they do, you need an appointment - Just kidding. So family does not count. An author who has my book has not said anything though he loved, "Hey Guy Buy Me." I am still waiting for a knock on the door. And then it is the voice from my past and that was what I needed to hear to motivate me to contact my publisher to ask her how long it would take to get my ebook. This motivated her to see why it is taking so long.
I was going to have the web site all done up for me nice and pretty but the cost is 80% more than what I was quoted last year. In the past I would have been gasping at the increase but that was before Hydro Ontario and some other services here in Ontario that has skyrocketed. So, I have decided to do this myself which will barely cost me anything. Wish me luck. I was informed that I would require 2 weeks to understand it all. That is too bad because I usually pass all the reading and just play with it, which is probably what I will be doing this time. Two weeks?
So, it will take a bit longer to get my ebook, though I have all the books I have ordered. It costs 19.95 and the postage for Canada is 10.00. At least that is what it cost to mail out my last one. The envelope was a tad too big and I still need to get a better fit. I think this book is worth every penny. Pennies no longer count in Canada, so I think it is worth every nickel. For those of you who live in Toronto, come to see me at the Oakwood Fest, Jun 20 and find me near the bank.
I am getting very excited about my second book. Now, I need to write a bit more of my third and then prepare some things for my work and web (homework - pictures). Where is your passion? What gets you motivated? When was the last time that you were really happy about something? What is stopping you from getting there? What do you think?
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