I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Friday, 29 May 2015
Doors Open was fun
I wish I had brought my camera. My cell phone just didn't cut it and now I am having problems uploading, but it shall be on my to do list. It started with a tour of a doggy place. They have a training area, a grooming area etc..."Nice view, isn't it? The dogs love it." I looked out at the parking lot with an adjacent building and a few cars. "What view?" I asked. She explained that it was much better than where she came from. It is a beautiful place to train animals but I am afraid that my pets have already trained me and there is no arguement where they are concerned.
Next was a tour of a police station. They turned a school into a police station and I wanted to see how they accomplished that. It was totally renovated or mostly so I guess you can turn anything into something you want. Now I just have to keep telling my house that. I got a nice tour of the cells and saw the white board I wanted for my third book chart. I wondered how I could sneak that out of the building but when I saw the jail cell, I changed my mind. They don't have a mattress or pillow or blanket so I have decided to be good for the rest of my life. I did love that building and will keep it in mind as a setting for the "INternet Murders" (which I have had to put on hold because there is never enough time in a day. I am enjoying the outdoors as much as possible and need to re-think my schedule. Self care is a priority.
Next was a tour of a miniature train and setting from the 1950's. I love it. At one point I heard the conductor yell out not to touch anything. It looks like a little boy had found his playground and the parents agreed and thought it was ok for the boy to play with the train and old Ontario all put together in scale. The conductor approached the parents in fury and the parents were very calm and non-challant. I have to love my city.
I was going to head back to the centre of town when I noticed I was close to the Woodbine Race Track. I have never been there and wondered why not? I had no idea where it was really and I didn't have a map except for the doors open schedule I had found in the Police Station. If I knew how far it was would I have taken my elderly car? Probably not, but I did get there after asking instructions at a garage sale, stopping at an industrial site and stopping at Tim Horton's. There it was further down the road. I always thought Woodbine was in the East part of downtown. It was and then there were two and then there was one. This I learned from the tour. I fell in love as soon as I looked into those big brown eyes. Our gaze stood fast and we were both mesmorized. At least I was. Do you know that movie Secreatet or something like that about a horse who races and the owner is a woman. Well, the son of that beautiful race horse is who I fell in love with. Us love birds had our picture taken together and if I ever get around to it, I will download it somehow from my cheapie phone. There were two tours of the Woodbine, one with a mini bus and walk and the interior with a walking tour. I spent about 3 hours at least there touring around and I would recommend this tour for anyone next year. This was the first year event for open doors. Personally I do not believe in using animals for any sport. The tour guide said that the horses love to race and when I tried to ask my new love who is now retired if that was true, he just looked lovingly at me and did not say a word.
It was a long day. It was a beautiful day and it was another day of fun while learning about my city. Eventually, I will post this beauty (not me, the horse) and you will fall in love with him too. Don't forget to slow down and spend some down time that you enjoy doing. What do you think?
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Schizophrenia (psychology notes---note not amended since new DSM)
Pick up patterns as in clusters of problems use your knowledge of psychology to this point:
Two or more of the following each present for significant period/month/or less if successfully treated.
Delusions - beliefs contrary to fact.
hallucinations - (more frequently, auditory) distinguish between thought, actual voices.
Disorganized speech (eg. Frequent derailment) or incoherent - conversations does not follow logical pattern.
grossly disorganized (arms all over the place) or catonic behaviour.
negative symptoms - (something typically present, not there; affective (not a lot of emotion demonstrated), no emotional response, negative thought disorders, poverty of speech…content allege or avolition (does not appear to be motivated to do much).
Note: only one criteria. A symptom is required if delusions are bizarre or hallucinations consist of a voice keeping up a running commentary or the person’s behavior or thoughts, or two or more voices conversing with each other.
B. Social/occupational dysfunction: for a significant portion of the time since the onset of the disturbance, one or more major areas of ……
Schizophrenia - not as much thoughts as mania- manic, more energy.
Deferential diagnosis: two or three possible alternatives to role out. Not all Schizophrenics show every symptom. This is where confusion comes into play.
Duration: six months - one month of Criteria A. Criteria A, there is a decline in global function eg. hygiene, reduction of school achievement, no more friends wanted around.
C. Duration: continuous signs of the disturbance persists for at least six months. This six month period must include at least one month of symptoms. or less if successfully treated that meets criteria A (ie. active phase symptoms) and may include periods of prodromal or residual symptoms. During these prodromal or residual periods, the signs of the disturbance may be manifested by only negative symptoms or two or more symptoms listed in Criteria A present in Attenuated form (eg. odd beliefs, unusual perceptual experiences.
Ensure six months duration is there. Schizophrenia is very stigmatized. Even after four or five years Schizophrenics are put on anti psychotic drugs and sometimes this may happen due to stress or from another unknown reason.
D. Schizophrenic Affective and mood disorder exclusion - have been ruled out because either (1) no major depressive Manic or Mixed episodes have occurred concurrently with the active-phase symptoms or (2) if mood episodes have occurred during active phase symptoms, their total duration has been brief relative to duration of the active and residual periods.
E. Substance/General medical condition - eg. head injury.
F. etc…..Pancreas not functioning properly. Sugar does not go into cells and can go into coma and die and that is why dabetics can have psychotic type symptom. Make sure medical conditions is ruled out. Make sure not autistic.
To be continued: Different Types of Schizophrenics
Friday, 22 May 2015
Update on doing your own web site.....think about it. www.silvaredigonda.com
Well, it has again been a very busy week. I have found doing my web site a bit frustrating because I used an American firm and they have everything centered from the U.S.A. If I was living there it would be no trouble, but I am residing in Canada. As I mentioned, I will share my experiences so you do not repeat my mistakes. First use something you trust, which I have. I think that is the most important. I have used Go Daddy because our instructor recommended them when I took a course on how to design a web site. Our instructor used computer language which you do not need. So, if you do decide to take a course, make sure you don't need the computer lingo. I finally got my pictures uploaded without any difficulty so if at first you do not succeed - try again after a coffee break, milk break or what ever breaks you use. I would recommend using a web from your home land if you are mailing out. If you use American than every thing works as if you are there shipping out (unless you have freights) etc...So, what I did was go to Canada Post and the lady was very nice and patient with me at Shoppers Drug Mart. I should make little medals with a smiley face and give them out to people who really try hard to help you, which is not a given nowadays. So, I think I have everything set up to mail my books. I am taking a break from this for the rest of the week and maybe more due to other commitments. My advice to you is if you can afford it, hire someone trustworthy to do everything for you. It may just save you money on the long run, especially now that the Canadian dollar is suffering compared to our neighbours.
So, if you have any problems or concerns about my web site please let me know. There is a form for you to use. I did the best I could with what I learned. Even Go Daddy could not help me with shipping. I wanted to use Canada Post. Even UPS was focused from State side and not my side, nor did they call me when I filled that portion out. I was not too pleased but I have learned from this so you don't have to. The ebook is probably the cheapest method, but I understand wanting hard copies. I still have to play around a bit. I also have to fix the photos. I need to make adjustments to enlarge it for you so you can read what it says. But work is coming to a close and fun is ready to begin.
I will be selling both my books at the Oakwood fest 20 Jun 15, at Oakwood and Rogers near the bakery or CIBC bank. So, if you want an autographed copy come by. This reminds me that I should reach out to book clubs, reading places etc but I have to put that on my to do list.
This weekend is Doors Open and it is great to go see museums etc...which would normally cost a pretty penny to get in. In case you do not know the libraries have passes to go to different museums/historical sites, art gallery etc...I understand that each library has different passes so this is an option for you to explore, especially if you have big families.
Have a nice weekend. Why not spend some time this weekend with someone you really like and want to catch up with. What do you think?
Saturday, 16 May 2015
silvaredigonda.com No ebooks sold so far - Poor me, literally. Does this work?
I do not have much time today because I really want to go out and play. I am waiting for my first buyer of my ebook so I can see how this works. For you writers out there, please learn from my experiences. I will try to keep you informed since I have been learning the hard knox way. I find people very secretive about how they sell their books. I have been informed that the way things were done and how they are done now has changed. Surprise, surprise! There are less perks etc...... It has been suggested by my dear publisher that I go out and give talks and she mentioned book clubs, I believe and I will try to get that all sorted out eventually. I am really enjoying what I am doing. However, I now understand why I retired twice before actually doing this. While others are out enjoying themselves and travelling as I used to do, I have decided to start not one but two businessess. However, I have always enjoyed what I was doing and it has always been a learning experience. While writing my second book, a neighbour came over who is also a writer. I told him how much I loved doing this and said I wished I could do more. He reminded me that I had that option. I reflected and decided that I also love to help people. So, I decided to do both. I began a practice and I write. Again I have to put my third book down to get things sorted out. I was asked once if I ever got writers block? "No" I responded. I have all the ideas and different avenues that I can take my characters to in my third book. It will give readers an insight to Toronto and what it offers. Free advertising for my city. Of course it is a murder mystery and I do hope that does not discourage any tourists.
Now back to my www.silvaredigonda.com. I managed to get my ebook on but am having difficulty getting my photos of my book on. I have not updated my hardcovers photo's yet because I am having technical difficulties (my grey cells). My second book is almost 400 pages so I am trying to find more appropriate packaging for it to try to keep the shipping costs down. I have to also check out the most recent costs for "Hey Guy Buy Me" which is a very little book. I have to go to the post office to see what the latest cost is for international. I have to figure out how to sort out the different costs. To ship out my second book in Canada was about $10.00. I sent something to India and that was a fortune, so I want to ensure that Canada, the States and the rest of the world are as cost effective as possible. Posting the ebook was relatively easy and very cost effective. So, give me a week or two to try to get that all sorted out (maybe three). I still have not completed my photography homework which was to update more pictures that I have taken. So, I do have to get that done before my class and give that a priority since I have missed two class which I thought was no big deal since people are always missing classes. However, I was alone in that thought.
So priority is have fun, upload pictures to www.redigondapsychotherapy.com and sort out all the post office costs, most appropriate cost effective packaging and learn how to get my book pictures up. For some reason I am having difficulty uploading photos on that site alone (silvaredigonda.com). I may just have to read all those instructions but I do not have the two weeks to focus on that so I shall play with it a bit longer. So, how do you prioritize? How do you manage your chaotic life? Are you bored? Are you lonely? Are you unhappy? How did you get there? What is your last good memory? What can you do to get yourself where you would like to be? What are your options? There are options, you know - healthy ones. What do you think?
Friday, 15 May 2015
Transitioning our Approach to transgender and transsexuality
As I mentioned in my earlier blog, It has been a busy week. I had a two and a half tele-conference and it was very interesting speaking to colleagues from Eastern and Western Canada and hearing the various accents. My country is quite large and diverse. You should visit sometimes. Of course being from Toronto the "Centre of the Universe" was mentioned and this time I agreed. After contemplating moving it seems I cannot unless I really retire because it is simply all here so for you Canadians who like to make the dig that we think we are the centre of the universe, I finally after all these years agree. Now enough about digs and more to the topic at hand.
I attended an evening to hear a lecture about trasgender and transsexuality. When I was asked by some people why I would attend such a thing, since I had to miss something play time, to attend this, I responded that I help all people and so need to be knowledgeable in all areas where I need to be. That silenced the lot.
I thought my knowledge was very limited in this field but I changed my mind during the lecture. The psychologist as well as being a psychoanalyist, stated that sexuality is always ambigious but I disagree. He works in the field while I am more in general practise but I rely very much on science and biology while he works mainly with his own practise in a qualitative setting. I agree that sexuality may be ambiguous for some, but not all. I will have to attend more lectures in the area of transgender, homosexuality etc... I think the objective of the lecture was based more on transference and countertransference. How do we feel about homosexuals in general? I do not regret attending the lecture because it alerted me that this Psychologist who works in the field believes that therapists and physicians need to be more sensitive. At least this is what I gleaned. We were shown one utube about a transgender youth who according to the Psychologist was very comfortable and happy. However what was an alarm bell for me was the excessive joking and rapid speech. What was being masked with all the joking? Where was the rapid speech coming from? Is it fair to assess one utube as to the happiness or unhappines of a person. I left the lecture with many more questions than I had before attending. I didn't really learn too much about transitioning as I had hoped but more about attitudes towards transgenders and transsexuals.
From my own education I learned that about 10 % of the population is not heterosexual. Most pedophiles are heterosexual men. Studies involving homosexual men utilized both side of their brain as women did, where heterosexual men used one. Experiments in the past were mostly conducted with men. There is an island in the Pacific (which I learned from two psychology courses) where some children are born with female genitalia and then during puberty develop a penis. In one class the reason was not studied and in the other class it was learned that this was genetically based back to one woman on the island and it was considered a mutant. Some are born with two different genetilia and in the past the decision was made by the physician/parents to determine the gender. This did not always match to how the child felt while growing. One documentary I watched the phsyican revealed that one of her patients as young as two said she was a boy. This all sounds very biological to me. However, I am not an expert. I think that how a client feels is what is most important and that I believe was the theme of the lecture. I did attend a one day workshop offered at my college for counselling homosexuals in the Catholic church (I forgot to put that in my resume-now what year was that?). Since that took an entire day rather than 3 hours, I will need to spend more time to write about it so another time if there is an interest. In the meantime, have a wonderful long weekend. Get some fun and joy in your life. What do you think?
Ebook posted on silvaredigonda.com website
I have had a very busy week but I somehow managed to get my ebook and not waste anytime placing it on a new website. It needs a lot of work and I have to still put up the sale of the two hardcovers, "Hey Guy Buy Me" and "For Love of Country Military Policewoman". After that I can work on improving the design. The book "For Love of Country Military Policewoman is 396 pages and it provides a tease for my third book, "The Internet Murders". My books to date have nothing to do with therapy. "Hey Guy Buy Me" took me two months to write on my breaks and it was such fun. My ebook now posted is my life, my bio so to speak. It is my story from my perspective. We all have a story to tell and I have written mine. That story will span 20 years of my story as a Military Policewoman in the Canadian Armed Forces from 1974 - 1994. In the story I move to present times and the past. I do not mince words and write as I felt during that time. It was a rite of passage, my own. I hope some of you will buy it and there is an area where you can write what you think.
Thursday, 14 May 2015
New web site in progress silvaredigonda.com
Hi, managed to start my new additional web site. Please be patient with me. My ebook is now being sold on my web site. I will try to add my hard cover books for sale when I can.
Monday, 11 May 2015
For Love Of Country - Military Policewoman
Yesterday my phone rang with a voice from the past. I knew who it was before I answered because the name popped up on my tv screen. He loves my book. It brings him back. He likes how I wrote it. He stayed up two hours past his bed time which is huge. He has read 118 pages. His daughter went out to the bookstore to buy a copy or two. I couldn't have felt more exhilarated. I love to write like I suppose some like to bake. When you get someone who really likes what you write must surely feel like when you make the dish that pleases the pros (can you tell I watched Master Chef Canada last night?). Is who called me a writer? Nope! But, I can tell you that if he likes my book I can breathe easy. Every once in a while you meet someone who has had a significant impact on your life and he is definitely one of them.
I explained that I am not selling them in the stores this time. I cannot afford publicists, distributors ect....Nor can I afford to give away 45% to individual stores. I am simply the little girl (not the little guy) who is trying to maneuver her way into the system of business. It is a system. I don't think I ever took an interest in business. I was always in some type of service. However, I realize that everything works as a business so I have to find my way in it by trying different methods using my grey cells.
I was motivated by the voice who loved my book. Three people have read it or have a copy to date. One is a family member who really likes it but that is family and family doesn't count. Is family going to tell you that they hate what you wrote? When you cook a supper that you spent all day trying to make is your family going to tell you that they hate it burned or not? If they do, you need an appointment - Just kidding. So family does not count. An author who has my book has not said anything though he loved, "Hey Guy Buy Me." I am still waiting for a knock on the door. And then it is the voice from my past and that was what I needed to hear to motivate me to contact my publisher to ask her how long it would take to get my ebook. This motivated her to see why it is taking so long.
I was going to have the web site all done up for me nice and pretty but the cost is 80% more than what I was quoted last year. In the past I would have been gasping at the increase but that was before Hydro Ontario and some other services here in Ontario that has skyrocketed. So, I have decided to do this myself which will barely cost me anything. Wish me luck. I was informed that I would require 2 weeks to understand it all. That is too bad because I usually pass all the reading and just play with it, which is probably what I will be doing this time. Two weeks?
So, it will take a bit longer to get my ebook, though I have all the books I have ordered. It costs 19.95 and the postage for Canada is 10.00. At least that is what it cost to mail out my last one. The envelope was a tad too big and I still need to get a better fit. I think this book is worth every penny. Pennies no longer count in Canada, so I think it is worth every nickel. For those of you who live in Toronto, come to see me at the Oakwood Fest, Jun 20 and find me near the bank.
I am getting very excited about my second book. Now, I need to write a bit more of my third and then prepare some things for my work and web (homework - pictures). Where is your passion? What gets you motivated? When was the last time that you were really happy about something? What is stopping you from getting there? What do you think?
Friday, 8 May 2015
Check up the update of my website www.redigondapsychotherapy.com
Just want to let you know that I have brought my web site up to date and I hope you check it out and like it. I realized thet the background pictures I had, hid some of what I had typed so it is much clearer. I also still had myself at school and I completed all that a while ago. Did I mention I am taking a photography class for fun? I don't know what I was thinking. Because I am missing classes because of work/seminars, my instructor has given me homework to take pictures. I told him I did not really have the time. He suggested I update my web with pictures. Smart guy! So, I am kind of cheating. I did post my pictures that we took as a class at the Toronto Distillery Disrict and I also uploaded some pictures I had already taken. I will try to get more up before I go to class to appease him and to have more pictures for you.
I will be selling my book, For Love of Country Military Police at the Jun 20, 2015 Street Fair at Oakwood and Rogers in Toronto. I hope to see some of you there. Friends bring coffee. I will continue to sell, "Hey Guy Buy Me" as well. I am still waiting for my ebook but as soon as I get that I will start a separate web for that. I write for fun only and it is very very separate from my work as a therapist.
Enjoy the weather!!!!!
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
I am now a Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Marriage and Family Therapist and Specialist, Pastoral Counsellor
Finally, it is all over and now I can just concentrate on my private practice, writing my books and having fun. I am still tempted to go further, but really, I should really focus on having fun. I am very pleased with my life and my accomplishments and where I stand today.
I know there has been a lot of controversy about the new College of Psychotherapy. There has been so much resistence as I have mentioned but I have been waiting for some protection for the public ever since I walked into my first psychology class and heard that anyone, and I mean anyone can put up a shingle. Those days are finally gone. The process is still ongoing but the public will be protected. When I first began studying psychology I was so excited by everything I was learning. I memorized everything which was not that difficult because many courses repeated the same things until it was ingrained. As people told me that they were therapists, my interest mounted only to be dismayed when I heard them say they had a general bachelar degree or college or highschool with nada qualifications or training. It was not until I attended a lecture post graduate that I learned that "in the old days", if you had therapy yourself, you were considered qualified to provide therapy to others ---really? What were they thinking? I strongly encourage you the public that if someone when this is all over tells you that they are a psychotherapist, that you check that out. Check out the CRPO website for further information.
There are annual fees to belonging to all this. I belong to the American Association of Family Therapy which I intend on staying with so I am available to Americans. I have an Ontario branch that I belong to and they afford us some protection because they are associations. There is going to be a divorce of sorts, perhaps, because it is expensive to carry both. I have decided to stay with the Canadians and Americans. Then there is the Pastoral Counselling, Specialist. I am in my second year with them. That costs too and every five years I have to requalify. I have three years to examine that. I was leaning towards leaving that, but I also see the benefits that being a specialist has on people. There is that need for spirituality and or religion to be recognized by so many for their healing. In my second last seminar I attended only last Friday, we were informed that 97% of Americans believe in God. When I mentioned this to someone I know, I was informed that as Canadians we must be a lot lower. That has made me ponder. We need more of our own research regarding this. That is my opinion and we need to do it right. I still remember attening a seminar at a hospital last year and when I heard of how the study had been conducted, I flinched. It simply was an invalid study and this was at a doctorate level. Research has never been my urge to study, though I realized I could easily become addicted when I prepared for my research proposal a few years back. I was so interested in my finding that new hypothisis were forming as I was receiving more information. Research can not prove but it can disprove. That is the only reason I did not continue with psychology which I think would have been a tad quicker than the route I decided to take to avoid research. I am always tempted to return but I know that I do not need to. However, I have that thirst for knowledge that comes with formal education. So, I need to remember which I always preach - balance. However, I can always manage balance. Can you?
So that is where I am at right now. I need to update everything where I advertise. I still did not get my ebook so I am waiting for that before starting a new web site for my books where hopefully you will buy a few. This is an exciting time for me because things are all coming together. My third book is coming along nicely and I would say I have written about three quarters already of my first draft. It is easy for me to write. I have the gift of gab (some would not consider that a gift). So, I have another interesting seminar to attend this month and then I can hopefully balance in some real domestic stuff. I want flowers everywhere outside. I like the results but not the work. I need to paint my walls some more. So, it has been a long winter and spring is finally here. I actually turned off the furnace not too long ago and there is something wonderful with open windows (keeping safety in mind).
So some things to think about for you - Where do you feel you are at in your life? What do you feel you have accomplished? Are you happy? Why not re-examine your life and look for the good in it? Often it is easy to become so focused with what is wrong, that someone misses what is right. If you can find one good person in your life that you can talk to without feeling judged that is a good start and there are lots out there. You just have to make that effort. I want to wish all the mothers a Happy Mother's day, I believe is this weekend. What do you think?
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