Yesterday I attended the annual meeting of the Ontario branch of the American Association of Family Therapy. It is always wonderful to see everyone again and catch up.
The main speaker, a psychiatrist gave a lecture on forgiveness and I have had so much instruction on forgiveness that I may have just memorized it all unintentionally.
I chose two other mini lectures regarding computer stuff and the new college. This blog and everything else I do on the computer is to get my name out there and hopefully get some clients while posting all my papers and everything else I post so it is not only wasted on me. Besides, I love to write. It all started from my last seminar when we were told "If you are a therapist now and not on the web, you won't be in business in ten years." I don't need to be told twice, and would hate to end a business before actually getting all my credentials and started. So, I have tried to become more computer savy. I am working on my own web design which will be I have been told that by Dec 6, it will be completed. I will spend an entire day(s) doing my homework trying to get it all done nicely only to see it all distorted in non computer talk. I will go to class and the instructor in a few minutes, if that, creates the magic I failed to achieve in a full day. Oh boy. Who knew that the computer world was another language with several dialects to boot? But I will have it done. I am trying to do everything cost effective. I will also sell my book "Hey Guy Buy Me" with paypal. Imagine that? I wasted money by using the post office box. No buyers to date and I am renting it for a year (hint, hint).
In my undergrad, we were told that anyone (Ontario) can put up a sign and say they are a therapist and provide therapy without any credentials or education at all as long as they do not refer to clients as patients. I have heard horror stories of what is out there providing a service with no relevant education to do so. We were horrified then at the thought. The college of psychotherapy has been delayed by one year but it is coming. When it comes into effect all these people who are providing psychotherapy will be out of business. I am so glad. The public will become protected. This is long overdue. The name is not important either. An example used was a life coach talking about the client's mother in a therapeutic way. That is all it would take to be in breech. My question was how is that controlled? There was no answer to that at this time. How will they police that? Protect yourself if you are seeing someone for counselling. What education do they have? If someone tells you they have a BA in English and that is all they have, run. If you are seeing someone who tells you that they are qualified because of all the psychotherapy they have had, run faster. Are they certified, registered or working under supervision/mentorship? In other words are they accountable and is there an accredited organization they answer to - a code of ethics they need to adhere to? I work under mentorship. I have for what seems forever. I am now working towards all my hours that I need according to the demands of my associations which I understand is of a much higher expectation than we have in general outside our programs. I am ok with that because what is important is the person who comes to us for help.
I am looking forward to the future while enjoying the present. I have all my education requirements I believe but I am moving forward. I will always continue to take courses because I need to be current with information. I am now reading about dreams which fascinate me but I need more time to read. Now I need to explore the opportunity that the web gives me to get my business started. I can provide telephone counselling and soon I hope to incorporate all the opportunities such as skype counselling and Internet counselling but for all that I am still awaiting for the ethics and guidance for the protection of clients. I am more of a face to face kind of person but I understand that not all feel comfortable with that. Now I wait for us to catch up with the technology to do our work better in reaching out to those who needs us but cannot come to us. I also wait for the college to be in practice for the protection of the society. Check out my blog on internet counselling which I submitted on my ethics course two summers ago. What do you think?
I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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