Wednesday 28 November 2012

developing brain and the environment – psych notes continued.


Rh (Rhesus) factor
Rh negative  - mother
Rh positive -  fetus

Erythroblastosis fetus -  This condition in the fetus or newborn is usually caused by an Rh incompatibility between mom and baby.

Usually mom gets exposed to fetus blood.  Mom will create Rh factors.  But if  positive again will attach.  This is when immunity does not help.  If blood is completely mixed than this would happen.  The fetus arteries send out deoxygenated blood.

Prenatal Environmental Influences.
1.  Substances transported across the placenta.
2.  Fetal sensory imput.

Sensory -  motor development
-Early studies of aborted human fetuses (Hooker).  At six weeks there are the earliest movements.
Modern ultrasound studies
- Earliest movements:
About seven weeks:  turning head away from stimulation of oral (mouth) area.
- Reflexes are active while migration and differentiation still ongoing.

11 – 17 weeks
-spread of responsive areas
- grasp reflex
-thumb sucking

Encephalization of function
    As the brain develops in a caudo-rostral direction, higher levels come to modulate or organize the function of pre-existing levels.

Amnon-amniotic sac surrounds the embryo
Amniocentesis  - extract fluid from sac
                                      - cells end up in fluid
                                      - down syndrome
                                      -  neural tube defects-
                                          Protein Alpha fetoprotein; look at genetic from cells.

Taste and Smell
Taste buds:  7- 12 weeks
swallowing  - 3 months
taste and smell reactions at birth
- learning of mother’s odour:
-6 – 10 days postnatal
Vision – light is missing
Retinal reciptals not developed.
Contrast is missing.  All is a blur.  Layout is apparent in about two months. 
37 weeks gestation.

………..To be continued.   (Birth)      

The developing brain and the environment – psych notes  continued.

Rh (Rhesus) factor

Rh negative  - mother
Rh positive -  fetus

Erythroblastosis fetus -  This condition in the fetus or newborn is usually caused by an Rh incompatibility between mom and baby.

Usually mom gets exposed to fetus blood.  Mom will create Rh factors.  But if it positive again will attach.  This is when immunity does not help.  If blood is completely mixed than this would happen.  The fetus arteries send out deoxygenated blood.

Prenatal Environmental Influences.
1.  Substances transported across the placenta.
2.  Fetal sensory imput.

Sensory -  motor development
-Early studies of aborted human fetuses (Hooker).  At six weeks there are the earliest movements.
Modern ultrasound studies
- Earliest movements:
About seven weeks:  turning head away from stimulation of oral (mouth) area.
- Reflexes are active while migration and differentiation still ongoing.

11 – 17 weeks
-spread of responsive areas
- grasp reflex
-thumb sucking

Encephalization of function
    As the brain develops in a caudo-rostral direction, higher levels come to modulate or organize the function of pre-existing levels.

Amnon-amniotic sac surrounds the embryo
Amniocentesis  - extract fluid from sac
                                      - cells end up in fluid
                                      - down syndrome
                                      -  neural tube defects-
                                          Protein Alpha fetoprotein; look at genetic from cells.

Taste and Smell
Taste buds:  7- 12 weeks
swallowing  - 3 months
taste and smell reactions at birth
- learning of mother’s odour:
-6 – 10 days postnatal
Vision – light is missing
Retinal reciptals not developed.
Contrast is missing.  All is a blur.  Layout is apparent in about two months. 
37 weeks gestation.

………..To be continued.   (Birth)      

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