Monday 9 October 2023

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada. When I woke up this morning I thought of all that I have and am thankful for. I thought I would share. I am thankful for who I am. I am thankful for my faith in God, a good God and not a nasty one. I am thankful for having only one country bordering mine and that the USA is not trying to invade me or kill me. I am thankful for a good neighbour whose values of peace and democracy I share. I am thankful for living in a country where I can say whatever I want, do whatever I want, dress however I like and for being provided the opportunities for growth. I am grateful for all that I have. I am grateful for serving my country and always having careers where I could help my country, my people and all people. I am grateful for being able to live a life where I have good food to eat, a roof over my head, and a healthcare system that has kept me healthy. I am grateful for all the opportunities I have been given, even those I have rejected. I am thankful for the freedom to be able to do all this. I am grateful for learning how men should love women from the way I saw my father love my mother. He adored her. I am grateful for each friend that I have had and still have. I am grateful to all who love me and will love me. I am grateful for all the pets I have ever had. I am grateful for the choices I am able to make. I am grateful for the choice to be single or married and to change my mind if I choose to. I am grateful for all that I have experienced because it has made me. I love myself and I love all of humanity good and bad and I am grateful that I can. I am grateful for so much. I have had wonderful friends and mentors and still have friends from my childhood. I am grateful for each breath that I take and shall never take it for granted. I love life so much. I am thankful that I can still help people in my work. I am not so thankful that I have difficulty suffering fools, but hey, no one's perfect. Thank you God and country and everyone I know who enhances my life. What are you thankful for? No matter what you may be going through at this moment or day in your life, try to step back and think of one thing you are thankful for. What do you think?

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