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Wednesday 26 June 2024

Writers Corner

Last night I attended a talk with the Sisters of Crime for about an hour plus. It started late, but I thought I was having difficulty getting on which was frustrating. It was held by the States and I have to admit, I attend theirs more than in Canada. It’s all good. The discussion was about the Ins and Outs of Distribution. They talked about getting books into their libraries. I think it is easier here in Canada and should apply. They talked about audio books which is something to think about. They talked about Amazon which I no longer use because having used Canada Amazon continues to be a nightmare. I had to close off and decline all payment because they just ignore that the site is closed. If you have to do everything on line, than you should provide easy access and verifications. So using Amazon is out of the question. The USA was good but Canada and Mexico is still trying to rip me off. This gets tiresome. They talked about Indie book stores. When I wrote my first book, I travelled to all my bookstores and of course it was Hey Guy Buy Me. You see my problem has always been time. I have to pick and choose what is best. Work smart, not hard is the best advice I ever got in university. I need to apply it. They talked about book clubs. Ok, if you are reading this, I am available to book clubs. The great advice the sisters gave is do one thing at a time or it can get overwhelming. Yup! As an independent writer I become a publisher for my own books - Yup. So, I am going to say good-bye now. They also said other stuff which I don’t do and don’t think it is good to share, so I won’t. Oh, the one thing they said which I have heard before is to have your own web site. Mine is . They said it is best not to be dependent on other web sites. I agree. So, if you want to buy one of my books, check out If you have problems ordering a book contact me and I will ship anywhere in the world and will tell you the costs before delivery. Please do not contact me for any other reasons. I am simply not interested. I have heard it all. I am a famous actor, a surgeon, a professor, a politician………………I am not impressed. Selling books only people. Good talk.

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