I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Thursday, 30 June 2022
Care for those who are dying. End of Life Issues - Theology notes
Three-Font Principle
How we judge for someone morale or imoral. 1. Intention 2. Act in itself. 3 Circumstances (proportionality).
Drive to Totality. Eg. Act of killing is wrong. Now circumstances. If defence, Church can kill. But if we kill when we do not have to?
-Modern medical approaches (gift and difficulty)
-Fear that death will no longer be a “serene moment.”
-Our unability to talk about death and dying.
Natural fear of the unknown.
Changes in our families and society.
For Catholics - often mistaken understanding of our teaching.
The Dignity of a person
“ The dignity of the human being must be recognized from conception to natural death. This fundamental principle expresses a great “yes” to human life and must be at the centre of ethical reflection. Bioethical issues (Dignitas Personae, 2008). Image of God. This principal has even greater importance in today’s world. “A cultural of death”, “a consistent ethic of life”. Normally one is held to use ordinary means according to circumstances of persons, places, times and culture - that is to say, means that do not involve any grave burden for one suffering or another. A more strict obligation would be burdensome for most people and would render the attainment of the higher, more important (God) good too difficult Pope Pius X11 (Nov 24, 1952).
When there is a reasonable hope of benefit that can be obtained and used without excessive pain or other serious inconvenience (Jehovah Witness refusing provision of blood and therefore die).
Persons receiving care are not obliged to such treatment when it is no benefit etc…moral law means natural law. We have lost integration, the integration of moral theology and spirituality. We have moved away from old theology to relationship. Richard Gueller indicated that what leads us to be moral is gratitude (celebrate life). We celebrate what is. Attitude of gratitude - gives us a sense of humility - never assuming that something is.
Image of God as desire. Need to understand that notion of incarnation. Scripture is one of the sources of moral theology. Love: agape - God loves in that love completely? From gratitude - disinterest - Disinterested in self (lack of ego - for something for myself - letting go the ego - of me, myself and I - not my interest. Eros - sexual. Philia - love that is affirming, we with each other. Our purpose is to call one another to greatness? I call that person indifferent, to what it may mean to me. Sense of calling to growth is another gratitude. Calling to conversion, that interested presence to grow. Must be generous? Notion of gift we need to explore too. We must move beyond established identity and well defined relationships, not denying, taking care of primary self, self care; part self care.
Ecology is challenging the structure of ecology. The science of ecology is first most - relationships. The rest, the world would be better without us but we cannot do without it. Incarnation - the very substance of God’s son is the earth. We are not superior to but equal to and responsible for God’s relationship. We are in interrelationship. God added other species so God’s image could be viewed more accurately.
Three Principles of the universe: Subjectivity/interiority - tree is tree; human - human; pig is pig.
Diversity: In that diversity is communion (the third). Without these principles live crisis to exist. The individual is important in relationship. Balance of individual and common good. Diversity therefore calls us to respect life. We gain the facts through interrelations. Calls us to move forward. That that tree from its roots, knowing it and loving it. It moves us from the past of sin, its a breath of relationships (all relationships). Primary made in the image of God. God of Trinity. Three persons, one God in relationship. All creation is reflected by God who is in creation and beyond creation.
Ok - next in theology notes is Eschatology
Monday, 27 June 2022
Pastoral Counselling notes and a few comments here and there and got idea for fifth book (www.silvaredigonda.ca)
I was going to post a video from a seminar I attended last week but I can't find it on line and no link was sent yet if ever, so in case it eventually can be found, it is the Scholar's Hub, The latest United Nations Report: Accelerating the Energy Transition, Environmental Studies at York University. Now back to notes. Why not begin with Emotional Focused Psychology? The first goal is access and represses through emotional response. 2. Create new recreational events that redefine the relationship. Adult bonding - attachment theory - what and how we can go wrong with attachment. Emotional Focused Therapy - understanding the emotion to secure bonding. Emotionally more open to create safety. Then when panicked, can open to the feelings and communication. Name - Aim - Claim. Cognitive/limbic system. Provide secure attachment so healing can take place. Normally there is 8-9 sessions for couple emotional therapy.
Feeling question: How do you feel? Book recommendation: Hold Me Tight (I read it). I am going to stop here because most of this is actually the art of working with people. Since most of you who read my blogs are not therapists, I won't bore you with this. However, I have given great thought of what people have been asking me to do, who have read my books in the community, that is writing from the lens of a psychotherapist. So, though I have been reluctant to do this, I have decided that my next book, after Ominous is published, is to write a murder serial killing mystery of course which involves a psychotherapist as a protaganist, a woman at that, whose assistant is a gay man. I will not call him secretary. Mention it? Maybe? How does that sound? When I was at Word on The Street, there were many gay men who approached me, but I didn't seem to have anything to offer them. They want to see themselves represented as everyone does, so here goes. I'll let you know how it goes here and there without giving too much away. I am always willing to hear feedback. What do you think?
Tuesday, 21 June 2022
Fraud Seminar in case your are interested. This is with the Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
On June 29th, EAPO will be hosting a webinar, "FIGHT FRAUD" presented by the Ontario Provincial Police - Community Safety Services and Serious Fraud Office.
The focus of the FIGHT FRAUD presentation is to promote fraud prevention through community engagement and public education; build awareness of frauds that threaten the safety and security of Ontario seniors; and to educate Ontario seniors to recognize, reject and report fraud. One of the important messages of the presentation is to slow down—to take time to think about a demand for money or personal information before complying.
The presentation highlights a campaign from the United Kingdom called Take Five which also promotes this message. In addition to the Take Five strategy, the presentation will cover specific fraud scams that are most common, specifically: romance fraud, emergency fraud, CRA fraud, bank investigator fraud and spoofing.
Be sure to register today to reserve your spot!
Register Today!
The best way for everyone to avoid becoming
a victim of fraud and scams is to
be alert, aware and informed.
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
If you suspect or are experiencing a fraud/scam, re port it.
Competition Bureau
File a complaint about a false or misleading advertising
Crime Stoppers
Report crimes anonymously.
1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
For more information:
Better Business Bureau
Canada Revenue Agency
Competition Bureau of Canada
Consumer Protection Ontario
Government of Canada
Seniors Guidebook to Safety and Security - RCMP
Little Black Book of Scams
Ethical Reflection on Pastoral Practice (Theology- RC) notes
The learning and teaching - Church person Jesus: Life in the spirit.
Humane Vitae - issues concerning birth control. Majority report- there is no theological problem changing view of birth control. Minority report - very conclusive. Accepted not specifically on birth control but if the church teaching could change - it would be comparable to be error in other cases.This would alter the authority of the Church, and accepted with a lot of stress. Jesuit said the Church had no business in the bedroom. What happened was the Canadian Bishops put in a conscious clause, what married people could do.
Informed decision: Role of Authority - Physician - treatment proposal. Potential benefits in partial solution. Potential risks. Apostolic mandate - Jesus said he would not leave us. Peter, rock of the Church comes from scripture. Lumen Gentuim, n.4, speaks of the role of Bishops in the Church. Note 37 - The laity should disclose their needs etc…should tell Pastor regarding what is good for the Church. People may be duty bound to speak about to Bishops. Vatican 1 did not meet criteria for infallibility. Controversial questions were raised.
Sensus fidei - baptized person has a sense of faith when collectively understood - sensus fidelirum.
Prayer - sense devine presence.
Next theology notes continues with Care for those who are dying. End of Life Issues
Monday, 20 June 2022
Word On The Street was a success!
Word On The Street was a success. I sold more books than ever. It was also exciting seeing familiar faces returning and new bushy tails approaching as well. We were back at Queens Park and though two days are rather long, it was worth it. During my first day, I was surprised at how many books I sold because there were 200 authors. I wasn’t sure if it was the location, my sunny disposition, or merely the sun welcoming all book enthusiasts back. During my second day it was more like other events which again matched the weather, but not with the abundance of rain that had been forecasted. I was asked if I had a newsletter and then it hit me. I am not up to date with what I should be doing as a writer. I recently read from a book where the author has a movie series that writing is the easy part and then there is the business side of the house. She thanked her agents and publishers etc……..I have completed writing my fourth book and I need to get it out by next year. That is the business side of the house. I need to contemplate if I should seriously consider having an agent, a traditional publisher or continue in my comfort zone with self-publishing which provides me with all my rights to my work but also suffers at the selling portion because aside from writing my blogs which I scatter here and there I am also conscious that I do not do enough. Joining Sisters of Crime has really opened my eyes to the business side of the house which also includes an abundance of scams. Writers are very generous with sharing information. It’s great company to be among people who wish others success and want to help them get it. Virginia Woolf said that to write you need a room of your own. I don’t remember her saying anything about the business portion. COVID hit us hard and I could see it with the general public. They have and some are still suffering. I am already thinking of my next book after this one. I want to keep thinking until this one is finalized, because I don’t want to disturb the flow. I still have one in the making in memory of a friend of mine who died from cancer and wanted me to write about two older women in a comic murder mystery. I am not there in my mindset. I have to get a bit older and perhaps after the next book, I shall finally do her justice. When someone is dying and they ask you to write something, well you simply do it but I want to also do it justice, so Anne Marie Mair please be patient with me. I shall write it in your memory. I have met so many aspiring writers and my advice is always the same. Write…….just write and keep writing. Don’t stop, go to jail or otherwise…..just keep writing. I shall begin to share the writing portion as well as I learn it. As I figure it out, I shall share. After all are not many of us diamonds in the rough? For every person who has bought any of my books, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thursday, 9 June 2022
Here is the Exhibitor Listings for the Weekend. Note me Silva Redigonda at E24A
Exhibitor Listings
A.J. Vrana E21b
ABC Bookstore W15
Afro 101 E25b
Ampersand Review of Writing & Publishing E17
Annick Press N01
Another Story Bookshop N05
Arc Poetry Magazine E16b
Bakka Phoenix Books E11
Book*hug Press W06
Brick Books W09b
Brick, A Literary Journal E14a
Broken Pencil: Magazine of Zine Culture and the Independent Arts E14b
Canadian Children’s Book Centre W20
Children’s Book Bank W17
Christina Strigas W05a
Coach House Books W08
Colour Happy E24b
colour their world E27b
Cormorant Books E06
Darrell Epp E19a
Doodle Paw Press KS2a
Dundurn Press E08
East Within West E18a
ECW Press N01
Elgin House Press E22b
Ella Minnow Children’s Bookstore KS5
Exile Editions / Exile Quarterly E04
Eye of Newt Books E19b
First Book Canada W21
Flamingo Rampant KS8a
Frontier College W16
Get Outside KS2b
Glissade Productions W04b
Happily Ever After Books E05a
HarperCollins Canada E01
House of Anansi Press and Groundwood Books W10
Humber Literary Review E13b
Immigrant Writers Association W02b
Inkblot Press E03a
International Dyslexia Association Ontario KS7
Invisible Publishing W09a
Jeff Cottrill E21a
Judy Cook E26a
La Marelle Bleue KS8b
Latitude 46 Publishing E07b
Literary Press Group of Canada E09
Maisonneuve E15b
Mansfield Press W12b
Maple Leaf Publishing Inc W14
Mesdames of Mayhem W02a
My Best Life Books KS9a
Ontario Teachers’ Federation KS4
Pandora Skyes W05b
Penguin Random House Canada N03
Phyllis Bordo Books E27a
Poniard Press E23b
Porcupine’s Quill E07a
Press Pause TO E03b
Pulp Literature Press E15a
Queen Books W11
Rachel Greening Writes E25a
Read Between The Vines E20b
Renaissance Press E10b
Renat’s Left Hand E20a
Ripple Foundation W18
ROM N04b
Russell Brooks E23a
Second Story Press KS3
Serenade Jewels and Accessories E02b
Sheridan College W03a
Silva Redigonda E24a
Simon & Schuster N06
Snookbooks W13
Stelliform Press E10a
Story Planet W19
The FOLD (Festival of Literary Diversity) N04a
The New Quarterly E13a
The Queensway W04a
The Walrus E12
TO Comix Press E18b
Toronto Public Library Workers Union Local 4948 KS4
Toronto Romance Writers E05b
Vallum Society for Education in Arts and Letters E16a
West End Phoenix W01
Willie Handler E22a
Wolsak and Wynn Publishers W07
Write Bloody North W12a
Zelpha Comics E02a
Zenia Wadhwani E26b
Food Vendors
169 Juice
Fleets Coffee Truck
Happy Twist
Mis Amigos
Mr Cool Ice Cream
Ontario Corn Roasters
Fried Chinese Buns
The Hungry Moon (Saturday only!)
The Ultimate Food Truck
Yinhe Canada
Plus the Muskoka Brewery beer garden!
West End Phoenix
City of Toronto
Ontario Cultural Attactions Fund
Ontario Trillium Foundation logo Fondation Trillium de l'Ontario
Toronto Star
Toronto Metropolitan University The Chang School of Continuing Education
University of King's College - Halifax
Hey Guy Buy Me - selling for five bucks you say? On sale forever.............Did not make me rich after all....Why?????? Word on the Street, Sat % Sun (11&12 Jun 22) www.silvaredigonda.ca
Ok, I should not call you an idiot. I am sorry. Am I really sorry? Let me think….
(Thinking)…..Nope... but I am going to help you. We are going to develop an honest
relationship. I am going to help you learn how to talk to women without making a
complete fool of yourself. Now I am the teacher and you are the student. I am a woman
and you are (well I don’t know who you are, do I?) ..Hopefully, you are a
guy who bought my book, not to make me rich, but to make yourself rich….No, not with
money (not for you, for me? Maybe….if enough of you exist and buy my book……who
knows?) You will acquire the ability to talk to women without blowing it constantly. I
know a lot of you exist but I don’t know if you are brave enough to buy my comments. I
am not going to be sensitive about this. Ok I am going to try, so I am not going to call
you an idiot, geek, etc…. You may pay for my tuition, so I can learn more about how to
help you. Perhaps I can become more sensitive so I don’t hurt your feelings……Let’s get
You should buy this book if girls (women) scare you. You should buy this book if you need four beers before you can talk to a girl (woman). You should buy this book if you want to learn from the Master. Actually I don’t have my Master’s yet…..Will a Bachelor of Arts do??????? I hope I don’t traumatize you, but maybe you need a little wake up. Well, enough chatter. Let’s get on with it. (Come and see me at my booth rain or shine or snow E24A.)
Wednesday, 8 June 2022
For Love Of Country - Military Policewoman continues (Word on The Street, booth E24A, this weekend - Toronto)
“All Military Police of Land Force Command are joining their thoughts in wishing good luck and farewell to MCpl Silva Redigonda on her announced retirement following completion of twenty years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Forces and the Security Branch. It is always with great regret that we say goodbye to a highly professional and dedicated Military Policewoman. Hopefully we can stay in touch through the Canadian Military Police Association. The army wishes you, Silva, all the best in future endeavours whatever you choose to do. Have a nice mess dinner, good health and God speed.
LCol Smith, Provost Marshall,
Land Force Command Headquarters
LCol Smith, a long way from the school… memories… .
I looked at my two friends, Sandy and Rebecca, at a table at the far end of the room. I had only one other close friend, Chris, and he was unable to attend due to school exams. If I had told him about my retirement party, nothing would have kept him away, but his exams were too important for me to allow that to happen. I did not realize that Rebecca too had an exam the following day. Sandy and Rebecca appeared to be having a good time. Sandy loved parties and people, but for Rebecca, any function was a chore to be endured. Baby Sergeant was entertaining them. Once everyone had been seated, Bill and Baby Sergeant joined my two friends. It reminded me of high school dances where the boys would grin and move in for the kill.
Silva, upon learning of your pending retirement from the Canadian Forces I had to stop and reflect at how old I am getting, since our days together in Germany. I remember many of the firsts within the trade which you were involved in: One of the first women in the Military Police, one of the first female Military Police in Europe and one of the first female Military Police with the Multinational Forces and Observers. Having survived Toronto for so long, I have no doubt that you will do well in retirement.
MWO J. Williams
The first in Europe… the first in the Middle East… not the first Military Policewoman… . We had been in for about a year already. Oh, Jim. You wanted to come up for a weekend and I was so busy with things to do; I must remember to call you.”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.” Apple Books.
Tuesday, 7 June 2022
The Internet Murders continues www.silvaredigonda.ca
“There’s a coffee shop right across the street from the victim. It was closed.” Robert appeared deep in thought as he spoke. “They have cameras inside, but one faces the cash register and the two others are both facing inward. No one thought of having a camera face outward?”
Paul responded. “Well, maybe the neighbours don’t like having their lives on camera? People want their privacy, not some peep show clown looking at them.”
Robert didn’t really hear Paul. He was still talking. “What if the guy didn’t slip? What if he stopped his car and walked to pick up coffees and then saw something that got him killed?”
“Well!” Paul perked up. “Now that doesn’t make sense at all, Robert. Why would the guy park a few blocks away to pick up a coffee? Why wouldn’t he just park at the donut shop, get his coffee and go? That doesn’t make sense at all Robert.” Paul was pleased with himself. Robert was not so smart after all.
Robert continued to speak to himself aloud. “Why would he park two blocks away?”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.” Apple Books.
Come and See Me at Word On the Street - I am at booth E24A
Hi, This week I will like to focus on my book event for the year at Word on The Street. I will cut and paste excerpts of my book each day until Friday. Saturday and Sunday I shall be at Queens Park from 12:00 to 7:00 pm on Saturday, 11 Jun 22 and from 10:00 a.m to 6:00 pm, Sunday, 12 Jun 22. I will be giving out bookmarks to you folks so you don't get lost when reading my books. I do hope to see you there. I liked it much at the waterfront these past few years but it looks like we went back home. I did finish my next book but it is not ready for you yet. By next year at the latest it shall be done. Looking forward to seeing you! If you happen to be a friend of mine please bring me black coffee, no sugar and a boston cream donut if you are so inclined. I have attached a map for you to find me. I am at Booth E24A once again near St Joseph Street.
Thursday, 2 June 2022
The Internet Murders continues - www.silvaredigonda.ca
“Robert was at the station looking up at his white board. Paul was sitting nearby at his desk munching on a 12 inch BLT sub. He would occasionally down some coffee with it. Robert was the charismatic one, both at the office and socially. People seemed drawn to him. Robert, who remained focused on the board, spoke.
“We have one female dead in her apartment and within two blocks of that some guy slips and falls and accidentally dies? What do you think Paul?” Paul knew that Robert didn’t really care what he thought. He could see the engines of Robert’s brain working. This is how he worked, by soliloquy. Paul was sure that Robert just wanted to hear the sound of his own voice.
“Coincidence? I don’t believe in coincidence. Did the coroner’s report come in yet?” he asked Paul.
“Not yet,” Paul replied, more interested in his Subway than listening to Robert being full of himself. So the guy fell and hit his head. Why does Robert have to turn it into a homicide?
Robert continued, “The poor slob slipped and fell. But what was he doing there? Did he kill the girl and then fall and “and die himself?”
Paul chuckled aloud. “How good that would be! Every time someone killed somebody then he would have an accident himself. That would save the taxpayers a lot of money!”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.” Apple Books.
Visit me at Word On The Street, Jun 11/12, Sat & Sun. I shall be at booth E24A. Due to COVID restrictions I shall be giving out bookmarks.
Next: Electronic Media - Theology Ethics (tid bit)
In reality TV there is no interaction. Celebrities are honoured. It promotes feelings of addiction. Materialism and superficiality fosters the immediacy of all things. Instant gratification discourages community. Is this unethical? How to respond as an individual or Church.? Should it be controlled or censored? How does the Church use it effectively? Church can use it for good. Something to think about. Next week we continue with Ethical Reflection on Pastoral Practice. The Learning and teaching - Church person Jesus: Life in the Spirit.
Wednesday, 1 June 2022
It's Voting time in the city. Who did you vote for?
Tomorrow night I'll be watching to see who wins the next Provincial election
? Will it be our present Ford? Will it be the green party? Will it be the NDP? Will it be liberals? It should be interesting. I actually voted last week. It was bare. I suggested they should give out free sandwiches and coffee as a motivation to vote. I said that it was what I would do if I was a politician. As I approached the table and displayed my ID a man walked over to me, looked at my picture and said I haven't changed a bit. His remark was not lost on me, though he thought it breezed over my head. Normally, I am asked for a driver's license but the young man recognized me. Did I mention I have turned blonde again? I then made a remark about how I couldn't wait until the voting season was over, since I have to look at a huge sign on my neighbour's lawn each time I leave the house, either it is sitting out front drinking my coffee or watering the grass, I keep seeing that smile. I think it my case it's effect is the opposite it is trying to create. I am trying not to look. I tilt my head here and there and still the smile peaks through. It's not a bad smile, a bit over the top. I can imagine the photographer. "You're beautiful. Yeah you are the next leader of Ontario, yeah look up, yeah let's look at the pearly whites yeah, open your mouth a bit, no close it a bit, yeah! Gotcha ya." The politician is smiling away like it's New Years Eve. I shall be celebrating when all I have to look at is the birds and trees plus the traffic of course. Not that I have anything against the politician, but I need a break from office. "ZZZZTTTT" the young man warns with his boyish good looks and playful manner who reminds me of my elementary teachers about to give me detention. I am about to open my mouth again when he once again speaks in the foreign language, "ZZZZZZZTTTTTTT." My eyes wide with the expression ooops, my bad is expressed behind my mask. The masked woman, going to vote and no one but me is in the hall. He gives me my voting card and I go to the booth and scroll down to see who I am voting for. "Oh, there you are" me thinks quietly. I then walk over to another table where my prize possession is scanned and deposited. I thank everyone and I am also thanked for the entertainment. As I leave, the host tells me that next time she will have a coffee and sandwich for me. I am delighted and thank her. After that episode, I decide that I need to get out more, so last Sunday I was in Niagara Falls. I love that place and always feels like I am going home. Wierd, since Toronto is home. I see the Freedom Convoy being loud as they drive along the road passing the falls. They have vulgarity about a politician printed on their trucks. I wonder how the Mayor of Niagara would handle it if they tried to take over Niagara Falls. It must be nice complaining about the lack of freedom while creating so much noice you can't hear the falls roar. It must be nice complaining about the lack of freedom when having F--- Trudeau spelled out incorrectly. I wonder how Putin would deal with that in Russia? It doesn't matter who you vote for. People are always complaining even those who do not vote. So, vote and have a voice where it counts - the power of the x on a form. What do you think?
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