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Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Brief Therapy for Couples in Crises (notes)

During our Annual General Meeting with CAMFT last fall we also had a session regarding brief therapy of couples in crisis. Front line workers were struggling with some sleeping in garages because of concern for families. There was an interest from the CAMFT community. The emergency Response Therapists was launched. We were asked to consider volunteering. There was a request for emergency response for families who were uprooted. What is brief therapy? There was a five year study of 100,000 scheduled outpatient appointments. The model or most frequently occurring number of sessions in all models of therapy is one. Even one session of therapy is effective. There are six essential components: 1. rapid positve alliance between client and one therapist. 2. Smart goal. What is the most useful step to talk in this session? 3. Clear responsibilities. 4. Emphasis in strengths - resources. 5. Introduction of novelty can be a reframe, a story, the miracle? 6. Here and now and next and not so much of the past. The purpose of therapy is hope. Dr Charles Snyder indicates - have a goal, a pathway there and a sense of agency. A solution focused modality is good for brief timed lined work. 1. Goals. 2. Exceptions. 3. Scaling 4. Relationship 5. Coping - we focus a lot on what sustains them. Strengths: resources. The five regrets of people on their death bed: 1. I wish I had stayed in touch with friend. 2. Let myself be happier. 3. Courage to express myself. 4. Wish I had lived a life true to my dreams instead of what others expect. 5. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard. A definition of crises - a state of psychological disequilibrium and unable to cope. Criteria -1. exposed to a stressful or hazardous 2. Considerable upset or disruption. 3. Individual unable to cope with methods that previously worked. People who found meaning had more adaptive hormonal responses, making them more resilience in the face of the stressful event. Actions: What can I do for my client? Ask client to do something. Post card study: Post cards recipients reduced suicides. Volunteer therapists were asked to contact the client in 24 hours. The quicker one could respond, the better. Be timely to build the therapeutic alliance. Volunteers were asked to provide 3 free sessions. The first session was the key. We are building a connection. What is the problem? the concern? Everything is overwhelming. Session one is what is the essential single concern (so no longer a big overwhelming thing). At the end of session One, paperwork is so key to a lot of what we do. Are we able to do a mountain of paperwork when there is a crises? Scaling - rating and ask how clients are feeling at the end. Session Two: Brief therapy about active work doing. We can start to do some work. Now an alliance has been developed. Then ask for paperwork. How many more sessions? Session 3. Where are we headed? Not a mystery at this point. Summary of what is done and what will they take with them. After three sessions, the client becomes our own. To be continued later in the week.

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