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Thursday, 21 March 2019
World Religion - Theology Notes (cont) Hindu (also sadness expressed for killings in White Chuch)
Bhawani Caran Banerji was the first Hindu to became Anglican. He said it was wearing too stuffy shirts, so he became Roman Catholic. Brama - God; Badan; Friend. He was going to be a Catholic but would continue to dress like a Hindu monk. He said Vedes so instead of the Old Testament and New Testament in mass, he would do the New Testament and Vedes. So instead of Plato and Aristotle he would use Ramanja and Sankara. What all four said was almost the same thing. But, the message would be more cultural. The word of God in Hinduism: God is = to Sac - Being - Father C1/2 -consciousness - logus (son) - Anadvda - blis - Holy Spirit (fits into the culture of the Indian people). Some were not prepared to allow this. It must be done in Latin. So the response was Romans had no time for this because they wanted to remain Indian. He was excommunicated. When he died, the Hindus claimed his body. Jules Monchanin said the same thing - not to divide culture from faith. The church never allowed that. The church said accept my authority. 1950 established by Europeans SAC - C1 2 - ahank.de (incorporating culture). Look at map. You have Central Asia with Indous - Delhi at the top. Below in the left B you have Sindu, Sindhus and Isnuh - Bharat don’t say sanatana Dharme = quest to rititious. Hindu is geographical - would like to have Hindus Catholic and why not? What is the difference of saying Irish Catholic. When you talk to people of other cultures: People in India are tradition minded, not hasty minded. To the Western scholar is to study it in its history development. In India, they have no history because it was written mostly by foreigners. History does not seem to be of interest to Hindus. They believe that time is something that needs to be transcendent. Interest in the past has been tradition, rather than history. eg. dance like they did 3000 years ago. A temple here would be the same as a temple in India. Linear: Historical (Christian West way of interpreting) Beginning - middle - end.
Eastern is cyclical view.
Avatar(a) - means descent on one who has descended. In Hindu thinking - whenever things get missed up God comes here. It is the incarnation of God on earth. The concept of Incarnation is not only that God became human but became human more then one time. therefore, Jesus, Buddha ….all….Hindus love Jesus it is just Christians they can’t stand (this may be a bias opinion. I will talk to my old professor about this comment, next time I see him). Krishna, Buddha and Jesus - Christians may feel uncomfortable with Jesus being on par with the West. That is not only a Hindu part of view, it is also a Christian view. Not all RC’s have Bibles. Protestants usually do. RC Bible is longer than the Protestant’s. Buddhist Cannon - some 400 years before Christ, yet there so many similarities. Buddha since 16th century is considered a Saint. Heteronomous (law) therefore based on external eg. Pope for RC. India - autonomous - use reason to figure it out - found in secular culture. Theonomous - experience with Transcendent. Experience with your encounter with God. If India, need the following: theonomous, accommodate, Christianity appears to be excluding. Hinduism is non excluding. It is a tolerant religion. Tolerates diversity. Practical - yoga - finding union with God. Emphasis is an experience. The whole point of Indian religion is to realize the truth. Reason is helpful in feeling God, but have it leave your head behind and grasp it intuitively. Intuitively is only way to contemplate. This is why you have to go to retreats and not the women’s group. My prof said he had a student whom he told to visit different denomination religions for three months. At the end the student had to go to a retreat. All the places talked too much. Swami - level of spiritual development. You can’t give what you don’t have so go to Geru. Geru - reach a level where can. Point is not to get PHD, point is to experience what you are talking about. Need more than to be intellectually trained, you need to be formed. In Christianity you say love God but you don’t teach how. Sadhaner - spiritual practices. Hinduism - you don’t go to church once or twice a week. What you do is first thing in the morning is say your prayers in a prayer room.
to be continued in two weeks. Next week more of conferences/workshops etc…..
I was very sad to hear of the murders in Christ Church against the Muslim community. I agree that the killer does not deserve to be named or shown. Some thrive on this. It is so sad that there is so much hate based on ignorance. To be greeted as “Welcome Brother” and then begin a slaughter is horrific. I always feel for the children especially because of their innocence. What a cruel way to learn about what people can do to others. I marvel how the prime minister took swift action to ban these weapons. I find that here we do more talking than action. There is more manipulation from corporations. I hope we all find a path for reform so that we can take a serious look at ourselves and our place in our world. Our Muslim community opened their doors quickly to the public. I studied with Muslim men and women in my undergrad. I became friends with some who were modern. They wore clothes as I did. Clothing such as hiding your face and length and colour is all about culture and not religion. However, I believe that people can wear what they want as long as it is not forced upon them as in some countries. How nice our world would be if people just loved each other and accepted all as they were, respectfully. Will it happen? What do you think?
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