I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Sunday, 31 March 2019
Popular scam - Someone wants to give you lots of money. Yeah right.
You were chosen to receive a Cash Grant Donation of €1,700,000 from Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler, Respond back for more details email me at:
I did not include the email. This email was sent to many people. Their hope is that at least responds. As you know I like to share these emails because so many people suffer when they act on this. Protect yourself from these predators.
Enjoy your day. Talk soon.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Adler School of Psychology - catching up notes
I promised you more notes from conferences etc….and then I want to return to my abnormal psychology notes. It has been awhile since I was invited back to Adler. The last time there was a focus on coaching which is not my interest. However, I did meet many interesting people. But I did find some notes from previous lectures there and I thought I would talk about that and sum it up. They were discussing Cognitive Behaviour Therapy which I incorporate very much in my practice. They talked about automatic thoughts which triggers an emotional and behavioural response. So I noticed I drew a picture of a person and at the bottom I have a line to thoughts, another to emotions and another to behaviour. They suggested using the magic wand to avoid the emotional behaviour. These are very basic in theories. What I may say to a client is “If I had a magic wand and anything is possible, what would you like?” Responses usually depicts what the client really wants. It may be to be clear of horrible memories. It may be to be able to go outside and just enjoy it. It may be to be more assertive…etc….That allows me to understand what the client’s objective is. It gives us something to work with. I find that often a client comes to me and thinks one thing is bothering him or her and it is something more much deeper that is surfacing. The Adler person whose name I believe is Erin Bech went further and suggested the following: You are going to have a fear - but this magic wand will remove the behavior. She uses the example that a person hates you and if this person didn’t you would have a different emotional response. Reinforcement of a pattern where it is logical for them. You have beliefs, assumptions, and rules. If this happens, then this happens and is what I have to do. We also had another instructor speaking to us by the name of Vytas, Velyuis (I hope I have this right). Velyuis spoke about core beliefs, belief assumptions. He said that things should be settled by age 50 (I find that in my practice, this is not so). Velyuis spoke of powerful people working, and therefore there are more options, more to talk about. There was talk about collaborative therapy. That humour is ok and being yourself. As I type this, I know this is just refresher from undergrad and post grad. I do have a wonderful sense of humour if I do say so myself, but I do try to keep it in check. Am I myself, yes. I would not want to be anyone else. We talked about the DSM and changes. I have written to you before about the changes but will include what I have in these notes. There is more detail and new diagnosis. There is a restructuring of personality disorders, on going as new data researches comes up. www.DSM5.org Depression is not changed at all. Roman numerals are dropped. There is the elimination of GAF. Numeric is still numerical. Assessment - added idea that disorders and problems and functioning and psychometrically or self assessment. Standardized - using dimensional method. www.psychiatry APA online measure assessment. WHODAS. 2.0
Separation Disorder is new as in separate from family. Bi polar is separate from mood disorder. Majority of the time is spent more on depression. Anti depressant induced mania.
Ok, that is that for now. I have two more notes from seminars etc…I want to write about before I continue with my undergrad psych notes. Note that all those notes are before the changes but I still find value in them. There will always be changes with research and that is a good thing. Have a nice week, enjoy the sun that has come out here in Toronto at least, and hope you return next week or catch up on what you still have to read. What do you think? www.redigondapsychotherapy.com
Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Monday, 25 March 2019
Thursday, 21 March 2019
World Religion - Theology Notes (cont) Hindu (also sadness expressed for killings in White Chuch)
Bhawani Caran Banerji was the first Hindu to became Anglican. He said it was wearing too stuffy shirts, so he became Roman Catholic. Brama - God; Badan; Friend. He was going to be a Catholic but would continue to dress like a Hindu monk. He said Vedes so instead of the Old Testament and New Testament in mass, he would do the New Testament and Vedes. So instead of Plato and Aristotle he would use Ramanja and Sankara. What all four said was almost the same thing. But, the message would be more cultural. The word of God in Hinduism: God is = to Sac - Being - Father C1/2 -consciousness - logus (son) - Anadvda - blis - Holy Spirit (fits into the culture of the Indian people). Some were not prepared to allow this. It must be done in Latin. So the response was Romans had no time for this because they wanted to remain Indian. He was excommunicated. When he died, the Hindus claimed his body. Jules Monchanin said the same thing - not to divide culture from faith. The church never allowed that. The church said accept my authority. 1950 established by Europeans SAC - C1 2 - ahank.de (incorporating culture). Look at map. You have Central Asia with Indous - Delhi at the top. Below in the left B you have Sindu, Sindhus and Isnuh - Bharat don’t say sanatana Dharme = quest to rititious. Hindu is geographical - would like to have Hindus Catholic and why not? What is the difference of saying Irish Catholic. When you talk to people of other cultures: People in India are tradition minded, not hasty minded. To the Western scholar is to study it in its history development. In India, they have no history because it was written mostly by foreigners. History does not seem to be of interest to Hindus. They believe that time is something that needs to be transcendent. Interest in the past has been tradition, rather than history. eg. dance like they did 3000 years ago. A temple here would be the same as a temple in India. Linear: Historical (Christian West way of interpreting) Beginning - middle - end.
Eastern is cyclical view.
Avatar(a) - means descent on one who has descended. In Hindu thinking - whenever things get missed up God comes here. It is the incarnation of God on earth. The concept of Incarnation is not only that God became human but became human more then one time. therefore, Jesus, Buddha ….all….Hindus love Jesus it is just Christians they can’t stand (this may be a bias opinion. I will talk to my old professor about this comment, next time I see him). Krishna, Buddha and Jesus - Christians may feel uncomfortable with Jesus being on par with the West. That is not only a Hindu part of view, it is also a Christian view. Not all RC’s have Bibles. Protestants usually do. RC Bible is longer than the Protestant’s. Buddhist Cannon - some 400 years before Christ, yet there so many similarities. Buddha since 16th century is considered a Saint. Heteronomous (law) therefore based on external eg. Pope for RC. India - autonomous - use reason to figure it out - found in secular culture. Theonomous - experience with Transcendent. Experience with your encounter with God. If India, need the following: theonomous, accommodate, Christianity appears to be excluding. Hinduism is non excluding. It is a tolerant religion. Tolerates diversity. Practical - yoga - finding union with God. Emphasis is an experience. The whole point of Indian religion is to realize the truth. Reason is helpful in feeling God, but have it leave your head behind and grasp it intuitively. Intuitively is only way to contemplate. This is why you have to go to retreats and not the women’s group. My prof said he had a student whom he told to visit different denomination religions for three months. At the end the student had to go to a retreat. All the places talked too much. Swami - level of spiritual development. You can’t give what you don’t have so go to Geru. Geru - reach a level where can. Point is not to get PHD, point is to experience what you are talking about. Need more than to be intellectually trained, you need to be formed. In Christianity you say love God but you don’t teach how. Sadhaner - spiritual practices. Hinduism - you don’t go to church once or twice a week. What you do is first thing in the morning is say your prayers in a prayer room.
to be continued in two weeks. Next week more of conferences/workshops etc…..
I was very sad to hear of the murders in Christ Church against the Muslim community. I agree that the killer does not deserve to be named or shown. Some thrive on this. It is so sad that there is so much hate based on ignorance. To be greeted as “Welcome Brother” and then begin a slaughter is horrific. I always feel for the children especially because of their innocence. What a cruel way to learn about what people can do to others. I marvel how the prime minister took swift action to ban these weapons. I find that here we do more talking than action. There is more manipulation from corporations. I hope we all find a path for reform so that we can take a serious look at ourselves and our place in our world. Our Muslim community opened their doors quickly to the public. I studied with Muslim men and women in my undergrad. I became friends with some who were modern. They wore clothes as I did. Clothing such as hiding your face and length and colour is all about culture and not religion. However, I believe that people can wear what they want as long as it is not forced upon them as in some countries. How nice our world would be if people just loved each other and accepted all as they were, respectfully. Will it happen? What do you think?
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
Narrative - Dr Allan Peterkin, another seminar delight
The speaker was Dr Allan Peterkin, McGill, Psychiatry, Mental Health, He has written 14 books for adults and children. Journal of Medicine, Narrative group for HIV for 14 years.
Dr Peterkin reported that medical students inquire about spiritual care. What Dr Perkin does is he gets people to write their stories. It helps them for us to be narratively cognitive. His own father is a physician and his mom is a writer. He is both. His dad informed him he shouldn’t be a physician but a poet. Dr Peterkin explained how stories shape our world and the understanding of our identities. What are the elements of the stories? Being open to narrative. There is heart failure but how does a patient see it? Narrative Humility - we hear a story and we think we hear what it means, but it may not. In medical school you have a literary companion - short story perhaps three pages/4 year training. Invites them to experience the patient. They stretch our world view. Enter a world extremely different from our own. Allows us to stretch our world view and allows us to experience the unfamiliar. Illness narratives allow us to reflect on suffering. Stories engage right and left brain (analysis and creative). Narrative medicine - “I came to understand that what my patients paid me to do was to listen expertly and attentively to extraordinary complicated narratives.” Dr Rita Charon - In the U.S.A., the narrative is disappearing. Questions to patients are designed for more tests. Dr Rita Charon states, “‘ The ability to acknowledge, absorb, interpret and act on stories and plights of others” can be accomplished by reading of literature and or reflection writing.
Narrative competence provides for self-reflection - develops professionalism - strengthens the provider- patient/client relationship. As one becomes narrative competence your work with your patient/client deepens.
Stories - logic and feelings. We get close to what is really happening. Critical reflection on action and being. Self - assessment of values, attitudes, beliefs, biases, blind spots, reactions to experiences, learning needs. People with tatoos are used to test for STD etc…..Howard Brody, “….patients come to physicians with broken stories as much as broken bones……..There are three types of medical stories. Restitution: progress from disease and to treatment, to restoration of health. Most happy ending. Heroism filled with tests. The “wrong and right”. Some belong to a culture where they should not complain. Let them. Second is Quest: Illness becomes a condition from which something can be learned, something transformative, even healing is not possible (their choice). Third is Chaos: no order or answers in a whirlpool of suffering. Dr Peterkin hears all three in their stories. Patients can be left with a sense of bitterness, impotence, often misunderstood, wrong tests. The system itself often causes chaos. You may ask, “What would you like me to know?” Do not interrupt.
Cry of the Wild - me. Dr Peterkin indicates that of course you are not going to tell the client/patient your own pain but to be aware of it. Our job is to be witness, to be in the now. A big challenge in training someone is how to sit with someone. In medical health one is trained to be hard on ourselves, particular with medical students, pretending they don’t need to go to the bathroom or to eat. Regarding patients look for the mystery in the patient and not only the problem. A white light comes into the room and the cancer is gone. “If you can’t name what you are doing, than what are you doing?” - one of his supervisors at M’Gill.
Code Orange - mass casualty. Experience of the van attack at Yonge and Sheppard. “Organized chaos.”
If you are involved in any hospital, expect the unexpected. Give your expertise to the people who may need it.
I will not discuss anything else pertaining to this conference because personal experiences were being shared and policies that I think are Confidential. There were talks about the Bronco incident and the Danforth incident. Obviously once this happens in Canada we recognize a new awakening which previously was associated only with the States. What I think was a very nice gesture was how American emergency personnel demonstrated their condolences which was very appreciated here at home.
The next topic the psychiatrist spoke of was the need to respect if the person wants to talk about it or not. Don’t keep pushing. Respect our own sense of limits. More is not more. #Toronto Strong# Holding on to the weak is called strength” TAO Te Ching (Book of the way) There is an importance to rituals.
Therapeutic writing groups - You don’t have to and you don’t have to share - can just sit and listen. We must be responsible and not re-traumatize. Allow people to voice their anger. People need to voice their anger. We talked about secondary trauma which therapists can develop. I won’t talk about that because experiences were shared which I consider confidential.
Clients often tell me their story. At times I do interrupt depending on what is being said. I will let them know that what they are saying is very important and perhaps it needs to be examined a bit closer and require some reflection. However, more often than not, a client in crises may need to tell his and her story and I will notice the urgency of the need do so which may take up an entire session. That is ok too. Often the client will state that they feel a burden lifted after a long sigh. In those situations regardless of what is said I do not interrupt. There is always time to examine at later sessions. Another thing I rarely do is follow up with clients who come for sessions and then stop. By not calling them I offer them the opportunity to recognize their own independence. I offer them the opportunity for their own decision making. It is their decision if they wish to have therapy or not, if they want to talk or not. They have the choice to continue, to stop or to return anytime. I have never refused a client to return to me, regardless of the time away. My job is to enhance their quality of life, not to impose upon them. I agree that rituals are important. Mothers who have had abortions and have regretted them find solace of having a ritual where they acknowledge, name and offer a rose or other flower or candle in their child’s memory. At the hospital where I interned there were ceremonies conducted for those patients who had died and their families returned to mourn. I found that this was welcomed by so many who were able to weep and find some comfort.
I often suggest that clients begin to start a journal. I let them know that they can share with me if they wish. Sometimes they do and sometimes they do not. For clients who have been traumatized I often let them know that if they get a new memory, or they find themselves becoming upset, to stop writing and to discuss those feelings and memories in therapy. A person should never endure more than they can deal with. I also encourage support groups and they do not have to say anything or share until and if they are ready. Some times there are no groups and I am always willing to help them start one, if they wish. My fees do not fluctuate. Sometimes I am asked if I charge more if there is a couple or family in the room. I charge by the fifty minute hour which at times becomes an hour or more. But if one is charged more I would be questioning that.
Monday, 11 March 2019
My next book is a slow process
I have only written ten pages of my next book. This book will be very different from my other three. This will be a horror story based on God and the Devil and us. It will be fiction with a theological theme. It should scare the beegeeses out of you. I do my best writing in the morning when my brain is fresh. However, I also maintain a very balanced life especially because of my work. Helping people with psychological concerns can be quite draining at times and that is why I never take on more clients unless I can give each and every one my entire persona to help them on their journey. It is important for me to constantly monitor myself. I am very happy and content with who I am. I live in the present but am always prepared with options for my future. So, my priority is my work and for me to be my best at it, with focus on self care and professional development. With that is fun. I love people and love having fun. I also have a sense of humour which is not always appreciated, but I sure do. This next book writing is only allowed to time, when all else is done. I keep re-writing it and altering it more than my other books. I love to write and though it is a hobby, it is one I thoroughly enjoy. So this next book will be scary and well worth reading (I think all my books are). This book will be dedicated to another family member. So if you have not ordered anything please do so on line at www.silvaredigonda.com. Mabe then it may become more than a hobby. Indigo also carries my ebooks (two). Have a great day and tomorrow I will write more about any conference I have attended. As you know I am a tad behind.
Thursday, 7 March 2019
The Internet Murders
“Sandra missed being a cop, but after two years on homicide, she had seen enough for a lifetime. Now, where was she?
“I need a coffee,” she mumbled. She didn’t hear anything. She had barely managed to rise from her chair when she felt powerful arms come from behind her, choking her. Automatically, Sandra tucked her chin down, bent her knees, and flung him over her head. She didn’t wait to see if she could take him. She wasn’t stupid, but was fully aware of her limitations. She ran, hearing the loud thump as her attacker landed over her desk. The instinct for survival took over and she ran out of her office into the vacant hallway. She ran down the stairs, stumbling a few times, but managed not to fall. It had been a long time since she had moved that fast. She almost made it outside. Her hand was on the door that promised her an escape. When she felt the knife slice her arm, she automatically used the force of her entire body to turn and punch him, aiming to kill him by using all her force to strike upward from just underneath his nose. She[…]”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.” iBooks.
For your private copy, order on line ebook or signed soft cover at www.silvaredigonda.com
Monday, 4 March 2019
World Religions - continued (from notes)
Roman Catholicism recognizes the legitimacy of all world religions. Therefore, is Mohamed the prophet and the Koran the word of God? 1. Christianity at the time of Mohamed was oppressive (baptism or death). 2. First translation in 1873 by the Jesuits. Full text of the bible translated into Mandarin is 1960. What Mohamed heard of the gospel was heard through Greek or nothing in the Middle East. Mohammed - portrayed Jesus. What is the Koranic view of Jesus? Recognize old/New Testament as revelation of God. Koran speaks of Jesus in glorious terms - believe in Jesus and Mary - Jesus from the Virgin mother, not a sign of divinity. Recognizes Jesus Christ as Messiah and will come at end of time, but denies his death and resurrection. The Islamic denial of Jesus divinity (like Jews/ is integrated world view of Koran. The fall of Adam had consequences. It condemns humans of all time. This is Augustine’s point of view - not in the bible. Muslims don’t buy that. Augustine’s theology is for salvation. For Muslim’s, God is compassionate. People do sin. Here we hear the prodigal son. Same response is the Jews. In not accepting doctrine of original sin. They deny that Jesus died on the cross. He was mysteriously taken into heaven and an imposter put in his place. If Abraham would not be permitted for his son to be killed how can God allow his son to be killed? There is more than one way to understand how Jesus is died.
In 1956 - Harvard - First woman to study theology.
Islam is part of God’s Salvation - Muslims form a unity of faith. Koran is a word of God. Jesus is the word of God. No Muslim says he can be saved from Mohammed - only the Koran.
Hinduism - believe in one God. Buddhists - no. Theories of truth - when say Jesus is son of God. We say it metaphorically. Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Ghost. If three are equal = cannot be Christ alone. If salvation is Christ alone, then Jesus can do something that Holy Ghost can do or God cannot do that Jesus can do. So preoccupation with Jesus Christ alone, diminishes God and Holy Spirit. So, if they are all = even (Paul 2nd) can be saved by the Holy Ghost. Orthodox - no original sin. Collect data, understand and then make judgment. So, as a chart we have the Church, Ecclesiocentric. Christ 1492 1. Church. Salvation - no definition. Baptism by water 2. baptism by desire.Theocentric so maybe more dialogue outside of God - no salvation. Soteriocentric - outside the suffering of the world there is no salvation. Ethics - what can we do together to learn about the Kingdom of God. Emphasis on Justice and what we can do to each other.
Hinduism - 40,000,000 (at time of writing notes) living outside India. Most of World Hindus are highly educated. Buddhish Hindus - 1, they argue not a religion. There is a complex of spiritual thought - no congregation. Religion - no uniformal sacraments - change. No initiating rites. No practises. Being Hindu is an individual decision. The notion of re-birth Christianity has a linear vision, beginning and end. Hinduism - what goes around, comes around. To be Hindu, don’t have to believe in anything Secular view of history. Hinduism is how to become one with Brahman. Three sote - grace alone, faith alone and prayers alone. Hinduism is not a world religion because there is no uniformity. Mostly confined to India but changing. Not a religion because they consider themselves a quest for righteousness. They are seekers. They believe that everyone has their own truth. Since 52AD, Christianity in India - doubting Thomas. He founded the Syrian Church. There is dispute whether Thomas got there in 52, but there is evidence that Christianity existed there before the fourth century. The Syrians still exist there today. Trouble started in 1498 when Portuguese thought you had to accept Christ and Western view. It was suggested that an inquisition began to Christianize the Hindus. Things went bad in 1599 at the Synod of Diamper when it was indicated that all had to join the Roman Church. This continued til 1605, Robert de Ivobili. He said you had to be wearing their clothes and eating their food to Christianize, Bitagarad Gita. Roman said you can’t do that (cultivate the faith in their culture). It was still too westernized. When you have so much truth, you get defeated by truth. Post Dutch - Protestant approach was very different. It was very aggressive. They would stand at sidewalks (with belts?)and call them pagans. They were attracted to Jesus. We consider Jesus Western but in many cultures, Jesus is considered Asian. It was regarded as an Eastern religion. So people like Cheshub Chunder Sen, 1834 -1888, became disciple of Christ while remaining Hindu. At least six churches today run by Hindus but they don’t want to join the Western Church (to be told they are wrong). To be continued……….(week after next)
Sunday, 3 March 2019
Scam alerts again - This gets tiresome but if you get these don't be deceived.
As I have stated, I am posting scams which I get offered very often. So many people lose money because of these fraudsters who prey on others. Hopefully we can develop a system to expose and arrest these people who cause so much misery to those they victimize. I have not listed this person's reply email address.
"I apologize for intruding into your privacy, especially by contacting
you through this means for important offer, how are you and your
family over there? My name is
Mrs. Betty Stewart I want to donate my inheritance to the less
privileged people in the society. I work as contractor and business
woman. I want to donate my inheritance to the less privileged people
in the society. I live alone and have no family, relatives or child
presently i lost my beloved husband and two kids on 18 July 2007 in a
plane crash during landing on the Airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil .I am
suffering from Stomach Cancer and have undergone series of cancer
treatments but to no avail, i am presently in a special Government
hospital for a cancer operation. After the test result, my doctor said
that I have short time to live in life, for this reason I got your
email address on internet and I am contacting you because I have no
option again. I save my personal money the sum of 5.5Million Euros in
the Bank now that I have short time to live I want you to stand as my
representative in your country and build either Mosque or church for
people over there in your city or help any orphanage home or poor
people with my money. If you can accept to be my representative then I
will give you 30% of the total amount as your commission and you will
use the balance 70 % for the project. Please I need an honest person
who will take very good care of this project. If you are capable to
handle this project, then I will tell you further step to take. I
suffer a lot in my life and I am very much afraid of dying without
knowing the destination of my property, I hardly sleep at night and
during the day because I do not want to die without having donated all
the property I have otherwise I think it would be a mess.
Hope to hear from you even if you’re not interested on this email"
and another. I have xxxx what I think is inappropriate language:
As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account.
This means that I have full access to your account: At the time of hacking your accountxxxxxxxxxxxx had this password: xxxxxxxxxxxx
You can say: this is my, but old password!
Or: I can change my password at any time!
Of course! You will be right,
but the fact is that when you change the password, my malicious code every time saved a new one!
I've been watching you for a few months now.
But the fact is that you were infected with malware through xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx that you visited.
If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence from e-mail and messangers.
Why your antivirus did not detect my malware?
Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your antivirus is silent.
I made a video showing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks. I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.
If you want to prevent this, transfer the amount of $798 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: "Buy Bitcoin").
My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 1B3Lx1t4CQSt3ck85bqzGHC9TeEQGANhUR
After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will never hear me again.
I give you 48 hours to pay.
I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.
Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
I do not make any mistakes.
If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
Don't believe it when and if you get these emails.
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