I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - continuation of psych notes (abnormal psychology)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Either obsessions or compulsions 1. recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses or images that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance as intrusive, and inappropriate and that cause marked and inappropriate that can cause marked anxiety or distress. 2. The thoughts, impulses or images are not simply excessive. Worries about real life problems. 3. The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts et…or nuetralize. 4. recognizes obsessional thoughts as product of his/her mind. 1. repetitive behavior - eg. handwashing or mental acts person feels driven to perform. 2. behavior or mental acts are amid at preventing /reducing distress are not connected in realistic way. B. person has recognized at some point unusual or excessive. C. takes more than one hour a day or interferes with normal routine. D. If other axis 1 disorder is present ok. not restudied to it eg. eating disorder, preoccupation with food - hair pulling etc…E. disorder not to the direct physiological effects of a substance eg. a drug of abuse/medication. Specify if poor insight. If for most of the time during, person does not recognize symptoms.
Where prevalence - dissociates - women more than men. Two types of disorders - somatoform and dissociative disorder. What we see (counter intuitive) colours texture, shapes, etc… is seen from different areas of our brain. Different circuits process the different perceptions. Yet we are under the impression that it is one. Italian Neurologist- Intact left parietal lobe - point to Winnipeg from Toronto - pointed Winnipeg. Could not point left for Montreal because does not exist. Then turned around and point to Montreal. Could, but Toronto, no. Completely counter intuitive. Conscience has biological basis. It doesn’t work in typical intuitive way. We experience and we do not see this until it is disruptive. Part of brain isn’t there. We’re not conscious of it. Will give hypothesis at end to explain.
Attention is far better to understand and has functioning localized to different sides of the brain. Can be split into different sides of brain. Can be split into different types of attention. Some arousal early theorist - eg. if awake, nervous system is arousal and no problem attending to stimuli. If asleep, can’t see this because too much noise in EEG. However, put into computer and average it. What happens if average it- all that stuff averages out to zero and left with invoked potential. If children born and suspected of being deaf can hook up to EEG and play sounds of different intensities and frequency. Child responds - not deaf. If hook to sleeping person almost identical. How people respond to signal when asleep depends. Sleeping baby - crying - mom hears. Dad hears but not really. Females have mechanism that discriminates. Daniel Shacter study with nurses sleeping in U.S.A. Small dorms for nurses to sleep- had tape recorder - played messages to them and day or two later remembered material much better. Attention - arousal - rem sleep >deep sleep>coma (cells actually set down). People used to of attention in arousal slate. Sustained attention - ability to keep focused on one thing for extended period of time. Distractibility Divided attention - measured when people are asked to do two tasks at once. I’ll give you three litres and one count backwards and then recite three letters again. What has this got to do with Somatoform Disorders? Seat - gravity - attention refocused. One thing happens in somatoform disorders. Psycholytical - pressures that are repressed, cause anxiety when surface entry - some energy breaks through - a conversion disorder - very little research support (at this time when I wrote these notes). Behavioral theory - re-enforced emitted what is re-enforced. Celia in the book blind - where grad, no longer re-enforcing. Facticious Disorder - symptoms produced for secondary gain. Attention, food, etc… Malingering - pretending to have disorder to obtain something - eg. faking sore neck from accident for money. Two ways to malinger 1. dumb - way out - 2. over all score/not individual.
Will continue with Reporting of pain - 3 pain pathways
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