Tuesday 9 May 2017

Update on the "Internet Murders" for you hopeful writers out there.

Well yesterday I sent my draft to my publisher who I have been with since I began writing. I write for fun and my priority is my private practice and I promised my sole fan that I would have my book out by this years "Word on the Street." So I decided at the spur of the moment while my grey cells were processing all the information I had been gathering, to reach out and self publish. I did send my manuscript out to several traditional publishers however the waiting period to hear something can be four months. Imagine writing to one publisher at a time and waiting forever to get a response. I can die of old age by then. You see some want to be the first and only publisher you seek out. Others want you to have a particular genre. Others want you to be from where they are and others etc..........I even thought of getting an agent and that was interesting. I did not know there were so many scams when it comes to the writing world. So, I gave that up quickly. Simply put, my love for writing stories has been intrinsic since I can remember, writing them in the kitchen and reading them out to my mother who loved to hear them. Of course my grade seven teacher declared to the class that I could not have possibly have written my story. I blurted out in class that he could ask my mother, if he didn't believe me. It is no wonder that I am allergic to teachers. So, I took the easy but more expensive pathway to self publishing. I now have to figure out in my spare time how to get them distributed to bookstores. I figure if I write enough books maybe someone will notice who is legitimate. I wonder why I have a suspicious mind when it comes to scammers? So many out there perhaps? So, if you want to write, write for the love of it because it can be time consuming on the business side of the house. What do you think?

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