Thursday 11 September 2014


Each year on this day and sometimes before as well, I pay a special tribute to the tragedy by watching a documentary in stages or movie about the event. I watch this in prayer for the people who died and for all the survivor's and their families. One thing that terrorists fail to understand, because there is so much hate that leaves very little room for clarity, is terrorism does not only terrorize, it brings people and communities closer. They become more loving and supportive of each other. I believe that good is much more powerful than bad. It took me a bit of time to realize that. As I grow older and mature, I see the world through a different lens. There is hope for peace, there is hope for a better world. This world can be peaceful and united, but we have a lot of work to get there. United we can combat evil and grow towards a better tomorrow. When I went on a tour bus of New York City some time after the event, the tour guide happened to be a full time teacher. I was in awe of him as he declared, "We will not be beaten." This handsome man so full of passion for his country and values inspired me. Our country to date has been spared. But, hate has a way of growing and spreading like the fungus that it is. Today I want to wish my American neighbours my sympathy once again as I live a silent prayer for you.

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