I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Word on the Street was fun
Sunday was a beautiful day though it started a bit rough. First, I slept in, when I rarely do and my pets did not wake me. My boy is quite angry at me and shows his disproval by not cuddling with me, letting me kiss him nor waking me up, which is his job.
It was pouring rain when I rushed out - so much for my hair. Traffic is good early morning but could I find parking? Of course not. The hospital parking was closed for the weekend. That is a first. So, I ended up detouring via the construction to my old campus parking lot. Of course they are trying to save money so I had to go to the building a block away to get my parking pass for the day. I had already dropped off my books by then to find my table and chair soaking wet. I decided I was starting to get a tad stressed so I did some therapy on my self and took time out. I went to Tim Hortons because it was the closest. I had driven by Starbucks on Bay and Cumberland but there was no parking and I didn't want to leave my car for a moment, just in case.
I walked to Tim's in the rain, while my decrepit umbrella, ready for burial tried to do it's job of protecting me. Of course there was a barrier in front of the entrance door, but I found another and inside, I placed my order, received it and sat down to take time out. It looked like a med team did the same thing. We were all looking at each other politely and looking away politely. I ate my hash brown and biscuit with egg and cheese and sipped longingly on my coffee. Tims never tasted so good.
I went to my booth which was on the wrong side of what I had hoped it would be and my day started. The rain departed and the sun shone. How nice. My neighbours were wonderful and we all shared stories and ideas. One took pictures of me and my booth. He just sent them to me this morning. Now I have to figure out how to decrease the size. I am looking a bit rough. Is it the new colour? Is it the rough start? Is it just me?
My one and only fan came once again and I was probably more disappointed than my fan that I did not have my second book ready. I said my editor was on page 25 and the book would be ready for next year. Another came around to tell me he had bought my book and let me know that it was expected that I have my second ready for sale next year. Talk about pressure. He thought my book was funny. What a healthy guy!
All in all, it was a fun day. It is nice being around people who love books. One author wanted to trade books with me and I was rather pleased that hers was more expensive. Her book "Theft by Chocolate" by Luba Lesychyn had caught my eye. She said, she had worked at the ROM for 20 years and her book is inspired by an actual heist. I had my eye on the cover and was pleased by the trade. My other neighbour, "Edna's pickle", a husband and wife team was a real delight. She provided me with the history of her homeland, GOA. She was selling a variety of things and I took an instant warm liking to her and her husband. He would go to the busy areas and bring people to us.
This week I have an all day conference in Brampton. I do hope my car can make it there. I shall let you know if I learn anything that I think is useful for you.
Take those breaks, to refocus and re-energize. Find something you love to do. What do you think?
Friday, 19 September 2014
Word on The Street, Queen's Park, Toronto. Come by my booth and say hello.
Time is going by so fast, I try to put the brakes on, but it just keeps flying. In no time, I shall be 95, and still flying. Oh my!
Anyhow, this Sunday, Sept 21, is two days away. I am far from ready, but all I have to do is look a bit decent, by fluffing up my hair (in the wind) and perhaps some lipstick and I am good to go. I will pack a few books, a pen, some cards and presto.
If you have not bought your copy of, "Hey Guy Buy Me," now is the time. Unfortunately my second book is not ready for sale and that will take about another five months. This one is much lighter, more fun and an easy read. More than 100 books have gone missing so if you see it being sold, where it shouldn't which is anywhere outside Toronto, please let me know. When Corporations loose my books, I am a tad doubtful that the books are missing in action.
I will be at WB 19 (which I think means West Booth number 19). I believe they call it the writer's corner. Looking at my map, it should be between the "Wordshop Marquee" and "Vibrant Voices of Ontario Tent".
For my one and only fan, I am very very very sorry that my second book is not ready as I had promised last year.
So, if you know me, come and bring me a coffee! If you do not know me, please do not bring me anything to consume. My, I need work on being funny.
See you there and if you buy my book, remember it has nothing to do with therapy. I write for fun. Do not get mad at me as some readers have. Ignore the small stuff and find the humour.
What do you think?
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Mood Disorders - Psychology notes
My favourite psychology course was Abnormal Psychology. Our professor was an expert in court and told us about the fascinating court cases he dealt with.
When reading my blog please be aware that my notes may be somewhat dated in this field which is young and changing. Also, keep in mind that if you read and can relate to some of these symptoms, you may not have what is diagnosed here. Please do not self diagnose but do see someone with what is concerning you.
Mood Disorders
depression <__________> manic
Depression is an over abundance of sadness - extreme sadness.
Manic - excessive happiness/ elation.
There are a number of issues that arise. Some people m/d are two extremes of the same continuum.
Major depressive episode - most severe of depressive sub types.
Cyclothemic Disorder
not as severe as the a/m. It comes and goes.
periods where feel hypomanic but does not all the symptoms.
A manic episode is a clear and persistent elevated mood which lasts at least a week. A hypo-manic episode is not as severe and must last for four days.
Two different types of bi-polar disorders - bi-polar I and bi polar II
Some people have a single episode of depression. Others have several episodes throughout their life span.
Criteria for Major Depression
5 of the following symptoms are present during the same 2 week period and represent a change from previous function - at least one symptom is either 1- depressed mood or 2- loss of interest or pleasure.
Depressed mood most of the day nearly every day.
Marked diminished interest/pleasure most of the day mainly everyday.
Significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain or decrease in appetite or gain 5% in the month.
Insomnia or hypersomnia everyday.
Psychometic agitation or retardation nearly everyday - observable by others.
Fatigue or loss of energy nearly everyday.
Feeling of worthlessness eg. guilt and sometimes delusional, nearly every day.
Diminished ability to think or concentrate or being indecisive nearly every day.
Recurrent thoughts of death, suicide. Some new clinicians hesitate to touch the topic because of fear that will be suggestive.
B. The symptoms do not meet criteria for mixed episode.\
C. Symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment.
D. Symptoms longer than 2 months - not due to bereavement. Manic Depressive not unusual unless longer than two months or marked functional impairment - suicide.
Rem - usually half as normal in depressed people.
In anxiety disorders, insomnia most often.
To be continued…………
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Each year on this day and sometimes before as well, I pay a special tribute to the tragedy by watching a documentary in stages or movie about the event. I watch this in prayer for the people who died and for all the survivor's and their families. One thing that terrorists fail to understand, because there is so much hate that leaves very little room for clarity, is terrorism does not only terrorize, it brings people and communities closer. They become more loving and supportive of each other. I believe that good is much more powerful than bad. It took me a bit of time to realize that. As I grow older and mature, I see the world through a different lens. There is hope for peace, there is hope for a better world. This world can be peaceful and united, but we have a lot of work to get there. United we can combat evil and grow towards a better tomorrow.
When I went on a tour bus of New York City some time after the event, the tour guide happened to be a full time teacher. I was in awe of him as he declared, "We will not be beaten." This handsome man so full of passion for his country and values inspired me. Our country to date has been spared. But, hate has a way of growing and spreading like the fungus that it is.
Today I want to wish my American neighbours my sympathy once again as I live a silent prayer for you.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Check out my new web site! See you at Queen's Park. If you do not have a copy of my book, now is the time.
I have finally designed my own web site and it was easier than I thought. I cannot believe I took an entire course to design a web site two years ago and had to learn all that computer language when I did not have to. My professor's advice always comes to mind,"Don't work hard, work smart." I never realized that something he would spew off every once in awhile would stick this much. The site is not perfect but take a look at it at redigondapsychotherapy.com. At least here I can add, delete and change things without thinking.
My book sale is coming up very soon. I am missing the fair this Saturday due to work. I see clients on Saturdays now and do not like taking off more than one Saturday a month. I am also trying to make myself available for one evening a week. The doors close at 5pm. but where there is a will, there is a way. I am full of slogans that do not belong to me. Speaking of what does not belong to me, the pictures you see in the the web site are not mine. I have not deleted them because I want to replace them with my own. I have not decided what I am going to place. Maybe it will be pictures of my office or the view of the CN Tower from my window, or just pictures that I have taken for pleasure.
Someone has given me another picture he wants me to place in my office. I find that men like to give me things to put in my office. Interesting.
Anyhow, take a look at my website. If you hate it, you do not need to tell me. If you like it, feel free to do so.
If you have nothing better to do on Sunday, September 21, come to "The Word on the Street", held at Queen's Park. You may find my booth which is at the Writer's Corner, booth 19. You may see my sign, "Hey Guy Buy Me." Drop in and see me. I still feel bad that my second book will not be ready but I will get over it. I have stopped writing my third book until my second is ready for publication because each book I am writing is so different from each other and I want to remain with the psyche of the second book without thinking of the third. However, I am always developing new characters in my head and what I plan to do with them. There is no doubt that my third book is non-fiction and I enjoy that so much, that I have asked for a "teaser" to be inserted in my second book.
What are your goals? What do you do for fun? What do you do for peace? How do you cope with things? How do you find joy? You have choices. What are yours? Why?
Thursday, 4 September 2014
One Wedding and a Funeral during the long weekend, at 4 different locations outside Toronto
I expected the wedding and was prepared for that, but I was not prepared for the death of a favourite cousin. I have two older cousins, both male who live in Montreal. As soon as my train entered Montreal, I fell in love with the city (minus the annoying graffiti. After more than four hours sitting, and after settling down, I walked the five mile hike to the funeral home where I met my cousin and the rest of my family.
After celebrating a joyous wedding, I was preparing to celebrate the life of my cousin which came to a tragic end. He is a great loss to me, but the grief his brother is feeling, comes from a life time of love and closeness. They were never separated and they never married. What has always amazed me is the power of having such close friends who they definitely have. It had been too many years since I have been to visit and my sick cousin had not been too happy with me. He wanted me there for a month. I could not take the time, with school and work and most of all, I cannot leave my pets. They are my responsibility and I take responsibility very seriously. However, I did not realize how sick my cousin really was. I had no idea he was dying. I was never informed.
Trying to order flowers for the funeral turned out to not be as easy as I had thought. I received a call the next morning to be informed that the flowers could not be delivered due to it being a holiday? Really? I didn't want to waste any more time and called the Montreal funeral home. The staff there were so kind and told me who they use. I ordered from, "What a Bloom" and I was not disappointed.
I rescued two animals who were going to be put down because they were ferral. A neighbour and I had cleaned up the neighbourhood with the ferrals. All were adopted but three. I stopped donating to the organizations that were going to put them down, and I took the responsibility of adopting them. One died within a year. She had been such a sweet little thing. They love me and I love them, however they do not like people in general since they have experienced abuse. Therefore, I can not leave them with anyone, nor can I have others come in with out me there. I have had many wonderful people volunteer. So, it had been quite a while since I spent a night anywhere. With three bowls of water, four plates of dry food and two of wet, I knew these hungry beasts would be ok with food. I said so to a dear neighbour who just lost one of her dogs to cancer. I went to the train station and sat and relaxed in the lounge. There is no better way to travel.
Being in Montreal and seeing family and old friends was wonderful. My cousin has had a great life. The both of them always treated me like royalty whenever I had come to visit. I was catered to and never lifted a finger. My cousin smiled when he saw me and his face lit up. I stood by his side during the entire time. I even contemplated moving to Montreal and though I was always being informed that I could have a career there without being able to speak the French language, I am hesitant. I never make rash decisions. I offered that my cousin can come to me and I will take care of him. However Montreal is tempting. I love the warmth of the people and the joy of living. It has a European flair that I enjoy. However, my first language is English and I would never want that to be a problem in keeping people away from getting help.
I left my cousin who was getting a much needed nap without waking him. He was exhausted. I returned to the Montreal Station and returned to Toronto by rail. I was so surprised by the good food and fine service. I will continue to enjoy this service and make the effort to visit Montreal more often, even if it can only be for overnight.
I am typing this in my back yard with my pets frolicking, the birds chirping and the trees engulfing me and keeping me cool. I have a happy life. I am doing exactly what I want. I have no regrets.
How do you deal with grief? Are you happy with your life? Do you surround yourself with people who care for you as much as you care for them? How do you deal with responsibility? What would you do, if you could? Why are you not doing it? Are you living the life you want, or are you living the life others expect from you? Do you have someone you can trust in your life. Life is about choice, unless you are of course living under duress in certain countries. Life is very short and you have an obligation to yourself to live the life you want. Find a way to find that life, find a way to find yourself. Why not make changes to your life today? What do you think?
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