I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Writers Corner
Last night I attended a talk with the Sisters of Crime for about an hour plus. It started late, but I thought I was having difficulty getting on which was frustrating. It was held by the States and I have to admit, I attend theirs more than in Canada. It’s all good. The discussion was about the Ins and Outs of Distribution. They talked about getting books into their libraries. I think it is easier here in Canada and should apply. They talked about audio books which is something to think about. They talked about Amazon which I no longer use because having used Canada Amazon continues to be a nightmare. I had to close off and decline all payment because they just ignore that the site is closed. If you have to do everything on line, than you should provide easy access and verifications. So using Amazon is out of the question. The USA was good but Canada and Mexico is still trying to rip me off. This gets tiresome. They talked about Indie book stores. When I wrote my first book, I travelled to all my bookstores and of course it was Hey Guy Buy Me. You see my problem has always been time. I have to pick and choose what is best. Work smart, not hard is the best advice I ever got in university. I need to apply it. They talked about book clubs. Ok, if you are reading this, I am available to book clubs. The great advice the sisters gave is do one thing at a time or it can get overwhelming. Yup! As an independent writer I become a publisher for my own books - Yup. So, I am going to say good-bye now. They also said other stuff which I don’t do and don’t think it is good to share, so I won’t. Oh, the one thing they said which I have heard before is to have your own web site. Mine is www.silvaredigonda.ca . They said it is best not to be dependent on other web sites. I agree. So, if you want to buy one of my books, check out www.silvaredigonda.ca If you have problems ordering a book contact me and I will ship anywhere in the world and will tell you the costs before delivery. Please do not contact me for any other reasons. I am simply not interested. I have heard it all. I am a famous actor, a surgeon, a professor, a politician………………I am not impressed. Selling books only people. Good talk.
Tuesday, 25 June 2024
Mental Health Crises Management and Suicide Prevention by Crystal Bell, EHN notes
Suicide 85% to 95% are diagnosed with a mental disorder such as Bi Polar and Depression. Male rate is higher than female, but female attempt more. Ethnicity - Suicide is higher among First Nation, Metis and Inuit communities. LGBTQ community is four times more likely to attempt suicide. Hopelessness is more of a risk than depression.
Call 988 suicide prevention line across Canada. Goal: what to gain in therapy. Suicide First Aid - Canada; Mental Health Commissioner Canada Safety Plan; Mental Health APPS; CALM app.
When I see someone who informs me of suicide thoughts, I ask if they imagine how they will commit it, if they ever had before, if there is a history of suicide in the family, and if they have a plan. Some have had these thoughts since childhood and they have never shared it with anyone. I normally ask them to share with their parents or someone close that they trust and normally once they do, this makes a big difference. They no longer have to carry this burden alone. I also suggest a support group, mindfulness and continued therapy. Normally, I also ask them when their last physical was and ask that they have a full examination. At times some need medication for a disorder they may have stopped taking. I usually recommend a psychiatrist for a diagnosis, since they can also provide medication if needed. There are so many people living in isolation and feeling very sad and lonely. I encourage joining activities which they enjoy and exercise. The most who commit suicide are elderly men. Keep this in mind. And if a person has been talking suicide and suddenly seems all well, be careful. This may be indicative that the person has sorted out their affairs and is ready to die.
Tuesday, 18 June 2024
Eschatology - Theology notes continue
Vatican 2 - reign of God bigger than Church. The effect of this hellenism. What happens to the body? It becomes more individual than historical. “Resurrected body” lives forever and soul. Zen - mind and body is one. Affirmation of the created order. Mind, body and spirit is to the Eastern Church. Augustine - Western Church. Inner hell is separation of God. Apokatastasis - The restoration of all things. The restoration of the world order. Holy Saturday - when Christians celebrate dissension to hell. Opens up a temporary hell. Purgatory develops gradually and then in the middle ages. Augustine - accumulated etc philosophical, scripture etc. Distinction between time and eternity (no temporal time of eternity). Freedom from temporal times so Angels can be at different times and places. 15th century or 16th, Mystic Spain in convent. King of Spain would go to spiritual counsellor. Over in New World in New Mexico Mary, is appearing to them at the same time (bio location) Maria of Agrippa. Father Pio battled with Demons. 1000 year Kingdom - Good News, Armageddon - Satan will be released after - Augustine’s belief. In the Middle Ages started to associate the visible Church with the City of God. In the Middle Ages - a lot of structures, universities, hospitals and orphanages. All had their structures in the Middle Ages. Tritheism is when you separate the three persons in the Spirit. Book of Revelation: Father - Old Testament - Obedience, respect. Son - faith - obedience. Spirit - motifs are love and spirit, the new born and reborn. Joachim - How do I listen to other religions with the spirit of the Holy Spirit? Predestination does not = foreknowledge. Example - God knows what I am going to choose. Soul while waiting for resurrection does participate. Is resurrection immediate? Dante - No proof his visions were real, but he insisted it was a vision. Seven deadly sins: pride, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, lust, envy. Earthly falling in love: Heavenly falling in love. There is an implicit message that to go to heaven, we must understand hell. Luther - will focus on one aspect that parallels Dante. After the Middle Ages decline of the Church - shifts from geographical to emotional. Despair vs hell near Despair vs Purgatory. Heaven - security. Hell is living with despair with no work. The important thing is we can get stuck that these are places rather than states. Church exists on Earth, in Purgatory and in heaven - Communion of Saints. We don’t know. It’s possible the people in Purgatory cannot get themselves out. There is no reference to a condition of Heaven in Hell. The Council of Trent was the first major counsel. Vatican 11, Militant changed to pilgrimage - a journey - the image is changed. Mark - If say Jesus is evil it is unforgivable. To be continued with Looking at connection between Jesus Resurrection and the rest of the world.
Friday, 14 June 2024
tid bits for you
I was at Stratford this week and as the time before, it is a wonderful place to be at. I recommend it. Great food, great plays and wonderful shops to browse or buy. If you haven't been there, please go. Now for some serious stuff. UNICEF reports that 30 million women and girls most of them African, have undergone genital mutilation since 2016. This deprives women of sexual pleasure. On a more positive note: The World Wildlife Foundation which I read on CSA news, reports that about five per cent of animal species and 90 percent of birds mate for life with the same partners. Some are: Canada Geese, Bald Eagles, Barn owls, Swans, Vultures, Gray wolves, Atlantic Pufins, Coyotes, Seahorses, beavers, Prairie Wolves, Red Foxes and of course Turtledoves among others. CSA also reported that with 50% of the Canadian population having a post secondary education, Canada is ranked the most educated country in the world. Canada produces 80% of the world's supply of maple syrup. I love our syrup which is a staple in my home. Canada is the number one doughnut consumer in the world (yup. I have contributed to that). The snow blower was invented by Canadian Arthur Sicard in 1927 - you are welcome people. There is more of course, but that is enough bragging for today. I wish you all a wonderful weekend. Don't hesitate to order one of my books at https://silvaredigonda.ca I am also at redigondapsychotherapy.com Good talk....
Wednesday, 12 June 2024
Festival of Authors www.silvaredigonda.ca
The weather was almost perfect. It was sunny and cool with a breeze that would encourage my poster to fly, but thanks to a wonderful volunteer or two we remained grounded. There weren't as many people as I had expected because I am used to Word on The Street which is enormous. However, I faced an open area and so had fresh air all day. I met some wonderful authors and as always they have a generous spirit. My next event is 24 Aug 24 in Mississauga.
Thursday, 6 June 2024
All ready for the Toronto International Festival of Authors note: web site is ca not com
Well, I just finished preparing everything I need for Saturday which I always do in advance. I am not too sure about selling Hey Guy Buy Me or For Love of Country Military Policewoman but I will bring them anyway and display one or two behind my Crime books - The Internet Murders and Ominious. I had one person rave about Ominous, but I don't know if a sister counts. The weather should be cool and there is a chance of rain so I should probably bring a sweater or rain jacket. I am really looking forward to this event because it will be my first. I am grateful to the Crime Writers of Canada who are offering me this opportunity. If you are free this weekend, why not attend? See you there!
Wednesday, 5 June 2024
Monday, 3 June 2024
Waging Peace During Family Break Up by H. Nabert, Fathers Resources Inc., Canada From the Men’s Conference web site is www.Fathers-Resources.com
Director is Heidi Nabert, Fathers Resources International.
The speaker indicated that many families don’t get married. Waging wars equals finance hardship for the entire family. There is emotional turmoil for the entire family. It hurts the child’s self esteem. She experienced this too. - Dad goes to jail. She provided her own story. Thirty-five years ago when she was married to husband number 1, her lawyer asked why she was leaving him. The reason she told him was that he didn’t want children. How the lawyer responded was to tell her to call the police and say that he hit her. Then she would have grounds for divorce and money. Waging war causes stress which can lead to health issues. One had a heart attack and another died from cancer. Waging peace minimizes child’s guilt. An example: Child is a five year old girl. Parents are fighting and split up. Dad never returned and mom was in a mental institution for six months. She blamed herself. Her mom had told her to tell people her dad had died. Difference between the 1960’s and now? About half of classes now divorce - so have peer support. The focus is on the child’s need. The child loves both parents. Don’t make the child choose sides because you’re angry. Help your child create a card or bake cookies for mother’s day. Help the child choose a gift for the ex’s birthday. Mother says to four year old child, “You can’t love dad here.” Dad states, “That’s ok- in this house you can love everyone.” One client refused to attend their child’s church event until he understood that he would hurt his child by not attending. The Host would call the client every night and ask if he was a coward or a hero. He did go to the event and he reported to her,” You wouldn’t believe how pissed my ex was.” They were in two different cities.
This should be the end of the Men’s Conference. There was another lecture to be given by the University of Israel, but this event began the day after Hamas attack and so of course the university did not attend though notes were graciously provided to the Host. I may find some more notes and if so, will share. Again, I won’t be able to attend this year because I shall be at Toronto’s Word on the Street for a two day event selling my books. Rather having it in the summer, they are having it in the fall. This Saturday I will be at the Crime Author’s Event at the Harbour Front and am looking forward to it. As for my practice, I am now seeing clients in person or on line (your choice). Thank you. Should you want to buy a book of mine, I am willing to mail them to any place in the world. Just provide me with your address and I shall let you know how much it would cost you. I realize that my blog is read world wide and because of that I would ask you to send me payment in Canadian Dollars and I will provide you with a receipt. If you would like to make an appointment for therapy I am licensed for Ontario only as are other Registered Therapists in Ontario. I provide priority with times and days except Sunday to all emergency response persons. I am also providing the same priority to the Jewish Community since there has been such a drastic rise of hate directed towards the community never faced before in Toronto. I will provide another reminder for my book signing event this Saturday. It is my opportunity to meet all book lovers and fans of crime and talk. Please feel free to approach me. I do love all people. This week I was blessed by a Sikh at random. What a delight. I can sure use blessings.
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