I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Tuesday, 5 December 2023
Bringing you up to date
Do you notice how I am always busy and then kind of catch up and then it is pulling my hair out time (I don't actually do that). But hold and behold I do have balance. I go to the gym (I won't tell you how often). I have begun to eat healthier. I figured it was time and so did my physician. He is quite patient. I received my draft Ominous once again and my publisher wants me to read it once more since she made a few minor changes. She swore it was the last time after I told her I was really swamped with work. What happened is I got an email from my college and it is time for me to supply them with a bunch of information. Our college seems to be a lot harder on us than the others. Every so many years we have to fill in paperwork, do an assessment, produce or be ready to produce our hours etc.....This year we need to be up to date about reporting of child abuse. I am up to date. However, I want to read everything they provided once again and anything else I need to read up on. My deadline to do it all is the end of December which is annoying but I understand. This is the month I paid for all my associations for the new year and I am going to pay the college soon and the college is big bucks. Each year I ponder if I should retire and then once again I pay it all, prepare everything I need and I continue. I have been working since I was 13 years old (part time of course at 13) so I guess I am used to it. I like challenges and boy do I get them. So, I guess I continue helping people which is very rewarding. So, that will keep me busy. Now, I also got involved with a lot of fun activities and so I am obligated to go and have fun. I have done most of my Christmas shopping and am giving them out. I don't want to miss anyone. I still have to go to Costco, but I love shopping at craft events and support the small businesses. Ominous should be coming out late January or February. This book is dedicated to my sister and in memory of Holy Terror. Holy Terror is in my book once again and she died while I was working on the book. She broke my heart to pieces. Mr Attitude has bandaged my heart back. Most of the scars are healed. I even supply a teaser of the next book. I do really want to be more focused this year on selling my books so if you have a book club, or know of a craft event where I can go please let me know. I always enjoy meeting people. If you want me to save you a book, let me know. The price will be more expensive this year. I would say about 25.00 because my publisher uses paper which is superb. Keep in mind that the book is worth it because I wrote it and only me. I do not use IA, nada, not only to write but to think with. I think all on my own. Thank you. I get my ideas from everyday life and experiences. Something I see or hear may just stimulate the brain. Nothing artificial. So there. That should be worth the money. It is 100% human. So that is all for now. Take care.
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