I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Friday, 22 December 2023
Merry Christmas World + Happy Holidays
I am preparing for Christmas so I probably won't talk to you until after the holidays. I want to return, time permitting, to continue with my tour of the Middle East, Theology notes and I also owe you much from all the conferences I attended. I should be able to mail my books to you from most places in the world. Even though I don't agree with everyone's politics, I like to treat everyone equally myself. There is much suffering in the world today and much is uncertain, but I wish to extend my best wishes to everyone and the safe return of the Israeli people who were taken. My Christmas wish this year is that we be able to live in peace with each other and to learn to love each other. Our time on earth is so limited and we can do so much to help each other by being kinder and more accepting of our differences. God bless.
For Love of Country Military Policewoman (The Middle East) saga continues Buy at Amazon or silvaredigonda.ca (ebook available)
Our time for shopping was limited. Our tour guide charged us extra for taking us to a shopping area of his choice. He directed us to particular shops and it was obvious that he was getting paid by the shopkeepers, as well as the excursion. He also wanted all funds in American dollars. It cost us $5 each to go for a meal at a hotel of his choice. There were cats and dogs everywhere. I saw one cat jump on one of the restaurant tables, snatch a piece of chicken and run away without the couple at the table noticing. After that trip I suffered from diarrhea for ten days straight.
My next tour was Tel Aviv. It wasn’t really a tour but a work weekend. Four of us booked into the Diplomat hotel. Suffice it to say I had the evening off (unofficially) to go to the Disco Coliseum, only to leave due to cramps. It must have been something I ate at the Plaza.
There is something I didn’t like about Tel Aviv. It was not my first time there. When I first arrived I had a day off and went with some people who had to go to the Canadian Embassy. The driver, nicknamed “Cap”, and I roamed the city while the others conducted their business. The walk along the beach was fine. We walked through a prostitute area and then a market area. Soldiers and civilians blended as one. Their women and men have to serve in the military. These soldiers are walking around with rifles or sitting with their rifles loosely held. One man was sitting and watching me. He was tossing his rifle back and forth, his finger in the barrel. I was hoping he would not drop it in my direction. I have never seen a group of soldiers so careless with the handling of personal weapons. As the men stare at you and face you, so does the barrel of their weapons. My mind returned to a tour in Italy. There was a soldier aiming his machine gun right into my stomach when I approached him. I carefully spoke to him, while using my finger to move the barrel, which leaned against my stomach, away from me while quietly telling him I would be doing so.
People in the market stank. Perhaps it was the various foods or perhaps the dust and surrounding trash that smelled. Perhaps it was a combination of it all.
After two months in the Sinai, my room remained dusty and sandy regardless of how well I cleaned it. After a while I did not taste the sand in my mouth anymore. A few of our people suffered from lung infections or bronchitis. I did not have any problems except for diarrhea. I could swear that in two months in the Middle East, I had more diarrhea than I would have in my entire lifetime! They called it “gypo gut.” I had already travelled to Cairo, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and St Catherines.
I found myself listening to everyone’s problems. Even an American came to talk to me because there was no one else. He told me that all they had were counsellors with two years of college training to help with specific problems. I cannot recall if it was drug use and alcohol abuse. He also told me that everyone knew everyone’s business at the hospital. So I heard him and others with all they had to tell, of their personal problems, their fears and their regrets. I kept it all inside me. It is a gift when someone trusts you with so much.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.” For your copy you may buy a book from Amazon or silvaredigonda.ca (e book available on website. If any problem occurs please let me know.
Mrs. Jenna Perri
My Dear,
I am writing to inform you of the situation concerning your overdue payment that has stayed here for so long. I am here to make sure you get back this awaited payment into your account. I overhead the new director collaborating with other commercial bank officials to divert some overdue funds that have stayed here for a lengthy account period into their private Swiss account. And I believe yours is inclusive.
If I can not handle this to the best of my knowledge. I would not have contacted you. I am aware you have spent a lot of money to secure back this fund into your account or have it delivered to you; but they kept requesting for more funds from you thereby depriving you the capacity to get along with them. At this moment, I want you to work with me and make our communications confidential. It will benefit you more if you suspend any form of communication with anyone at the moment until I get back these funds into your account.. I have assisted a certain man from North Carolina USA and it worked out. All you need to do is follow my advice and allow me to handle the rest from here. Get back to me immediately to enable me handle your file of payment in your best interest.
Mrs. Jenna Perri,
Financial Systems Stability Directorate.
Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Good Morning World and Merry Christmas; Happy Holidays and a bit of me.
I have finished my Christmas shopping but am now shopping for me. I am all good. Yesterday I was running errands all day buying the last minute few things. I went to Walmart to buy skin cream I like and it was locked up. I also had to buy lipstick I can only find there and guess what? It was locked up. Apparently people are stealing all the stuff so it is now locked up. I have always had sympathy when people steal food, but not for cosmetics. We all suffer when people steal, because the prices just go up and that is not necessary during these times. What I noticed as I was wishing everyone a Merry Christmas adding on Happy Holidays for those who don't celebrate Christmas is I was getting a great smile. Their faces actually lit up and I am sure it was not only my beauty. I suppose they are not hearing "Merry Christmas" too often. So, try it, if you like and see if you get those great smiles. With gift giving this year don't forget your mailman and garbage collectors. When I gave my garbage men their small gifts, they told me they really appreciate it. I always get a big thank you from my postman who has been AWOL. I miss him and hope he is ok. We have been having some problems in Toronto and Canada with some hatred and a youth was arrested in Ottawa, because extremists on the internet got him interested to make bombs or such with the objective to cause harm to the Jewish community. His father claimed his son is naive and that is why he was radicalized however, our News reporters looked up Daddy's Facebook page and you guessed it, he was bashing Jews. Of course now daddy says his lawyer has advised him to keep his trap shut and his face book page is gone--poof---.(This is alleged of course)
Listen people out there. These people who try to get you to do terrible things do not care about you. Their specialty is hate in the crudest terms. Talk to your parents if you can. Please report them to the Police. If you are feeling lonely and scared talk to your guidance teacher, school psychologist or your clergy. And clergy, since we are on the topic......You need to speak up against hatred. You know that all this stuff that is going on in the world is wrong. Let me tell you a story, since it is Christmas and I am missing many of my friends. Let me tell you about Ovey. Ovey was born Muslim and he was raised by a Muslim woman, single mother. Ovey became a Catholic Priest. Ovey also became my favourite Professor. Ovey loved the Muslim community. Each year the Muslim community would send him a reminder that he had to donate a percentage (if memory serves me right, it was 10%) to charity. They had assumed he was Muslim because of his last name. He described the differences between the two designations of the Muslim Religion and of course he got me to ask questions for those who may not have walked the path of Mohammed. Of course, I could ask all the questions. That is what students do. Then I would have people coming to explain things and of course I would throw in what I learned and was accurate here and there. After I graduated we became friends and often went out to dinner. He told me that during one Christmas (I think it was Christmas. I can't remember what country but I am sure I have already talked about it somewhere)Christians beat up a Catholic Priest. A Muslim man found him badly beaten and brought him home and took care of him, bringing him back to health. True Story. His love for the Muslim people resonated with me as us all being one people. People who are causing harm don't even know what their religion teaches and it is up to the Religious leaders to speak up especially to the young people to let them know right from wrong when youths are lead astray. Yesterday was surprising to me as I wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays because I was surprising people pleasantly and that made me wonder. This Christmas I understand that many will not have money for presents, but you can make something. You can write a poem for someone, telling them how important they are to you. You can draw a picture and say how they are presented in the drawing. You can make a craft....I remember as a child our teacher giving us paper so we could make a card and stick in paper where we cut slits to say what chores they would get from us as gifts (I don't think I ever did to the chores, but I made them happy with the thougt). Most of all this Christmas, be kind. Christmas can be very difficult for many. This is a time to reach out and if you can, give something. Even if it is a cookie. Wrap it up in saran wrap and tie a ribbon. It doesn't have to be much to make someone's day. Merry Christmas. It is never to late to make changes in your life. It is never too late to choose love. What do you think?
Another Scam Alert: Really? Don't fall for this nonsense - It get's old really fast. As promised I am posting the stuff so you don't get scammed.
email from auto@pakexchangeltd.com.
Executive Director,
Federal Bureau Of Investigation FBI. Washington, D.C.
601,4th Street, Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington, D.C.
20535-0001, USA.
Dear Beneficiary,
We want to notify you that the FBI Washington DC in conjunction with other relevant agencies here in the United STATES of America have recently been informed through our Global intelligence monitoring network that you have an over-due payment in tone of ten million, three hundred thousand US dollars (USD10.3Million) in Federal reserve bank. This was as a result of cash disbursed by the United Nations as a form of an inheritance fund which only few lucky people would benefit from this exercise. We have done a random email selection and you happen to be among the lucky individuals to benefit from the exercise this year. Right now stop any transaction you have with any Organization/ Person telling you your funds are with them. You are advised to contact the Federal Reserve bank immediately so they would begin with the process.
You are to contact Mr. Jerome H. Powell who happens to be a member of the federal reserve board via the email address below.
E-mail: jeromehpowell.reservebank@usa.com
website: www.federalreserve.gov
Contact the bank today and furnish them with these information below:
Saturday, 16 December 2023
Scam Alert - Don't fall for it people
"I am a private investigator and have been contracted by a financial institution to ascertain your relationship to an individual who died sometime ago.
He died intestate and left behind an estate, we have reasons to believe that you may be related to the deceased.
For further information, please contact me or the Assessor for confirmation.
Yours Sincerely,
Victor Chenello"
"This message is from Victor Chenello secured server a...."
This does get tiresome but some people always seem to respond and believe. Don't fall for it.
Twice I already received emails reported to be from the FBI to tell me how much money I am about to receive. Really the FBI? How rediculous. I tried to forward it unsuccessfully to the FBI. I don't think they like to be impersonated. I shall start pasting them again, if only that someone out there doesn't hope it is true. Believe me, it isn't. Have a good weekend.
Friday, 15 December 2023
For Love of Country Military Policewoman (my saga continues) For your own signed copy see Amazon or silvaredigonda.ca
My first trip was to Cairo with the Canadian contingent. What an experience. We were crammed in a minibus and then in a taxi. The drive was long and exhausting. A weekend is not sufficient to see Cairo. But that was all we had. The trip was hurried and not organized. My first impression of Cairo was that it resembled Toronto, after a nuclear war. I only got to see the exterior of the pyramids. In my opinion, they were overrated. I didn’t find them impossible to make. I thought of all the tales such as those connecting UFOs to the pyramids and found them ridiculous. We continued to tour a museum without a guide. I was pleased to see King Tut, as I had missed him when he was in Toronto. The museum was breathtaking. There was so much to see, to know, so much history and I missed not having a guide to explain what we were seeing. The main hall overwhelmed me. Massive figures of Kings and their Queens stood side by side. I could feel them, their greatness. How proud a nation! What happened? I cannot help feeling sadness for these great cultures that had disappeared with time. How is it possible for a people to take a step backwards?
I found the Egyptians I encountered simple-minded. At least they appeared to me at the time, where I was stationed. The people I came into contact with were the Bedouins. The men were thin and dark-skinned and appeared lazy. I also found them unattractive to women and that is putting it mildly. The women kept their faces covered and were not treated equally to men. They did the chores and any hard work. Mind you, this is what I was told. I myself had never seen anyone, regardless of sex, do too much work since I’d been there. The women, too, were slim and rather short--about five feet. It was difficult to assess their beauty since they were covered from head to foot. I’d spotted them occasionally removing their veils to show their faces to our men while on patrol. Obviously these women were not as timid as they appeared to be. I had the opportunity to meet them on occasion while on patrol and the reaction was consistent. They seemed surprised and happy as they examined me. Though communication was not possible due to our language barriers, expressions are universal. These women embraced their lifestyle and had no animosity towards mine. On the contrary they appeared impressed. I hope there comes a time when humanity can unite in equality and mutual respect. What happened to these women? How can they once sit proud, next to their men, intelligence filling their faces, full of character? How could it come to this? I obviously had to read much more about these people. I was more familiar with the history of these people than the present. A pamphlet I had read about the Bedouins describes them as indigenous inhabitants of Sinai. There are more than 10,000 divided in several tribes.
We boarded a night cruise in Cairo and heard and enjoyed a combination of English, French and Spanish lyrics. We had a belly dancer entertaining us as well. It was an evening of romance, mystery and intrigue.
The following day we toured an Orthodox Church. Men and women prayed separately in different parts of the church.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.” www.silvaredigonda.ca + Amazon
Tuesday, 12 December 2023
I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!Word on the Street
I am so glad to tell you that my application to sell my books at Word on The Street, in Toronto has been accepted. I have paid in full and am all ready. It is so appropriate, as I read my final draft. Next year the event will be held 28/29 Sept 24. So save the date. I will be in a dedicated space for Independent Authors at the festival. This is all so exciting. If you want a copy once my books are in, please let me know in advance. Also, if you have a show you wish me to attend, I am all in. I am also willing to share space with Artists. I am so motivated. Bye for now.
Fees are increasing to $160.00 per 50 minutes in January 2024
I have just completed (I hope) my assessment for the College and have updated my web site and Psychology Today for my practice. Now, I can get back to my final reading of my much anticipated book "Ominous". This shall now be my priority. I shall read it aloud so I can catch anything amiss. Have I told you I love this book? So, if you would like to invite me for a reading or to your bookstore, community centre, Senior home, book club, cafe etc......You know, even if you are an organizer where people cannot afford to buy books, I will come anyway to talk about either my practice, therapy or books. I now also have a functional car (which I actually have to bring in for a check up) so I am not restricted to Toronto. I do appreciate parking. I am very open to everyone. Hey Guy Buy Me is not for youth. I do not allow youth to open the book. However, the rest have no cartoons and it is quite safe though more suited to adults. It is amazing how much I have accomplished as well as having my pound of fun. Keep safe.
Friday, 8 December 2023
Tuesday, 5 December 2023
Bringing you up to date
Do you notice how I am always busy and then kind of catch up and then it is pulling my hair out time (I don't actually do that). But hold and behold I do have balance. I go to the gym (I won't tell you how often). I have begun to eat healthier. I figured it was time and so did my physician. He is quite patient. I received my draft Ominous once again and my publisher wants me to read it once more since she made a few minor changes. She swore it was the last time after I told her I was really swamped with work. What happened is I got an email from my college and it is time for me to supply them with a bunch of information. Our college seems to be a lot harder on us than the others. Every so many years we have to fill in paperwork, do an assessment, produce or be ready to produce our hours etc.....This year we need to be up to date about reporting of child abuse. I am up to date. However, I want to read everything they provided once again and anything else I need to read up on. My deadline to do it all is the end of December which is annoying but I understand. This is the month I paid for all my associations for the new year and I am going to pay the college soon and the college is big bucks. Each year I ponder if I should retire and then once again I pay it all, prepare everything I need and I continue. I have been working since I was 13 years old (part time of course at 13) so I guess I am used to it. I like challenges and boy do I get them. So, I guess I continue helping people which is very rewarding. So, that will keep me busy. Now, I also got involved with a lot of fun activities and so I am obligated to go and have fun. I have done most of my Christmas shopping and am giving them out. I don't want to miss anyone. I still have to go to Costco, but I love shopping at craft events and support the small businesses. Ominous should be coming out late January or February. This book is dedicated to my sister and in memory of Holy Terror. Holy Terror is in my book once again and she died while I was working on the book. She broke my heart to pieces. Mr Attitude has bandaged my heart back. Most of the scars are healed. I even supply a teaser of the next book. I do really want to be more focused this year on selling my books so if you have a book club, or know of a craft event where I can go please let me know. I always enjoy meeting people. If you want me to save you a book, let me know. The price will be more expensive this year. I would say about 25.00 because my publisher uses paper which is superb. Keep in mind that the book is worth it because I wrote it and only me. I do not use IA, nada, not only to write but to think with. I think all on my own. Thank you. I get my ideas from everyday life and experiences. Something I see or hear may just stimulate the brain. Nothing artificial. So there. That should be worth the money. It is 100% human. So that is all for now. Take care.
For Love of Country: Military Policewoman www.silvaredigonda.ca and Amazon
At first, I normally patrolled with Luke. He had blond hair and blue eyes and I found him absolutely beautiful. We got along well and I enjoyed being in his company, on or off duty. It would not be long before I was approached by another Dutch policeman who informed me Luke was engaged to be married and that he was hands off. I was surprised. We had never done anything inappropriate. Neither did he tell me he was engaged. I was attracted to Luke; he softened me. When he left the Sinai and I saw him and his team off, he had tears in his eyes as he said goodbye to me. He could barely look at me. I hope that whoever that woman was that he was engaged to would be good to him. Given other circumstances I knew that we could have been happy together, but I would never dream of leaving my country.
Our Canadian Colonel was always a gentleman, not at all like someone under his command. The Colonel commented quite casually to me one day that I would not be happy in Holland if I was to marry a Dutchman. I was surprised
that he thought I was thinking of marrying period, or even considering leaving the military. I assured him that it would not happen. I don’t think he quite believed it because he continued that he was of Dutch descent and knew the differences between the cultures.
One of our Canadian women did get engaged to one of the Dutch support soldiers. He left the forces to marry her and she subsequently changed her mind. I felt sorry for him giving up his career.
I was in our bar when one of the Canadian soldiers approached me and said he wanted to introduce me to someone. He gave me an invitation card to attend some Officers’ Ball. I reminded him that I was not an officer and he knew I could not attend the ball. I also told him I was not interested in the man he was pointing me to. He pleaded that I at least talk to him. I couldn’t believe it, but I obliged him because I was feeling sorry for him. I sat with the officer who could barely speak English. He was from one of the South American countries. He was also very handsome, but that was not rarity for me. I explained tactfully that in the Canadian military, officers and non-commissioned were not allowed to fraternize. He said he did not care and of course I said otherwise. I thanked him again politely and returned to the Canadian soldier. “Don’t ever pull a stunt like that again,” I warned him. The soldier went to the officer and they both seemed deep in conversation. That was that.
I normally stayed in my own pub and sometimes in the Dutch club when they had functions. A few times a bunch of us would tour the other pubs, but I preferred my own. One evening I was arguing with an American about what plane we had hanging on our wall. I automatically lost when he informed me that he knew what they were because he flew them.”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.
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