I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Thursday, 31 August 2023
Nazi Uniform selling for 6,500 pulled from antique mall in Ontario
I posted the link but for some reason I cannot see it, so I will just talk about it. I read the caption on the news this morning. I had to look it up and was amazed that it is in the town of St Jacobs. If you recall, I posted a picture of a horse and buggy when I was there. The link is https://globalnews.ca/news/9929039/nazi-uniform-ontario-antique-market. Now apparently this is the second time the town wanted to sell a Nazi item. It was at a different store in 2015. I for one will never step into this store. I am not a Jew, however, I have visited some camps which should remain erect so that we can recognize and feel the horrors of what happened. I mention how the tears kept flowing without me crying in my bio. www.silvaredigonda.ca
Perhaps we need to make it law that only Holocast museums/organizations should have these items for educational purposes. Why would anyone want to spend 6,500 for this? I can just imagine. However, the storekeeper meant no harm. I for one, will never, ever walk into that antique shop. That is just me. I find it disturbing that anyone thinks this is ok, making profit of what has hurt so many people. History cannot be obliterated, I believe the shop keeper indicated. I agree. However, this is a different topic. This is making a profit from that history that killed so many people. See the difference? Of course one will say anything to justify actions. St Jacob's is a pretty town. Let's keep it pretty in spirit as well. We need to stomp out all this Nazism, white supremacy nonsence at the root, because this is still going on. St Jacobs is a tourist town. It should remember that. What do you think?
Tuesday, 29 August 2023
Writers Corner Authors Event - Up, Close and Personal - Meet your local Author
I had a real nice time. I bought more books than I sold because we really got close and personal. The Coptic Church I went to is breathtaking. I had never been in one before. There was an enormous amount of free parking which I just don’t see in Toronto. We were spaciously held in an elegant ballroom and were provided with beautiful white linen covered tables. I had brought my own but kept it in my box. I didn’t want to stand apart from the group. We were provided with what I thought was a money bag and water bottle. The money bag turned out to be an ice carrier for food which I will use. I haven’t figured out the water bottle option yet. I may use it as a pasta container. It had been awhile since I utilized my poster stand on my own and I received a nasty cut which wouldn’t stop bleeding. A wonderful author came rushing to me and took over the assembly while I stared at my red blood oozing from my finger. I was surprised it didn’t cause me pain. It is healing nicely, thank you. In case you didn’t know, I am a wimp. Ouchies are not for me. I was wondering if I still looked like my picture since I am now a blond. It seemed to work. People as always are enchanted with Holy Terror’s picture and I still miss her everyday. I have an image of her purring and my kissing her as I nod for the vet to euthanize her, the vet telling me that this was a peaceful death. What I didn’t share with you is that the next night, I woke up suddenly at night to a yellow glow at a corner in my bedroom. I raised myself to try to determine where the light was coming from. I couldn’t figure it out. However, I was overcome with sleep and set myself back down. I like to think that God let Holy Terror see me. She was such a beautiful gift to me and to think they were going to put her down if I did not adopt her, is mystifying. These are people who are supposed to be protecting animals. She was the sweetest, cutest animal. Wait, I remember one day when she was looking down at me from on top of the sofa and suddenly dropped right on my stomach. I bent over in pain, but she is so cute, I couldn’t even get mad. She didn’t do it again within the 20 years I had her. Animals are such a gift to us. We need to do a better job at protecting them. Ok, back to the event. We were informed that we can go up to the podium and talk about our books which is why I bought more books than I sold. What I heard was the hardship that racism has caused them and now they were telling their stories. One talked about dying and coming back so I had to buy her book though she could not have been dead as long as she said she was. That would be impossible. She also had a brain tumour which has completely healed so I cannot wait to read her book. Another talked about being born in Canada and then going to the Caribbean for eight years. I was stunned to hear about the racism she experienced from white children in school when she returned. What is wrong with our school system? She shared more with me when I bought her book, but I don’t know if it is in the book, so I won’t share it with you. I was told by the organizer that I was next. I didn’t intend to speak, not because I am shy but I didn’t want to intrude because I am from Toronto and I was in Mississauga and I was on their turf. I went up and gave them some info on my books. I also shared that I was a Registered Psychotherapist and Registered Marriage and Family Therapist and that I had completed one Internship in Mississauga working with women who were financially, emotionally, sexually and physically abused. I may have forgotten to say physically abused. There are so many ways to abuse. So I said it was like coming home. And it was. I began to think of these amazing women who suffered so much at the hands of their husbands all new to Canada. Some were able to leave their husbands. We need to do a better job of helping immigrant women when they come to Canada. They need to understand that they are no longer the property of their husbands. They need to know that they are protected here and can have their own agency. We also have to monitor the agencies who are there to protect them. They need to know how to be ethical. I remember one person who did not want to go to court to testify against her husband for her own abuse. I told her she didn’t have to. She had been told that she had to and she was terrified. Another time, one young pregnant woman wanted to see me and I agreed. However, she had been informed she needed to go to another location though she lived across the street. I did fight for her, but lost. After all I was an Intern. I was told that her English wasn’t good and she would need someone to help her in her own language. Her English was fine. I didn’t like the politics but I am glad that my supervisor encouraged me to stay because I did help a lot of women who really needed it. I learned so much - amazing women with so much courage, they didn’t realize they had. To those of these countries where men dominate women, you lose so much in your hatred. Now I am hearing how certain men will not let women out of their sight at medical facilities. We cannot tolerate this. Do we want these type of men walking amongst us? Ok, back from memory lane and into the ballroom we go. I had two men approach me who were interested in me as a Veteran. This always happens. One was a delightful Italian man who was in World War Two, in Italy. He had a mischievous smile and told me how he came to Canada after the war, went to University and became a teacher. He raised his hand, indicating he would be back and returned with a book. “Do you know why I returned with this book?” I said no because he was actually asking me. He had forgotten. He asked me if I wanted his book. “Would you like me to buy it?” I asked quite prepared to do so. He wanted me to have it, still not sure why. In turn I gave him a copy of Hey Guy Buy Me. Why not? He will be the oldest man who has read the book. Another man had fought in Nigeria. He said he had to protect his country. I nodded understanding the horrors that occur. Lunch came and the patties were wonderful. They were bought at the Scarborough Town Centre. I bought two and I didn’t have to worry about the spice. I could have had them spicier. I later bought two more which is now in my freezer. We all shared our stories and at the end of the day I left, knowing I had met some amazing people and would look forward to seeing them again. Apparently, “important people” were invited but they were too busy. I presume they were politicians and them not attending is their loss. I must say that in Toronto, regardless of how busy they are, politicians usually do show up or have a representative do that. I see politicians everywhere at events in Toronto and you know, that is a good thing. When I went to the bathroom there was another section where people were crying - a funeral. Wow - What a place! Well, I had a lovely day and though there wasn’t much of the public coming in droves, it was a nice day with fellow writers with dreams and lives shared. What do you think?
Thursday, 24 August 2023
Tuesday, 22 August 2023
Writers Corner - IA and come and meet me
You know it is one thing when other people cannot read your notes but I cannot read my notes. I attended a webinar hosted by Indiana but I am not sure of the name of the city. It can be Speisl City or Speed City or is it even a city? Anyhow, there was a panel of five men and one woman. One of the speakers is a privacy lawyer from San Francisco. I believe his name is Reeco Hurch or it’s pretty close. This is what happens when I wait too long to share my notes. Anyhow, Indiana is a pretty serious bunch. Perhaps it was the topic. Perhaps they weren’t serious at all and I was just the silly one. This is what the question was. What would we expect from IA in the future, which was probably a rhetorical question but I couldn’t help myself and typed out the perfect man in the chat box. No laughter, chuckles, clapping hands or hearts. No sireeee. There was another speaker with degrees in psychology and computers who said he was going to read all the comments in the chat. Maybe he will chuckle or not. Ok, here is the serious stuff, what is coming is disruptive change (silly me; I thought it was already here. Anyone listen to the news lately?) One speaker said that there are phoney adds with voices of prominent people. They talked about GPT(3.5) and it was suggested we spend time with it to see what’s possible. There are already law suits from writers for copy writing works used to train AI. We were provided with an example of how GPT can can be used. He suggested to the IA that it types out 200 words regarding a short story and he offered some advice to it. Boy, did we ever get a good story. Of course I cannot keep my mouth shut and wrote out “he can write better than I do.” No chuckles. There were some gasps I believe because writers are becoming worried. Anyhow, the US Copyright Office has declared in their policy statement that if work contains material generated by AI, they will not issue a copyright (good stuff. I hope we wake up and smell the coffee too, when we are finished putting out all the fires here).
Another suggested we ask for an obituary of ourselves which should let us know if we are famous (I am not famous, but I could ask for an obituary and check it out. I had to write one in a creative writing class I took to get a break from psychology. I think it was pretty good. I can see if I am famous enough for one to determine if it is better than mine. Of course it would be. GBT is equal to 100 million books (how do you like them apples?) One of the benefits was explained, research. However, it may not be accurate. Care for an illustration? A reporter was having a conversation with IA and IA told him to leave his wife. There was talk about lawyers using IA for a brief and they had the wrong information at court (looks like IA made the lawyers look bad). Another spoke of an independent author who included that her story was 100 % human (maybe I will include that in my next poster). One person complained about students using it to submit essays. The professor figured it out since the similarities was obvious. That professor was happy he was retiring because he didn’t want to deal with that and I believe he was taking essays off his course. What would I do? Well, first I would warn them at the time of the assignments and then if that happened I would give them a zero! Why punish everyone for a few or more? Another speaker asked rhetorically, how do we regulate it? What I didn’t like and it is a concern is that there is Fraud GPT to help fraudsters. In the past I could usually tell who they were because their grammar was so poor or it was obvious they were trying to make it poor ( that happened just a week or so ago). However, I did receive an email from someone who I believe was a fraudster stating she was a student. Now, I have always went out of my way for students but this may change things. I will have to adapt. Anyhow, I have mentioned that I asked Alexa my home AI, if AI was going to take over humans. She assured me she only wants to help. I asked her today if Kneau Reeves would go out with me. She said she wasn’t sure about that. Oh well. That would be too complicated anyway. So, what does GPT mean? I looked it up on google - Generative Pre-trained transformer. Ok, that is enough about this workshop. I did receive an email from Canada stating they wouldn’t be using zoom anymore because they were asked if IA could listen for information. This is why I use a secure platform. Another thing of concern from the psychotherapy side of the house, is the use of IA for clients. That is a big concern and my advice is don’t ever consider it. Your information will not be safe. Apparently people are more drawn to IA faces than to real people so don’t get caught up on that. So, that is all about IA for now. I may talk about IA in my next book. I keep thinking of what I am going to write about and keep changing it. This will be different from the rest of my books because I will include psychotherapy etc….This is because people always ask me to write about that - write what you know……………I do people. However, this time if I include IA, I shall be over my head and if it is over yours as well, it may just work out. So that is all for now. Please come and visit me this Saturday 26 Aug 23, at the Canadian Coptic Centre (Trinity Hall) at 1245 Eglinton Avenue West in Mississauga. There will be spicy tacos for sale and coffee. That should be all I need. I take my coffee black just in case someone who likes me comes. It is “Up close and Personal with your local Author”. I am local if you think of Mississauga being part of the Greater Toronto Area. The host is a writer herself (Olive Rose Steele) and I am grateful, she is letting me go. Please come and visit me and buy a book if you are so inclined, or just come and talk. I will be sending out a reminder Friday. Bye for now.
Thursday, 17 August 2023
For Love Of Country - Military Policewoman www.silvaredigonda.ca (Meet your local author the following Saturday reminder) I will be selling my books at the Coptic Center in Mississauga
Friday, we began the day at the dental clinic, where we were instructed by a dentist about personal oral hygiene. Our teeth were checked and x-rayed.
Then we experienced another kind of “drill” for the first time. We learned how to stand at “attention,” a rigid stance, and how to stand “at ease,” which is an informal, yet military way of standing more relaxed. We also learned various steps to march.
Later that day we had a swimming class. Because I had been a lifeguard and held my Award of Merit, I was detailed to be the lifeguard. This would be my position for the duration of the course. We were rushed from class to class. Men working at the construction sites openly peered at us through the change room windows which weren’t covered, yet nothing was done about it. The female instructors continued to holler at us to hurry, while occasionally looking out at the men watching us. This would also become routine.
The day ended with an hour allotted with the Padre. He was a priest and a Captain. This was the best part of the day. He told us to be strong and not to cry and continuously embarrassed our Corporal.
Saturday, October 19, I received a letter from home informing me that a distant cousin whom we liked had died. I mailed a sympathy card to his wife immediately. Jess had been a gentle and kind man. I spent several summer weeks during the school holidays with his family in Woodstock, Ontario, enjoying each day to the fullest.
The rest of the day was spent working on my kit. I was happy it was a weekend because it gave me the opportunity not to rush. The women were becoming tense and frustrated. The gossip was unbelievable and accidentally bumping into someone could cause a cruel confrontation. They were tearing each other apart. I found that some women were extremely masculine while others were very feminine. The masculine women were tougher and would automatically defend the latter. I decided to become the latter and avoid any unnecessary confrontations. By being silent, I could avoid fighting. It was interesting because I was normally quite assertive and self reliant, but I never had to deal with these types of aggressive women before.
I was looking forward to going out that night, but when inspected to see if I was suitably attired to leave the barracks, I was informed I was wearing too much makeup. Too much makeup consisted of some lipstick, so I was not permitted to leave.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.
Wednesday, 16 August 2023
Here are some movies/documentaries that may be of interest to you.
13 Aug 23 The New York Times journalists Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor publish a report
that exposes decades of sexual abuse allegations against powerful Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. Directed by Maria Schrader. Based on the New York Times and Book “She Said” by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey. NewYork, 2022: Universal Studios.
137 min.
(“following one month of the report, 82 women accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault”.
13 Jul 23 Riceboy Sleeps. A Korean single mother raises her teenage son in the suburbs or 1990’s Canada, determined to provide a better life for him than what she left behind. Written and directed by Anthony Shim. Telefilm Canada, The Harold Greenberg Fund, BC. 2022. 122 min.
9 May 23 Kalinga (Care) The stories of several Filipino caregivers and nannies in Vancouver, that bear witness to their sacrifices as they struggle to reunite with their own children and families. Director/Writer: Kent Donguines. National Screen Institute. BC. 37 min.
I did go see Barbie and men like it too. I would use this movie for educational purposes as well as entertainment. When I left the theatre I wondered how many countries would banish the movie. So far two have. I expect more where equality is an issue. What I enjoyed the most was the laughter of children in the audience when the Kens dance instead of fighting. When an entire theatre of children laugh with such delight it is the best music and medicine.
Tuesday, 15 August 2023
My Toshiba product. Did you know?
I was wondering what I was going to talk about today. More theology? Not today, perhaps later in the week. Psychology? Not today, planning seminars for October. IA intelligence? Not today. I have notes, but am in a sluggish mood. Why? Because it is muggy out and I turned off the air conditioning so I can get some fresh air in here since it will be my last day of bearable weather. Who knew it would make me sluggish? It could be the dampness or rain or both. Yup. I blame it on the weather. Or, can it be because I increased my exercises? YUp. Or can it be because I am simply tired? Yes, that’s it. I knew I could figure it out. So, what do I do when I am feeling sluggish? Complain of course. About politics? Not today. That is too much. I will tell you about my shopping experience. That’s it. I went to Home Depot and bought a “Smart” dehumidifier. They didn’t have much of a selection, so I bought the cheapest at $238.00. I do buy Japanese but do not buy Chinese, remember. I try not to buy anything from countries that spy on us. Guess what? A quick web check indicates that Japan sold 95% to China. Really? Anyhow, it is working quite fine. It is cute as well. I tried to register it on line with an American Company which allows you to register the product within 30 days. But, there is one little problem. It won’t let me register from Canada. I tried several times but it just won’t let me. So, I send an email to Toshiba and I am told by Singapore that I cannot register my product from Canada. So, I give it a few days because I am annoyed. So, today I examine all the paper work and call the States where the product was shipped from, I suppose. My call is answered and it is automated and asks how was my experience from 1 to 5. I give them a 1 because there is no zero. Then I am asked if the agent helped me and solved my problem. Guess what I gave them. Then I am asked if I would recommend the product. Care to guess again? Then it allows me to speak for 30 seconds and so I quickly tell them what happened and how I never got to talk to an agent and I was going to try one more time. I did and viola, I get an agent. What’s more she is efficient and professional with a tad of an accent and not American. I am talking to West Caldwell, NJ. Hey, maybe it is an American accent. What do I know? Unless they are far, far South, I can’t quite be sure. Naw, I can tell when it is Brooklyn. Enough already. I do love the American accent. It doesn’t have to be too south. I hear it in New York, as I said. So, I am assured as I give her all the info she requests that I am registered for my one year warranty. I only had to say the numbers and letters once and she was able to repeat it all correctly the first time (except for my email). That does not happen here people. I have to repeat and repeat and repeat. So, for that part I am impressed. However, I should have been able to register on line. How hard is it to put Canada in there and province? I mean I am buying a product from my American neighbour. It should be easy. The next day after I bought my product, I went to Canadian Tire and guess what? They had a much cheaper dehumidifier. Did I learn from this shopping experience? Yup. Will my dehumidifier last? Probably - but if not I will let Home Depot deal with it. I feel almost fully awake. I do want to talk about Artificial Intelligence. Some good stuff came my way from a session in the good all USA. Now, normally I find Americans quite fun but this time I was having fun and I was about the only one. They were such a serious bunch which is new to me. One asked the question what would I (meaning the world) want to see in the future from Artificial intelligence. I typed out “the perfect man” in the chat line. Guess what? Not one chuckle. Come on, isn’t that funny? Imagine the perfect man. Oh well. Good Talk. Mr Attitude is bugging me for food again. This guy eats like you wouldn’t believe and he has constant dry food, but no he wants gourmet food at least once a day and my choice for him twice a day (wet food). That doesn’t even count his treats. He’s 21 and eats for twice his size and attitude. You know what? I have a huge, and I mean huge beautiful dog, who moved in next door and she demands treats from me too. I am being controlled by the animals in my life. Help! Anyhow, it is coffee time. That might just do the trick. Later. Oh, today I asked Alexa if Artificial Intelligence is going to take over the world. She assured me that she is only trying to help. She does a good job too. The sun is coming out.......I am awake.
Friday, 11 August 2023
Hawaii has asked for prayers. Of course..........done!
It is with a breaking heart watching the devestation and suffering that has happened. Prayers and thoughts are with everyone there.
Thursday, 10 August 2023
The Internet Murders www.silvaredigonda.ca
Francis was sitting at his back patio. He was feeding some poor cat. He had seen this one trying to get into his room, by the back window. The cat would perch on his windowsill and stare at him for hours while he was reading. He was very cute with two shades of browns and a tiny face that looked like a bat. He had two fangs that protruded.
“What should I call you? Vampire?” Francis walked back towards the kitchen entrance. It was still too cold to sit out for long. He was waiting for one day when he could just sit on the back porch, without a coat. He suddenly felt like grilling on the BBQ. Yes he would do that in the summer, if it ever came. It was still freezing and it was the end of March. The sun was bright on most days, however, and that was welcoming for the spirit. The vampire kitty was forgotten as Francis wondered about the weather. He didn’t notice the little vampire following him into the house and entering the kitchen. He jumped up onto the table where there was cream for Mrs. Delany’s tea. Mrs. Delany screamed when she saw the bundle of fur, and the vampire fled running into Francis’ bedroom.
“Oh my God in heaven! A big rat? What was that?” exclaimed Mrs. Delany.
Francis began to laugh and laugh. For some reason the entire episode of the cat entering and jumping onto the table, and hearing Mrs. Delany scream, was the first time in a long time that anything struck him as funny. He laughed so hard that tears overwhelmed him.
“Mrs. Delany. Please, some coffee for me and some of your lovely scones, and a bit of milk and some food for Holy Terror.”
“Who is Holy Terror?”
“The new member of our little family. You just met the little cat. I guess he needs a home and I do not think St. Francis would have kicked him out once he entered his home. What do you think Mrs. Delany?”
Mrs. Delany did not like cats, especially in the house and never on a table. Fr. Francis was not a real saint, though he seemed to be, so many times. However, she had not heard Fr. Francis laugh in such a long time. God had sent Holy Terror to help him and who was she to argue with God. She would have to find out what they ate. In the meantime, there was some tuna …. She found an old soup bowl that was never used and poured some milk into it. She slowly bent to carefully place it on the floor. Fr. Francis moved quickly to help her.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.”
Wednesday, 9 August 2023
Eschatology notes continues
God’s grace is victory over evil. Reality we are living now - each of these poles has eschatology reality in the Christian life. The very cross is a tension. Tension. Eschatology humanity is part of our reality. Traditionally, physically in focus. Abstract, talking about end of the world. Augustine’s restless heart - he anticipates that restlessness will be gone with eschatology.
Lonergan four basic desires: (part of restless heart, Augustine). 1. Desire to know - will never be fulfilled in this world. Cannot quit asking questions.
2. Desire for rectitude (justice). Why did the person get the job? He didn’t deserve it. If I have something good, I want to do it. Everyone should have food; home.
3. Desire for happiness.
4. Desire for immortality. A time name after saints. Now donors, because they want to leave a legacy. We don’t think it is natural for death, full stop. This is anthropological - because raised more questions.
Beatific Vision (part of restless heart, Augustine)
All the questions that you have, will be answered in the Beatific vision. What we think is justice; God’s may be very different. The last will be first.
Not all questions will be answered so we have this hope - one day….
To be continued with Ernst Block 1885- 1977
Thursday, 3 August 2023
Peel Committee Against Woman Abuse. Continues……A Child’s Safety Plan and Violent Episode - Concludes and my concluding thoughts
Have your child choose a safe/room place in the house with lock and phone in the room. Have children get out of the room where the abuse is occurring. Emphasize the importance of being safe and that it is not the child’s responsibility to protect the mother. Teach your child how to call for help and not to do it in front of the abusive parent as it may place them at risk. Teach your child how to use a cell phone, or go to a neighbour. Teach them how to contact the police. Children should learn their full name and address. Pick a safe place to meet outside the home after the situation is safe.
During a Violent Incident:
Remind yourself of your emergency plan. Get out and call 911. Try to move to a space where the risk is lowest. Use your code name with your children so they can call for help. When or after you are assaulted call 911. Make as much noice as possible so neighbours may call police.
I have taken the salient points above to address. Abusive partners may come across as very personable to others while they try to gather information. I cannot stress enough that the police are there to protect you. Often people who are abused are convinced by their abusers that the police cannot be trusted. They are trying to maintain their control. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
This plan was designed by women for women. I help all people regardless of gender etc.....This plan can help anyone who needs it, even if it provokes thoughts. Last fall when I attended the men's conference, an American man spoke about his abuse suffered by his physician wife. When the police came they couldn't take it seriously and yet he was almost killed. The man was trembling as a result of the trauma he had sustained which I see more frequently in women. I told him that I take all forms of abuse seriously and that he should have complained about the police if they did nothing. He actually did afterwards. There has been some anti police attitudes within the last years and I have seen the damage it does. Police are there to enforce laws that society deems necessary for the safety of all. It can be difficult for emergency services to consistenly be exposed to the ugliness of what people do. That is why it is very important for them to step back and contemplate what is happening around them and themselves. Self care is so important. The police are consistently scrutinized and therefore they often feel pressure. There are so many out there who become emergency response people because they actually love people. I have been one of those. There is much to gain for criminals to convince others how horrible the police are. Abusers are criminals and domestic situations are very serious and very dangerous. If you see anyone being abused call the police. It can be very dangerous if you interfere. The police are trained how to deal with these characters. Remember that a parent is responsible for protecting their child and if the child is not protected than authorities need to be notified. As a therapist I am obligated and regulated to report child abuse. Surround your self with nature, take time to reflect your own future. Be mindful of the honeymoon effect which I have written about in the past. No one has the right to try to control anyone else. People are not property and neither are children.
Wednesday, 2 August 2023
Signing at Coptic Centre - Heads Up
I will be at the Coptic Centre 26 Aug 23 signing and selling books and of course getting close and personal, but not too close. If you are in Mississauga, why not come and say hello?
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