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Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Forensic Psychology continues (2)

Even though there doesn't appear to be much of an interest in this topic, I want to continue to provide my notes, not only because I love the topic, but because I think it is important. Please note that any errors would be mine and not that of Dr Ramsland. Forensic Psychology Webinar - Katherine Ramsland - notes Violent Mind - 1976 Assessment of Ted Bundy. Paranoid Schizophrenic can be violence. Are afraid; have delusions. Religious Disturbances - killed her five children; demonic possession idea. With Personality Disorders - Usually don’t think there is anything wrong with them. Psychotic people have been able to represent themselves. Assessing Psychopathy (Canadians created - FBI use it. 1. Conduct a comprehensive interview. 2. Review collateral info. Lack of remorse, guilt, or empathy. Shallow emotions, grandiose. PLC R Assessment - 20 items 0, 1, 2 (a different assessment) 30-40 score - psychopath. Psychologists will make recommendations on how dangerous. Jury, Corrections, Police Training, death investigations (her favourite. She teaches a course on that). Tunnel Vision, Confirmation bias, Diagnosis Momentum. All of these distort investigations. Not all police want this. If they do -Behavioural Analysis - Is there a crime? What type of crime? Suspects? Reconstruction; Predator. What was done? How? Evidence of planning/staging. Degree of organization. Evidence of motive………. Criminal Profile “is not a blue print.” List of traits and behaviours. Narrow down leads. Diminish potential pool of suspects. Developing a Profile: Start: Victimology; Evidence of Psychopathology; Signature analysis} Potential for future attacks. continues…..with Linkage Analysis

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