I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Friday, 28 April 2023
Forensic Psychology , Katherine Ramsland (notes)
I thought I had already written about this because I enjoyed it so much. However, it appears I didn’t. It is slightly dated but I believe she is still teaching at an American University and has written lots of books. I was impressed with her lecture and Americans are lucky to have her. When I studied Psychology we didn’t have Forensic Psychology because that would have probably been my passion. We were behind the States because all my books were American at the time and when I questioned it, the answer was we hadn’t written any. Ok. When I was thinking of doing my Masters they were only accepting seven that year and when I heard a brilliant student I knew was rejected, I didn’t even bother. However, so much would have been research and statistics and that simply wasn’t my interest. The States had so much more and it was easier, but more than I could afford. What would my advice be now? Go for it!!! Even if they are selecting only one person - go for it. In one of my careers, I was selected from I believe it was either 200 or 300, tomatoes or tomatos. Many were upset because I was female and when I was asked why me of all the applicants, I spoke merely the truth - I am the best! So go for it always no matter the obstacles. You are just as good as anyone else. I remember one student applying for Harvard just to see if he would be accepted. He was probably the worse student I happened to know and he made no qualms about it. He knew. Anyhow, he was accepted at 50,000 a year tuition (at the time). So, go for it…….Now back to this Forensic Psychology and I am so sorry I am late but there is so much to post. Dr Katherine Ramsland said she used to be a therapist but didn’t like it very much ( now this was at the time. Time changes us). Here is where I tell you that during my first day of providing therapy, I had such a horrible headache after the second client,that I was devastated. I couldn’t believe that after all my studying to reach where I was (I had completed my psychology degree, was enrolled in my Masters and was starting my Internship) I had decided that I hated this work on my first day. One senior student told me that this feeling was normal and I bought it. Anyhow, going back to Forensic Psychology and Dr Ramsland. She explained what a Forensic Psychologist does. A typical case: school and hospital records; work appraisals; military record; crime scene, photos, reports; and witness statements. She is there to answer a specific question, not as a therapist. The shorter the better. You need to remember what your role is. Assessment - Mental state at time of occupancy. Sometimes the court does it. Any evidence before IQ lower than 70 is not competent. She is talking about different testing. Projective, organic/motor skills (brain scans) Malingering/Deception - Faking a disorder to get acquitted etc… Special tests (suicide, depression, PTSD). DSM’s (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) to be continued………..Next: Violent Mind
Tuesday, 25 April 2023
If I could live it over by Nadine Stair at 86 years of Age (A poem to inspire)
I sometimes read this poem and wonder what I would do differently? I often hear others saying what they would do and it is something like "I would do the same all over again". My view is I am living the life I chose to live. There are times and situations which of course may have altered where I was going. However, if I were to live my life again, I would try new things that I simply do not have the time to do in this life time. I would try a different career to see what that is like. I would try different hobbies etc....There is so much to do in one life time and there are so any possibilites. What would you do? What are you doing now? Are you happy? Why not? Why not read the poem by Nadine Stair and take time to reflect? Are you doing what you want to be doing? Can you see yourself in Nadine? What do you think?
Saturday, 22 April 2023
The Internet Murders www.silvaredigonda.ca (Order your own signed copy or how about an ebook?)
“What’s wrong with me?” She whispered.
Philip joined Tomasso and they both headed towards the elevator. “Maybe we should let homicide know?” Philip casually commented.
Tomasso smirked, “Homicide? She’s alive Philip. Maybe she is tired looking and a bit banged up, but she is alive.”
“Funny boy.” Philip responded smirking in kind.
Tomasso grinned, withholding the slap he wanted to give Philip, like the one his mother often provided him with. It was contagious and Tomasso had to keep stopping himself from doing the same continuously with those he liked. He continued, “Ok, we can still go talk to Homicide, but first I want to stop by and see Fr. Francis. I want to see how he is doing. After all, they killed someone at his church.”
“Sure, you really like that priest, hey?”
“What’s not to like? You know he and I went to school together. I used to always get into trouble with some wise guy or another and he used to be there all the time looking out for me. The guys just seemed to leave him alone. It wasn’t that he was tough like me, you know. There was something about him that was different. Everyone respected him, even the worse of our teachers. Maybe it was because he was smart.”
“You are smart too, Tomasso. You just like hiding it for some reason.”
Tomasso gave him one of his toothy grins. “Me smart? Thank you Philip. I knew there was a reason why you grew on me.”
Philip remembered the first time he met Tomasso. Tomasso was having coffee in the lunch room and ranting on about the people in the States all going crazy because a cop shot a black person.
“What do they think? Cops just become cops so they can shoot some black guy? They don’t think that maybe, just maybe, the copper had no choice? Naw, that’s not important. Then they find the cop is innocent by the judicial system and naw, that is not good enough and so now there is some big conspiracy going on that cops like to kill black guys. And then what, some nut job goes and kill coppers and ooops none are white. Does this make sense? Than they have this movie series that is all about sex and killing and they do a show where of course a white copper kills a black person and of course they make it look like it is done on purpose, and the show people have the nerve to say that the public is intelligent and they want to see intelligent stuff. Guess what stupid show. If people wanna watch something with intelligence they would not be watching your show. They wanna watch your show because it shows as much sex as it can for a family show. Yeah!”
The room had gone silent when Philip walked in and it was only Tomasso still shooting off his mouth. Everyone else “looked uncomfortable.
Philip spoke so low, it was barely audible, “How about I shoot you? What will the public say then?”
Tomasso turned, looked at Philip and responded casually, “It doesn’t work that way bro. You must be my new partner. Welcome to the hood.”
“How do you know I’m your new partner – because I am black?”
“No, because you are mulatto.” Tomasso looked serious, as did Philip. Not a good start.
“Have a donut, pardner.” Tomasso grinned, that grin that would soon become familiar. Philip took the donut without realizing that by the end of the year Tomasso would save Philip’s life not once but twice. They could downplay crime all they wanted for the rest of the world. Ask anyone who lived in Toronto all their life and they would tell you it was not the same at all. Crime was getting worse and many left the city to get away from it and all else associated with it.
After Tomasso saved his life the first time, Tomasso brought Philip home to meet his mom. He had not stopped going since.
Tomasso’s mother was always talking about the old days.
“People had respect for the police then “and you never heard of a bus driver getting beat up. Toronto the good? Getta outta town. Tomasso – go find another job. This job is too dangerous for you. They shoot you one day.”
Philip was munching on her delightful gnocchi.
“Naw ma, they just try to kill your Philipo but don’t worry ma. I keep him alive just for you.”
“Mrs. Rossini, give him one of your slaps, please.” Philip chided.
They all laughed. Philip realized that he now had another family.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.”
Thursday, 20 April 2023
Busy Week, no time for publisher search, Burn Out and Autism ........
I attended a full day of the Ontario Autism program but I found it rather disappointing because of all the technical problems, which was frustrating and patience is not my middle name. In fact at confession it is a staple sin since I always have difficulty thinking of anything else, because who has time to sin? The morning seemed to be focused on stigma of the use Autism Spectrum disorder, High versus low functioning etc....My clients have never complained about the use of the name. I am guided by my clients on what they like or don't like. My concern is how to help my clients period. Another disappointment was that one speaker said a diagnosis is expensive. Since there were technical difficulties, I couldn't ask exactly how much is a diagnosis? I know it is expensive. It cost 3000. from Autism Society and 2000. from my queries at York University Psychology Department some time ago. What is it now I pray wonder? I did learn that they are diagnosis at CAMH and normally anything there is free so I shall have to check into that. I appreciated the afternoon more because there was an Associate Professor from York University and he will be my go to guy if I need more information or a need to refer. As you know I did my undergrad in Psychology at York so I know how efficient and professional they are. There was also a physician during the afternoon and unfortunately I missed some of it because as I was downloading references and tips for the future, I got bounced out of the webinar and couldn't get back in. I had to check my email a half hour later and behold there was an invitation to get back on (was I angry? burrrrrr) Upon returning there was a medical doctor talking about different cultures etc.....Basically, I didn't glean anything new for the entire day except for what the York Prof said. He said that even if you don't know anything about Autism, we as therapists can still help them by 80%. That was good to hear. There are so many people out there that feel different from others but don't know why. Validation is so important.
Client care is always the piority. Now today my email wasn't working properly which apparently was a global problem so I was very late for my "Burn Out" webinar. Fortunately, I finally got in to hear about how there are more therapists leaving than therapists entering the field. I heard about insurance companies and how some when therapists use their websites to see clients, their (client) information is sold. I could not believe that. Selling information of Clients? That is taboo here in Canada. First I use a platform that is approved in Canada. The owner is a therapist which I find to be an asset. Everything is under control. Now since I do everything on line at this moment due to COVID still existing and an elderly Mr Attitude, I still need to let clients know that nothing on the internet is 100% safe and have them sign an agreement. I have had no problems to date. IT is not my speciality but I am gaining a bit of knowledge as time goes on. I also do not deal with insurance companies at all. I don't deal with Veteran Affairs Canada because they want information of clients shared with them which I won't do and I won't deal with WSIB. So, for now it is just me and my clients. Fortunately I will be able to watch "Burn Out" and they are also encouraging us to share which I will do with pleasure with fellow therapists. So, that is a small portion of my week. Self care is paramount for me because when we as therapists feel disconnected we will feel that with our clients (got that speech from the webinar). So tomorrow I shall also be busy but I do want to paste another page of my one of my books. Good talk. Have a great peaceful but fun weekend.
Monday, 17 April 2023
Checking In
Hi, In Toronto we had about five days of summer weather and so out came patio chairs etc....Today it is back to no sun and cooler weather but boy was the weekend a treat. I also managed to read two books while enjoying the sun - just me and Mr Attitude (on my lap). Such a nice break. Now it is back to work (is that the sun trying to creep back?) Today I am attending a webinar about Autism which will be a refresher for me. I am also watching a documentary in segments about the first ever diagnosed Autistic person who resides in the States. That is proving to be most interesting. Oops, gotta go. Have a nice day and talk soon.
Friday, 14 April 2023
The Internet Murders www.silvaredigonda.ca soft cover or ebook - your choice
“I came to the hospital before to see you, but you were heavily sedated. I understand that you are going to be fine. Do you know who would want to do this to you?”
Sandra responded, “I’m a private investigator and I upset a lot of people. Mostly I get hired by women who want to know if their husbands are cheating. Then they get the divorce they want and a nice settlement. I am sure there are quite a few men out there that would want me hurt, as much as I hurt their finances and their relationships with their children.”
“So, it was a man. You saw him. How tall …?”
“I didn’t see anyone really. I know he was stronger than me and taller. I am sorry. I am tired.”
Philip looked at her and wondered why she was so agitated. He could understand if she was frightened, but he could not understand why she was so upset by him.
“Ok, I am going to complete my report and send it off. This is my card. If you remember anything at all, give me a call. Are you going to be ok on your own? Is there anyone I can call for you?”
“I’m fine!” She snapped.
Philip lingered for a few minutes and then said goodbye and repeated that she should call him, if she needed anything. Sandra placed his card on the side stand and looked out at his partner. His partner looked back at Sandra through the huge window and waved. She found herself glaring at him.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.” www.silvaredigonda.ca
Thursday, 13 April 2023
The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory The Social Readjustment Rating Scale
This stress test provided to us in undergrad is something I normally but not always provide to clients. If this is too difficult to visualize on the blog that is ok. Just look it up on line and it is there, so it will be clearer for you. Too much stress as I have written before is unhealthy and not enough stress is oh well. What is ideal especially for exams is a moderate amount. Remember that stress accumulates and can cause physical ailments.
INSTRUCTIONS: Mark down the point value of each of these life events that has happened to you during the previous year. Total these associated pointed.
Life Event
1. Death of spouse 100
2. Divorce 73 3. Marital Separation from mate 65 4. Detention in jail or other institution 63 5. Death of a close family member 63 6. Major personal injury or illness 53 7. Marriage 50 8. Being fired at work 47 9. Marital reconciliation with mate 45 10. Retirement from work 45 11. Major change in the health or behavior of a family member 44 12. Pregnancy 40 13. Sexual Difficulties 39 14. Gaining a new family member (i.e. birth, adoption, older adult moving in, etc.) 39 15. Major business adjustment 39 16. Major change in financial state (i.e. a lot worse or better than usual) 38 17. Death of a close friend 37 18. Changing to a different line of work 36 19. Major change in number of arguments with spouse (i.e. a lot more or less) 35 20. Taking on a mortgage (for home, business, etc.) 31 21. Foreclosure on a mortgage or loan 30 22. Major change in responsibilities at work (i.e. promotion, demotion, etc.) 29 23. Son or daughter leaving home (marriage, college, military, etc.) 29 24. In-law troubles 29 25. Outstanding personal achievement 28 26. Spouse beginning or ceasing work outside the home 26 27. Beginning or ceasing formal schooling 26 28. Major change in living condition (i.e. new home, remodeling, deterioration, etc.) 25 29. Revision of personal habits (i.e. dress, associations, quit smoking, etc.) 24 30. Troubles with the boss 23 31. Major changes in working hours or conditions 20 32. Changes in residence 20 33. Changing to a new school 20 34. Major change in usual type and/or amount of recreation 19 35. Major change in church activity (i.e. a lot more or less) 19 36. Major change in social activities (i.e. clubs, movies, visiting, etc.) 18 37. Taking on a loan (i.e. car, tv, freezer, etc.) 17 38. Major change in sleeping habits (i.e. a lot more or less) 16 39. Major change in number of family get-togethers (i.e. a lot more or less) 15 40. Major change in eating habits (i.e. a lot more or less, eating hours, surroundings, etc) 15 41. Vacation 13 42. Major holidays 12 43. Minor violations of the law (i.e. traffic tickets, jaywalking, etc.) 11
Now, add up al the points you have to find your score.
150pts or less means a relatively low amount of life change and a low susceptibility to stress-induce health problems. 150 to 300pts implies about a 50% chance of a major stress-induced health problem in the next 2 years.
300pts or more raises the odds to about 80%, according to the Holmes-Rahe prediction model.
Sources: Adapted from Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe. Holmes-Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale, Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Vol II, 1967.
Activities to Improve Your Spirits
1. Reading novels or magazines
2. Watching TV
3. Renting and watching a video
4. Learning a new craft or hobby
5. Camping
6. Working in politics or for a political or social cause
7. Having lunch with friends
8. Taking a shower
9. Being with animals
10. Singing in a group
11. Going to church socials
12. Playing a musical instrument
13. Going to the beach
14. Rearranging your furniture
15. Reading something spiritual
16. Going to a sports event
17. Playing sports
18. Going to the movies
19. Cooking meals
20. Having a good cry
21. Going to a restaurant
22. Looking at beautiful flowers or
38. Running, jogging or walking 39. While walking, noticed new
40. Playing Frisbee
41. Listening to music 42. Knitting, crocheting,
43. Starting a new project
44. Having sex
45. Bird watching
46. Repairing things
47. Bicycling
48. Giving gifts
49. Going on outings (to the park,
50. Playing basketball
51. Helping someone
52. Seeing beautiful scenery
53. Hiking
54. Going to a museum
55. Fishing
56. Going to a health club
57. Writing letters, cards, notes 58. Going to luncheons, potlucks,
23. Saying prayers etc.
24. Canning, making preserves, etc.
25. Taking a bath
26. Making food or crafts to sell
or give away
27. Painting or drawing
28. Visiting people who are sick or
shut in
29. Bowling
59. Being with my spouse or partner
60. Going on field trips, nature walks, etc.
61. Expressing my love to someone 62. Caring for houseplants
63. Collecting things
64. Sewing
30. Gardening or doing yard work
31. Shopping etc.
32. Sitting in the sun
33. Going to the zoo or amusement
34. Playing board games
35. Doing outdoor work
36. reading the newspaper
37. Swimming
66. Doing volunteer work 67. Seeing old friends
68. Writing to old friends 69. Calling old friends
70. Going to the library
Adapted from: Preston, J.D. (2001). Lift Your Mood Now: Simple Things You Can Do to Beat the Blues. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
65. Going to auctions, garage sales,
Creating Your Special Place
In creating your own special place, you will be making a retreat for relaxation and hearing your inner voice.
A special place might be at the end of a path that leads to a pond. Grass is under your feet, the pond is about 30 yards away and mountains are in the distant. You can feel the coolness of the air in this shady spot. The birds are singing. The sun is bright on the pond. The flowers’ sweet smells attract the bees buzzing over them.
Or your special place might be a sparkling clean kitchen, with cinnamon buns baking in the oven. Through the kitchen window you can see fields of yellow wheat. A wind chime flutters in the breeze.
Try taping this exercise and playing it, or have a friend read it to you slowly.
To go to your safe and special place, lie down, be totally comfortable. Close your eyes...Walk slowly to a quiet place in your mind...Your place can be inside or outside....It needs to be peaceful and safe...Picture yourself unloading your anxieties, your worries...Notice the view in the distance....What do you see?...What do you smell?...What do you hear?...Notice what is before you...Reach out and touch it...How does it feel?...Smell it...Hear it...Make the temperature comfortable...Be safe here...Look around for a special spot, a private spot...Find the path to this place...Feel the ground with your feet...Look above you...What do you see?...Hear?...Smell?...Walk down this path until you can enter your own quiet, comfortable, safe place.
You have arrived at your special place...What is under your feet?...How does it feel?...Take several steps...What do you see above you?...What do you hear?...Do you hear something else?...Reach out and touch something...What is its texture?...
Sit or lie in your special place...Notice its smells, sounds, sights...This is your place and nothing can harm you here...If danger is here, expel it...Spend a few minutes realizing you are relaxed, safe and comfortable.
Memorize this place’s smells, tastes, sights, sounds...You can come back and relax here whenever you want...Leave by the same path or entrance...Notice the ground, touch things near you...Look far away and appreciate the view...Remind yourself this special place you created can be entered whenever you wish. Say an affirmation such as, “I can relax here,” or “This is my safe and special place. I can come here whenever I wish.”
Now open your eyes and spend a few seconds appreciating your relaxation.
Source: Adapted from Davis, M, Eshelman, E, and McKay, M. The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook. 1995, New Harbinger Productions, Inc.
Monday, 10 April 2023
Thursday, 6 April 2023
The Internet Murders www.silvaredigonda.ca (Happy Holidays everyone. See you Tuesday)
Philip left him and entered the room. Sandra was sitting up against an array of pillows.
“Hi, I’m Philip.”
She focused intently on him. Philip realized that his charm did not affect this woman.
“My partner and I were first on the scene when you were attacked.”
She looked out at Tomasso who was flirting with the nurse.
“I guess I am in great hands,” she replied sarcastically, casually looking out at Tomasso.
“Don’t let his looks fool you. He is very smart.”
“I’m noticing.” She remained stone faced.
“I’m sorry about what happened to you. I am wondering if you can remember anything?”
Sandra was wondering why she was so defensive. She wanted to know who did this to her. Her body ached, but she was managing to eat.
“I remember sitting at my desk and being attacked from behind.”
Sandra had remembered more since she first awakened from the horror. “I flipped him and was running away. I thought I had made it, but the door wouldn’t open. I don’t really remember anything after that. I think I saw you once before though, but not there.”
“I came to the hospital before to see you, but you[…]”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.”
Wednesday, 5 April 2023
One of my earlier papers in Theology......In the spirit of Easter
My Journey of Prayer and Desire
By Silva Redigonda
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon,
Where there is doubt, faith,
Where there is despair, hope,
Where there is darkness, light,
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
My Journey of Prayer and Desire
Prayer and Desire has been a journey. I will demonstrate how prayer and desire has changed throughout my life and how it reflects who I am today.
During my young life, I had a natural acceptance of God. I said my personal prayers in bed, aided by my mother at my side. I prayed for family, alive or dead, and everyone in the world. School and the Church taught me to pray in rote. When alone as a child, I would look up at the heavens and talk excitedly to God about anything. Franciscan Prayer indicates that Monastic ""rule"" …the law of prayer is the law of belief. If I use distant and remote language to speak to God then I imagine that God is distant and remote." God was up in heaven when I was a child but he was as real to me as the clock ticking in front of me. I did consider God, male as Delio, p55, makes mention. "If I use male language to speak to God than I will imagine that God is male." I did not think of God as desire at this stage in my life for God was just there, as everything else was for me. I just accepted. As a teenager, I became distraught at the state of the world. It seemed that wars, destruction, poverty and prejudice did not make sense. How could a God allow this to happen? How could God not stop this? I stopped praying. I had no desire to pray, but I did feel something missing in my life in the process. It was desire. Distraction in Prayer: Blessing or Curse reveals that stopping prayer is exactly what evil wants, "we should not be disturbed nor should we abandon prayer, which is exactly what the devil wants us to do. For the most part all the trials and disturbances comes from our not understanding ourselves [IV.1.9]."
As a young adult, I had a career where I was introduced to evil. As I kept bumping into evil, I found myself thinking that there must be a polar opposite. I respected the Catholic Church that nurtured me as a child. My faith returned to me slowly. Believing in God was a struggle. It was definitely a journey. My search has ended. My desire fulfilled.
Where am I now? I did not think that distractions, while praying was common until I took this course. I thought that perhaps I was doing something wrong when my mind wandered. Sr. Seelaus, p 2, reveals, "Distractions offer genuine openings to a fuller life in God." I no longer consider the distractions a hindrance. I feel more comfortable with my relationship with God. I feel close to God in prayer when I serve Holy Communion and bless the children and adults who come for blessings. I feel close to God when I receive communion myself especially when I feel the warmth of Jesus going throughout my core. Never have I felt as close to God as I do now in this present mature state. I have reached that stage that I can pray in rote, talk to God, hear God and just enjoy the silence of being with him. Now I understand that this silence which I enjoy so much is contemplative prayer. Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening, defines contemplative prayer. "Contemplative prayer is simply a wordless, trusting opening of self to the divine presence." John of the Cross indicates, ""Silence is God's first language."" Bourgeault, pg 5. Yes, I enjoy the silence as I look out at the sky feeling God beside me. What can be nicer? My life has been a prayer journey.
I am at a mature level in my life and it is my desire that my relationship with God continues to remain strong and that I do not reverse to doubt. It is my desire for God to guide me. I have done everything I wanted to do in my life. Now I want to do what God wants me to do. Yes, I still think of God as male, though I realize that God is a spirit, without gender. I visualize God as part of this world and sense God near me, and Christ, and the Holy Spirit as well as my Guardian Angel who has protected me so. God in prayer is so much more than me, that to conjure an accurate image is beyond me because I am so limited in my concepts and intelligence. When I realize that desire is a metaphor it all comes together for me and I understand. Sheldrake's emphasizes, that "desire is a metaphor for the whole process of journeying into God and, at the same time, the need to transcend the limitations of our images of God. Desire is…a metaphor for choosing from within myself rather than from outside myself." I understand that my journey of prayer has been my desire. Delio, p35, simplifies desire, "Prayer is desire."
My journey of Prayer and Desire is a transition that has not completed itself. My journey is a Franciscan journey. It is "a journey inwards toward a new relationship with God in which God takes on flesh anew in one's life…God has come to us." Delio, 55.
What inspires me at this point in my life is God. I want to serve in doing good things for people. To help them seek peace and comfort. Prayer effects how I relate to others and to the world because I have asked for guidance and have received it finding myself on a new journey, towards a service to God. As I grow older, this desire to help others grows stronger.
At this stage in my journey, I smile at the small child who had the ease of knowing God. I understand the confused teenager who turned her back on God. I nurture the young woman who returned to God not knowing God was her desire. I welcome myself as my journey of prayer and desire continues on this road towards God in the service of others.
Bourgeault, Cynthia. Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening. Cambridge,MA: Cowley Publications, 2004.
Delio, Ilia. Franciscan Prayer.Cincinnati,Ohio: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2004.
Seelaus, Vilma. Distractions in Prayer:Blessings or Curse? St. Paul's NY: Alba House, 2005.
Sheldrake, Philip. Befriending our Desires. Toronto: Novalis, Toronto, 2001.
Monday, 3 April 2023
Silva Redigonda
Research Question: How are African American and Caucasian adolescents affected by their mothers’ breast cancer treated in the last two years? How do African American and Caucasian adolescents think future intervention programs should be designed?
What are the aims of the paper? The abstract indicates that the purpose was to gain a deeper understanding of how adolescents are affected by their mothers’ breast cancer and to discover their opinions about how future intervention programs should be designed. But the introduction more specifically indicates that the purpose of this study is to elicit opinions from an ethnically diverse group of adolescents about the effects of maternal breast cancer on their lives and to discover their opinions about how future intervention programs should be designed. This may be construed as a contradiction. The paper under the heading of Aims of the Study indicates that “the purpose of this study was to investigate adolescents’ thoughts on and experiences with a mother who had been treated for breast cancer in the last two years.”(p 250)
This is a pilot study which is a small-scale study conducted prior to conducting an actual experiment; designed to test and refine procedures. When the researcher has decided on all the specific aspects of the procedure, it is possible to conduct a pilot study in which the researcher does a trial run with a small number of participants. The pilot study will reveal whether participants understand the instruction, whether the total experimental setting seems plausible, whether any confusing questions are being asked etc..Such procedures provide the researcher with an opportunity to make any necessary changes in the procedure before doing the entire study. Reference: Cozby Paul, Methods in Behavioral Research, 9th ed. McGraw-Hill Comp. New York, 2007 pp 181-182, 383) I believe that the model used was the interpretive model. This stems from qualitative research.
The study consisted of three focus groups according to the paper:
The first focus group comprised of four Caucasian adolescents (gender not specified) but deduced from information provided as two females and two males.
The second focus group had two African American females
The third focus group comprised of two African American females and two African
male adolescents.
with a total of 10 adolescents ranging from 13 to 18 years of age (five males and five females consisting of four Caucasian and six African Americans). The six African American adolescents has been determined for focus group two and three. Of the remaining four adolescents who are Caucasian, we know that two are female. Therefore the remaining two Caucasian adolescents in the first focus group is male. The report indicates that the focus groups were “split” along racial lines with Caucasian and African American in each focus group. All the African American adolescents are identified as being in group two and three.
Each adolescent has a mother who had been treated with a stage of 0 to lll breast cancer within the last two years. Six set of parents were married, one mother remarried and three African American mothers were divorced and single parents. Three of the adolescent girls (two Caucasian and one African American) had mothers who were initially diagnosed five to 15 years earlier. It is not specified if the mothers were Caucasian and African American the same as their children. Nor is it known which adolescent is connected to who’s mother. Therefore this study cannot be replicated. It should be noted that each adolescent indicated that the reason she/he was participating because of the mother’s encouragement. Did the teens therefore feel they were coerced?
Two female moderators conducted each focus group. At least one moderator’s was matched with each participant group, that being Caucasian or African American. What was consistent is that one Caucasian moderator was in each of the three focus groups. Since there were two moderators in each group and one is African American than it can be presumed that at least two moderators, one Caucasian and one African American were in the study. Wording cannot conclude that there were not more than two moderators.
Each focus group was provided with a guided discussion and seven questions pertaining to “parental cancer”. Questions were asked within the same order. This occurred between 2002 and 2003. More specific dates are not provided. Recurrent themes were determined and developed with a definition for each. These categories were derived independently by three of the five coauthors. To be classified as a major theme, at least one half of the adolescents interviewed (five) had to report such.
The four Caucasian teenagers two male and two females, who had mothers currently in treatment for stage II or III breast cancer responded with intense sadness, worries, and fears about their mothers’ prognosis.
All six African American teenagers having mothers with stage 0, I and II breast cancer, minimized current worries or fears and stated no current concerns about their mothers’ breast cancer.
All of the adolescent males seemed less expressive when asked about their feelings and ways of coping and relied more on distraction, keeping busy and athletics.
The African American females tended to keep to their normal routines as much as possible, tried not to think about it, and were less expressive.
The Caucasian females talked more about the importance of sharing their feelings with others, writing, and other mediums of expression.
African American males and female tended to go to church more often and to pray daily to cope.
All adolescents talked about seeing their mothers vulnerable during the cancer treatments. All were more affectionate and helped out by cooking, cleaning, shopping, washing clothes and protecting their mothers by making sure they were eating well and sleeping. The oldest adolescents in their families reported taking on the most responsibility at home during their mothers’ treatment. Parents often relied on the eldest to care for younger siblings and to take on additional household responsibilities.
Adolescents coped with faith, humour, talking with others, distraction, thinking positively and keeping busy in athletics or other activities.
Regarding support, all adolescents said having a teen group close to diagnosis (within four months) would have been an asset. They wanted to be fully informed sooner rather than later regarding the treatment, expectations, etc..It would be better to have a mixed group of boys and girls close to diagnosis and similar ages, don’t talk down to them, boys may not feel comfortable exposing their feelings with females present, female and male therapist at a younger age would have been preferred. Listen to the teenagers more; and have families come together as a group.
Regarding “Research on how to help their children is absent.”(American Cancer Society, 2003).P 248.
I contacted the American Cancer Society and they sent me the paper via email (www.cancer.org/docroot/STT/stt_0_2003. This paper has 52 pages. Yet the reference page was never provided. I did not see such reference as noted by the researcher. Does the Researcher therefore mean that she did not see the mentioned research in this paper? Pages 41 and 43 of the reference does offer resources and publications offering practical and emotional support for families.
There are also books during the time of this research available for support. Note below.
Coping with breast cancer, and helping your children do the same, is an ongoing process. If you want to read more about supporting children, some books you might find helpful are:
McCue, K. (1994). How to Help Children though a Parent’s Serious Illness. St. Martin’s Griffin: New York.
Harpham,W. (2004). When a Parent has Cancer:A Guide to Caring for your Children. HarperCollins: New York.
There were assumptions which I think restricts the researcher in thought. All avenues should be open and disproved by evidence. For example “Although African American women have a 13% lower incidence of newly diagnosed breast cancer, as compared with Caucasian women, they have a higher death rate.” This is likely due……If the answers were posed as questions stemming from grounded research it would have deserved merit. Opinions are not valid for research. There are too many factors to consider.
Chapter five of our text indicates that if a group has fewer than 6 people it can be hard at times to generate a diversity of ideas (focus groups in this study were four, two and four). Each focus group was well below the minimum recommendation for each focus group. Even the adolescents had to inform the researchers of what they already should have known as indicated earlier in bold.
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