I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Monday, 28 February 2022
Black History Month
Black History month is coming to an end. I’ve been watching movies and documentaries and would like to share some thoughts and shows which may be of interest to you. I think what touched me the most was “Women of the Movement-Mother and Son.” It was a short series of movies and back to back documentaries within the same time span. I would watch the segment of the movie and then watch the bio. It was very interesting seeing how the characters were portrayed which was very accurate. This is about a 14 year old boy who was beaten and killed for whistling at a woman. It is about a child, Emmett Till who travels to the South from Chicago for a summer vacation. It is unbelievable that the culprits were found not guilty. The woman who accused the boy and complained to her husband and brought about all this to happen is still alive today. The men responsible for killing the child also admitted after being found not guilty that they did kill the child and had a right to do so and to live in segregation. They believed this to be “freedom.” If someone is confused about what freedom means watch the news about what is happening in Ukraine.
I also watched the documentary of singer Josephine Baker who adopted 12 children. She became a famous entertainer and was befriended by Grace Kelly who observed her not being served in an elite restaurant in New York because she was black. Ms Baker was accepted in France and also served in the Second War providing her with a full military funeral service. I am trying to not give too much away because again this is worth watching.
Another documentary I watched is The Gospel According to Andre. It is about “the life and career of fashion journalist Andre Leon Talley, from his childhood in the segregated South to his iconic, barrier-breaking work at Women’s Wear Daily, W and Vogue.” The one thing that struck me in watching this was when it is brought to his attention that a woman in his circles in France refers to him behind his back as the queen gorilla. I hope she watches this documentary and recognizes the hurt she caused and perhaps can see how painful words can be. Change is always possible.
Underground Railroad: The Secret History, Ep 1, is “retracing the steps of freedom seekers escaping on the Underground Railroad. Archaeologists use high tech to explore a Florida fort that was nearly erased from history.” I never thought of people trying to escape to Mexico, only Canada, so this was most interesting to me. Mexico was less concerned about one’s skin colour.
I was very happy to see a documentary of Toni Morrison: The Pieces I am. I have not completed watching this but I am excited about her. I paused where she is teaching students not to write about what they know as you often hear because they don’t know anything. I could not help laughing at that point. She wants them to “invent.” What I found absurd here was how one critic wrote she would never become famous or words to that effect because she only writes about black people. I studied a few of her books in University when taking a break from Psychology. Watching this documentary where she is the speaker is a treat and another learning experience. What do you think?
Friday, 25 February 2022
Putin invading Ukraine is shameful
I remember my mom telling me about my grandmother in Switzerland crying while she listened to the news about Hitler and what was happening at the onset of war. That is what came to my memory as I felt a tear rolling down my face as I watched the bombing of Ukraine. Last night there was a protest at City Hall with Ukraine Canadians and supporters. They were suffering. Then there was a Russian citizen being interviewed in Toronto and she was visibly shaken with the horrible attacks on Ukraine. She said she was ashamed. Shame is something I hear alot from people in my work. They suffer shame which is normally misplaced. The shame belongs to those who abuse. In my home town Toronto, we have people living here who come from all over the world. We live relatively in peace. There are always those who threaten that peace and that is why we need to be united in caring for each other. There are Russians protesting as well in their native land and we must be mindful that all people suffer when there is dictatorship. When there is an invasion we must do our best to unite to prevent this because it is the right thing to do. We need to be mindful that we do live in dangerous times. Our democracy is probably most threatened during these days. It is fragile and so many have died to protect that freedom. During wars there is a habit of blaming all the people from the country attacking. I have seen the suffering of that as well. This is the actions of a dictator. Russia has suffered greatly by dictatorship. Forever the optimist, I believe that united we can destroy the actions of this person. I just hope we do it in time. Have a good weekend. Keep balancing your life as much as possible. Help others when you can. I am always in awe that in the most difficult of times, there are those who contribute so much as individuals coming together. What do you think?
Next week I will like to talk a bit about black history month before it is gone and then continue with notes of seminars and my ethic notes. As I watch the snow falling, I know I shall have to go out and clear it. It is so pretty and pure when it falls. Too bad it does not clear on its own. Bye for now.
Thursday, 24 February 2022
The Internet Murders Continues https://www.silvaredigonda.ca
“Fr. Francis sat looking at his tea. He didn’t even like tea. Mrs. Delany knew he drank coffee. Why did she make him tea?
He looked up to see Mrs. Delany hovering over him, making a fuss.
“Mrs. Delany, please sit down.”
“Yes, Father.”
He felt himself returning to some semblance of normality, whatever that was. He did not think he would ever feel normal again.
Mrs. Delany had been in a whirl about what had happened to poor old Fr. Brown. She herself had been working at the church for forty years, and Fr. Brown, well he had been visiting the Church before then, she was sure. Fr. Brown was like a real father to Fr. Francis. Fr. Francis would call other priests by their first name, but not Fr. Brown. He always called him Father and there was always warmth in his voice.
“Please let me make you some eggs. They are fresh from the local farmers. One of the parishioners brought them in a few days ago for you. I have some nice pea-meal bacon and hash brown potatoes, just like you like them, Father.”
“Mrs. Delany, please make me some coffee and let me alone for a bit. I am not hungry!” He immediately regretted his tone. He heard her respond and mutter to herself. He realized that he loved this beautiful old soul. She was so selfless. He gazed at her and watched her as she hobbled along to make coffee.
“Of course.” She repeated.”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.” Apple Books.
Wednesday, 23 February 2022
Stop the planet, I will like to visit another for a holiday……
I recently had a friend of mine from Europe asking me what was going on in Canada in reference to the demonstrations. So, I explained the best I could. I informed her that what initially was a protest against vaccines from truckers, keeping in mind that 90% were vaccinated and working, had turned into trying to take over the city of Ottawa. Horns apparently were blaring throughout the night, stores and malls had to close because the protestors were apparently violent harassing the people who actually live in Ottawa bothering them for having their masks on, refusing to wear their own masks, harassing the LGBQ community etc… It sounds like they were acting like bullies, trying to take over a city, the capital no less and demanding changes to our democratic system. I watched on the news as protestors were attacking the police and one apparently threw a bicycle at the police horse (one of Toronto’s no less and now that is getting personal). I love my police horses. Of course the Prime Minister denied their request to come and talk to them or to change the law for the 10 %. During the first few days we had at least one member of the Conservative party supplying them with coffee (if I am a bad girl will you give me coffee and where are the donuts?). After three weeks of waking up Ottawa, and not letting them sleep, a city I once lived in for three years because of my work which wrapped up at 7pm each night at that time, decided to legally take action. Where were the police? Well, one citizen complained about getting a traffic ticket. Ok, I am adding comedy so it doesn’t become too disheartening. The Police Chief resigned to the agreement of some politicians and it was acknowledged that with the current laws and lack of resources they had to bring out an emergency act so they could skip the long process of legal technicalities and then police officers came in throughout Canada along with my beautiful police horses from Toronto. Did I mention that once two casually galloped down my street? I was in the house and thought I heard horses. Of course they are not mine, anymore than my city is mine, but I like to think so. It is all perception, my city, my horses, my police, mine, mine, mine……..and that is what the protestors were saying ….However, perception and reality are a tad different. I know all about protests. I protested once in my life and that was when I was a teenager. They wanted to extend the school year two weeks into my summer holidays. I protested with my school mates and we walked down town boldly under the threat of getting a zero in my history class where I averaged over 90. I mocked my teacher when I told her that and complained. How could I get a zero? Of course that did not happen and the protestors thought they could take over a city - country? Well it didn’t turn out to be like the fiasco in Washington. No one got hurt or killed and I am thankful. We did have American flags in Ottawa with men/women riding their own horses (poor horses) and Confederate flags…..really in Canada? I also saw and heard a man mock our military and that we don’t have enough people. Now, it is not nice to mock our military even though some were apparently there shoving their medals into the face of the camera. Now, now, there are rules about that. You can wear them at funerals, at graduations but really, at an occupation? Shame, shame……That is not reflective of our military, unless times have changed and I don’t think they have that much. Of course what is given, can always be taken away….look at what happened to the Colonel who was a sexual predator and even killed a female Corporal for rejecting him. He is nicely placed in jail with medals stripped. Of course that is not the same thing, but what can be given, can be taken away. Now, apparently there were white supremacists amongst the protestors which is a concern and a no no. There was also a lot of money donated where the largest source came from Texas. Really? I believe the protest got about 10 million dollars which was frozen. We can’t have millions of dollars funding a take over, with white supremacists in the mix. Apparently though there were other funds and one politician from our Province in the Conservative department got fired for her spending the 100.00. Once the emergency act came into effect, there was no problem clearing up Ottawa. I won’t even get into the blockage of the borders and of course the copycatters in Europe who decided to take up their own cause and dance to Celine Dion’s music in New Zealand. Who thought of that? Of course the crowd will dance to the music. I would dance to the music in my living room of course. There is a show I like to watch called #22 minutes. Every week they make fun of the week’s events and people. I don’t always agree with them, who can? Look at our 10%. However, last night while I was watching the program and laughing throughout, they depicted Fox News. I was stunned that the reporter was announcing that Canada has given up our democracy and one woman also made a snide remark about Trudeau having his hair and make up done. I will not comment on her appearance because that will be factitious. However 22 minutes defended our Prime Minister by showing a picture of one of the previous President’s with his hair and make-up. Now children…..If you want a laugh I do suggest you watch 22 minutes at least once a week that they are on. That was the unlawful protest. Of course I did not say all that to my European friend because it took time for all that to happen.
Now we have Russia’s leader acting up and trying to start a war that no one wants. Come on Russia, can’t you pick another leader? Oh sorry, you can’t. Putin keeps killing off opponents. Am I being facetious? So we have sanctions now going on to hopefully prevent any take over. I am not even going to start with North Korea or China. So, that is the way I saw the week and I didn’t even start with our own city. We had three children in a Toronto middle school, intimidate their French teacher by saluting and hailing Hitler. I thought that man was dead and went downstairs so to speak. The teacher was also a descendant of families of the Holocaust. We also have kids killing each other and one kid knifed a TTC driver for being challenged to pay his fare. Really? Then we had another TTC worker attacked at a subway, this time by an adult, all in the same week. So, you see I think this is all a good reason to take a break from my dying planet and see is there is another one out there that I can sneak on for an itsy break. What? No? Others are planning that with fundings? Fake news? Now on the bright side, I am very solution focused. For our own problem with what is happening in our schools, there does have to be a zero tolerance for any kind of bullying. They grow up and need to have that chance to be the best they can be. There is no room for hate and that needs to be investigated and dismantled. I have been naive thinking that as a society we have raised above pigmentation. When I was in elementary school, we were watching what happened in the concentration camps and I was horrified. In middle school, we studied the book, Black like Me. In grade seven, we had controlled debates. We learned about each other as people. We learned about communist countries and religion. What are they teaching now? I don’t have a clue. When I was in undergrad psych we were having an exam and a student was panicking because she had already failed twice and was concerned that she would fail again. I tried to calm her by saying stats was a nightmare for me too and that is why I was taking it last. This student was a teacher at a high school which was a last resort for students. It was a school she said for every school who could not handle them and gave them up. I wonder where this past student is now because I would love to talk to her to learn more. How successful was the school she was at? Was she ever frightened? How difficult were these students? What was their home life like? Was there a longitudinal study for these students and where they are at years later? There are so many possibilities for research. She did pass, of course, as I thought she would. So now I wonder about these white supremacy groups. Who funds them? Why are they allowed to continue in their hate? We seriously need a zero tolerance and enforcement of this. It needs to be publicized and identified. Why am I interested? Because it causes harm. Because some become powerful and if not identified, they continue like weeds. I would tell you more, but I cannot. Now the good stuff. Spring is just weeks away says this girl who has been grinning like a delightful school girl, at the snow falling early morning. The ice has been melting and it is no longer a challenge to take out the garbage. I have projects I plan to take care of when the weather warms, such as painting. I have finished my draft of my next book. If you want to buy one of my books or ebooks check out https://www.silvaredigonda.ca . I am also considering dabbing as a consultant world wide. I cannot provide therapy according to my college outside my province but I have learned from my peers that consultation world wide at say $400. an hour is quite acceptable. Some therapists are charging more for couple therapy than individual therapy. I don’t think I want to do that right now, even though I understand they are teaching that. For now, I want to enjoy my summer, take care of my clients, slow down, dance more, play with animals especially mine. Socialize as much as COVID permits me too and spend as much time as possible in the sun. Sun is that you? I have family members in Florida right now and the pictures I saw of the beach makes me want to drive right down. However, my car won’t make the trip and I have responsibilities that keep me here for now. Down the road……..swimming in the ocean sounds delightful. I shall find a way. Do I think we are a nation in trouble? No, not quite. We just need to work to make it the best we can do. Do I fear that the communist countries will take over? No, we won’t let that happen? Can we combat racism? Yup……What do you think?
Thursday, 17 February 2022
Tuesday, 15 February 2022
Friday, 11 February 2022
The Internet Murders continues....... https://www.silvaredigonda.ca
“The nurse left to find her a tray and a few minutes later a doctor came into the room.
“I am Dr. Owen and I am doing rounds today. Your doctor is Dr. Mills, and she is away today. How are you feeling, Sandra?”
“Like I have been hit by a truck,” she repeated.
Dr. Owen chuckled. He was tall and middle-aged and had dimples, which became deeper when he smiled. Sandra marveled at the dimples.
“You have abrasions and contusions all over your body. You had a big gash on your head, which we have stitched up nicely for you, as well as the wound to your arm …. You have a concussion, so we have been monitoring you, but you should be ok and good to go soon. We just have to build up your strength a bit before releasing you. We understand that there is no next of kin?”
“My parents died in a car accident a few years ago. I am an only child.” Dr. Owen smiled sympathetically. She wasn’t much older than his own child.
“Ok. I think it would be better for you to stay here for a few more days to make sure that everything is perfect, so you can manage to take care of yourself when you are home. We can also arrange home care for you. How does that sound to you?”
“No home care. I will be all right, but thank you. I’m hungry,” Sandra responded, wondering if she sounded like an idiot.
“That’s a good sign, but not too much at first. You haven’t had any solids for a bit. Ok?”
Sandra managed a smile. She closed her eyes trying to make sense of what had happened. She had been at her desk and someone approached her from behind. She recalled running and stopping at a closed door. What happened after that? She couldn’t remember. She felt herself drifting off.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.”
Tuesday, 8 February 2022
Health Care Workers seminar notes
10% of Canadians are Health care workers; 80% are women. Health care workers are 1.5 times more likely to be off work due to illness. U.S.A. studies demonstrates that 10% to 15%, in their life time will misuse substances. There are five stages of burn out according to De Hart, 2020)
Stage 1: honeymoon enthusiasm Stage 2: onset of stress stagnation; Stage 3: chronic stress - frustration; Stage 4: Burn out/apathy; Stage 5: habitual burnout/intervention. Causes: Physical exhaustion, mental and emotional exhaustion.
Among Canadian nurses (based on suggestions and trends [not research]) rates, reflect the general population, though misuse of narcotics could be higher among Canadian physicians, rates in par with or slightly higher than general populations. Misuse varies across specialties. There is a high burn out in Toronto Acute care. Health Care Workers are at increased risk for mental illness (Statistics Canada Survey, published feb 2021. 18,000 Health care workers were surveyed. 70% reported their mental health as somewhat worse or much worse versus prior to Mar 2020. 70% reported fair or pool mental health.
I have signed up for another seminar regarding the health of our Health Care workers next month. I will bring you up with some of that data. Any errors are always mine and not those of the establishments.
This week I shall be attending a talk about sex, love and addiction. Of course I shall be sharing my notes with you. Take care for now. I have finished my next book. I just want to review it one more time. Unfortunately I did not have as much time to work on it as I would have liked, but it is my hobby for now. I sold more in 2021 than 2020. If you are interested in buying any of my books or ebooks check out https://silvaredigonda.ca. I write for fun only.
Thursday, 3 February 2022
A need for Reflection - Continues from Ethics Theology notes
How should we understand and apply our primary affective experiences?
Reflection on questions of moral knowledge, objectivity and truth (what is out there beyond myself?).
Morality is based on reality.
What can we know?
How reliable is our knowledge?
Issues of “differences” in our reflections (eg. abortion)
Social relativism (what society approves).
Personal relativeness (do you own thing?)
Emotivism (what feels good): emotions, not statements of truth or falsity. There is no objectivity.
No basis for moral creativity or criticism.
Moral Objectivity
The possibility of a common objective reality: in principal we ought to be able to reach universal agreement about the truth or falsity of our moral claims.
Single source of appeal: rational world order; God (There is a truth of reality. If reason can find a rational order whether we believe in God or not. Out there, there is something - divine law- to have morality there has to be more than just my feelings and experiences.
Critical realism: an avoidance of the extremes.
This is still to continue, but I want to talk about our health care next week from a seminar near the end of last year. I am dreaming of catching up with paperwork but there is always a hiccup that interferes. I maintain a balanced life and hope you are able to as well. That appears to be more of a problem during the pandemic for many. I wish you a good weekend. Stay healthy. I am staying home until my booster is at its fullist protection for me. I am looking forward to being out again. Talk soon. If you ever have a question don't hesitate to ask. Good talk.
Tuesday, 1 February 2022
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