Friday 10 December 2021

The Internet Murders - Continues

The dark figure entered the Church. It was time to confess completely to the priest he had spoken to the other evening. The discomfort that radiated from the priest had been arousing. The Church was now empty except for an old priest kneeling before a statue. The killer walked up the centre aisle to the priest, who was oblivious to anyone except the statue of a young woman, dressed in white and blue robes. She stood firmly with her feet on a snake’s head, its poisonous venom held firmly in check. The statue seemed transfixed in time. “Father, can you hear my confession?” The priest turned his head to look at the person who had interrupted his prayer to Mary. “Confession is on Saturday from two to four.” “Well father, I won’t be able to come during that time, and that is why I am here now.” The elderly priest smiled. However, there was something disturbing about the polite young person before him. There was a small cut … the cut is recent, he thought. “All right, come and sit with me in the pew.” The priest moved slowly towards the pew. The church was quiet and dark. He had forgotten to lock the door and it was late. No one would disturb them at this hour. The priest momentarily closed his eyes for his own act of contrition, because he suddenly felt frightened. He felt death was looming over him.” Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.”

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