I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Tuesday, 17 March 2020
How to manage your mental health during the Corona Virus
Ontario where I live has been declared an emergency state. I am quite proud of how our city and country are dealing with this pandemic. I was concerned that there would be bickering and the Health Experts not taken seriously as I see with other venues of politics and global warming, however this is not the case. I have wondered why and it is because the threat is right here and right now. There has been some people taking advantage of this such as buying cheap and selling on line expensive, but this is now being stopped and controlled. We do not have food shortages or other shortages so the community is advised to shop as normal. I did have some difficulty finding toilot paper and sanitizer however when I did, it was on sale and I took no more than two packages of eight, leaving plenty for others. I walked into one discount store looking for hand sanitizer and walked right out when I saw the woman (owner ) at the counter wanting a rediculous amount of money for a small container. I won't be returning there. Toronto is big and so I have options. I did find hand wipes at my grocery store and again took two leaving more than enough for others. I understand that people have fears and that there can be mass hysteria as people watch others and copy them. However, with our politicians listening to the medical experts and adapting as circumstances change, I am quite comfortable. Today our Prime Minister said if we don't have to go out, don't. Instead of going to an institute next week for that course I was talking about regarding physical ailments causing mental diseases, I shall do that on the web. It will cost me the same and I won't get to interact as much as I love to do, but that is ok. I shall get my five hours of the 20 I need this year. Plenty of time to socialize in the future. I always have more educational hours than I need and that is ok. For those of you who read my blogs, you know that I am a very social person. I was invited to a business event held by the university of Toronto, just at the beginning of the breakout and did not accept because I knew this was coming. They of course shut down the entire school as are all schools right now. I normally practise washing my hands often and use sanitizer when soap and water is not readily available. So not too much of that has changed except it is now even more often. I am also proud of my community. Toronto may seem like a big city for some and have their own views of what a city is. I have lived in Toronto for most of my life. I came as a baby because my parents brought me here and I never needed to leave because everything is here. My work brought me out to see the world and different cities and I was afforded every opportunity to grow. It is the new immigrant or those who came as adults and praise Canada and our city who remind me that I should be grateful. I do admit I take my city and country for granted. I take my opportunities for granted. So it is always nice to be reminded by those who love my country so much that they actually kiss the ground when finally landing here on their journey to become Canadians. We are being asked to stay home and if you can, do so. Remember that we have people all over the world working on this virus and even risking their lives to keep us safe. Governments are providing funding to finding a cure. We have so many wonderful and intelligent scientists and doctors, the best of the best, working on this. We have a short window to maintain this and so help yourselves to take this seriously if you don't. For those of you who are but are terrified, I understand. This may be something you never imagined. We have probably never have been more equipped to deal with this. We are educated, caring and have the opportunity to stay connected on line, and telephone etc......We have become a global village and though this causes problems, it also causes unity. You have a choice to manage your own life right now. You can still make your own choices on how you deal with what you have. There is an on-line community in my area where people who have lost their jobs are asking their community if they need help which they are offering for free to help the elderly and others to do their grocery shopping etc...for them. They are making the best of reaching out even though they are hurting. We have clusters of communities which have their own personalities and cultures and foods etc......I probably live in the best city even though I love New York and intend to move to Niagara. Of course I can always come home if I want. I have choices as do you. We all have to make the choices we want to for ourselves and our families. I am going to suggest that you examine this situation you are in. How can you make the best of it? Perhaps you can begin spring clean-up early? Perhaps you can put away your heaviest winter clothes and start washing your spring/summer clothing? Perhaps you can begin to think of some projects you want to do such as painting? Perhaps you can make more time for fun? Spend real time with your family. One of the things I hear children complain of is their parent is not present. The parents think they are but being on the computer or telephone is not being present with your child. Take this time to enjoy what is important to you. Practice being with your loved one and giving them your full attention. Take time to play with your animals and ask yourself why you haven't in the past. Take this opportunity to read that book you never had time for or watch a movie on television or on line. Take a moment to appreciate nature even if it is just a plant you have access to. Now I am going to ask you to close your eyes and imagine yourself where ever you find peace or love. Is it the beach? Is it gardening? Is it ..........? Now imagine yourself there. Without opening your eyes what do you feel? The sand? The earth below your feet?.....Think of three things. Take your time. What do you hear? Three things again. What do you see?......Three things again..... When you have done all that return to reality. Are you more relaxed? Focus on your breathing. If you are anxious, breath in and out of your nose and focus on the beating of your breath and another time, visualize your beating heart and focus on the beats. This is a time when you can sing and dance and enjoy your own time. Talk to you next week. If you have any questions for me, please do not hesitate to ask. There are plenty of relaxing techniques on line. Take the opportunity to help you relax. What do you think?
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