I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Sunday, 29 March 2020
How was your week? #COVID - 19
I am quite a structured living person. I like routine. Sometimes, I cheat and I am ok with it. I usually fill up my fridge and freezer and when the freezer is empty, I do a thorough cleaning and then go shopping and fill up the freezer again. This is one way to ensure that I don’t keep the food in the freezer for too long. It was just my luck that just before life as we know changed, I had done that shopping after cleaning up my fridge/freezer nicely. Last week I mentioned wanting to extend my practice to electronic. I am almost there. I spent the week becoming informed as much as possible until I was exhausted. I went out for a walk twice to clear my head, while trying to stay away from people from at least six feet. I was doing well until I walked into a local bakery. The first time I went in was only because there were a few people within and the second time I was alone. All the chairs and tables had been removed which is good and following Toronto’s standards right now. Even though there were a few people, the first time I was in, a woman was zig zagging all over the place searching for what items she wanted the clerk to get for her. I was zig zagging right behind her trying to maintain my distance. Finally, I had to say the words, “social distancing.” I had it be known that unless social distancing was not being complied with, I wouldn’t be able to return. A week later, I went for my walk and needing some basic foods, and seeing no one within I walked in for the last time. While I was trying to maintain distancing, people walked in and just moved in ahead of me. As I remarked about this, fury ignited and the proprietor suggested no fighting. As much as I love this bakery I will not return until the pandemic is over. It would be so easy for them to rope up the area and serve one person at a time, but it is not being done. I realize that not everyone is taking physical distance crucial but it is. I decided that the time had come when I had to venture further and so I went out to Fortino’s. It is situated at a mall and so I went and was surprised by the amount of parked cars in the lot. I was headed to the grocery store entrance when I was directed to enter via a caged pathway with poles spaced apart and a note attached to stop there, having a clear appropriate distance from each person. I had to wait until those before me had their cart which had already been cleaned for us. The tv news has asked us to shop alone and for the most part this was being done. The aisles are not made for distancing, but everyone was doing their best. I did buy more than usual because I want to minimize going out. It also cost me a lot more because I normally buy different items at different places. Not at this time, however. There was direction for us to enter each cashier stand which was being protected by a shield. One thing I did notice was the amount of people wearing face masks. My thoughts went to the health care workers requesting protective masks and other equipment. I wondered why so many were wearing what the health care workers need right now. I also noted that all but one, was wearing them incorrectly. Now I am hibernated nicely in my home. However, again I had a knock on my door a few days ago by a well meaning person who handed me a card. I went to the kitchen to wash my hands before returning to my phone call. People are still not getting it, that maintaining distance is very very important. Families are still visiting families and neighbours are still visiting neighbours. Now is not the time if we want to contain this virus. If people did what they are asked to do by health officials, we could combat this. If the virus has nowhere to go, it will cease. I am still seeing a minimum of clients who need to be seen, but we are maintaining social distance and the area is cleaned after each session. I would really love to do therapy on line and as I extend to electronic, I will encourage this more so. Last night one family member died from the COVID - 19 virus in Italy. He was creative, an activist in his younger day and had so much to still offer his family and society. I had never met him, but had heard so much. This is a very serious and deadly disease which people need to take seriously. This will get much more serious, before it gets better, so wake up and smell the coffee. Stay home. By the end of next week I want to be set up to begin my electronic practice. One of my associations has really stepped up in providing us with information and support. Wednesday we will begin conferencing and developing self care measures on a weekly basis. I am deciding if I should practice just in Canada or extending to the US and overseas. I need to always be mindful of the laws and regulations of other areas to determine if I have to omit certain states, provinces or countries. This will be a work in progress. However, for now, I need to get online to encourage my own clients to seriously consider this alternative. I still have lots of work to do. This is a good time for all of you to reflect where you are at this time in your life. How is this pandemic affecting you? Is your country taking this pandemic seriously? Are you in an abused relationship and noting that abuse is escalating? The police is still working. This is a time to ponder, reflect and determine what is best for you. This situation will subside eventually. I wish you all well and thank you for reading my blogs. My favourite city New York is suffering so much. However, I have faith in their mayor and governor to do the best they can. Our own politicians are serving us well, though I don’t think it is wise to travel on flights, trains and buses within provinces at this time. Tomorrow they will state that travellers cannot fly if they have signs of sickness. However, you can be a carrier without showing signs of sickness. We need to protect our more vulnerable places and people. I don’t normally do anything on line on Sundays or work. However, I wanted to talk to you today because the rest of the week I want to focus on the care of my clients and electronic measures. I do need to buy a new computer as soon as the stores open again. I don’t want to be taken advantage of on line. I know where I will go I will get a fair price, thought expensive for what I buy. I need what is best for my clients without being gorged. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask. In my last blog I provided legitimate resources regarding the pandemic. There is no cure right now so don’t believe these fraudsters trying to make a huge buck on your health. You may consume something that can cause harm. Maintain your distance from others and don’t go out if you don’t have to. Our Prime Minister and Premier are calling out people and corporations trying to take advantage of people by hiking up their prices. They can get up to one year in jail as well as a hiked fine for them. I wish you all to keep safe. Remember you have control of you. There are a lot of sites for mindfulness and self care on line. However, if you think you need more, let me know and I can talk about that. Be safe. What do you think?
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
Saturday, 21 March 2020
Electronic Practice
I have already been asked if I provide Electronic Practice. I wrote a paper about this when it was just beginning and I was a student. I may have already posted it years ago. If not it will be posted here eventually. I still have clients who want to meet face to face. At this time I am still seeing them though providing them the option by telephone. I have been providing tele therapy either because my clients are travelling, or other circumstances for quite a while. I have always preferred face to face, but realize that circumstances are quickly changing. I have also been asked to consider this option even if temporary through this pandemic. Do I prefer face to face at this time? Of course not. However, I consider my occupation an essential service. I do weigh, as asked, each case to determine if face to face is the only option. I do maintain social distance and disinfect areas between clients. My careers have always been in the service of others with their own particular risks. There is more involved than just starting an electronic practice on demand. I may need to buy another computer. I will probably need to have a HIPPA compliant program. I will need to know if I am authorized to provide therapy where the client lives. I will need to know their laws of duty to report etc…..There is much involved. Time is evolving and perhaps it is time to expand to this domain. If I start this, I will more than likely continue along this path, providing more options for myself and my clients. There is much more to consider. Right now I want to educate myself on what I need to know. I have lots of questions that need to be answered as well. That is that for now. Monday I will be attending my seminar (5 hours) on line. This is what I was informing you about a few blogs ago regarding physical diseases causing mental illness. It should be interesting and as per usual I will share notes with you. I will miss interacting with my colleagues. For now take care of yourselves. Toronto is getting quiet and I must admit I am enjoying this down time. I feel like I am on holidays without all the noise that comes with the city. Many find this time eerie. Listen to the advice of the medical doctors especially those dealing with infectious diseases. My politicians are stepping up to the plate. They are listening and working with Health Care Professionals. Not all countries are, so please listen to those who know. Right now social distancing is more important than ever. Stay home if you can. This may be the time when you have to say no to people who want to see you. It may even be family members who simply do not understand. I had an elderly woman contact me telling me she just got back from Florida but was well stocked. When she isn’t, I shall bring her what she needs and leave it on her porch. That is how you can help those who need help. Keep in contact by telephone or internet. This is a very serious time and no one is immune. I studied about this happening in the future in an undergrad course. I think it was “Medicine Biology and the Human Body. Anyhow have a safe weekend. I am providing you with my blog today because I want to focus on my own education and clients next week. Take care of yourselves. Keep your physical distance from others regardless of your age; wash your hands more and keep your hands away from your face. This affects everyone. This is all temporary. Ride out the storm by quieting your soul.
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Fraud Presumed - If it states Bit Coin it is not legitimate. Shameful during this time.
It is terrible that during these difficult times, there continues to be those who try to scam money from good people who just may think that their money is going for good causes. Don't fall for this. Donate only to legitimate organizations and check them out. These trolls are not W.H.O.
Another tiresome email distributed to many:
We are all affected by the growing COVID-19 pandemic. It's an unprecedented health challenge and we know people and organizations everywhere want to help. The World Health Organization is leading and coordinating the global effort, supporting countries to prevent, detect, and respond to the pandemic.
The greatest need right now is to help ensure all countries are prepared, especially those with the weakest health systems. Donations support WHO’s work to track and understand the spread of the virus; to ensure patients get the care they need and frontline workers get essential supplies and information; and to accelerate efforts to develop vaccines, tests, and treatments.
Now you can help us by donating any amount you want with the help of BITCOIN NETWORK
DONATE NOW with Bitcoin payment
World Health Organization bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) for donations is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Your contribution will matter!
© 2020 WHO
World Health Organization
How to manage your mental health during the Corona Virus
Ontario where I live has been declared an emergency state. I am quite proud of how our city and country are dealing with this pandemic. I was concerned that there would be bickering and the Health Experts not taken seriously as I see with other venues of politics and global warming, however this is not the case. I have wondered why and it is because the threat is right here and right now. There has been some people taking advantage of this such as buying cheap and selling on line expensive, but this is now being stopped and controlled. We do not have food shortages or other shortages so the community is advised to shop as normal. I did have some difficulty finding toilot paper and sanitizer however when I did, it was on sale and I took no more than two packages of eight, leaving plenty for others. I walked into one discount store looking for hand sanitizer and walked right out when I saw the woman (owner ) at the counter wanting a rediculous amount of money for a small container. I won't be returning there. Toronto is big and so I have options. I did find hand wipes at my grocery store and again took two leaving more than enough for others. I understand that people have fears and that there can be mass hysteria as people watch others and copy them. However, with our politicians listening to the medical experts and adapting as circumstances change, I am quite comfortable. Today our Prime Minister said if we don't have to go out, don't. Instead of going to an institute next week for that course I was talking about regarding physical ailments causing mental diseases, I shall do that on the web. It will cost me the same and I won't get to interact as much as I love to do, but that is ok. I shall get my five hours of the 20 I need this year. Plenty of time to socialize in the future. I always have more educational hours than I need and that is ok. For those of you who read my blogs, you know that I am a very social person. I was invited to a business event held by the university of Toronto, just at the beginning of the breakout and did not accept because I knew this was coming. They of course shut down the entire school as are all schools right now. I normally practise washing my hands often and use sanitizer when soap and water is not readily available. So not too much of that has changed except it is now even more often. I am also proud of my community. Toronto may seem like a big city for some and have their own views of what a city is. I have lived in Toronto for most of my life. I came as a baby because my parents brought me here and I never needed to leave because everything is here. My work brought me out to see the world and different cities and I was afforded every opportunity to grow. It is the new immigrant or those who came as adults and praise Canada and our city who remind me that I should be grateful. I do admit I take my city and country for granted. I take my opportunities for granted. So it is always nice to be reminded by those who love my country so much that they actually kiss the ground when finally landing here on their journey to become Canadians. We are being asked to stay home and if you can, do so. Remember that we have people all over the world working on this virus and even risking their lives to keep us safe. Governments are providing funding to finding a cure. We have so many wonderful and intelligent scientists and doctors, the best of the best, working on this. We have a short window to maintain this and so help yourselves to take this seriously if you don't. For those of you who are but are terrified, I understand. This may be something you never imagined. We have probably never have been more equipped to deal with this. We are educated, caring and have the opportunity to stay connected on line, and telephone etc......We have become a global village and though this causes problems, it also causes unity. You have a choice to manage your own life right now. You can still make your own choices on how you deal with what you have. There is an on-line community in my area where people who have lost their jobs are asking their community if they need help which they are offering for free to help the elderly and others to do their grocery shopping etc...for them. They are making the best of reaching out even though they are hurting. We have clusters of communities which have their own personalities and cultures and foods etc......I probably live in the best city even though I love New York and intend to move to Niagara. Of course I can always come home if I want. I have choices as do you. We all have to make the choices we want to for ourselves and our families. I am going to suggest that you examine this situation you are in. How can you make the best of it? Perhaps you can begin spring clean-up early? Perhaps you can put away your heaviest winter clothes and start washing your spring/summer clothing? Perhaps you can begin to think of some projects you want to do such as painting? Perhaps you can make more time for fun? Spend real time with your family. One of the things I hear children complain of is their parent is not present. The parents think they are but being on the computer or telephone is not being present with your child. Take this time to enjoy what is important to you. Practice being with your loved one and giving them your full attention. Take time to play with your animals and ask yourself why you haven't in the past. Take this opportunity to read that book you never had time for or watch a movie on television or on line. Take a moment to appreciate nature even if it is just a plant you have access to. Now I am going to ask you to close your eyes and imagine yourself where ever you find peace or love. Is it the beach? Is it gardening? Is it ..........? Now imagine yourself there. Without opening your eyes what do you feel? The sand? The earth below your feet?.....Think of three things. Take your time. What do you hear? Three things again. What do you see?......Three things again..... When you have done all that return to reality. Are you more relaxed? Focus on your breathing. If you are anxious, breath in and out of your nose and focus on the beating of your breath and another time, visualize your beating heart and focus on the beats. This is a time when you can sing and dance and enjoy your own time. Talk to you next week. If you have any questions for me, please do not hesitate to ask. There are plenty of relaxing techniques on line. Take the opportunity to help you relax. What do you think?
Monday, 16 March 2020
CP 24 and CBC News free for a while - Corona updates
I have these two channels plus CNN. It is a good way to keep up with the news on the global pandemic. It appears that Canadians do not always get the updates that are being released, so I do encourage people to watch the news and get the latest. CP 24 is a Toronto New news channel. CBC is Canada wide. The information is heavily focused right now on the virus. Please keep up to date on what is going on and listen to the experts who deal with this virus. Keep safe.
More Fraudsters - Don't fall for this
P.M.B. 0127, AGBOKOU,
Dear Beneficiary the fact is that you cant seem to trust anyone again towards your approved beneficiary fund payment here just because of what you have been in cantered with other peoples, but listen our office cannot liar or deceive you, the US$150 you were ask to pay is needed in your name to obtain your Fund payment Release Transfer Clearance Certificate at the Bureau office here, the fee of US$150 is clearly written to all the beneficiaries, our office did not invent the fee to defraud you or anybody, it is an official Clearance Certificate fee of your fund Release , and the good part of this, is that after this fee you will receive your approved fund without any body to disturbed you again over any kind of fee, you are hereby implore to divulge to us on how you want your Funds enacted to you from the below listed means of funds transfers.
1. ATM CARD: The funds will be loaded in an Automated Teller Machine 'ATM Card' and it will sent to you via FEDEX Courier Service for you to activate it in any ATM Machine close to you and make sure you change the Personal Identification Number 'PIN Number' to your preferred PIN Number and start withdrawing your fund from any ATM machine. i will send to you a scan copy of the ATM card package as soon as you reply with your details .do not ignore this if you really want your payment.
3. TRANSFER TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT: Your funds will be transferred instrumentally into your bank account through Key Telegraphic Transfer and it will require you to present to your bank the funds transfer documents that will we be sent to you before you will be allowed to start withdrawal the funds from your Bank. be rest assure that your fund will be release to you without any problem.
We are all working together to battle the Corona Virus. Next we should all work together to crack down on this crime and hold governments responsible. I post this so you don't fall for this because it causes a lot of grief.
This is final, once our office receive the US$150 from you to obtain your Fund payment Release Transfer Clearance Certificate at the Bureau office here, the Certificate will present to the paying bank then the paying Bank will release your fund to you without any delay. I dont want you to lose your fund this time, because you may never get such good opportunity again,
The Federal Government of Nigeria is keen and very determined to pay all the beneficiaries overdue debts, this is not a fluke, I don't want you to lose your fund out of ignorance, I will send you all your fund payment documents as soon as you send the US$150 fee needed in your name to obtain your Fund payment Transfer Clearance Certificate at the Bureau office here, you have to trust me and our office here, you will receive your approved fund this time around, find a way to send the US$150 you will not lose it, instead it will bring your financial Breakthrough, find the US$150 and send it to our office bursary.
Provide below information.
1...... Your Full Name and mobile telephone number
2.....Your Address
Finally my advice is for you not to abandon this because of the requirement of (US$150) the receiver is our office bursary is available to receive the US$150 through Western Union.
As soon as you get back to me I will send you information on how to make the payment through the Western Union Money transfer/Money Gram.
Dr. Fred Thomas
Department Of Treasury Direct-Account
United Nations Fund's Remittance
Federal Ministry Of Finance
Saturday, 14 March 2020
Update of my services as suggested by one of my associations.
I don't charge for cancellation fees when people are sick. HOwever, when there is a no show or minimal cancellation time I do charge for the entire session. People who see me directly by their EAP do not fall in this bracket. There is no money exchange at anytime. I do regularly keep areas clean.
Though I haven't had alcohol wipes available for clients, this has changed sinced the pandemic. I have found that in the past, clients regardless of how sick they were would still come and see me. I now request while this pandemic exists, that clients either agree to a telephone session if permitted by their EAP/Insurance or wait til they are free from illness. I do not presently have a secure video HEPPA but will seriously consider this. My objective is to be available to all clients and will continue to see clients and upgrade my services to continue in providing service to all my clients presently and in the future. I will adhere to all recommendations from my Associations and College. This can be a trying time for many. Should I feel ill, I will immediately alert my clients and EAP's and take appropriate self care measures and isolation following the procedure of Canada Health.
I have received the following email from one of my Associations and appreciate the suggestions:
Waive cancellation fees
Clean all surfaces
Reassure clients
WHO information
Dear fellow members,
These are very difficult times and the COVID-19 Pandemic has significant implications for all of us who work in private practice, health care/social service agencies and educational settings.
The following are a few recommendations that we hope will help you as you decide how to communicate with your clients regarding the pandemic and ensure a safe setting in which to provide individual, couples and family therapy:
Ensure that commonly touched surfaces in your workspace are regularly being disinfected such as doorknobs, pens and armrests.
Add additional boxes of tissues and hand sanitizer to your office. Remember that this virus is easily dislodged with soap and water or alcohol wipes.
Contact your clients to ask them to notify you if they have been out of the country recently, have experienced any symptoms (fever, cough or difficulty breathing), or have knowingly been in contact with anyone with symptoms of COVID-19. Use this opportunity to reassure your clients and provide factual information.
If you or any of your clients are symptomatic, have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in contact with someone who has been exposed; or are self-isolating as a precautionary measure, or as mandated by a government agency, please explore the alternative of using phone sessions or a secure video conference platform (check with your provincial regulatory body to determine their policy on using a video conference platform)
Consider waiving any cancellation fees you might have during this time
The 24-hour news cycle and the overwhelming number of online sources of information (excellent, good, bad, misinformed and just plain dangerous) could make some clients feel overwhelmed or anxious. PLEASE use information and facts from these two trusted sources during this difficult time:
o Public Health Agency of Canada
o World Health Organization
More attempts at Fraud which is quite terrible during these times
This was sent to many. If you receive this don't go for it.
Greetings my dear beloved one in the Lord..
i contacted you after my fasting and prayer for my good God to give me a honest man or woman that will handle this Assignment, and after my fasting and prayer you was review to me by God and it is my desire of going into relationship with you. I am Mrs. Anna Babayeve i am a Farmer/gold and diamond dealer I am a merchant of Russia nationality, I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer. i am currently admitted in a privet hospital, and I have some funds I inherited from my late loving husband Mr. John Steel Babayeve,the sum of US$4.500.000 which he deposited in WEZESHA TRUST BANK Lome Togo, and I need a very honest and The Lord fearing Christian that can use this funds for The Lord work and 20% out of the total funds will be for your compensation for doing this work of The Lord, May The Lord bless you. Your Sister In The Lord.
Mrs. Anna Babayeve
Thursday, 12 March 2020
Man and Masculinity - Social Science (notes)
I finished talking about Abnormal Psychology and now I am going to switch to our next topic of social science. Apparently I have four booklets of notes. I have two of those readily available. I may have thrown out notes prior to deciding to writing a blog. However, as I go through my paperwork if I find anything I think may be of interest to you, I shall record it for you before throwing it out. We now have an pandamic of COVID-19. Please listen to the medical staff, especially those specializing in infectious disease. Also listen to the politicians to help you to decide who to vote for in following elections. Always believe the experts who specialize. Keep safe. I studied how this would happen years ago when I took a course in biology. I went to Costco yesterday and was disappointed that they were selling six rolls of toilet paper for $10.00. I have never noticed six rolls being sold prior to this epidemic. I am disappointed but fully understand how companies exploit. So now I am going to focus on men. As I mentioned prior to day, I found this course the easiest in my undergrad. I actually liked the professor and I did find the course humorous. I got in trouble a few times for laughing at what was being taught. For example the “Rule of Thumb” You have heard of it? Well that derives from England when the law indicated that men could not beat their wives with the circumference of a branch more than that of the man’s thumb. The professor marched up to me in the centre of the room, looked down at me and asked if I thought that was funny. Have you had those moments when if you say anything you know you will burst out laughing and get into more trouble? Here we have a situation that it is ok to beat up a woman as long as what you are using is not bigger than the man’s thumb doing the beating. I was laughing because it sounded so absurd to me - so ridiculous. I am chuckling now that I am typing this. It is never ok. So when my professor was looming down over me, I was trying not to burst out laughing because I found it funny and more so that he was over me and so angry. Have you had those bursts when you are trying not to laugh but you just can’t help it? Your mouth is shut but there are short bursts of breath escaping. I am not in elementary school, I am in my first year of university and am a grown woman so I am finding that funny too. Me thinks I am really going to enjoy this course.
So, the study of men is social science (in this situation). So, I shall ask you some questions we were asked. Where did you get your ideas about what it means to be a man? What is the central theme of Beyond Patriarchy? This was one of the books we read. I have since given it away. I simply had too many books to keep and so what I do unless I need it, is give them away to people who have an interest in the topic or donate it or place it out on my front yard for someone to pick up. Why not? We were also to examine a short history of humanity. What was the Mode of Production? It seems mundane now, gathering, hunting — women perhaps couldn’t hunt as much because they had to care for the children. - Horticulture - Industrial (factory production). Family - Matriarchal (mother) - Tribal group of people - work together to gather food and share because can’t store - Conseguine family. Male/Female - division of labour - access to socially valued resources.
What is Social Science? Social Science’s attempt to use the scientific method to look at humans in society. What do Scientists do? Hypothesize, experiment, observe >change> collect data - conclusion. Examine consistency and patterns.
What problems are there when - humans for science? 1. We are unique. 2. Energy is required to observe. The more precise we get, the higher the energy, the more the thing gets excited.
For example: Presence when observing causes energy, therefore, when a woman (or man)is typing, she is not relaxed if someone watches her. Animals in controlled situations are different than in the wild. 3. Bias - eg. sound barrier; the world is flat (by the way the world is not flat). 4. Mathematics - difficult to quantify. 5. Durable - Skeleton not skin colour. Must be durable to survive. The central theme then is that masculinity is not innate but socialized. Much of the literature by men on men - female relationships tend to be at one extreme or another; many look at how men are scarred and deformed by our roles but do not examine men’s privileges and power over women. Many such books and articles play or ignore the social structures of the power of men. Some books we read on this course looked at the psychology and not dealing with the power and positions of power. Social Science is a Masculine Theory. What was mentioned was a television series “Origins of Man” which dealt with Masculinity based on what it is not. To be continued with Power - every male that sexually abused has been abused. (based on this course) Next week it is back to theology.
Friday, 6 March 2020
The New Missal (From the Middle Ages continues to the Italian Renaissance) - my notes - Theology
The late Middle Ages goes to the Italian Renaissance and so we move away from cosmic. Rome and Italy is taking leadership again. This humanistic shift is rural to urban, from universe to human. Awareness of human achievement is giving praise to God. There is a return to a sense of the significance etc…- music - complexity. In Gothic there is a window to God. Here the surface needs to fill up. Art and music are dialogue for you - an aesthetic sense.
The Reformation - Culture and the scandal of the wealth and politics. The rest of Europe is experiencing the plaque. The show and birthing of culture. Luther - needs to divorce. The Catholic response - Arrival of Trent - 25 sessions over 18 years. Trent is the first council that they need theologians. First having theologians consulting, in order to recover early forms of the mass. If it is going to overcome what led to Protestants Luther separation. We need to go to what was before. This is going to lead to the Trinitarian mass. What comes out of Trent? Suppress physical barriers to the altar. You create a very open church (no pews). You create a church that is back to the original - open, bringing people closer to the altar by moving the choir to the balcony. Emphasize the connection of the ritual to the cross and sacrifice as human participation in God’s saving labours. (It is interesting that in my own church the choir has moved from the balcony to the front and the Creed from Trent is recited rather than the apostles creed) Connect the ritual through scripture, and architecture and the communion of saints as members are now of God’s reign. No longer cosmic. Jesuits design their churches so that you can have a religious play before mass. The importance of preaching in vernacular for catechesis - (that is why they broke away). The mass of Pius V is basically the mass of 1000. There is a new form of education. You take a mystery of faith and music - theme of music - liturgy; Articulating it separately. Make the church a home for people so people feel comfortable. It had great promise. But it is an unfinished reform. There was limited use of the vernacular. The protestants used it and it did not want to be too protestant. Then comes the Enlightment and the French Revolution…… to be continued.
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