As you know I had so much fun at this conference. It was a holiday and I was not alone thinking that conferences are holidays so that was nice. I was really excited that after the lecture we would have our own therapy with the dogs. The Ontario Veterinary College has raised 45 million dollars. There is a “Best Friends” Magazine which was in our gift bag and thoroughly enjoyed reading. There are pet loss booklets which I need to note down and order. There was a talk about the bond betweens humans and companion animals which is mutually beneficial. What are the benefits of dog ownership? Physical - improves a variety of health outcomes, including chronic conditions; inspires regular outdoor activity. Caring for dependent animals keeps the mind active. There is a psycho social aspect: companionship, unconditional love, release of de-stress hormones through interaction, enhances diminishing social networks and mitigates effects of loneliness, loss and depression. What are therapy dogs? - Personal pets and members (with owners) of a therapy organization. They serve in regular placement (often weekly). There is a formal application and an assessment process. Dog and owner are assessed to see how they work as a team. Standards are more rigorous than Canadian Kennel Club’s “Canine Good neighbour Program” test. A service dog is a working dog and bred, socialized, rigorously trained and tested to fill a specific role in the life of his/her human partner. An emotional support animal is a personal pet certified by a physician or licensed mental health professional as beneficial for an owner with mental or emotional disability. ( I don’t provide that service). Where do Therapy Dogs volunteer their service? - Retirement Homes, hospice, libraries, universities, airports, public parks and court rooms in Victim Services programs, long term care and hospitals. The formal application process - Therapy Dog - interview, dog owner assessment, police check, monitored visits, annual vaccinations. The speaker, a delightful happy woman with the cutest doggie brings her dog to “Diamond in the Rough Retreat. Her dog is hypoallergenic and has no hair shedding ( I happen to be allergic to my own pets and it is too bad so sad but I had no intention to give my pets away. My own pets I keep for life). The specialist did say that one can still become allergic to dogs even if there is no hair shedding eventually. She really didn’t want me to have any pets. Her dog is an lowchen. I hope I spelled that right and they are bred as companion animals historically. So, after the lecture I went to play with the doggies during my coffee break and the lowchen just lay flat on my lap like my own pets do, a meaty thermal heater. They use pet therapy for the students at Guelph University during exams. I remember how every once in a while a student would get anxious in class and become hysterical when I was in undergrad. I am all in favour of animals any time under supervision. I loved it especially since I was missing my own little beasts. So, I have to go now and won’t even be able to read what I wrote. My bad. I am uploading a photo of the doggie on my lap. Next week I shall continue with the Missal and then it is back to the conference. The title - Can we use bugs as drugs? Do you feel like you are at the conference too? Have a splendid weekend. If you are thinking of getting a pet, remember they are living creatures with actual feelings and needs. Please really think hard to determine if you can actually take care of one. For that reason I do not recommend pets to clients. Hoarding animals is difficult for them as well. Til we meet again. www.redigondapsychotherapy.com www.silvaredigonda com
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