I loved being back at York University, "Showcase". It is always fun and exciting talking to students, faculty and staff. I had a slow start but the afternoon was good. I also had a few from last year return which motivates me to want to write more. I was sitting beside an author who writes 2000 words a day. Mind you she does it full time and has a steady paycheck for doing so from a publisher. I need one of those. However, while I am practicing, I need to have the best interest of my clients first. When I really retire, then I shall do that. Write everyday but not quite 2000. I was told that is a work of progress. I also spoke to a professor who told me how wonderful I am and of course I agreed,"Yes I am." He was a tad taken back by my agreement. I guess he does not get that response too often from compliments he gives out. He also writes and I encouraged him to come sell his serious books. I told him there would not be any conflict since he writes "serious" books and I write "fluff." I may just be sitting next to him next year. It is all good. I got to speak to so many interesting people. I have to say I love the university life. Yesterday, I went to see the Temptations. While in the lobby I found the sign asking the audience not to sing or dance during the show hilarious. I never knew how difficult it was to be anchored in a seat when all I wanted to do was dance and sing but I remained glued to the seat, but the rest of me was moving. I really recommend this show. I thought they were Canadian but spoiler alert, these actors were from the U.S.A. I read just a bit from my favourites and their credits are amazing. I may have to watch a show of law and order. Amazing singing and acting and etc.......Wow! And the fun is not over. This weekend is the Santa Clause Parade and I have volunteered and signed my life away to be a spare marcher. Now, I just learned that my Health Club has re-opened, so I have been doing no excercise since August. That is when they had a bad flood. So, if I get to "march" on Santa's Parade you may recognize me staggering behind. They provide the makeup and no hoods allowed so that should be interesting. Being on a Santa Parade I suppose is on my bucket list. My mom used to take me faithfully until I grew up and then went with friends. Due to other obligations, I was just watching it on TV. However, this year, I made a point of taking that responsibility off my plate for one Sunday at least. Oh what the heck. I will take that parade day off each year from now on. Now, the Disney Parade, that would be a dream! I shall let you know next week, if I got in since I am a "spare" and I did not forget to bring my waiver form..... Regardless of how I do, I shall reveal............ I also have to find the time to read about ethics, since I will be taking a one day ethics course which is required for my college. So, remember, work and study but do make time for fun and perhaps enjoy the gifted artists who provide so much joy with their creativity. www.silvaredigonda.com www.redigondapsychotherapy.com

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