I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Friday, 28 September 2018
Sorry about the notes I wanted to provide for you but just finished a dine and discovery Insurance info
Ok, I am still on a roll and very busy. I want to tell you about what I learned about Insurance Companies today. If you have a tornado and you call in and they tell you, sorry so sad, but no can do, check your policy. If it has winds listed, it is covered. Now, this is for Canada and I am not sure of how it works in the States, but I bet you can argue that winds are winds and that therefore it should be covered, regardless of the strength of the wind. I would have assumed, that if you call, the person at the other end would know the answer. Silly me. When you assume, you make an ass of you and me (ass u me). Just in case it is an old expression that has not been passed on. The incident the man was telling us about happened in Angus Ontario. I remember that event quite clearly because it is just outside CFB Borden. Apparently people who answer the phone to answer your questions may not know the answers for some reason. It was quite an interesting talk. What I know from personal experience is that insurance companies can make certain requests such as replace your tiles on your roof and if you don't than they can say they will not insure you, while another will wait for 20 years plus. I learned today that they are not regulated and I do think they should be. I believe that anyone with a business should be accountable for what they provide and ramifications be instilled when there is a lapse. Heads should roll when it costs you money. Not literally of course. My bad. So, I had a great lunch of fish, potatoes salad and bread/butter. I also had very fresh Portugese cup cakes of sorts. So, for two weeks I will be very busy, but I will not forget to provide you with more of my notes. ASAP. In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving. I am having a head start.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Busy Weekend and of course it is not over
Last week I was selling my books at a community centre and though I did sell my books to people, I was also met with "no one reads anymore." Yesterday at Word on The Street, I was well assured that people do read and I loved it. I had two other authors nearby who were quite interesting. I bought one's book who had spent two years in prison. I want to read her story. The other author was motivated at marketing herself as am I and we shared our experiences there. In matter of fact I have to send her a resource I found. I will be joining two clubs or associations for writers and I am quite excited about that. I take my private practice very seriously but writing is my passion for fun. The other author joined a group of immigrant writers and she was quite pleased about that. I have already joined the Italian Association of Writers during the summer and did give one talk in Woodbridge to a group. HOwever, I need more and so by joining a group of writers who love mysteries I may have just found my gem. I was already invited to go to Quebec at the end of the month but that is just not possible right now, but I love to have options and I was informed that I should be quite busy by a member. I am already quite busy but it is a good busy and I am constantly monitoring myself to be my best for my clients. I sold quite a few books at Word on the Street as did my fellow authors on each side of me. We were all pleased. The "marketing self" author told me that she sold more books there than in New York City. I guess I won't be going there any time soon. I love New York however, but timing is not right now. I will probably go just for fun and not selling books. I attended two lectures the day before at York University "York Circle". Of course I always have fun going to York and meeting up with old colleagues. The first lecture about global warming or climate change as it is now referred to and how the mass information on the internet distorts the facts, denying facts from excerpts and how politics now is part of the polar views which is somewhat new. We do have problems but it is nothing new. As I normally explain is look at the credentials of the person. What is his or hers field? It is so easy nowadays to pretend and convince. The second topic was about romance in couples. Did I learn anything? Not really but it is my field. However, I am aware of the research they are conducting and I agree with the the correlations. I need to keep up with research by legitmate scientists. This morning I spent research and preparing and now I will be doing some serious work. This month will be busy and conferences are starting but I am having fun too on a weekly basis. I will try to write some more of my old psych notes this week for you and PTSD is next. Thank you again for reading my blogs. What do you do in your free time? Do you have fun doing it? Do you have any hobbies? What motivates you? What can you do to make it happen? Have you read any good books lately? Take care of yourself. Know your limits. www.silvaredigonda.com www.redigondapsychotherapy.com
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Bad Hair cut - bad timing
I have a great relationship with my hairstylist. He is Italian descent with a Davey Jones haircut which he keeps nice. He knows I cheat on him. Of course he does without me telling him, since he has worked on my hair for several years now. I sometimes threaten him with murder if he does not comply with my wishes and so naturally most of the times he does. When I am not threatening he tries something new and shorter. He knows I hate short hair. Yesterday was my only free day to get ready for all I have to do and need to look my best. He wasn't working and so I decided to check out another salon. There were three in one corner of an area and so I decided to go to the closest of my parked vehicle. The woman asked me if I wanted conditioner and I said yes. She continued to explain why she was asking and then went on a speaking course. I have been doing my hair forever. As a teen I was getting my hair trimmed at least. However, I let her continue to tell me all she has learned, since she felt she needed to. I had one request. I was growing my hair out. Otherwise she could do what she wanted. I hate short hair. It is as simple as that. What does she do? She cut it all off. All of it. She also needed a razar at the back of my head. "No razar," I exlaimed. She then showed me the back of my head and I paled. She had done it. She gave me a boy haircut. I wanted to leave but it was too late. I could feel tears wanting to burst out. How could this happen? I informed her that I said I wanted to grow my hair out. She did not hear that part, only that she could do what she wants. I asked her to make it as feminine as possible. When she took out her heart medication I realized I had to play nice. I wondered later if the medication is a ploy for unhappy customers. I tipped her well regardless, knowing that I would never return. Two bad experiences within two years. I told you about the last one. Out of three, I had to pick this one. As she was layering what was left of my hair at my request to give it a touch of womanhood, the music came on loud and aggressive. I heard the endless swearing from the vacalist and asked what that swearing was all about. A male getting his hair cut informed me it was rap as if it was a new discovery for me. I wanted to run, wet hair and all. "Does your stylist know you are cheating on him?" She asked. I explain that we have an open relationship. I cheat and always return to him. I didn't explain that he cheats as well. I am not his ownly client. "Do you have his cell number?" She asks. I am beginning to wonder if this is a reality game and I am the unsuspecting customer. I am asked if I would like a coffee and jump at that opportunity. I am in luck I am assured. One woman has worked at Starbucks and another at Tim HOrton's. I ask for the Starbuck's version. Uch, Uch Uch. Maybe the person worked at Starbucks but they are certainly not using the same coffee. Dishwater anyone? Now I know what the Italians meant (book 2) when they accused my coffee of being dishwater and spit it out. I did not spit it out. The entire ordeal was a nightmare from which I was not waking up. Then, I am being bombarded by Starbucks ex employee of the month of all the availability there is for me there. I was asked if I was interested in a product she thought I was looking at. It was a picture of a man losing his hair with the promise for it to all grow back with the tube of magical powers for sale. "No I have hair. Thank you." It is no wonder she thought I had no hair left after the horrible cut. Then I was bombarded regarding all the possiblities I could enjoy there such as reflex therapy, pedicure and manicure. Ok, so I cheat on my hair stylist but does that mean I am simply a cheater? I just had my nails and pedicure done and it is fresh. Was that not noticed? I am hoping my hair will soon dry so I can run for the door. I ponder if I should anyway. I think of my stylist who decided to take a day off. He is going to enjoy me telling him about this cheating day. He loves my stories. He keeps my first book in his dresser at home. He simply loves,"Hey Guy Buy Me." At least I know two men love it. Maybe three. Of course they are all secure men. Anyhow, I left the hair salon as I heard echos of see me soon. They did not hear me say anthing except thank you. I went home and called family to make me feel better. It didn't work but it is nice to have family for situations like this. I woke up this morning forgetting all about the haircut until I looked in the mirror. I put on make up asap. I need to buy better make up. What bad timing? Anyhow, if you want to see me at my worse, come to "Word on The Street" and you can make me feel better by having me sign one of the books you are going to buy from me. Please do not mention my hair. This is one time, I do not want to know what you think. Have a good week. My next couple of weeks are going to be fantastic if I do not look in the mirror. My poor hair.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Update - Books and readings - Word on the Street - Come visit me this Saturday
Selling my books at Fairbanks Park was great for the first hour. As the day progressed, so did the heat and so did the sales. I did sell all three of my books. My first book was bought from a very secure male. The second, a retired military man (who likes my writings) and the third from a neighbour who wanted it for a birthday gift for her husband. So sweet. I get approached by people wanting me to recite my book to them and then I get comments like, "nobody reads anymore," "your books are expensive," does the publisher know you are selling these books etc......God bless them all. This Saturday I will be at "Word on the Street" where I won't get the comment that people do not read anymore. Come and find me at booth 401b, "Hey Guy Buy Me". It is my favourite venue because there are so many authors and book lovers there. I look forward to it every year and unlike this past Saturday where I had to leave early because of the intense heat and beating sun, they supply a tent which offers me protection from the elements. I am presently reading a magazine distributed from the Registered Marriage and Family Therapy about opiods and suicide. It mentions that 1/3 of family therapists still have clients sign that they will not commit sucide while under their care. I was taught the same which I stopped asking clients to sign, because one asked me after many sessions and getting better, "Did you really think that signing that had me not kill myself?" I learn from my clients as well and if I sense that something is not working, I modify, change or stop using something ineffective. I have to be careful as well because sometimes I stop using one thing and then I notice that the client can really be helped and what may seem mundane to me is quite effective to others. I am therefore constantly learning but I no longer ask clients to sign that they will not kill themselves, because I do not want to insult them either. The article also suggests that they agree with me for other reasons. I am also reading a James Peterson novel for just plain relaxation. I also read a bit of Social Psychology Methods and Research not for fun but for refreashure. It is a bit dull and boring and I won it at one of the conferences. However, I have studied what is in its 600 plus pages so I read a bit when I am on a bus or at a particular place where I need to spend some time. I have read about 400 pages using this method. When I complete this book, I shall be happy. So, it will be a busy few months with lectures and fun and of course work. I do want to complete my psych notes and one booklet is almost complete. Refresher is always positive for me because it ingrains all into my brain cells so I may recall it in sessions. Have a wonderful week. I do hope you enjoy reading my blogs. Come and visit me at Word on The Street at the Harbour front. I will be close to the street this year and it looks like the East side. I am ok with the change. www.redigondapsychotherapy www.silvaredigonda.com I do have to give my books more attention.
Generalized anxiety disorder (psych notes continue-abnormal psychology)
Diagnostic Criteria -
Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation) , occurring more days than not for at least six months, about a number of events or activities (such as work or school performance).
the person finds it difficult to control the worry.
the anxiety and worry are associated with 3 (or more of the following six symptoms (with some at least six symptoms present for more days than not for the past 6 months: Note only one item is required in children. 1. restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge. 2. being easily fatigued. 3. difficulty in concentrating or mind going blank at times. 4. irritability 5. muscle tension 6. sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, a restless unsatisfying sleep).
the focus of the anxiety and worry is not confined to features of an AXIS 1 disorder eg. the anxiety or worry is not having a panic attack (as in panic disorder) being embarrassed in public (as in social phobia) being contaminated (as in obsessive compulsive disorder) being away from home or close relatives (as in separation anxiety, gaining weight as in anorexia nervosa) having multiple physical complaints (as in somatization disorder)or having a serious illness (as in hypochondriasis and the anxiety and worry do not occur exclusively during PTSD.
the anxiety worry or physical symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social occupational or other important areas of functioning.
the disturbance is not due to the direct (dsm 1v) physiological effects of a substance (eg. a drug of abuse, a medical condition eg. hyperthyroidism and does not exclusively during a mood disorder, a psychotic disorder or et…(note to self: know differences between disorders).
Next: Social phobia
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Scams galore........... Protect yourself
I have mentioned it before but I think it is important for you to know that you need to protect yourself from scammers. Today I had more than I wanted to spend any time on, so I guess I have to start reporting it all to the authorities. Internet fraud is quite popular and many are devastated. Today I got an email from Italy who pretended to be Interac. A Lea Wright not the name on the email. That actually sounded Italian and I have it but cannot post it here, had sent me $714.00. I know of no Lea Wright. However, thank you for sending this because I was assured previously by a bank employee when I asked, that e transfers are safe. Now I know better. Of course I did not accept any money which is probably why another was sent so soon. So, I shall bring the emails and source information to the bank and let them deal with it. In the past and not for a while, I was getting emails about wanted therapy for people and was sent a money order for a check of a sizeable amount. Much more than the therapy would cost (I do not accept money in advance). It looked so real, that the bank employee thought it was legitimate. At my insistance he looked further into it and found some scam network out west. Today I also received an email stating that my password had been compromised and if I didn't send funds porn sites would be associated with my name and released to the media. I love Disney movies, thrillers etc....but porn is not on the list. I have nothing to hide and I cannot be bribed. I normally just block such emails but this is wasting too much time. So any further scams will be reported to the police authorities or government. Last week in the mail, I received two applications for attending a seminar at Harvard. I called Harvard. I will not let you know how I knew that was fraudulent. So, that was made aware to the Harvard police. Any further emails, mails etc.....shall be kept and forwarded to the appropriate authorities. It is very sad that so many innocent people lose all their savings. A neigbhour not too long ago asked me to listen to her voice mail. Another scam. The police will not call you to ask for money or they will arrest you. Hopefully, internat scammers will become easier to find and prosecute. Many can barely speak English and others have such a heavy accent that you know they are targeting a certain demographic. Others are pros. So, if anyone sends you money or tells you they want to give you their estate because there is no one else in their lives, don't fall for it. Unfortunately because I have a business I probably get more than average. However, nuisance is costing me time. So, let's all be cautious. No one is going to give you money for nothing. I have a secure site at www.silvaredigonda.com so if you want to give me money just because I am charming than just use my site and forget about cheques or moneyorders or etransfers. My site is secure. It is paypal. So, to the scammers, I know this is easy money for you but think of the havac you do to good people. I know working for a living won't let you live with the lifestyle you have earned by scamming. But try utilizing those skills for something good. For the rest of you. Please protect yourself. If you go on a dating site, don't let the person trick you into giving him/her money. Always be safe. You do not know who you are dealing with. So, if I have made one of you think about being more careful then I feel rewarded. What do you think? Never hesitate to share or ask a question.
News flash..............................
I normally begin my day with prayer, reflection and then I watch the news. I turn on CP 24, City Pulse 24 hour news. Reporters inform us of what is happening in the city and if that is not enough there is a scroll of news as well. When this scrolling began, I thought listening to one without reading the scrolls was enough. However, I have begun to be quite proficient at doing both, especially since I can reverse what I am seeing and speed forward at a seconds notice. This morning I stopped as I read “UN report says the number of people facing chronic food deprivation globally increased to 821 million in 2017.” I am stunned. The numbers are staggering. I pause to write that down and then I read, “Authorities in Vietnam’s capital are urging residents to stop eating dog meat because it hurts the city’s image.” What can I say to that? I continue to be bombarded with city news regarding TIFF and then the scroll continues to rapture me, “20,336 people were murdered in South Africa between April 2017 and March 2018”. I decide to take out my laptop and record this news for you and then I see the date on my lap top, Sep 11. Is there one of us who is not touched by that date? There was no mention of that on the news but I almost turned off the tv because I didn’t want to see anymore bad news. I wanted to return to my normal. My sense of safety and security which I realize is an illusion. Then the Amazing Race Canada Heroes popped up and the final three were interviewed. I focused on them, as the scroll continued with news I had already read. The finale is tonight. I watch the American and Canadian shows. Remember I tape all my shows and watch it at leisure. I continue to read the scrolls, “Apple growers in Nova Scotia say frost in the spring has destroyed nearly 50% of their crop.” I then turn off the news. I have heard enough for this morning. The phone rings, I am needed to help someone who is in a minor crises. It is a private client. I ponder. I love my life. I am right where I want to be at this stage of my life. After my second career, I had believed I saw it all and heard it all. I was wrong. Now at this young, old age of mine, I know better. I hear horrendous stories. That is my work. Living in a multi-cultural city, I have seen people from all religions and cultures. If I have missed one, I probably will get another opportunity. I have admired many who I have seen who have been able to overcome so many obstacles and challenges in their lives. When I joined my first career, my mother said it would be difficult for me because I would be forced to deal with people I didn’t like. She was right. She told me that right up to my twenties, I had decided who was in my circle of friends and associates. However, by being forced to work and socialize with people who I normally would avoid, I have become a better person and therapist. I know there are extreme views which are so engrained that to see beyond that view is impossible for some. However, I also know that exposure and education works. We live in a world where people are starving when they shouldn’t be. Politicians act as if they are God. Even the Western world is becoming threatened with elected officials challenging democracy. One thing I have learned is that freedom is very important. I cherish my freedom. Would I allow myself be tortured because of my religion by some low IQ tyrant? I don’t know. I would think that I was ok to say anything to survive, because deep in my soul, I am who I am and regardless of what I would say, I would never give up my religion within my soul. However, I know that until I am in a situation, however clear it is to what I think I will do, will or may not happen. People are always amazed by their own behaviours when dealing with an unforeseen crises. We live in a beautiful world where anything good is possible. Look at the marvel of nature. How often do I encourage my clients to spend time in nature or at least to utilize the brain by taking mini breaks of imagining nature as chaos is around them. I know that average intelligence is not all that high. I know that one cannot assess their own intelligence accurately. But I have a dream. In that dream, people take a stand against dictatorship. Priorities change from ridiculous wars on trade to actually uniting about feeding all people in the world and to begin sincerely caring for others. I believe that corporations now in charge will dwindle in their immense, as climate change becomes so obvious to the most resistant person. We live in a beautiful world and though we seem to keep repeating our mistakes throughout history, we have the technology to know so much. Now we just have to catch up emotionally and ethically to take care of each other and question…….What can I do to make a difference for others and myself? What can I do to make a difference for my planet? What can I do? My thoughts will be in New York today. It is my favourite city. What do you think?
Monday, 10 September 2018
Will be signing and selling my books this Saturday at Fairbanks Park
It is that time of the year again and this time I will be selling my books at two events in two weeks. You know about Word on the Street at the Harbour Front, but I will also be at Fairbanks Park, on Dufferin Street, South of Eglinton and the East side. There is free parking and a bakery just across the street. Rain or shine...............www.silvaredigonda.com I am always available for readings and selling my books.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
My bad........no more reports from Federal retirees news
It has come to my knowledge that reports for Federal Retirees is not for public information. Therefore, I will not be reporting any further news. Since I have been reporting anything I thought was positive for the people, I now know better. My bad.
Hierarchy Approach for Psychoanalyst - abnormal psychology notes continues
Hierarchy Approach for Psychoanalyst
I am going to take a break from the conference notes though I have more such as pet grief therapy and pregnancy loss grief. I want to return to my Abornormal psych notes from undergrad to eliminate some note books. I last wrote to you about fear. I will now continue with Hierarchy Approach for psychoanalyst. For the psychoanalyst everything is symbolic of the non-conscience, if it comes into the conscience awareness. A therapist tries to bring the conflict from the sub-conscience to conscience and to help the client deal with it. Eg. spider represents - whatever- find what it represents and then deal with it. Not simply to get rid of fear of spider - previously stopped at some level - when resolved go to the next level. Cognitive therapy is not trying to change your whole personality. It is trying to change the way you think about the topic. So in that case heirachy of what therapy is for. Most research finds that phobias psychoanalytical is a waste of time. Cognitive is oky but takes a fair amount of time. Phobia behaviour works well five or six times.
Next: for abnormal : Generalized Anxiety Disorder
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