I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Thursday, 14 December 2017
Asked to pass this along - To all Canadian Military Police retired or naught
The Sitrep
Website: www.thepointsman.ca Inquiries: admin@thepointsman.ca
December 2017 Christmas Edition
Joyeux Noel
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Bonne Annee
Breaking Bread Keeps The Communications
Going In 2017
“Yep, we do love to eat…Guess if we didn’t then we would not be getting together like we do,” (this a quote from a participant at the latest London Luncheon.)
In a year, 2017, really devoid of a Major Gettogether like a Reunion or an RV, Veterans and the ORG got together for Luncheons, Breakfasts, Brunches, coffees, and about any other reason to get together as long as they broke bread, quaff an ale or had a coffee, and providing dessert was available. Perhaps the easiest and cheapest way to get this bunch to get together. Kingston held two very successful get togethers, one in February and the other in November. Well attended, good food and conversation. Kingston also has a Breakfast Group that meets periodically. Good results whether it be scramble eggs or chicken wings. London has had five of their London Luncheons. Attendance was enough for a game of cards, though we haven’t broken out a deck yet. Yet the London Luncheons has had members drop in from Fergus, Whitby, and other points in the Southwestern Area. A good drive doesn’t hurt the digestion so we are told.
There was an interest in having a Luncheon in Ottawa, and if so let us know because you would probably have a few sightseers and visitors drop on down.
In 2018 there is the Ottawa Reunion, Organized by John “J.B.” Hosgrove for the third weekend in August. John has put in a good effort getting this together, and should be marked on a lot of calendars. Details are in the Sitrep and Pointsman Pages, and will be displayed on the CMPA website as well.
If it is true that we love to eat, then 2108 will provide ample opportunities….
Russ Girden
TPA President…
As the year comes to an end, and a new Christmas Season comes upon us, I would like to take this time on behalf of The Pointsman Associations Executive and Committee, to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The past year has seen many facets of the Associations motto "To Honor and Remember" brought forward. This was seen by, the turn out of members at MP Graduations, and large number of our members attending various Luncheons in Remembrance of our fallen comrades.
I would like to take a minute and personally thank the Executive and Committee members who have worked diligently in assisting me and working on behalf of the members throughout the year.
To the members who have paid their 2017 dues, thank you for your dedication. The new 2018 dues pin, will be the Pointsman with 2018 in the banner. The new pin will be shown on the Association Web Page, and will only be available to members who pay their dues. To those of you that have other friends who have not joined our association, let’s try to get them on board, for the many events that are planned for the year ending 2018.
I wish all members and their families a very safe and holiday season. Please remember not to drink and drive, always have an alternate way home.
Strength through growth.
Russell L.E. Girden, President
Greeting From the Canadian Forces Military Police Academy
Hello once again from the home of the Branch! It has been almost a calendar year since the last submission so I will cover off what has been keeping us busy over that time.
In January of this year we introduced our new mentorship program with our vets for our qualification level three (QL3) and the Military Police Officer Course (MPOC). The program pairs up an MP veteran with a platoon to motivate, provide guidance, and link the past to the future. Each platoon is named after their mentor. In January we were fortunate enough to have Ken Neilson become our first mentor veteran for the QL3s (Neilson platoon), and Paul Thobo-Carlsen (Thobo-Carlsen platoon) to be our MPOC mentor. To say the roll out of the concept was a success would be an understatement, both the mentors and the students embraced the opportunity to enhance each other’s lives and learn from each other, thus a solid link was created between the past and the future. We are now into our second session with this program seeing three platoons in house which will be graduating on 13 Dec. Claude Blake, Bob Thomas; and Pat MacMullen are mentoring our future Military Police. The feedback from all has been a resounding success, and as a result this mentorship program has now become part of our curriculum and has also been adopted by the RCAF schools on Base. If you live close enough to the CFMPA and feel like you are interested in mentoring a platoon of new Military Police members, please provide your name to Bob Smith, Bob Thomas, or Wayne Kendall.
Thobo-Carlsen platoon (on the left) and Neilson platoon (on the right) pose for a group photo after a Friday Commandant’s PT session, Feb 2017
Throughout the past year we have been quite busy; we developed and graduated 88 brand new QL3 Military Police and added them to our lines along with graduating 16 MPOC officers. We’ve put through three QL5 courses, one 6A, and a 6B course. On top of our qualification courses we also ran three Close Protection Operator courses, one in Meaford, one in Borden, and the last in Virginia, the majority of these students left the academy doors and headed straight onto deployment. A Use of Force instructor’s course was held along with a Military Police Investigator course. The CFMPA further supported numerous assessment centres for MP, MPO, and CPO; and also supported an OPP led Sexual Assault Investigator course. Needless to say our halls never go empty nor are our members short of work. In all we have instructed over 600 students in one training capacity or another at CFMPA this year.
On the 15 Jun, all staff and students celebrated the Branch birthday by playing in a softball tournament, devouring some pizza, and receiving a history lesson from Sgt Beswick on the roots of the Military Police.
21 Jul 17 saw a change of leadership where we said goodbye to our departing Commandant, LCol Adam Battista and welcomed in LCol Brian Nekurak. This CoC parade was presided over by our very own BGen Rob Delaney. There were a few tears shed when LCol Battista was escorted off the parade while being serenaded by the troops under the song Miss American Pie. LCol Nekurak brought to the Academy numerous years of excellent leadership and academic knowledge. We all wish Adam the best of luck at his new adventures with the OPP, we know he will bring a new style of leadership to civilian policing.
2 Aug 17, the Academy had the honour and privilege of being the recipients of an original hand painted oil portrait of Lt Peter Seddon Oliver from his nephew
Peter Clark and his wife Marilyn. The Oliver trophy is presented to the top QL3 student of the calendar year; this year’s winner was Cpl MacIntoch who is now posted to CFB Esquimalt. The exceptional gift is now proudly displayed along with the trophy in the main entrance of our building. We thank the family for trusting us will this invaluable piece of history.
Women in Force Program
Sgt N. Laidlaw, Sgt S. Kirby and MCpl N. Charest provided candidates on the Women in Force Program (WFP) with a realistic job preview of the Military Police Trade on 22 Oct 17. The WFP is a new initiative to give women who have the potential, but might not consider the CAF as an employer, the chance to speak with members who have the experience and information to encourage their enrollment.
Besides being extremely busy supporting the Military Police Branch in developing our members; our staff and students have supported the community in numerous events over the year. We attended the Ontario Police Memorial Parade held in Toronto on 7 May 2017, held our Day of Remembrance service with our vets and community in Stewart Square in front of the Cairn on the 3rd of May. Under the creativity of Sgt McGall and Sgt Laidlaw the CFMPA hosted the MPNMR riders and raised funds though an awesomely planned pig roast which saw well over 300 people attend and over $3200.00 raised.
CFMPA also participated in the Remembrance Day Parade held in Collingwood on 11 Nov 17, after which we attended the Collingwood Legion where 50 members, comprised of staff and students attended the Collingwood Nursing Home to visit the residents which proved to be an enriching experience for all.
To sum up, this year has been a whirlwind at the CFMPA. We are looking forward to our Christmas break, only to dive right back in come January 2018. We look forward to seeing you stop by your home the Academy, in the New Year and would be honoured to give you a tour of our beautiful facility.
On behalf of LCol Nekurak, and all CFMPA staff we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and nothing but the best for 2018.
CWO Crystal Krammer
As the old song goes…
“Should Auld Acquaintance be forgot,
And Never Brought to Mind…
Should Auld Acquaintance be forgot,
And Days of Auld Lang Syne”
For Auld Lang Syne, My Dear, For Auld Lang Syne
We Will Take a Cup Of Kindness Yet,
For Days of Auld Lang Syne…
For When Sunsets Past
Outweigh Sunrises To Come
Their Faces May Fade in Our Memory,
And Names That Were Once So Ready To Know
Are No Longer Quick to Recall
We Still Shall Gather Together, My Friends
Our Memories Joined As One
And We Shall Miss Them;
Sitrep To Be Available Quarterly in 2018…Plus 1
The Sitrep is going to be publish Quarterly in 2018. Starting March 7th of 2018, the Sitrep will be available June 7th, September 7th and December 7th. There will be an additional one available should there be an event like a Reunion or RV in that year. The special edition will focus on that event.
The reason for the change in the Sitrep comes from those that write the Sitrep, which is becoming more difficult to put together… and those that submit. The CFMP Academy for one. Running a school and finding time to submit an article do not always mesh. CWO Kramer has a lot to do as the School RSM as well as being the Branch CWO. Though she has quite a workload The CWO does not want to disappoint the Veterans by not passing along information on what the Academy is doing. This should help those writing the Academy submissions.
Academy Seeking Veterans to Help Mentor Young MPs
One of the suggestions that came out of RV75 was to see Veterans take an active part of assisting the MP Students, when necessary, in a Mentor Program. There is a Mentor Program in place at the Academy now, and is open to Veterans who wish to help out. You must live within a reasonable distance from Base Borden, have the time required should your assistance be needed, and you must commit to the student platoon for a number of visits as we as attend their Graduation Festivities. Further information is available by contacting the Academy.
Ride For Heroes to Hold “Reunion” in Wingham October 2018.
If you were part of the two initial “Ride For Heroes” Motorcycle Rides between London and Wingham, you are invited to a get together to be held in Wingham this October. Though doing another MC Ride is beyond our ability at this time, having a Luncheon with the proceeds going to the Scholarship Fund is not. Further details will be released in the next March Sitrep.
Date Event Location
February 25th Kingston Luncheon TBD
March 10th London Luncheon Kelsey’s Roadhouse
June 9th London Luncheon Kelsey’s Roadhouse
August 16-19 Ottawa Reunion Hylands Golf and Country Club
September 15th London Luncheon Kelsey’s Roadhouse
October TBA Wingham Ride4Heroes TBD
November 17th Kingston Honour And TBD
Remembrance Luncheon
December 8th London Christmas Luncheon Kelsey’s Road
Ottawa Reunion 2018
DATES: 17, 18, 19 August 2018
HOTEL: Hilton Garden Inn Airport, Ottawa
Address: 2400 Alert Rd, Gloucester, ON K1V 1S1
Phone: (613) 288-9001
LOCATION: Hylands Golf and Country Club (HGCC)
2101 Alert Road, Ottawa, ON Canada, K1V 1J9
Telephone: (613) 521-1842, Fax: (613) 521-3694
Friday: Fred Rogers Memorial Golf Tournament
(The Pointsman Association. Doc Aldridge Co-ordinator)
18 Holes of Golf finishing with a steak dinner.
Reunion Meet & Greet, Hors d'oeuvres
Golf Awards - HGCC
Saturday: Welcome Buffet Breakfast
AM: Town Hall Meeting with the Provost Marshall (CMPA)
Lunch at HGCC
PM: Afternoon Activities To Be Determined
Dinner Dance with DJ
Sunday: Departure Buffet Breakfast
Costs not finalized
Further Details as Available.
Picture: Kingston Reunion 2007 Summerside Reunion 2014
“OH! To Be Young At Heart”
Maybe Your Birth Certificate Is WRONG?
You know what is so damned good about attending these Luncheons, and Reunions, and RVs and all the other stuff that people like Jean Pellerin, John Hosegrove, Paul Melanson and yes, Mr. George Elliott go to… These people know how to laugh. Ever watch George attend a Kingston Luncheon? From the moment he walks in the room all eyes turn toward him. Those eyes of his get that twinkle. That Smile brighten the room. The back straightens and the step quickens. He makes a bee line for people. Shaking hands, laughing…and Gawde he could run for Prime Minister and WIN!
Mr George Elliott @RV75 “The Silver Fox” Joe Hubert @
London Christmas Luncheon
For years now Joe Hubert, residing in Whitby comes down to break bread and enjoy the comradery of the London Luncheons. He is a regular, and he brings with him stories, and memories and a knack for others to laugh and the servers to blush… (all except Becky who thinks Joe is harmless. Silly Girl 😉 ). Joe’s nickname is the “Silver Fox”, earned from the colour of his motorcycle. A veteran of approximately 5 National Military Police Rides, he isn’t slowing down either.
Neither of them are. The scary part is that were in the service before I was even born, and both are in their very young 80s! (BTW I just turned 60 this year).
I know I have sung this song before. To ask that our members think about getting out to an event or function at least once this coming year. To break bread, quaff and ale and tell some lies. A couple of hours that is all. Yet unfortunately I also hear the chorus… “I am not feeling well. I have things to do. Too far to drive. Too much, and besides I simply don’t want to, I want to let go of the past”. Strange I remember some members out there secretly confessing (and yes me included), that they are so thankful that we did not serve in the era of the cell phone. Oh! The fun that would have caused! Have some of us apparently gotten so old… so fast?
Always at the end of the year, at the point in the Sitrep where We “Honour and Remember” I usually do not include names. I write a tribute and allow the reader to stop for a moment and remember friends, comrades, good times and maybe a less happier memory. Empty Chairs…and sadly they get emptier as time passes. This year I received over 35 notices that were posted on the Pointsman and various other websites. Lives that were once shared under the Provost, RCAF Police, and the Thunderbird. We Will Remember Them.
So as the old year passes, We will raise a Cup of Kindness yet, and the Days of Long Ago. Take one moment Look at yourself in a mirror and see that young, full of piss and vinegar, person that served so proudly! Take a moment to think about those who you have missed, those who have passed, and those who just maybe on a particular day… at a particular time… you might just look across the table from you, and see living memories looking back from their chair!
Toast! Laugh! Quaff an Ale! Tell Some Lies! And Especially Be Young Again!
To The Graduating and All Students of the
Canadian Military Police Academy
From Those Whom You Honour
By Wearing the Red Beret
“God Bless”
Almighty God
By Whose Grace We Are Called To The Position Of Responsibility and Trust,
We Ask for Your Blessing upon All Who Serve in the Military Police Branch of the Canadian Forces, at Home and Abroad,
Inspire Us with Courage and Wisdom, Courtesy and Faithfulness,
Give Us the True Knowledge of Your Will that We may give Proper Guidance to Our Comrades,
That by Serving other Honourably and with Justice we may Serve You Well and become more Worthy of Our Military Police Calling.
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