I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Friday, 29 September 2017
The Internet Murders

Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Harbour Front "Word on the Street" Toronto
This Sunday I will be selling my books at "Word on The Street" on the waterfront. Find me at booth number 414A. Look for the sign "Hey Guy Buy Me - Silva Redigonda." From 11:00 to 6 pm. Address is 235 Queens Quay. See you on the lake front. Note the picture of Holy Terror who is my little girl in my third book, now being published.

Friday, 15 September 2017
Please do not buy my books, ebooks from scammers
Bolcom is selling my ebook without my authority. It seems from their grading of For Love of Country - Military Policewoman, they must be doing well. I am glad that those who can't, steal from those who can. At least send royalties my way or prepare for the ring (in my free time). I request that the public not buy any of my books from them. I understand this is a Dutch outfit? I have finished my third book and will be getting an ebook. However, with all these scams, I am debating uploading it. My main focus is on my private practise, however, I love writing as a hobby. It is my second business and I have not received any royalties from anyone this year. Keep that in mind, if you are buying and letting people make money from the author without consent. The only organizations that have copies of my existing ebook is kobo and Military Police Kit. You may buy my ebook from my own web site www.silvaredigonda.com.
Monday, 11 September 2017
The Veteran
May/Jun 17 edition of Family Therapy Magazine reported startling stats. An average of 20 American veterans commit suicide daily. In one government study the rate of suicide among former military personnel in Canada is 46% higher for males and 32% higher for females, relative to the civilian population (Stats Canada, 2011). In the USA suicide prevention has become a top National priority (p 29). The article continues with PTSD which we are already familiar with. “Moral Injury” has also been introduced. Litz et al.(2009) proposes that mental injury “ occurs when one not by one’s own accord, perpetuates/inflicts, or fails to prevent violence on others, or fails to prevent violence on others, or bears witness to acts that transgress one’s deeply held moral beliefs and appears to contribute to different manifestations in emotions, thoughts and behaviors that often lead to different manifestations in emotions, thoughts and behaviors that often lead to destructive and unhealthy outcomes including high suicidality (Marvasti&Dripchak, 2010).” War affects the whole person of the veteran physiologically, emotionally, spiritually, morally and relationally which changes a soldier’s core and character structure. Tick (2014) noted that a soldier surviving a war in a battlefield goes through a psychic death and rebirth process. Trying to treat a soldier as her/his former self only brings isolation, disappointment, frustration and destruction to the transformed identity of the soldier (Tick, 2014).(FTM pages 29-32).
Every once in a while I will get a call from someone in the States concerned about a military person and I always recommend that they contact their veteran affairs for help. Since they are in the States, the resources are right there for them. We too have our own veteran affairs and I have already posted a number that service people may call.
I have found that depression and isolation is very common. However, I also know that veterans are very close to each other and trust each other before trusting their civilian counterpart, though not always.
Though suicide may always be an option for some, I caution people who are not qualified therapists to not casually report a veteran has suicidal. I cannot count the amount of persons in the general population who I have seen who reported being or feeling suicidal. As a therapist, I have to believe that the person will commit suicide. I cannot either count how many people have reported that they were going to kill themselves out of frustration for one reason or another. I can report that lives made worse by well meaning health helpers who were not qualified and reported a possible veteran has being suicidal when it was not the case. I even mentioned this on a course where I was surprised at how many people were working with possible suicide persons without any qualification. The highest qualified person in that arena was a psychology undergrad student who the others were seeking advice from. I could not contain my anger and disappointed. This needs to change and soon. I have been fortunate so far. There is a cry for help out there. There are also those who seem to be led by the blind and that is not missed. I have mentioned it before that during seminars a focus is on the mindset of the soldier. The focus is on the culture. And sometimes that is missed as well. I encourage every veteran and soldier thinking suicide to take advantage of the resources you have offered to you. If you have seen someone and have not been able to connect with him or her, don’t waste time. See another therapist. Check their qualifications and make sure they are registered. The world of veterans can be a small one and I suggest that you find others and connect and share. People are always changing by what happens to them and they are never entirely the same. Every moment something happens to us and we grow and change. Sometimes, something so horrible happens and it scars. However, we can also move forward and live a productive life if we are able to reach out, for no person is an island. We need others. What do you think?
September 11 is today and my thoughts are for the 3000 people who died and their families. We should never forget those who have suffered, and those who fight for us. I would like to add my prayers for those suffering from the recent disasters in the States and Caribbean.
Fairbank Memorial Park - selling two of my books
This Saturday from 0800 to 3pm, I will be selling two of my books at Fairbanks Memorial Park. I hope to see you there. The location is South of Eglinton, East side of Dufferin. There is parking at the park, at the North side and South of the building.
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
American Association of Family Therapy divorcing Canada?
Well first there is a name change with one of my credentials and now it appears that by a 75% to 25% vote AAMFT wants a divorce. What does that mean for me? I am not quite sure. To remain and have that credential I have to join the Canadian one and that means more costs for more associations. So before I decide I shall have to attend all the meetings to come. I have one next month at a Hamilton hospital which will also generate 6 hours of education hours and another annual meeting for Ontario Association of Family Therapy in November just North of the city. So, I am going to do some discerning. My focus has been gaining knowledge for the care of clients and that has been where my education has been focused on. Now I have to make time for all these associations I belong to which costs a great deal of money which will probably increase. So, I will keep you briefed with what is happening here in Canada but will continue to report what I learn and that applies to Americans. Maybe I am being divorced but I will remain friendly during the banishment. I have already achieved all my education hours for three years but hey, I am on a roll and good thing for me, I like learning.
Wish me luck with this process. I have taken the time to take photos for my book which I am not totally pleased with but it will have to do. I prefer creative work with no time constraints. I will let my publisher decide. The final outcome has been sent to me and I am trying to figure out the time for that. I am my best in the morning. I am debating teaching perhaps one course for the community one day or night a week. I am debating. My college likes that and I have to admit I do like teaching. It would be interactive for the all people, educated or not. That is it for now. I have saved an article I want to share with you about the American Military (I am not divorcing you). For now, have a good week and focus on what is good in your life. Having difficulty with that one? Then why not make changes for yourself? What do you think?
Friday, 1 September 2017
update - third book - selling my books
This month is a busy month. Regarding book sales, you will find me at Word on the Street, Sunday, 24 September 17. Look for "Hey Guy Buy Me." I do not have my booth number yet but I have asked for the water front. I love looking at water. I will be selling that book, plus, "For Love of Country Military Policewoman.
On Saturday 16 Sept 17, I will be at Fairbank's Memorial Park at the East side of Dufferin, between Rogers and Eglinton, just South of Eglinton.
I am now submitting photos I have taken for my book which is very exciting. I am sending my publisher photos I have already taken plus will take the time to take some photos she wants me to submit. I do love what I do. I had hoped the book would have been available but I am afraid not. If you are my one and only fan, please stop by and say hello anyway. Have a wonderful long weekend.
Pastoral Counsellor, Specialist - What is it?
One of my designations is that I am a Specialist, Pastoral Counsellor. In Canada what was CAPPE is now CASC. In other words to make Pastoral Counselling more understandable to the changing culture and more inclusive for spirituality, the name has been changed to psycho-spiritual therapist. I will be resisting the new title. I have found that clients and others understand exactly what pastoral means but it appears that the meaning has been lost in hospitals, though that has never been my experience.
In Ontario the only requirement is to be registered to one of the colleges. I am a Registered Psychotherapist and it is quite a rigid mandate. The college is there to help the public. In the past, anyone could have said that they were a therapist and nothing was really done to make sure that people were qualified. There is no doubt that this caused damage to people who thought they were being cared for by qualified people. It is about time that our government has taken steps to protect the public.
With Pastoral or Spiritual care mostly in hospital it is not mandated that they be registered as therapists, however, crossing that line into therapy can lead to trouble for them or anyone.
Since I have three designations to my name, I encorporate whatever is most applicable to the client. When I indicate that I am a Registered Therapist, a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist and a Specialist Pastoral Counsellor, the client may wave away the Pastoral part, or even feel disturbed by the designation. On the other hand some will say that the Pastoral portion is very important to them. It is important for me to understand the different religions people believe in or have been betrayed by due to an abuse. At times one needs to understand or come to grips with a particular religion. At other times, a person's faith is extrememly important to them and they wish to speak about it or their spirituality. I could never ignore one aspect of a person, the whole person and that includes their faith, their spirituality or lack of. It is the client who decides what area they want to work on. Sometimes a client who is very religious is married to someone who hates religion. How do they compromise? Sometimes someone is mocked for their faith. How do they deal with that? Some have been raped and inprisoned for being Christian and not denying their faith and changing religion. How do they come to terms with the horrors they faced. I am amazed at the devotion and suffering some have sustained in other countries. We open our doors in Canada to the world and what we take for granted is considered disdain in other countries. Though I may drop my designation if I am forced to take another name which I am not comfortable using, my Masters in Ministry and Spirituality from the University of Toronto will always remain intact. However, that is my own bias.
World Religions - Buddhism and Reincarnation
By: Silva Redigonda
Buddhism and Reincarnation
Reincarnation is a concept beyond the understanding of many Christians who believe that there is only one life to live. Buddhism is becoming popular in North American. This paper will define reincarnation as it pertains to Buddhism and it will also be compared to reincarnation as viewed by Hinduism. Reincarnation should be examined by the most skeptic since there are numerous recorded cases where knowledge of a previous life cannot be easily dismissed. This too shall be depicted.
Buddha said there is no soul. Buddha used an image of a flame being passed from candle to candle to understand his concept of reincarnation. “There is a chain of causation threading each life to those that have led up to it and those that will follow... It is possible to stop this rebirth of living different existences if one “wishes wholeheartedly to do so” (Smith, p 151). If the person now has a comfortable life, this is a reward of goodness performed in the past and present life. Those experiencing misery is a result of evil they have committed in previous existences or are committing in their present life. The individual is totally responsible for the life he is experiencing. At any given time, a minority demonstrate the ability to escape the “wheel of life” by entering a state of nirvana (a positive meaning includes bliss, release from desire etc..A negative meaning includes a state of extinction and nothingness). The karma (The good and evil effect of one’s action which is carried along to the next rebirth) of most beings necessitate their rebirth in any of the numerous heavens or hells (Masumian, pp 51 and 54).
Reincarnation did not begin with Buddhism, Hinduism which is considered one of oldest religious systems in the world believes in reincarnation (Ma’sumian, p 1). However similar the two religions are, there are also differences involving the concepts of reincarnation.
Buddhism is only concerned with personal eschatology as is Hinduism. There is no collective destiny for humanity as there is for Christianity. The Hindu shares the belief of countless rebirths of humans in a spectrum of evil to goodness but unlike the Buddhist believes in the human soul (atman). Individual souls (jivas) enter the world mysteriously and make their way through the universe until they break free into the limitless atmosphere of illumination (liberation). They begin as the souls of the simplest forms of life and do not vanish with the death of their original bodies (Smith, p 63). Hindus understanding of reincarnation also differs from that of Buddhism. Hindu doctrine of rebirth is attributed to Karma which is the consequences of actions in previous lives. However, the Buddhist maintains that rebirth is due to Tanha, “as long as the wish to be a separate self persisted, that wish would be granted (Smith, p 151).
Reincarnation does not belong to Buddhism or Hinduism alone. In a 1981 US gallup poll it was determined that in the general population 23 % believed in reincarnation. In a 2005 US gallup poll, 20 % of the population believed in reincarnation. Though there appears to be a decrease of belief, a margin of error is to be considered. Regardless, there is no doubt that almost a quarter of the population believes in some form of reincarnation.
Children Who Remember Previous Lives is a text based on a study, drawing on the information of more than 2, 500 cases children who appear to remember some type of past life.
This ranges from phobias occurring in relation to a previous life ( Stevenson, p182) to the announcing of dreams in the selection of the next incarnation (Stevenson, p243) What is most baffling is the ability to speak a language not know to the youth (Stevenson, p 127).
Reincarnation cannot be readily dismissed or confined to a particular religion. Reincarnation may be a mystery for some but it does require attention. I have had two professors at different times who I respected very much who were both Buddhists. Though I have never had a client who experienced any type of reincarnation, as a student pastoral counselor and/or therapist I need to be open and prepared for the possibility. Though I myself do not believe in reincarnation, I need to keep my mind open to the possibility. There is much humanity does not understand. Hinduism and Buddhism are both old and respected religions. Their beliefs should not be taken lightly. Religions seem to have some basis of mythological similarity. How much do we know is a fact and not a myth? Reincarnation is not confined to religion. When children speak with knowledge that they cannot possibly know than one must take notice. Life is a mystery and so is death and any afterlife.
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