I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Thursday, 23 February 2017
It is that time of the year again. I have renewed my qualifications with the college, I have attended a few meetings and I have had to let go one of my volunteer positions I have considered, due to lack of time. I have many interests and I must admit I never volunteer but seem to get volunteered a lot. I am only one person and have to focus on my two businesses and their operation which keeps me busy enough. Unfortunately the web is open to scams and somehow my books and ebooks are being sold without my authorization. I live and learn so I will have to determine if it is worth having ebooks. I encourage people wanting my books or ebook to buy directly on my web site - www.silvaredigonda.com. Unfortunately because the web site is American based, dollars are American and the postage is not from Canada Post. That is another problem and once this expires I need to find something Canadian, so I can add Canada Post. Unfortunately, when I tried to determine how to add them to my site, the person was reading from a book. Canada Post - you need to hire IT people in this day and age. People may contact me directly to determine postage and cost to any country. I do things by the book. If you are in Toronto, you may pick up a book at my office.
I am into 70 pages of my second draft. It can be confusing when you are editing and doing other things as well, but hopefully after my second vetting, I will be good to go. I cannot go over something over and over again. If I do it becomes work and is no longer fun. Today is a beautiful day at 15 degress which is obviously due to global warming.
They have discovered a new galaxy I believe with 7 planets much like our own with their own sun. There is so much excitement and fortunately it would take about 700,000 years to get there, so they are safe from us. At least that is what the local news broadcasted minus they are safe from us. I added that part. We cannot even get along on our planet and are slowly or rapidly destroying it so if there is life anywhere else, they would be best to block us, from finding them, until we smarten up. Good luck with that.
I have been hearing a lot about anti Muslim and anti Jews in Toronto lately and that is very sad indeed. I had actually thought we had achieved equality. Silly me.
So, hang in there as I complete my final draft ( I am at page 70 and it really should not be a final draft but what the heck). Live dangerously when you write.
So now if you want to write a story, please sit down and write it. I do not know how many people I have encountered who want to write and haven't. Do it. It's fun. Find that 30 minute or less to just write. If you do not want to write a story, you may consider writing a journal. That is very therapeutic. Bear with me for a few weeks more and then I will get back to writing my notes for you. Remember if you want to ask me anything, just write a note below and I will get it and respond. No charge. I am also available to communities, churches, schools etc....to speak about counselling/psychotherapy/pastoral etc..... Hey, if you have a bookstore, I am more than interested in selling my books and signing. I love that. So, til next week, have fun! Keep healthy! What do you think?
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Completed writing book (draft), Happy Valentine and Veterans consider me for support group.
I am surprised at how much work I can complete in a relatively short time. I wrote my third book and that is very exciting for me. I had been sitting on it for a bit because life happens and I do write for fun. However, I did it. Now I just have to re-read it all, correct it, and make improvements where ever, I think it needs it. So, that will still be my focus for a bit before I begin to write out my psychology and theology notes for you again. It is amazing how many mistakes I find, every time I read over a paragraph. I can only get better - so no worries.
I renewed my registration for my college and I paid for my spot at "Word on the Street." I am optimistic that my book will be published by then. While writing my book, I thought of two more murder mysteries. This is so much fun! However, I do think it is best that I write a book about psychotherapy, while I'm young.
I am reaching out to veterans in the Toronto area again so I can start my support group. I would like two more to begin. Remember I am taking names.
I wish you all a wonderful Valentine's Day. This is a day that I encourage you to do something no matter how small for someone to brighten their day. It is amazing how a small gesture of kindness can warm a heart. Don't forget to do something for yourself. What do you think?
Friday, 10 February 2017
Update - 3rd book
I must admit, I do love to write stories. I am at page 152. I am hoping to build suspence at this point in time. Hey, I am feeling the suspence, so that is a good sign. As I reveiw my work and new thoughts pop into my mind, I make changes or decide to take a different route. People I have planned to die, I think they should probably live, so I can use them again in a sequence, if people like this book. I also get to like some of the characters and want them to live. It is fiction coming alive as I give them lives in my head. I am surprised at how much I get done in an hour. Sometimes I cheat and go overtime.
When I am at a book sale, I often get people who want to know about writing. Sometimes it is a parent asking questions because he or she has an child who loves to write. I am certainly no expert with one or two fans. However, if writing is your passion, just do it. Don't worry how it is going to look. If you have an idea, go for it. Put it in writing. Idealy, as I have said before, I would be away somewhere and just focus on this book. I would love to just write in the morning, go out and have a long walk, and maybe return to write some more. In a few years, I may do just that. However, right now my first priority is me and my family, my clients second (I need to take care of me so I can take care of them) and 3rd my books. Of course my friends are right up there too. I have noticed that my second book is much better than my first. I hope this one will be even better. Wish me luck. If you want to try something - go for it. Having a hobby that relaxes you and makes you happy is beneficial. What do you think?
Thursday, 2 February 2017
Sad week in Canada with Muslim killing - and update about book
It has been very sad regarding the killing of six men in Quebec, who while praying and standing were shot in the back. Why? - For the sole reason of being of Muslim faith. I never thought that would happen in my country. One act is one too many. Now children will grow without a father and women will have to struggle without their husbands. It is ironic that only the night before the killings, I was standing behind a Muslim woman at Tim Horton's. She was happy and carefree and I was pleased that in this country she can be so without fear. I was heartbroken the next day. Of course, whenever these senseless acts happen, it only brings the country and world together. I think we live in a very troubled world. We should be moving forward and not backwards. There should be always a zero tolerance for any type of racism. Everyone is a human being and should be afforded the same opportunities and respect. I am so sorry that the children have to grow up in this country knowing that their fathers were killed for no reason except prejudice. What is prejudice but mere ignorance. We need to work to move forward. My prayers are with the families concerned.
Regarding my third book, I had to miss today, and the day of the killings, however, I have been working one hour a day on it quite faithfully. I have 80 pages done. I have made adjustments and corrections and am throwing in a few cues here and there. I love my characters and I think they like me too. So, til next week, please think of someone who may be suffering and say something nice and supportive to them. Surround yourself with things you love and perhaps be a tad nicer to someone who needs it. What do you think?
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