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Tuesday, 6 September 2016
World Religions - theology notes
World Religions (notes) Keep in mind that stats will fluctuate with time passing.
Well, I promised and now I am delivering. I thought we would begin with World Religions. What is the purpose? To promote understanding and collaboration; to live in a multi-cultural society in Canada.
Ecumenically - exchange of communication of different faiths. Buddhists do not believe in God. Some people practise more than one religion. Japan - four religions. Why belong to one when there are four? 2 1/2% of Asians are Christians. Cultural Imperialism - trying to make others like you (in a country)?
Why study World Religion? 2 out of 3 Roman Catholics marry non Roman Catholics in Toronto. Thailand is the only country in Asia, never christianized. Power has nothing to do with God. Asia what you say and opposite of what you say is all true. Only 1/3 of the world is Christian. One book to read is “Jesus was a native Indian” (I have not read that book so if you have, I would appreciate feedback). Zen meditation is used in RC (Roman Catholic). Required reading for me was Paul F. Knetter, Introducing theologies of Religions. Publisher, Mary Knoll, NY: ORBIS, 2002. Another author for World Religions who I had for two courses in my Masters and who worked me to death more than any professor I ever had is Ovey Mohammed, Muslim-Christian Relations, Past, Present, Future, Mary Knoll, N.Y. 2002. 38% in U.S.A, do not accept Jesus. Among intellectuals Buddhism is the choice (I am not an intellectual). Most of the parables of Jesus Christ are Buddhists. Jews have a high regard of Jesus. Dialogue Decalog - always respectfully (no one has the truth). What I hear is……….Dialogue is not a debate. It is to be respectful; to contribute in the world which is a mess at the moment. Ideally people should have a religion because they are shopping. Ideally if you are going to be in a multi faith community. Your views are only, your views. Other people have views and ask why they have those views. There is no such thing as a Christian belief. Catholic ———Jew (Orthodox, Conservative, reform. Different beliefs. Religions do not dialogue, it’s people. Therefore, I am an Anglican and from my perspective that is what it appears. Maybe we should learn to talk to teach each other how to speak from our own perspectives and what our religious background is - respectfully. Inter religious ecumenical. RC - make statement to Presbyterian. You can not tell Presbyterian what it is. People are sensitive about culture and religion because it touches their identity. As Roman Catholics we have four dealings. 1. Life: when know each others person, we can ask more. 2. Action: dialogue without killing anyone. 3. Spirituality: how do you pray? 4. Theological. So when we talk about dialogue, it is not only theology, we should be able to be self critical regarding our religion and not apologize. We should try to understand the other person’s church. When Jesus said go preach. He did not say go kill. Walk a mile in his Mohicans. Unless you know to some degree how to be a Buddhist, you should not criticize. Dialogue must be practical. It must have an outcome - how that person sees the world. Dialogue has spiritual dimension. Today people have increasing amount - of spirituality and less theology - less of war - live and let live intelligently.
Next: New Testament. However, next week is back to psychology notes.
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