I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Thursday, 22 September 2016
"Hey Guy Buy Me" selling used for $45.00 plus shipping. Please don't fall for it.
Every once in awhile I like to type out my name and see what comes up. I do this mainly for advertisement purposes. Today I have to run to play but before I do, I ask you to be mindful when buying on line or anywhere else. My "Hey Guy Buy Me" sells for 9.95. To see it displayed for 45.00 is sort of sad. I know that people like to make money but really - 45? I sell, "For Love of Country - Military Policewoman" at a loss at $19.95. I write for fun. I am hoping to devote more time to writing books, but life always seems to get in the way. So, be mindful when you see a book being sold, to be sure that you are not cheated.
Regarding Psychotherapy I realize that there are communities that don't offer my services. Make sure that who ever you do decide to see is qualified for the work that they do. I am still in the process of establishing myself. I do charge $100. for 50 minutes and know that I could charge more but do not. I think that is a good price in regards to my education and experience. You can claim it as a health benefit in your income tax. I believe you have to have $1000. expenses of health benefits before you can claim, however always check since there are always changes. Right now, I believe that is how it works.
There are so many scams out there. Be careful and research anything you find on line.
I wish you a nice day, a nice weekend and hope to see you at Word on the Street. If not, I will let you know how it went next week. Have you been a survior of a scam? What do you think?
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Word on The Street this Sunday at the Waterfront. Come and visit my booth.
It is that time of the year for me again. I shall be selling my two books (which I write for pleasure only)at booth 153. Look for my sign "Hey Guy Buy Me." I will be at the East side of the waterfront by the Power plant. Do come and buy a book if you have not, or just come by and say hello. I love writing and unfortunately do not have the time to focus on my writing as much as I would like at this time. However, I shall continue and find a way to make time. Regarding my third book, I do need a few weeks to just focus on the ending with no distractions which is not possible right now. I am hoping to find that time in several months. November 8, 2016, I shall be returning to "Show Case" at York University, in Central Sqare. You may buy my books there, if you cannot go to "Word on the Street". If you have a passion why not start to work on it? What is stopping you? If you do not have a passion - why not?
continue with K Scale - psychological testing - psych notes -
K scale is another way not answering in valid - 30 items - above 22 or so eg. I never worry about anything. K scale is defensive. Empirically found there is a relationship between how you do on K scale and how done on test.
Scale 1. - hypochondriasis scale - reflect hypochondriasis
Scale 2. - depression
Scale 3 - hysteria
Scale 4- psychopathic devoit scale (high value routinely).
Scale 5 - male/ female scale - interest scale. Used to be used to be a homosexual detector (m less violent - f)
Scale 6 - Paranoid scale
Scale 7 - Psychosemia - observe compulsive
Scale 8 - Schizophrenia
Artistic and creative has perception of world we see strange.
Scale 9 - mania scale
10 or 0 - Social Introverted scale
Biological Assessment - CAT or CT - (glorified x ray) - x ray gun moves around with different slices of the brain. Density of lesion different than density of layer lesion. If mass on one side of the brain, it pushes structuring to one side of brain. You may not be able to see tumour but can infer there is. Another problem is bone, because of shadows. Size of tangerines have been missed.
O / H+
/ H +
Person is put inside - electrified. Water molecules put into electro magnetic field.
_________+ high frequency disorganizes and then snaps back. Sensory device and makes
_________+ density.
80% of body is water
Functional imaging depends on auto regulation of blood flow - get flushed with blood - weight lifting and stationary cycling. PAT scanner does - inhale radio active gas. Radio active has short life span. Can’t scan for more than 13 minutes. One set of cells in brain. MRI - looks at changes in brain activity. EEG - old stuff.
Next - Disorders -continue. Please keep in mind that I am typing all my written notes for myself so I can dispose of my paperwork. This I share with you. Information is always changing and improving as we grow in research and science.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Sully - the movie (I really liked it)
I remember watching the news when it happened. A passenger airplane had landed on the Hudson river. What amazed me was that there were no fatalities. I didn’t know the pilot had been a fighter pilot in the military. I remember watching a documentary some time ago about crashes and how the pilots today do not have the skills as those pilots with years of experience before everything became so computerized. The documentary depicted that flying today is so automated that when something does happen, the skills of old are not there. Sully, a pilot with 42 years of experience was able to land that plane when how many others could? I was aware of Sully as a hero for the people and no wonder. What I was not aware of was the internal investigation that he and his co-pilot suffered. Recently, the media proclaimed that the investigators did not like the way they were portrayed in the media. I can understand their perspective as well. No one likes to be judged and shamed world wide. Because, this is what will happen. The judging has become reversed. I wasn’t aware that Sully had to worry about money during this process and that he could have lost his pension, pending the results of the investigation. I went to see this movie because I was interested in the details especially since Sully was such an active participant in all it’s making. This has been from my perspective very therapeutic for Sully. I often advise my clients who have suffered trauma to begin writing their story, though I recommend it during therapy, so they can bring into therapy, the emotions that come with it, so as it is not too overwhelming, depending on the trauma and how long ago it happened. It is natural that even Sully second guessed himself during the process. There have been studies depicting a person in the right, changing his stance where everyone else in the room is different from what is occurring. That Sully has such an analytical brain, that he was able to direct the investigation to where it should have started with in the first place, was his saving grace. That it took 17 tries I believe for the simulation piloting to land on a runway, should have been considered, without him having to ask that question. That the “human factor” had to be considered for timing was also missing from the investigation. How does one investigate? Each and every possibility needs to be considered, how, who, why, what, when, has to each be taken apart, and studied and re-examined through a process of elimination or not. Was this done in the investigation? It did not appear so. We have as a society become quite dependant on computers. Not that long ago, a friend of mine told me to leave my car, on the driveway as she reversed her car from the garage, planning to drive around my car. She had just bought a jewel of a vehicle, fully equipped and automated with a stylish screen, to ensure she could reverse safely. I hollered out for her to stop as I could see she was going to hit my car. However, since her screen indicated that she could reverse without hitting my car, she trusted it, more than my eyesight and sense of perception. Yes, she hit my car. My car cried. Though she was quite upset about it, it was her disbelief that the computer failed to see the collision which surprised me most. No, I did not take her money. I mean the car was 20 years old but if it wasn’t, it would have been me crying. Though this is a real dismal and poor analogy, I hope my point is understood. I am sorry that this pilot had to suffer. I hope that he makes lots of money selling his books and from the proceeds of this movie. I hope the airliner has compensated him and I hope he gets a hefty bonus for saving so many lives as well. Give me a computer or a military pilot with over 40 years of experience. Well, for me that is a no brainer. Thank you Sully for saving all those people. Yes, it was a collaborative success. This is a movie which demonstrates integrity, skill, team work, the importance of wonderful co-partners, the importance of a supportive family, and a system that can fail those who deserves the best. Aw, to be human!
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
World Religions - theology notes
World Religions (notes) Keep in mind that stats will fluctuate with time passing.
Well, I promised and now I am delivering. I thought we would begin with World Religions. What is the purpose? To promote understanding and collaboration; to live in a multi-cultural society in Canada.
Ecumenically - exchange of communication of different faiths. Buddhists do not believe in God. Some people practise more than one religion. Japan - four religions. Why belong to one when there are four? 2 1/2% of Asians are Christians. Cultural Imperialism - trying to make others like you (in a country)?
Why study World Religion? 2 out of 3 Roman Catholics marry non Roman Catholics in Toronto. Thailand is the only country in Asia, never christianized. Power has nothing to do with God. Asia what you say and opposite of what you say is all true. Only 1/3 of the world is Christian. One book to read is “Jesus was a native Indian” (I have not read that book so if you have, I would appreciate feedback). Zen meditation is used in RC (Roman Catholic). Required reading for me was Paul F. Knetter, Introducing theologies of Religions. Publisher, Mary Knoll, NY: ORBIS, 2002. Another author for World Religions who I had for two courses in my Masters and who worked me to death more than any professor I ever had is Ovey Mohammed, Muslim-Christian Relations, Past, Present, Future, Mary Knoll, N.Y. 2002. 38% in U.S.A, do not accept Jesus. Among intellectuals Buddhism is the choice (I am not an intellectual). Most of the parables of Jesus Christ are Buddhists. Jews have a high regard of Jesus. Dialogue Decalog - always respectfully (no one has the truth). What I hear is……….Dialogue is not a debate. It is to be respectful; to contribute in the world which is a mess at the moment. Ideally people should have a religion because they are shopping. Ideally if you are going to be in a multi faith community. Your views are only, your views. Other people have views and ask why they have those views. There is no such thing as a Christian belief. Catholic ———Jew (Orthodox, Conservative, reform. Different beliefs. Religions do not dialogue, it’s people. Therefore, I am an Anglican and from my perspective that is what it appears. Maybe we should learn to talk to teach each other how to speak from our own perspectives and what our religious background is - respectfully. Inter religious ecumenical. RC - make statement to Presbyterian. You can not tell Presbyterian what it is. People are sensitive about culture and religion because it touches their identity. As Roman Catholics we have four dealings. 1. Life: when know each others person, we can ask more. 2. Action: dialogue without killing anyone. 3. Spirituality: how do you pray? 4. Theological. So when we talk about dialogue, it is not only theology, we should be able to be self critical regarding our religion and not apologize. We should try to understand the other person’s church. When Jesus said go preach. He did not say go kill. Walk a mile in his Mohicans. Unless you know to some degree how to be a Buddhist, you should not criticize. Dialogue must be practical. It must have an outcome - how that person sees the world. Dialogue has spiritual dimension. Today people have increasing amount - of spirituality and less theology - less of war - live and let live intelligently.
Next: New Testament. However, next week is back to psychology notes.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Word On The Street - Come and visit me and or buy a book while you are at it.
It is that time of the year again where I will be at "Word on The Street" held at the Waterfront selling my books. You will find me right by the water at Booth 153, near the Power Plant. Look for the sign, "Hey Guy Buy Me." I should be set up by 11:00 and the day ends at 6pm. Of course I am always early so visit earlier if you wish. I should be there by 10:00. If you are a friend of mine you may bring me a black coffee. If you are not, why not bring me a smile. Both are great! Books for sale will be Hey Guy Buy Me (9.95)and Military Policewoman: For love of Country (19.95). The date is Sunday, 25 September 16.
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