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Thursday, 13 June 2013
I am taking a sick day but New Dehli policewoman suggests women should dress appropriately not to be assaulted? Please, get with the program! Shame on you.
Our bodies are magnificent machines. It speaks to us. It tells us to rest. Today I am being told to rest. I have been very busy lately and did I mention my poor car has been in the shop again? Half a day was spent there. I do hope my tiny road trip will be attainable. I know something is not quite right with my car $450.00 later. It was not my regular mechanic working on it. He has worked on it so much that he knows exactly what is wrong, just like the people who work on my furnace. My body needs care too and today it states, stop already, rest. I had a wonderful physician who taught me how to listen to my body. Unfortunately she retired. So today, I only have one telephone conference on line and so that hopefully will go without a hitch. I will spend most of my day sipping fluids. I also have all the ingredients to make soup and that I shall do (I only have soup when I am sick. I am drawn to it. That is my body speaking and not me because I prefer other stuff). I will hug my book on Stephen King, Under the Dome and forget about all the stuff I have to do. I will put myself on pause. I will indulge on forced rest. I will also drop some Tylenol for colds if I can get it open. Why do they have to child proof everything? I have to be more careful. I don't want to use a screwdriver to open up anything. I have Stephen King's book right beside me so I am not tempted to work. My body has spoken, enough is enough? I even allowed myself more sleep today (one hour). I lingered looking outside my back window and appreciated the nature I see. I love watching the different birds and squirrels. Hopefully, as the weather improves and as I keep my work at the office, I will separate work from home. I know my pets will miss me for half a day on the computer. Even they permitted me to sleep. Normally, they will pounce on me if I am a moment late. Sometimes, they will pounce on me to get me up earlier. Then if I do not get out they howl like someone is getting murdered. Who needs an alarm clock? Since retirement I have rarely used an alarm clock. My body is accustomed to sleep and rising at the same time.
But before I rest, I was troubled by something I watched on W5 last night. As many of you who bother to read me on occasion know is that I tape all I watch. I taped this newscast (I do not know how long ago) which had a segment about the sexual abuse of women in Delhi. I had not planned talking about this so I do not recall the ridiculous amount of women being raped there. They actually have the police check (like we do here for impaired drivers) vehicles to determine if they are holding women against their will. That was a first for me. I have to commend a city that implements that to protect women. They also have subway cars specifically for women so they can get away from men pawing them. What kind of men are these? They also showed an interview with a woman who had been completely disfigured by having boys or men throw acid at her face because she resisted their advances and mockery. Who does that? But what disturbed me to the point that it stayed with me when I went to bed and when I awoke was an interview with a policewoman who was part of the spot checks. This woman cautioned women regarding what they wear, going out at night and one other thing that did not stay with me. I was not angry with her but I was disappointed. I was and am concerned when I hear any police suggest that appropriate clothing can prevent rape or any form of sexual abuse. I learned early in my first career that clothing has nothing to do with any form of sexual abuse. It is all about power. No man or child or woman can prevent sexual abuse by what he or she wears. We are in the 21st century and people who should know that still do not? All too often predators make the victims feel that they are responsible for the horrible things that happen to them. They don't also need people in authority suggesting the same thing. It does not matter if you are dressed in a sac, from head to foot. So, policewoman in Delhi. You are wrong. Think about that the next time you say such a thing national wide. We had a policeman say something similar at York University a while back that hit the news. If you are going to speak at a university to women about how they should dress, think again. Toronto Police reported that it was not the view of the Police Force. I believe them. But when you have people joining organizations that help others, they may have their own personal views which may not be accurate. I have had and listened to many complaints about how men who should have known better didn't in positions of authority. No woman, child or man deserves to be touched inappropriately ever. If anyone is having sexual relations and they change their mind that is their right. If you do not respect that, than it is your problem, not theirs.
I am beginning to understand why so many people want to come to Canada or the U.S.A to get away from all that repression and hate. We are not perfect, but we try. What works for us is the freedom of speech. What works for us is respect for others. Now how do we unite with the world so that every woman, man and child can live without fear and be fed and cared for? Impossible? I say nothing is impossible. If you live long enough you see change. What can you do for change? What can you do for yourself? If you have been abused either sexually, physically, emotionally, etc....what can you do to change that? And please, do not let others ever tell you that you deserved it or you asked for it or it would not have happened if.......It is not your fault. Surround yourself with support systems. Stay in the company with people who love you and care for you. Re-examine your life and your associates.
And when you are sick how do you care for yourself? What do you think? Where do you find peace?
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