It has been a busy two weeks. I now have a cold which will force me to rest. I do practice what I preach and do balance my life because fun and R+R are important to me. But everyone experiences lots of stuff happening at the same time and these two weeks have been mine. However, I love it all equally - work and play.
Last week I organized my office, the way I like it. It is so nice having my own office space. I still counsel elsewhere one day a week, but now in my office, that is my domaine. I can also separate work from home more. I still enjoy writing at home but recently I have been too busy for that too.
This week I went to a forum about the changes for seniors in Ontario. I wrote some notes and will eventually post them. I will also be getting a slide presentation of the event and will have to figure out how to get that to you. Yesterday I attended an all day seminar regarding marketing my business. I already know that people in my profession do not market too well. We are concerned about people and how to help them not how to market, but that needs some work. Saturday, I sold one book at the street fair but I networked a lot. One person said they would refer to me, and I could refer to their organization. That is one thing that does not work for me. You see, what I do and how I refer is for what is best for my client and not for me. That is business and even though I have a business, my service is to the people who come to me for help. I have ethics and boundaries. I also have intrinisic values and therefore, I will not refer for my benefit but only for the benefit of my clients. I do not impose. Much of what I have learned recently by networking and attending seminars is that attracting clients is almost like a game. It reminds me of a man with a pole in the river fishing, every one in. That is not me. Maybe that is why I have always opted for careers where I help rather than make big business. However, I did learn that I need to use more social media and bring it up to date. So I shall have to get back to twitter, figure out how to update my web site and consider face book, something I have been avoiding. Oh, and I definitely have to upgrade on my winkenid or whatever it is. I am so bad. Again yesterday they told us how computer savy we are, how advanced we are compared to others. Right, if I am advanced at social media, than we have a problem. Perhaps my interpretation of advanced is different.
My friend I went to visit a few weeks ago has died and he will be having a military celebration of life, Saturday in Barrie. I am so grateful that I had time to say good bye and catch up. He was a wonderful man. He wanted to camp one more time and plant some flowers one more time. He wanted his doctors to keep him alive until the end of summer. That was not in the plan. I hope he is planting and camping with his wife in heaven. Maybe he is doing something better. The celebration of his life on Saturday is not to be missed. For any military person who served with Don McGee, the event will be at the Legion, at Cundles and St Vincent. I have to look that up.
So it has been a busy time in a short span and now I have to leave to do more. Mind you I have allowed myself to sleep more and rest more at any break I get. I want this cold gone. Next week I shall spend more time in my office and catch up with what I am supposed to be doing. This week I have shuffled everything to be able to go to functions I needed to be at. Next week will become the new normal, at my spanking new office. I haven't had that in quite awhile. How do you manage your time? What happens when you get sick and you have lots to do? How do you manage your life? How do you determine what is important, what is not and what can you shuffle? What do you think? I really do want to know.
I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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