I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Thursday, 31 March 2022
Image of God - Theology ethic notes continue
We are made in the image of God. Image of God has a big impact on how we see God. Trinitarian considerations - Two aspects of this: Perception of the World. Think of a pyramid. At the top you have God. Then the angels, man, boy children, girl children, animals, plants and trees and then inamichatl (rocks). In this model, there is a denial - not taking seriously. God has incarnate, therefore has lots of implications. If God is up there, then Judge. If angels - denial of bodies and therefore making incarnation less revelant. If God is male then clearly men and boys are a cut above. It used to be that if a male only had one testicle, he could not be a priest. Women could be possession for men. Images of God and how we understand God affects how we see the world. God is Trinity - are enormous with ethics. Problem is we have reduced the trinity to an old man, young man and a bird. We have deduced the God with relationship - three persons in one God. Equal inclusive speaks to the reality of all creation in unity in equality. Relationship of outpouring love - God is in presence outpouring love. Great God of outpouring love of all creation. Think of both. Trinitarian is doing lots for ethics. Trinity can be understood in all. Therefore the whole basis of ethics is that we are made in the image of God. We should be defined in relationship. Ideal of marriage is continuing relationship so people don’t get hurt. The notion of rules, even our rules that were best to maintain relationships, think about the rules and think of how they may be developed because of this.
Next Moral Theology - ethic notes
The Effectiveness of Inpatient Treatment for Substance Use Disorder
I received the slides and video which I was going to post for you but I cannot do that any longer. If you want however, I can forward the email to you. Let me know if you want that. This is the first time I could not down load the video, so it may be a one time only. Their next session is about eating disorders which I have already attended once and won't be attending. Sorry.
Tuesday, 29 March 2022
Sexuality and Aging Cont…notes…
I have to apologize to you. This is a continuation from the Guelph conference notes. If you type Sexuality and Aging at the search of this blog you shall see where it continues from. My note book was stuck in between my desk drawers. I have a beautiful big desk but I wonder with all its nooks how practical it is. This notebook is almost over. There is a portion of the Guelph library left and I will share those notes with you, because they are so proud of their university library. Besides I love libraries, spending so much time in them since my youth. Here goes:
Mental Changes - How is that going to effect sexuality? Men’s erectile and aging. Lot’s of literature. Less so for women. Out of all the men who get a prescription, half of them don’t go for a second prescription. Because there is another problem.
End of life: Socio emotional selective theory -there is a shift in life priorities with limited time. There is a maximization of meaningful activities in the present. Invest in emotionally meaningful goals and activities. There is a perception of limited time. As time horizon shrinks, fulfillment emerges from regulation of affect in present. Meaning in Life: When partner dies - description and reactive potential issues with own health; loneliness; learning new independence - guilt/relief. Research: Myth of sexuality and aging is prevalent. 5% of all psychophysiology studies since 1969 have an average of 50-59. 100% of studies focused on dysfunction. Sex won’t be the same as for those younger but different. What is the physical response of getting older? Has to think about sex with the mind. There is a steady increase in dysfunction as one gets older but there is still sexuality. In one American study of 75-85 year olds, there was a sexual decline. Those who do is about two or three times a month. 23% have sex once a week or more. Optimal Sex: Couples staying together 40 years or more who are having great sex - authentic to partner, true to partner and fully present. Older adults are better to focus or be fully focused than those younger. Have deep intimacy with partner - deep connection with one person. Extraordinary communication - How to enhance this for partners? Solitary sexual activity is the highest activity one will engage in. There is a sense of pleasure and understanding of the human body. xxxxxx(I have removed site due to learning more about this whih I will post) has 80 million users a day. 19 million users a day are 45. 11% are 45 - 54 year olds. 7% are 55 to 64 year olds. 4% are 65+ years. The psychologist doing this research stated it was hitting a brick wall to find research on older adults.
Condoms - 20% of men and 24% of women with multiple current sexual partners used a condom during their last encounter. Only 8% of older adults who were sexually active in the past month used condoms “all the time.” There is a concern that those who engage in high risk sex wear no condoms with multiples. 93% - their own risk of SDI. Between 2005 - 2015 in people over 60 + year: 5% syphilis;
87 % increase in gonorrhoea, 142 % increase in chlamydia. HIV rates in older individuals age 50+ increased from 10.6 in 1999. Survey depicted that physicians don’t talk to seniors about sex. 38% men and 22 % of women talked to their physicians about sex. 135 physicians in England stated they never asked or discussed sex with older patients. In Finland there are male dancers for female retiree’s. Not so well here in America. (Hey isn’t Finland the number 1 country for the happiest people? Canada has fallen a lot). Aging well and age friendly communities: Halifax; Saanich BC. Amount of older persons 60+ will double from 600 million to 1.2 billion by 2025. (WHO, 201) 85+ is the fastest segment of Canadians. There are more Canadians 65+ than youth 15+. By 2051 about one in four Canadians is expected to be 65 years or older. Ontario’s 65 and older is projected to double by 2041. Most seniors feel younger than they look. GW Gatekeeper Project - 2% to 10% of older adults will experience some form of abuse or neglect each year. There is a growth in number among those isolated who have no support system. www.pinetwork.ca. Focus on City of Guelph (where I attended this seminar and who invited us all to move to Guelph). By 2036 number of seniors would reach between 9.9 and 10.9 million people. In Guelph, population is expected to be 175,000; by 2031 - a full 1/3 will be older adults. There are 8 domains of an age friendly city to improve and sustain older life used by World Health Organizations and it was used by Guelph. 1. Values and supports for older adults. 2. Optimizes applications for choice, independence and quality of life. 3. Diversity and inclusion for all. 4. The City of Guelph is committed to long term engagement in the older adult strategy. There are review recommendations regularly/report annually to city council on the progress of implantation plan. 1. Out door spaces and public buildings - review of accessibility, curb cuts; upgrade. 2. Transportation - have opportunity to travel, audible walk signals, publicize and communicate the community bus service which continues to be a debate. 3. Housing - affordable that allows independence, tax deferral program (some older adults wanted to remain in homes but couldn’t afford the taxes). Sharing roads and sidewalks (fear of being knocked over by cyclists, wheelchairs. City of Participation and employment. How can seniors participate. Communication and information. Font sizes, increasing the use of live answering (good luck with that one). EMS going to the home. Those who required modified duties went to their homes, thus removing the need to go to emergency. The City of Guelph is willing to help others in their own cities wanting help. End of notes for this portion.
The pandemic gave me a rude awakening of how we treat our elderly. I was so shocked by what was happening that it makes me wonder if this is where I want to be when I am old, old.
Crisis in Home Care
Marketplace: Season 49, Episode 14
Exposing a broken system failing families and workers, secrecy around for-profit companies' use of public funds; traveling overseas to show a better and more affordable way of aging at home.
Show: Marketplace
Air date: March 18, 2022
I have cut and pasted the above Crises in Home Care which is rather upsetting. I suggest you watch it to understand how desperately we need change. I enjoy watching investigative reports because it is required to keep our democracy on the right path. Remember you can vote people in and you can vote them out. Questions should be answered and if they are ignored you need to wonder why. I want to continue with the ethics notes next. This weekend I am to attend a virtual weekend with the Jesuits. So next week I will share any knowledge there which you may find pertinent. I hope it is relaxing. Thank you for reading my blogs. In reference to what I wrote today, I didn’t check the sites mentioned so hopefully they are still here for you. In regards to physicians not talking to older adults about sex, I read this morning that some therapists don’t either. I do with couples regardless of their ages and singles when appropriate. Sex does help couples get closer. Later!
Friday, 25 March 2022
The Effectiveness of Inpatient Treatment for substance use disorder
Yesterday, I attended the webinar and I won’t be talking much about it because they will be sending me the video and slides. I will post the video. Should you want the slides email me and I will forward them to you. Dr Basedown, Psychologist was the speaker and she talked about various assessment and diagnostic tools. The in-house treatment take 600 patients a year and she talked about their self reporting outcomes. One thing of interest is that of a study of 708 patients in British Columbia they found a higher level of addiction and psychological dysfunction in females compared to males. However, Females had a greater reduction in addiction symptoms and improvements in emotion regulations compared to men. I should be getting the video two weeks at the latest and will post it here for you. Have a good weekend.
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
The continuous bombing of Ukraine is demonstrating our inhumanity
When I was in undergrad, I remember a prof showing slides of the animal kingdom and he stated that we in the animal kingdom are the most dangerous. All other creatures do not kill unless there is a need to. As I reflect, after hearing the news I hear the echo of his words. I mouth we do not kill only for food, we kill for sport, for control etc…. We kill. This morning while reflecting and enjoying my morning coffee, I watched my pets enjoy their meal and the squirrel on the deck munching on his apple slices. I thought of how I enjoy watching nature at work. I heard the birds chirp as spring awakens with new beginnings and new hope. I am quite pleased with myself. I accomplished all my goals plus. I am content with life. However, I have concerns for the future of my world. I think back to a cartoon of my youth where Donato a cartoonist for the Toronto Sun who retired had drawn a picture of our planet and a devil arrives and states we are not ready. Then another drawing of the planet depicting wars is shown and again the devil states we are not ready. Finally, at the last drawing of our planet shows complete devastation and the devil states we are now ready. I found it very interesting and meaningful at the time. I loved his cartoons and was sorry to see him retire though it was well deserved. I don’t have access to many cartoons these days because I have pretty well stopped getting the paper. We seem to be entering another stage, though I think we need to find a way to maintain independent news. We need that to keep democracy. We see how Russia is being kept from the news which Putin has complete control of. As we watch the massacre of civilians in Ukraine, Putin tells his people it is only fake news. Again, it is a projection of himself being the fake. What comes to mind often is Shakespeare's, “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” As I watch Ukraine suffer and die, I think of our passion for reality tv and this is the ultimate horror reality tv. We have taken away Putin’s and his cronies toys, their yachts, their mansions, their finances etc….He has said that Biden is not welcomed in Russia, nor our Prime Minister, etc….And all the while, Putin barely human at this point using hypersonic weapons travelling faster than five times the speed of light to bomb children, civilian women and the elderly. Just today, a 95 year old man who survived the holocaust of about four different camps died at the hands of Putin. He was bombed. As you watch children being dismembered and killed, Putin claims it is all “fake.” What a complete and utter fool, and this is the man and I use the term loosely, who has the world in a standstill. We are watching this all being played out as we stand and watch. Oh yes, we are helping. That is the least we can do. We had a street sign put up where the Russian Consulate is stating free Ukraine. If the Russian Consulate move, then the sign will move with him. There is humanitarian relief which Putin now doesn’t want the Ukrainians to have access to. Children are dying from dehydration. He bombs and bombs and bombs and will not negotiate. Surrendering is not a negotiation. We have just stood by and watched one man destroy, destroy, destroy and control. What does that say for us? Today my sympathies also go to the families of the 132 souls who crashed in China. On a lighter note, the sun is shining here in Toronto. It is brisk but warmer air after some more snow is in the horizon. I am looking forward to spending as much time as possible outdoors. I can do paperwork outside as the birds sing to me as I move my fingers on the keyboard. I am also looking forward to watching movies in my backyard. Today my focus will be doing my income tax. Yup, I am doing it myself, since I don’t want to experience last years disaster. I have already re-done my psychotherapy business (redigondapsychotherapy.com) about three or four times. They don’t send out guides anymore for businesses and finding it all on line is too consuming. I believe in the motto of “kiss” (keep it simple stupid). So I now do my book business which should be more simple (www.silvaredigonda.ca). Then I will do the general taxes which I received a guide for and so that should be easy. I have saved today to get all that done hopefully with minimum interruption. Is that possible? What do you think?
Thursday, 17 March 2022
#Freezing Order, A true story of Russian money laundering, Murder and surviving Vladimir Puttin's Wrath
It continues to be painful to watch what Putin is doing in Ukraine. Ukraine's President and people continue to gain the respect of the world, while Putin, well, how much lower can he sink? It does not take an investigation to determine this person is a war criminal and I am wondering where The Expendables, Rambo and James Bond are? On a lighter note, I was very interested to hear Bill Browder, Author and CEO of Hermitage Capital speak on CP 24 yesterday about his new book which will be released shortly. I already have a hold on one. Browder described Putin as a pathological, murderous dictator who kills without any remorse. (I think that the world has been watching this live). Bowder continued that he watched this with his own eyes. He continues, "I was screaming from the roof tops about needing to contain this man. You need to stop him. You need to punish him. Now the world has woken up. I think we woke up a little to late, unfortunately!" Bill Browder was one of the largest investors in Russia's stock market. He said we in Canada need to close the loop holes for the Aligards. Putin has threatened him with death; with kidnapping. "It's a full time job to stay alive."
The book will be available 12 April 22. I am looking forward to reading it.
Tuesday, 15 March 2022
Ethics - Theology notes cont…..Ethics
Knowledge is always partial. It requires humility. Collaboration effects are necessary. Dialogue (both learning and teaching) when talking gently and with respect - may influence the other. Problems of urgency and of extreme slowness: Embryonic (stem cells) - Let’s slow down. We have an obligation to heal. We won’t kill embryo, but stem cells not embryo is ok. Therefore we need to avoid the urgency of things. Found that stem cells were better than embryonic.
With Vatican 11 onwards there was a leap in theology. Rules, Natural Laws X feeling - intuition. Values are learned - social - within the context of the community - in between it is. Intuition - world view, experience - justify. - Community wisdom. You need to know the facts and values. You need to know medical facts a. regulations b. living.
Moral Discernment begins with the right question. Jesus never commands, he only invites. Sources of Christian Ethics - Scripture, tradition, reason and experience. Sacredness of life, sacredness of all present. You need to understand the facts to understand the values. How do I get out of my relative values here? Put it in the paradigm of wisdom. Where does natural law go here in this chart? The Church said there is a criteria if you go to war. John Paul 11 almost moved to a pacifist stance. Almost not quite. We could not justify war on the criteria we had. Did the teaching a just war change? No. Church teaching doesn’t change. It still holds the notions of just war, but cannot have rule is in place but it may change. Eg. Saudi is wrong - The wisdom of the ages arise to rules which are differently understood. Sanctuary of life. Life is sacred so only God’s to take. However, the Church is in its experimental wisdom. Then over time people begin to take in account the psychological. Cannot be buried (before) on sacred life. However, over time we have come to understand psychology better. They may not have the psychological freedom. Suicide - life is sacred. Object and subject. Natural Law - If people really think about this and discern, one of the principals of creation is that we should preserve life, not take it. Sin-can say it is a sin. But, sin is freedom and suicide is not freedom, so intuition. How do we inform our conscience? We want to go to a variety of things. We go to the experts. We are given the wisdom of the community. We go back to the sources of morality - go back to reason. If I’m thinking of pulling the plug on someone. The informed conscience. What is my reason is telling me? - what is my experience telling me? St Thomas Aquinas - ultimately consciously prevails but first has to go through - the Church is not without compassion. Number 16. Vatican 11 (which I am presently reading at leisure) Natural law - Deep within his conscience which is not himself, but he must obey. Natural law - do good; avoid evil. Go through the process - Catholic teaching. Am I denying what is true wisdom? If I end up going through the process and I am still confused, I should be according to the Church, because it has years of wisdom.
To be continued with Image of God.
Saturday, 12 March 2022
For Love Of Country - Military Policewoman https://www.silvaredigonda.ca
The final banquet
– a time to say goodbye
Bill Jamison looked so much the part of an announcer, as he held open the decorated blue binder to read aloud the goodbye messages from across Canada. He stood tall, and though he supported a heavy build, it only enhanced his masculinity. I knew that this man was quite self conscious about losing his hair. I also knew this man had a gift for working with wood, had two lovely children whom he adored, and was most suited to life in the country, though he blended in wherever he was. This man with startling blue eyes and hair a shade of red or brown (depending on his mood, I’m sure) was a loyal friend, so it was appropriate that he was reading my farewell.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.
Friday, 11 March 2022
Compassion and Social Justice Series - Moral Distress, burn out, Compassion and resilience - Covid 19.
Compassion and Social Justice Series - Moral Distress, burn out, Compassion and resilience - Covid 19.
As I mentioned last week (Mar 4, 22), I attended a lecture last Friday regarding the mentioned topic. They have sent me the video which I will post for you. I just want to provide you with some information to see if you want to watch it. I do recommend it for physicians, nurses and their families. Nurses have endured much as have all health care workers and I think I have been keeping you updated with that portion. The first part of the lecture was provided by a nurse, Dr Jennifer Gibson, who works in British Columbia. She talked about the history of COVID which of course I found redundant at this point but you may not. The second portion was more of an interest to me. Dr Nadia Khan MD. M. SC provided data regarding her research. She talked about having to tell a family their loved one would probably die from COVID. There was no vaccine at the time. Talked about a patient being alone, not able to speak English and family not being able to come. She described this as examples of moral distress, one of the factors leading to physician burnout. She talks about physicians facing burn out before the pandemic. She talked about who survives and who doesn’t , safety among themselves, colleagues and their families. Physician burn out in one study showed increase in deaths. What she said was that doctors have the highest rate of suicide in Canada. This actually contradicts what I have studied in that older men have the highest rate of suicide. Has this changed? Did I misunderstand? This is one of the problems when attending lectures on line. Though you can ask questions, it is controlled and not all the questions can be answered. When you are in the room, you raise your hand and normally all questions are answered. Dr Khan said the rate of burn out is emotional exhaustion. Her research is based on physicians being asked questions and answering them. The response was 42%. There was a sense of low sense of accomplishment. 11% are considering quitting. Others have already quit. They had few days off to relax. A study in China depicted 40% + of doctors had more problems aside from burnout. Dr Khan stated there is no single solution. How to improve burnout? Thinking shifted to reduce burnout. There needs to be a system change. She said that there is a lot in the way because of bureaucracy. Part of the solution is person coping, self-care, resilience, work hours, reduce paperwork and work more with patients. She said that we knew burnout was a problem before COVID and that became the tipping point.
Dr Gibson talked about how nurses from elsewhere went to work where the need was greater.
Regarding stigma, though it is better than 10 years ago, there is still a stigma for physicians and so because of that, they don’t seek help.
As I have completed writing these notes, my mind goes back years when I heard a lecture stating that physicians, military and police have the highest rate of abusing their partners. I attended as part of my work but I was not a therapist at the time. I wasn’t surprised because all three careers are stressful. We have a better understanding of learning how to cope and it is also being taught much more. Since COVID I have not hesitated to state that I offer priority to Health care workers and emergency response persons. I think back to when I worked as an Intern at a hospital and saw the stress that physicians were under. They were worked to exhaustion and more. Since COVID more hospital staff have been asked to work more and more and more, til the point of where some want to commit suicide. Sometimes, people need to be reminded that they are human, regardless of their profession. They need a unified voice to say enough is enough. They need to make it a priority to help themselves. The public has a habit of placing physicians on a pedestal. I recall when I was an intern for about a month I worked everyday not only at the hospital but because I was seeing clients privately for my hours which was separate. I thought at the time, I could do this, because it is temporary. This hasn’t been temporary for many since COVID. Not only that but in Toronto I was so disappointed to see anti vaccinators block patients and hospital staff from entering. These are physicians and nurses going to work to save lives. These are patients going for treatment. One spoke of having cancer and how the protest made her feel while being taunted. Do sick people need this? All this contributes to the stress already facing everyone. Fortunately they created a law to stop this harassment. Have a good weekend everyone. Please make self care a priority, set boundaries, practise learning to say no, talk to someone. That is only the beginning of change by taking one step at a time. What do you think? Video can be seen at https://vimeo.com/showcase/9323983
Wednesday, 9 March 2022
#China accuses Nato of pushing tensions between Russia and Ukraine to a breaking point”
“China accuses NATO of pushing tensions between Russia and Ukraine to a breaking point.” That was the print scrolling underneath the major news being broadcasted when I watched the news this morning. I was wondering how long it would take for them to defend Russia for invading a country. I have been watching the news about this war each day. My admiration for the President of Ukraine and the Ukraine people has only grown. I can’t remember the last time I saw such integrity, courage and resilience. I was never interested in visiting Eastern Europe before, seeing most of the West, but this has changed. While Putin is bombing Ukraine killing men, women, children and their pets, what is being broadcasted to the Russian people is that Ukraine is the aggressor. Protestors in Russia who know what is going on and protesting are being arrested for treason? Really? So, now all free media is being closed off in Russia so Putin can continue his rant of how he and Russia is the victim. Putin thought the time was ripe for this invasion. He manipulated the media in the States and probably here and elsewhere. He saw the division and protests here and the States and the Western world. He did not see that the majority is usually silent. He thought there was so much division that the time was ripe to start taking over countries who apparently want to join NATO. Attack one and you attack all if you belong to NATO. I have always been concerned about dictatorship. Here is a man, Putin with his limited cronies in Russia trying to take over another country and reckless in his manner. It has been methodical and cruel. But, he was wrong. While he roughly and cruelly kills families even those trying to escape, Ukraine begs the world for help. The West and NATO do try to help by following the rules. Individual companies are also pulling out of Russia. Imagine a world without Starbucks? Ok, I have to throw in some humour. I have been wondering what I can offer. I am going to attend a meeting hopefully today to ask one of my Associations what we can do? As for China, for some time now I have not bought anything from China. For some time, I have left stores stating I didn’t want to buy from China and apparently I haven’t been the only one. Laura’s clothing store sells clothes including from China but also Canadian clothing and from other countries, so does Costco and Home Sense. Individuals have power if they want to use it. I have nothing against the Chinese people or Russian people. I have plenty against their leadership. It is not only these two countries we have to worry about. There are others and that is why we have to tread lightly while we do our best. We don’t want world war 111. I certainly don’t, but I also want to stop Russia from doing further harm. Our own leaders as part of NATO have a very difficult job, more so than ever before in their life time. How do you stop invasion without causing a war? Biden said he doesn’t want to be known as the President who caused World War 111. This is such a difficult situation especially because Putin has shown himself to be the opposite of the President of Ukraine. Putin lies, has no integrity and certainly no courage. He has shown himself to be the bully and using the power of his country to dominate. I always wondered how Hitler, a man who was limited in his intelligence could cause so much harm. I wondered why no one managed to terminate him, though many tried. People fear Putin, not because he is brilliant even though he managed to get into power through corruption and stay there with the same methods. He is feared because of his lacking of morality. He is feared because he threatens with nuclear war. Europe is fearful and even his own ministry depicted fear in their faces. What is this man capable of? We are beginning to see and if this isn’t stopped I believe we are only seeing the beginning. Let’s be kind and supportive to all people in our countries. Let’s open our arms in support of the Ukraine people but also understand that it is not the people of Russia responsible for what is going on. They don’t even get the right information and Putin has shut down any media that does not agree with his own, fake news which he is projecting. This is about one man and his cronies, only a few men in the scope of the threat, against one country while threatening the world with nuclear warfare if we interfere. We need to ask ourselves, what happens if we do not interfere? A slippery slope and for now I am praying for peace and praying that Putin stops this torture and invasion. I pray for the Ukraine President and his people. For now I can stop buying from any country which has a dictator, but I know I need to do more even as an individual and so I need to recognize what that is. I hope Putin proves me wrong. I hope that he makes the decision to stop this invasion and decides that he prefers peace. I hope and hope as I watch the news each day. What do you think?
Friday, 4 March 2022
The Internet Murders - continues
Ok, time for something light during these difficult times. To order your autographed copy check out https://www.silvaredigonda.ca
“Mrs. Delany made him a fresh pot of coffee. She didn’t think coffee was good and certainly not better than a nice cup of tea, especially now with all that had happened. She didn’t realize that she was muttering aloud. She heated him some scones, which she knew he could not resist. She found the Devon cream and put the tray before him once she had completed preparing everything just so, then quietly left the kitchen. She would not be able to do any work today. She was upset that Fr. Brown was dead, but more so for Fr. Francis. He had been at the church for five years now and always treated her with the utmost respect. He never called her by her first name. He did not make her retire, though Fr. Santinelli had wanted her to. If he hadn’t been transferred out, she knew she would not still be at the church. What would she have done then? All she knew was the church, which she had served since she was a young girl. She thought of the other churches where she had served, but here, it was her home, though she did not sleep here because she didn’t think it was proper. Fr. Francis was always kind to her, even when she forgot things sometimes. He even suggested that she sleep over when she felt tired. She loved him as if he was her biological son. He had never really needed her. She needed him and the Church. It had been her life for so many years. “Thank you God for finally giving me a son,” she whispered. She and Mr. Delany never could have children. I was not blessed, she had thought. She felt bad, when people asked her why they didn’t have children. She loved children so much, they would say, waiting for a reply. But she couldn’t reply, because she knew that if she did, she would cry, and she didn’t want them to see that. She would just change the subject and sometimes that would silence the curiosity of others. Sometimes it did not, and she suffered in silence. Well now, God had a special son for her: Fr. Francis. Her eyes were not too good these days, and Father hired her a helper to do the books, he said. Sonja came in twice a week for the cleaning. There wasn’t as much money now as in the past, but Fr. Francis was blessed by God because there was always some money coming in when the Church most needed it. Fr. Santinelli wanted her replaced with a younger version of herself, who could work faster and who didn’t need as many breaks as she now needed, now that she was old. She thought of the differences between the two priests. How can two men of God be so different? Fr. Francis needed her now, and she would see to it that he was well taken care of. She sat down on the comfortable green sofa. Fr. Francis hated the colour of the sofa, but would not replace it because that would cost money and he was always mindful of cost. She, however, loved the the sofa. It was big and comfortable. She sat back, resting her eyes. She didn’t realize that she fell asleep.”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.”
Support for Ukraine I received via email
Press Release
For Immediate Release – February 28, 2022
Statement on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
The Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities in Canada (ACCUC) is both dismayed and horrified to learn of the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
This illegal invasion has already resulted in needless violence, displacement, and death. The conflict is escalating quickly resulting in further casualties and destruction. At this dire hour, the ACCUC stands with the people of Ukraine and offers our prayers for an immediate resolution to this conflict. We call upon the Russian government to cease its incursion into Ukraine and return to Russian territory forthwith. We also call upon both parties to meet at the negotiation table and discuss a peaceful solution in the spirit of good faith. It is our prayer that a resolution be achieved that will preserve human life and dignity.
In the Beatitudes, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, taught that those who promote peace are truly the children of God. We must all be children of God by turning away from violence and war. We invoke St. Francis of Assisi by asking him to pray to God so that all people are made instruments of peace.
About Us
The Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities in Canada (ACCUC) is an organization of Roman Catholic postsecondary academic institutions located across Canada. The ACCUC acts as the official voice for Catholic higher learning in Canada, as it seeks to spread “the spirit of learning” throughout the country.
Peter Meehan, Ed.D.
Chair, ACCUC
President and Vice-Chancellor, St. Jerome’s University, Waterloo
John Cappucci, Ph.D.
Vice-Chair, ACCUC
Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Assumption University, Windsor
Christopher Adams, Ph.D. Immediate Past Chair, ACCUC Rector, St. Paul’s College, Winnipeg
Chantal Beauvais, Ph.D.
Rectrice, Université Saint Paul/Saint Paul University, Ottawa
Shawn Flynn, Ph.D.
President, St. Joseph’s College, Edmonton
Lauretta Frederking, Ph.D.
President, Brescia University College, London
Sami Helewa, S.J., Ph.D.
President, Campion College, Regina
Michael Higgins, Ph.D.
Principal, St. Mark’s College, Vancouver President, Corpus Christi College, Vancouver
Most Rev. Wayne Kirkpatrick CCCB Liaison to ACCUC Bishop of Antigonish
David Malloy, PhD
President, King’s University College, London
Dawn Russell, Q.C.
President and Vice-Chancellor, St. Thomas University, Fredericton
Carl Still, Ph.D.
President, St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon
David Sylvester, Ph.D.
President and Vice-Chancellor, University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto
Gerry Turcotte, Ph.D.
President and Vice-Chancellor, St. Mary’s University, Calgary
Jason West, Ph.D.
President, Newman Theological College, Edmonton
Thomas Worcester, S.J., Ph.D. President, Regis College, Toronto
Thursday, 3 March 2022
Ethics - Theology notes cont………
The cognitional theory of Bernard Lonergan - Jesuit Priest famous theologian especially in moral theology is buried in Guelph (I was there during the seminar at Guelph University where I went to visit my old friend who died. Since then another good friend and mentor died from COVID). Lonergan offered a practical approach to ethics - when we discern we need to look at the whole notion of 1. Experience is the beginning of knowledge 2. Assume that there is “something out there” that can be known. 3. Understanding - “to see into it”. When we? We trust our God. Understanding puts the separate parts of the data into some kind of order so we can begin to grasp the whole of what is given. In grappling with this we come to insight; A new way of seeing what we have experienced. Is it so? The adequacy of truth. Does our understanding reflect reasonably the reality of what we have experienced? To answer these questions is to make a judgement necessary for deciding and acting. 4. Continuing refinement. No separation of the knowing subject from the object known.
Tomorrow I shall be attending a seminar on Moral Distress, Burn Out and additional burden COVID 19. Feel free to always share your views.
Wednesday, 2 March 2022
Tuesday, 1 March 2022
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