Friday 3 September 2021

A few thoughts about this election - Who to vote for?

Last night they had a debate with the party leaders. It was conducted in the French language and I couldn't watch it after awhile because the English translation kept me in tears with laughter. Trudeau had the voice of an elderly man etc... However, this morning during breakfast, I watched the NDP in Quebec trying to get votes. For you who have been reading me for awhile know what I think about Quebec. It is a beautiful province and I love it. I still have one person there I consider close and I enjoy talking to him. I still donate a small amount monthly to St Mary's Hospital because of the great cancer care my cousin received. I did get some backlash from a male nurse and attendant because my language is primary English (I also speak Italian). I was asked by the nurse if I was from England and of course not, I am from Toronto, so I knew that he missed some historic content like losing the civil war - my bad. However, when you have a relative dying in a hospital, you don't really want to get into a language debate and I didn't. Because the treats of cookies and tea meant so much to my cousin, I donate so that can continue for other patients. Montreal was the most promising city in Canada. The language problems made big businesses come to Toronto and it was our gain and their loss. English is the International language. As I listened to the NDP hoping to gain votes in Quebec, I heard something that I knew that I could not vote NDP. The NDP politician was stating that the French language is dwindling and they want to change that. They promised that to be a Judge, one would have to be bilingual. This political debate has been difficult because I honestly don't know who to vote for. I don't normally talk politics but due to so many polorized issues, I am going to make a few exemptions. I am seriously considering everyone and this time it is a process of elimination. I believe everyone should vote. History has demonstrated how important it is to vote. People have been deprived of voting such as women and people of colour. It is easy to sit back and say no one is suitable and just not bother. Those people who don't bother are responsible for the outcome. I don't think judges are going to let that happen. How many judges are fluently bilingual? What makes a good judge? There was a time during my career, and I won't mention which one, but it was in the news. After a certain level, people had to not only be bilingual but originate from Quebec. I consider that division and I have seen enough division in my country. The NDP wants to tax the ultra rich. He considers that to be about 40 people, to take the bulk of taxes. How about the others who are very rich but not among the 40? O'toole (Conservative) was in the military and that can be a plus for part of the population and a negative for others. He wants to eliminate puppy mills and crack down on crime. However, I am concerned about what he will do with the environment. He has a plan which came out in a booklet, but I never received it in the mail. Once this election was called our Provincial Conservative leader Ford disappeared. I presume it was so that he would not be a distraction to the big boss (O'toole). There was some invoice scandal where invoices were sent for money. Some unfortunately thought they had to pay it. He also did not speak to the reporters but held some webinar for the public who wanted to spend $1600. for that honour. I have a concern that protection for the natural environment was eliminated by this party. Regarding Trudeau, he has had problems in the first round, was given a minority government the second round and he called an early election so that he could win a majority or lose? Do we really need a 60 million dollar election during a pandemic and with what is happening in Afghanistan? Regarding the Green Party, that would have been my choice because global warming is such a concern. I actually like the leader. However, there is so much internal strife within the party. How can one lead the country when there is so much division within the party? There needs to be a united front. So, as you can see I have a difficult choice. I am looking forward to the English speaking debate because if I can't decide after listening to each speaker, I will have a problem. Regardless, I shall vote, even if I have to face a ballot still questioning, because so many have fought for that freedom and some countries still do not have an honest election. I wish that people would be forced to step down when they promise something and don't even try to make it happen. I get the feeling that people will say whatever, just to get elected and there is where honesty comes in. The pandemic has offered insight to what people we have in Canada and how we have failed our seniors who have contributed so much to this country. We should feel shame at how our Seniors were abandoned. What changes will be made to ensure this does not happen again? It has made me think about how concerned I shall be for myself if I live into old age. Will I be deprived of food and care and left with wet and overflowing diapers up to my neck when an emergency arises and it will arise. I wondered how would I run my country? I would make climate change a priority which hasn't happened. I would want all provinces to be treated equally with health care, education and opportunies. I would elimnate health care for profit. I would be tough on crime so much so that criminals will want to flee Canada and not come here as a haven. I would want to work with countries to promote democracy which would make me a target but that doesn't bother me. I don't know much about politics and how it operates but I do hope that whoever gets elected does the right things. What could I do to make my country better for all? What do you think?

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