Tuesday 17 August 2021

Regarding my paper in segments

What I am doing is scanning my undergrad paper regarding the Afghanistan woman and then uploading it one page at a time. Please forgive me but when I wrote it I did not have a computer. I would have posted the paper earlier but I didn't really want to re-type it. I want to write a bit about Afghanistan as a series in tribute to all who served and to the Afghanistan people. I also want to make people aware of what the Taliban does. I will summarize after the last page for those of you having difficulty reading the paper. As you can see you will have all my professors comments as well. It's a good thing I got an A. Anyhow, I wrote this paper when I knew absolutely nothing before hand about Afghanistan. A few years ago a University student with Afghanistan roots, made the news when she complained about soldiers being in Afghanistan to an infantry man at a booth at the university. He was quite patient as he stated that he would like to sit with her and explain the deployment there. I never heard anything again and I can presume that her parents enlightened her. Anyhow, I do hope you are able to read the paper because it infers how important it is to help these people. We have a responsibilty to help. Last night on the news, one Afghanistan woman living in Toronto said that some women in a household are already preparing to poison themselves should the Taliban gain full control. How sad is that? But, I understand it as well, so let's get the women and children out of there and anyone who has helped Allied forces. I have dealt with women in my practice who have suffered from all sorts of abuse. I am in awe of these women who are so determined to overcome their tragedies in order to be able to become successful. They want to be productive. They want to live. It is always a privledge for me to be able to help. We need to do more. What do you think?

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