I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Monday, 30 August 2021
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Thursday, 26 August 2021
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Thursday, 19 August 2021
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Regarding my paper in segments
What I am doing is scanning my undergrad paper regarding the Afghanistan woman and then uploading it one page at a time. Please forgive me but when I wrote it I did not have a computer. I would have posted the paper earlier but I didn't really want to re-type it. I want to write a bit about Afghanistan as a series in tribute to all who served and to the Afghanistan people. I also want to make people aware of what the Taliban does. I will summarize after the last page for those of you having difficulty reading the paper. As you can see you will have all my professors comments as well. It's a good thing I got an A. Anyhow, I wrote this paper when I knew absolutely nothing before hand about Afghanistan. A few years ago a University student with Afghanistan roots, made the news when she complained about soldiers being in Afghanistan to an infantry man at a booth at the university. He was quite patient as he stated that he would like to sit with her and explain the deployment there. I never heard anything again and I can presume that her parents enlightened her. Anyhow, I do hope you are able to read the paper because it infers how important it is to help these people. We have a responsibilty to help. Last night on the news, one Afghanistan woman living in Toronto said that some women in a household are already preparing to poison themselves should the Taliban gain full control. How sad is that? But, I understand it as well, so let's get the women and children out of there and anyone who has helped Allied forces. I have dealt with women in my practice who have suffered from all sorts of abuse. I am in awe of these women who are so determined to overcome their tragedies in order to be able to become successful. They want to be productive. They want to live. It is always a privledge for me to be able to help. We need to do more. What do you think?
A letter from the Minister of Veteran Affairs regarding Afganistan to veterans and others (sharing)
These past few weeks have been incredibly difficult for our Veteran community. With the Taliban’s rapid advance across Afghanistan, it appears that the entire country could soon be under their control.
Given all it represents to so many of our Afghan Veterans, the fall of Kandahar will surely be particularly challenging. Having never worn the uniform, I know I will never be able to understand what so many of those who served there are grappling with.
As Minister, though, I want to provide some resources that I hope might be of use for those of you – and to those you serve – who might understandably be struggling with the situation in Afghanistan.
At Veterans Affairs, please know that the VAC Assistance Service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Veterans, former RCMP members, families, and caregivers can call to speak with a mental health professional, free of charge, at 1-800-268-7708 (TDD/TTY: 1-800-567-5803.)
For those still serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, support is available to members and their families at each Canadian Forces Health Services centre across the country.
The Member Assistance Program also offers 24/7 confidential short-term counselling to members and their families, and can be reached at
1-800-268-7708 (TDD 1-800-567-5803.)
Some additional information on mental health resources can also be found through the Canadian Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Canada.
Because of what Canadians achieved in Afghanistan, lives have been changed, unquestionably, for the better. There are children who received medicine that allowed them to reach their teens when they otherwise wouldn’t have. There are now young women studying law, physics, and journalism at some of the world’s finest universities who would never have gotten that opportunity.
Time will tell us what those stories mean, but I choose to believe that the world will be better for them.
However this chapter in Afghanistan’s history ends, Canada will not forget the actions of the more than 40,000 of our remarkable men and women who served there – the stories of their sacrifice will outlast them.
Our kids and grandkids are going to learn about the Canadians who fought and gave their lives in the streets and poppy fields of Kandahar, just like they will about the ones who fought and gave their lives at Vimy Ridge and Juno Beach.
Their wars might be different, but their stories are fundamentally the same. They went off to serve their country, and they did all that was asked of them and more.
How our Afghanistan Veterans and their families will come to understand their sacrifices is surely not for me to say, but I can promise that Canada will remain forever grateful for their service.
Please take care, and thank you for the work you all continue to do in support of our Veterans and their families.
Lawrence MacAulay
Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence
Monday, 16 August 2021
Afghanistan - Heartbreaking
Ages ago I wrote a paper on the Afghanistan woman. It came to my attention because I was at a talk where Afghanistan women were speaking about what was going on in that country. One woman who had spoken in the States would not speak at the University because her life had been threatened. She would be killed by the Taliban if she spoke. At the time, I wondered why she thought that could happen here in Toronto, some terrorist group killing her if she talked about what was going on. Years later women of Afghanistan are speaking out and I am pleased that they feel more comfortable doing so. Years of living in a democratic country has provided them with a sense of security. My heart weighs heavily as I watch the news and wonder if we could terminate the Taliban as we can cockroaches without hurting the innocent. I see young boys riding tanks, like chariots and realize that it would still be time to show them another way of life and not chosen for them by radical hateful men. I then ponder if we could help all the women leave Afghanistan and so these poor excuse for men would no longer be able to breed and therefore die out, and so the Afghanistan people could return home. My professor would not be happy hearing me think this way. My paper got an A because I provided an educational solution. I could not say that I think the military should go there and terminate them, because they are beyond transitioning to human beings. Am I angry? Yes. But anger is hurt expressed outwardly. I felt sadness as I watched the Afghanistan people falling from planes hoping to escape. I felt the pain as the Afghanistan men asked for help because they were the interpreters and others who helped the American/Canadian soldiers while there. Are we abandoning them? If so, what a disgrace! I think back to my own time serving and think of our interpreters. Yes we were in peace time. Being an interpreter was more than a job, it was a vocation. One was Guenter. I used to love teasing him with a Hitler salute, because it used to drive him crazy (I obviously know better now). He would jump up and down with his arms all over the place. He would also look around to ensure that no one was looking because he knew the trouble I would get into. Of course I thought Hitler was the worse dictator ever, because he was successful in killing so many - because of hate. Guenter used to talk to me about his experiences in the war serving as an interpreter. He was so proud of his work with the Canadians and wanted nothing more than to come to Canada. As I sit here thinking of Guenter, I hope that if he had come, he would not have been disappointed. He loved us and I loved him because he had such an open fatherly heart. He never did get to see Canada and it was a heavy heart when his wife wrote me and told me he had died. When I hear soldiers trying to do their outmost to help their interpreters come here with their families, I hear them. This morning I was watching the news. Our Prime Minister is calling for an election during the pandemic. He won with a minority government and wants a majority. I listened to the NDP and Conservatives for a while. The Conservative leader was the only one who spoke about bringing the interpreters here from Afghanistan as soon as possible. He spoke of one soldier who was trying to help his interpreter which the hopeful candidate had provided the name to the Minister of National Defence (who was a reservist at one time). Nothing happened. I am in awe of the veterans and soldiers both American and Canadian who are trying to help the Afghanistan people. Now it is up to the politics. Since Trudeau wants an election, I shall be watching. There are those who talk and those who do the walk. It would be nice that when someone lies they are forced to step down. Wouldn’t that be nice? I didn’t hear anything about the environment and that concerns me as well. The NDP was talking about how they would get the super rich to pay their dues. You would think that would be a no brainer, but it is not. I turned off the news and thought it would be best to wait until they compete for the stage, on a stage. In the interim, I wonder why an election is more important or self serving during an election when there is a pandemic. That should get a demerit point on itself. It makes me think of a lawyer program that I like to watch which is full of satire, “The Good life”, a spin off from “The Good Wife.” They now depict a mock court with a self assigned judge who gives demerit points or good points to make a final court case decision. It is absolutely ridiculous, to demonstrate trying to find an alternate solution to an impossible system. That is what I am thinking now regarding the politics going on. I would like to see some serious work and thoughtful changes and I would like to see us helping the Afghanistan people now. We are taking 20,000 and we will need to offer them the support they need. All countries should chip in and I think they shall. All those years and then just abandoning them is cruel. Yes, lives of our soldiers have been lost. What would they say now? What do you think?
Thursday, 12 August 2021
Another update - OMG
As you know for those of you who have been with me awhile there is something always going on which keeps me going in different directions. You also know that I am trying to have a balance and so I have been reducing my work loads. Why not? I am now managing to edit the first draft of my next book and of course I am always interrupted. But, it is getting better. I even managed to go to the library yesterday. I have always loved being in libraries, surrounded by books. Because of COVID I found myself all alone in the library with a few scattered others. I could easily move in. I picked a Stephen King book and the only Dean Koontz I could find was the one I returned last week. “He’s popular.” The attendant told me, after initially telling me there were lots of his books. He too could not find any and believed they were all out. I was feeling pretty good about myself. I also went to confession, being a good Catholic and my penance was sitting in church, which was wonderful and peaceful, again all by myself. Now that I am fully vaccinated I shall be returning. I had missed it. I was feeling pretty good working only a few hours and having all the tax stuff completed and so when I got the mail and received notification of availability of jury duty, I quickly compiled all the reasons why I could not be on jury duty. Normally because of one of my previous occupations, I didn’t qualify for jury duty. It was determined that my perspective might be bias. However, they have changed the rules and now you need to be in the current career and being retired or a veteran doesn’t count. I have paid my dues to my country with service. Do I really need to be on jury duty? Please no. If it is virtual I can still feed my little family. But what if? I can’t even take a holiday, let alone my dream next career because I cannot leave for more than two nights. So, please no jury duty for now. How about when I retire? I’ll have lots of time for jury duty and any other duty my country still demands from me. For now, it is back to work and hopefully no more surprises. What else can happen? The tax lady, jury duty qualifications, and please no more! The good news is I have begun to socialize again. It is outdoors and since I am a very social person, I am so glad that I can get some visits in and entertaining. Please keep safe and consider getting the vaccine to protect yourself and others.
Reflection of a particular theological course
Final Learning Report
Silva Redigonda
1. My preparation for class has changed throughout the semester. I now, except for this week because I have a book to skim, two papers to do, and two prayer services to prepare, have always given my Trinity readings priority. I sit alone at home to read, reflect and digest. I need to read slowly, and I need frequent breaks. Of reading alone, I have spent 25 plus hours (excluding breaks and assignments. This week’s reading is not included). I always note questions as I read and I have come to a complete understanding of my view of the world. I know nothing. I always ask questions in class and I have so many more questions to ask. Each day I fill my head with even more questions and ponder. I am tired and wish to be free from thinking or asking questions. I want to just sit and not think and I try do that each morning and evening as I look out at nature. I can just marvel.
2. I think I am fully involved in class. Readings stir up questions and I relate the readings to life and to other readings from other classes. I have learned and am still a novice that some things need to be read and experienced differently. I listen attentively to what other students say and think. I hope that I have been respectful of classroom etiquette. I always learn from others. That seems to be a weekly if not a daily learning, inside the class room and out.
3. I have learned that I need so much more to learn and yet my schooling is almost over. I have heard students say they are happy this is at the latter part of their studies but I wish it was my first course at Regis. It would have taught me to slow down, rather than rush. I am incorporating three programs and may be completed in another full school year. I feel that this course has whispered that I need to slow down and fully inhale my theological learning. More specifically from this course, I have broadened my concept of the Holy Spirit as part of the Trinity. I have always had a sense of the Trinity. I have never thought of the Holy Spirit using the concept of a verb and it is by thinking this way, I have come to a better understanding of the Holy Spirit. I am annoyed when a priest does not try to explain the Trinity in church and just calls it a mystery but I have a much more understanding and therefore a compassion for a priest who will not be able to do so. I now can more fully appreciate the Trinity as three in one and one in three and feel confident about it. I have in the past felt that Jesus as Son was perhaps a bit less than God as Father and that has diminished. I have a full appreciation of equality, one in three and three in one. Thank you.
4. What forever remains unclear for me is evil. I have mentioned it several times in class and I had a wonderful confirmation with the “filtering”. I just feel that there is still a lot of focus on God and not on evil and yet evil is so prominent in society. I know we discussed our free will and God letting us make our choices, but there is still something missing for me. Of course we are focusing on the Trinity and that may be the reason. There was a question that came to me in my readings that indicated the concept of three in our lives, but I see two. I see polarization of day and night, hot and cold, positive and negative and etc…. I wonder at the significance of this. I also ponder how much is truth and how much is politics and/or philosophy? What is the source of this struggle? I am a creature. As I looked at my pets this morning and lovingly called them my little creatures, I tried to imagine my love for my pets as God loving me (note: I imagined animals because they are who live with me and not humans). How magnetized am I as a creature for God as my pets are little creatures to me, who fight with each other and then sleep together. I think they know not what they do and forgive them their ignorance. So much is forever confusing and unclear.
5. One new question and area of investigation for me is due to our contemplative prayer session in the chapel. Initially, I was quite open and positive by the experience and then I began to feel uncomfortable and shut out my openness. I would like to explore that eventually. I say eventually because this year and next will be extremely busy for me and if it does not arise in any classes, I will have to wait til my studies are over to explore that venue. In the meantime, I pray by directly speaking to God as Father or Jesus as Son and asking the Holy Spirit for grace.
Friday, 6 August 2021
The Internet Murders - continues http://silvaredigonda.ca
...“How could there not be a surveillance camera in this day and age? How does that happen? He joined Philip, once his partner stopped talking to the blond man, who seemed to be the only one sober.
“So, did city boy blondie give you anything good? That boy is so good looking he should be a girl.”
“No, nothing much, Tomo. But, if not for them, that girl would definitely not have made it. Let’s go to the hospital.”
The next morning, Sandra opened her eyes slowly. Her entire body ached, including her eyelids, which did not want to open. She heard herself moan. Is this what it feels like waking up from the dead? She slowly peered out from her jellied lids and the room began to come into some focus. She was in a hospital room, hooked up to a machine with intravenous. The male nurse walked in.
“You’re awake? Two officers were here for you last night, but you were out cold. We told them we would call them as soon as you woke up.”
“Please.” Sandra sighed and darkness overcame her once again. She dreamed that she was being chased by a dark shadow. She would run faster, but the shadow was still with her. She was falling into an abyss as the shadow wrapped its darkness over her, choking her.
“It’s ok. You’re safe.” The voice was soft, yet very manly. “You just had a bad dream.” Sandra’s eyes were still closed, but the words she heard were comforting, which made[…]”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.” iBooks.
Update, tax lady from far away and COVID update
It has been busy and I am hoping that by next week I should be able to get back to editing my book. I finished sending off a box to Newfoundland of everything that was asked for and two followups of things. I feel that I have my own personal tax lady. Who knew? What have I learned from this experience so it may help you? Keep all receipts! We are transitioning from paper to the world of web. I did get almost everything I need, however there is some lag because some companies which I won’t identify failed to make some deductions of what I was charged. However, though I feel like I was offering free training, I understand that no one is perfect and if there is an effort, than I can be forgiving. Moving forward, I have to re-examine my options. My advice is that even though you are paying all your bills, transfer all proof of everything onto an USB. When the time comes download it for the tax lady or man. Also, keep in mind that sometimes they want the original so make sure you continue to keep those if you are lucky enough to get it. I asked how long I have to keep paperwork and was informed seven years so I will at leisure destroy the extra three years. Maybe I should have gotten that in writing? Hold that thought. I will have to look it up on line. Not that I don’t believe the tax lady, but I have been misinformed of things in the past and if it is not in writing, it does not count. Keep that in mind of wills. Regarding COVID, now that I have had my two doses of pfizer I am more relaxed when people come into my space. I don’t have to beat them away with a six foot pole. I do still only dine at outside patio’s with one exception. I even had my first visitor, also fully vaccinated for tea. We sat outside but again it was nice not to wear a mask which I feel difficult to wear so rarely go indoors for long when out. If you have not been vaccinated please really think about it and don’t listen to people who just have a vendetta. Research what is there from people who are the experts. I was watching a hospital physician from Alberta asking for help because their provincial government wanted to lift all preventions. It must have worked because there was an apology. I don’t know what goes on in that province. I watched a documentary where land owners were complaining their land was hopeless to sell because of the oil rigs leaving their garbage structures behind. It is such a pretty province. I saw Kelly the premiere over there on an American channel wanting oil to be back and strong. I am not even going to start on the environment. So, that is my brief and I am so looking forward to more socializing. I have another 100th birthday to attend. Isn’t that wonderful? Have a good weekend. Take care of yourself. What do you think? www.silvaredigonda.ca www.redigondapsychotherapy.com
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Intro to New Testament - Theology
By Silva Redigonda
1. Social/cultural criticism (honor/shame; client/patron)46, 53
The Centurion's Servant
In Mathew there is direct dialogue between the centurion and Jesus while in Luke, the centurion addresses Jesus through mediators which makes social relations more complex. There is a set of social relations. This consists of the centurion, his slave, Jesus and the two groups of elders and friends, who though related to the centurion, are in a position to be in contact with Jesus. Patron-clients relations are social relationships between individuals based on inequality and difference in power. A patron has social, economic and political resources that are needed by a client. In return, a client can give expressions of loyalty and honour that is useful for the patron. Luke in this passage places emphasis upon economic exchange and social relations. In Luke, the power of the centurion is his relationships with the groups. His position is patron. He represents the outside military and administrative power. He is not a Jew. He has established himself the role of patron to the town. He is a broker and in return for favours, the town elders, who are his clients establishes contact with Jesus. As is the custom of that time, they praise the centurion and recommend him to Jesus as an honourable person, "he is worthy of having you do this for him, for his loves our people, and it is he who built our synagogue for us." The elders also depict respect to Jesus, the potential patron. He is addressed as Lord and is considered more powerful than the centurion. The centurion declares his own unworthiness,"I am not worthy to have you come under my roof." He also relays this through his friends. This permits the power of Jesus to be shown. This is a positive honour challenge. The powerful centurion, an important patron in the area, provides more honour to Jesus and addresses him as benefactor and patron. Honour is the positive value of a person in his or her eyes of his or her social group.
The Call of Levi (53)
The honourable person does honourable actions. Jesus is not a patron in his own right because he does not distribute his own resources, but he is a broker. He mediates between the people of Israel and God. By honouring God the people accept their status as clients. Jesus is discredited because of the company that he keeps, when he dines, with tax collectors and sinners. His honour is challenged when the Pharisees and scribes question Jesus's disciples. The accusation is that by eating with them, Jesus makes tax-collectors and sinners his clients and that he enters into an unholy alliance with them and all they represent. Tax collectors had a lowly status as did sinners. Due to the honour and shame society of that time, "Who is the greatest?" would frequently arise. Pharisees and scribes had a position of honour and therefore could challenge Jesus. When Jesus is challenged he has the option of succumbing to shame or responding to the challenge. He does the latter by providing a reasonable explanation, "those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick." His honour thus remains intact.
Textual Variants "S" and "O". 1&54
John The Baptist
S text: Codex Sinaiticus (4th or 5th century), Codex Vaticanus (4th century),Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis (6th century perhaps 5th), Koridethi Gospels (7th to 9th century), The Lake Group (minuscules); it Itala, vg Vulgate,The Peshitta Syriac version; The Sahidic version; The Bohairic version. The prophets minus Isaiah) Codex-Alexandrinus; Washington Codex; the Ferrar Group; The Koine.
This text begins with John the Baptist, an apocalyptic prophet. This is multiple attested. This was a common view of the first century. All three sources independently of one another begin Jesus' ministry with his association with John the Baptist. Earlier sources should be especially valued. This type of text "S" is very significant as it is represented by the oldest extant uncials. Older is normally considered more accurate. The text of the gospels and Acts is the best Alexandrian text existing. We are dealing with families or groups of manuscripts regarding this text. This is old Latin which was later translated into Greek. Omitting "son of God" is dated from the middle fourth century. The later sources are more theological based. Luke introduces a historiographic preface. "In the fifteenth year of the reign…" Mathew just refers to "those days" which is non specific but we know that it is after the prophet Isaiah. Mark implies this as well.
Internal criteria – Luke is the best reading that explains all the others. There is a history, an explanation, an introduction of Jesus and a fulfillment of prophecy. Mark is considered the more difficult reading. He introduces the beginning of the good news (therefore Jesus is not kept quiet, but proclaimed). He also has the shortest reading. The text is similar in meaning but not necessarily the same. The theology is proclaimed and, Jesus is come "who will prepare the way of the Lord" (TT). All three indicate that John is in the wilderness.
Text variants O (54)The Question About Fasting
O text – Gk Paris Papyrus (3rd century), It may or may not include Geneva Papyrus (ca. 200 ad) since this is uncertain it must be disregarded. Codex Sinaiticus (4th or perhaps 5th century) Codex Vaticanus (4th century) one of the most important biblical manuscripts extant. Washingon Manuscript (5th century). The Peshitta Syriac version (1901), The Sahidic version (1911), The Bohairic version. The oldest version is the best). O indicates that better is Codex Alenadrinus (5th century), Codex Ephraemi (5th century), Koridethi Gospels (7th to 9th century), The lake group (minuscules), The Ferrar group (minuscules), The Koine or Byzantine text. Versions cited is Itala (old Latin version), but not in its entirety. The last verse is to be deleted "And no one after drinking old wine desires new wine, but says, the ""old is good."" Codex Bezae (fifth century or perhaps fourth) and it (old Latin Version).
Luke writes for a gentile audience. Luke always tells a parable in public. This text is part of Public Ministry.
Considering both texts O and S, the more manuscripts the better in authenticity and both have this which establishes credibility. The text is very valuable and it also demonstrates the danger of misinterpretation when one does not study theology. What was contemporary and acceptable then is not quite understood in this period without understanding of that period. Jesus is accused of going against Jewish law for ignoring the time to fast and pray.
At that time wineskins would stretch with new wine as it continued to ferment and then it would get harder. If new wine was then put into the hard wineskin it would break. Another analogy was that new cloth would shrink. Subsequently putting the new cloth with cloth that was already shrunk would not be compatible either. This is Jesus teaching was not being compatible with the old teachings. Jesus is the bridegroom and therefore there is no requirement to fast if he deems it so. This text is similar in the triple tradition. The readings accord with the style and theology of the author. (Internal criteria)
(252) Source and Purpose The Guard at the Tomb
There is one source for 252– Mathew. But the foot notes also provides more sources, that being: Gospel of Peter 8:28-33 and Gospel of the Nazereans for the entire passage. All in all there are three sources for the passage. The purpose is to validate. The more sources, the more confidence there is in acknowledging the passage. The sources also provide us with a time period. Sources for the Catholic Church are also those that have become acknowledged as authorized as is 252 and therefore valid. But to ignore other sources that are not recognized by the church may restrict the full appreciation for its historical contents.
253 – Significant Redactional Changes in the words of the angels to the women
What I consider significant redactional changes is the view the authors had of the women which is indicated in how the women are addressed. Mark is considered the oldest text. The angel (Mark) tells the women not to be alarmed. The young man is explicit in acknowledging that the women are looking for Jesus and that he is no longer in the temple. The women are directed to go to Jesus' disciples and Peter and to tell them that Jesus is going ahead to Galilee and the women will see him there. Mark is specific that the women are Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, and Salome. Mathew also identifies Mary Magdalene but identifies Mary the mother of James as the other Mary. This may be the mother of James but again it is not specific. No other women are mentioned. Here there are two women rather than three. Perhaps the third woman did not merit mention. In Mathew the angel tells the women to not be afraid as opposed to not be alarmed as by Mark. Mathew acknowledges that he knows the women are looking for Jesus but does not indicate that Jesus is of Nazareth which is stated in Mark. This is important because it is part of the reason why there is confusion where Jesus was actually from. Luke indicates that the women are terrified. None of the others have indicate that the women are afraid. They are just advised not to be. This is specific to seeing women as the weaker sex and more prone to being scared. There is more gender differences and expectations. There is now two angels and not one. The women in Luke are identified at the end of the passage and not the start as Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and the other women with them. It is not specific if the group who later alert the disciples are the same women who see the angel. Perhaps this implies that it is not important and therefore women are not important. Yet Mary Magdalene and Mary the Mother of James (or other Mary) is specific because it illustrates the importance of these women in the time of Jesus. Women in future text would gradually become more diminished in importance and acknowledgement. Jesus had a good relationship with women not common of that day. He treated women as equals to men. Neither Mathew nor Luke add Peter separately from the disciples as in Mark when talking to the women. But Peter is mentioned later in Luke as returning to the tomb after meeting the women. What is very interesting is that women are identified as going to the tomb and being directed by the angel. This would be considered an embarrassment because women should not be elevated to this level of actually meeting the angel. For that time men rather than women would have held this honour. Therefore, Mathew Mark and Luke have provided women with a status that is varied according to the author's impression of women.
Mark 10:18 Jesus said, to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone…"
Utilizing the criteria of historical Jesus research, it is unlikely that Mark 10:18 represents the authentic words of Jesus. Since the 18th century, scholars have learned and emphasized the Gospels were not composed by Jesus' disciples. The Gospels are selected and edited editions. None of the authors would have met Jesus. They would have felt free to change Jesus' traditions, including changing words attributed to Jesus. Jesus' words were shaped by contemporary Jewish thought and the interpretation of scripture by fellow Jews. The Historical Jesus explains Mark 10:18, " this method of retracting the development to observe a low Christology often leads us to a person who is sometimes impressively humble: Jesus."
There is a Christological concern that only God is good.
History of 1st century and dating of the gospels – 213 PREDICTION OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE
It provides the apocalyptic viewpoint that it would occur in their time, that is wars, and final judgement when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies. It reflects the siege and destruction of Jerusalem. It seems like the end of the world. It is not like the fundamentalists at the end of our time. All this is for the communities of the 1st century. The Gospels are written after Paul, about 20 years before Mark.
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