I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 25 November 2020
York Circle - COVID 19 Vaccine: Production, Policy, Politics
The speakers were Dr Harris Ali, Dr Gillian Wu, Dr Vivian Sarikakis and Dr A.M. Viens. These are my notes. We are eight months into the pandemic. Dr Sarikakis began with the questions…What is a gene? What is a protein? Ability of a cell to carry out its function. SARS-COV-2 was identified a year ago from a patient in China. We had SARS-COV BJO1 form before (bats) and another from the Middle East. What is it? It looks like spikes - red - on the crown of the virus and the grey portion is important that by washing with soap and water, this destroys the envelope, thus the virus. Basically, a key to unlock the host and therefore enters the hosts cell. After vaccination - antibodies should stop the key to open it up and infect the cells. SARS-COV-2 life cycle - 1. Entry - recognition between spike and ACE2 receptor proteins. 2. Replication: RNA genome is released in cell which generates copies. 3. Release - new virus is released. Can inject adjacent cells. (There was more details regarding are therapeutics may be used. You can find how this all works regarding cells and immunity in my earlier blogs so I won’t be repeating this. Dr Wu reported 1. Viral RNA detected in the back of the nose. Lab performs the test which takes time. She described how testing is done and how it has evolved to shorter time. There are three vaccines right now which is big - has to enable the spike protein to the person’s immune system therefore activating the immune system. (again read my earlier blogs for elaboration. We were being typed live on facebook but I couldn’t find it today for you to watch. I do recommend you watch this once it is back on the internet (York University - titled as per my caption). Dr Wu talked about the vaccines still needing approval, however, she will take whatever is first approved. Dr Harris Ali, Dept of Sociology talked about misinformation about the pandemic and vaccines. - misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories etc…The vaccine hesitancy is party of the social environment - consideration of politics, anti vaccine campaigns, misinformation (unintentionally misleading) and disinformation (intentionally misleading). In recent studies in the US, it was revealed that 35% of Americans might not want to get COVID vaccines. Mis/Disinformation may fuel conspiracy theories. The objective is breaking the connection between the agent and the host. That is what washing with soap and water is all about. Anti vaccination social media accounts with COVID 19 conspiracy narrative has grown by 19% in follower account during this time. People are busy and so rely on shortcuts, often looking for consistency with their own attitudes. People will sometimes disregard additional fact checking that contradicts their political beliefs. Dr Ali spoke of his involvement with Ebola in Africa. People denied Eboli until their loved ones died. Global warming is more abstract. We need to be able to stay safe longer with controlled measures when the vaccine is being distributed. Dr Viens spoke of the population of Ontario having almost 15 million people. Question asked? Who will get the vaccine first? There was some discussion regarding distribution principals for scare resources. Ethical questions came into play. It was reported that Aboriginals have ten years less life expectancy. Other potential relevant factors. How long will the vaccine last? More than one dose? An international concern is required. Panel spoke that normally 10-15 years is required to produce a vaccine. HIV - 40 years and still no vaccine. In Canada we maintain working as a country and not individual. We are kind in compared to some countries. The potential to improve society with kindness, to improve society and not just our health. Factors such as where we live, the structure etc…goes beyond self care. There was a question period and my question was asked first from the panel, my first name is clear (last not so much). I had concerns because of what I heard from the news (misinformed unintentionally). Answer: The testing was double blind. Patients are reporting. It is transparent. 44,000 people have been tested. It has been peer reviewed. There has been sharing of information. Everyone has been working together. Lots of money has been donated for this research. 2003 SARS inf. Corona Virus has agents of SARS. Around the world, putting aside differences and real time connection - unprecedented at that time. We are working more together nowadays (than 20 years ago). We are evolving for the future. Another question - Is a refusal of 35% referring to the vaccine affecting the rest of us? We have no data yet, because there is no vaccine as yet. If there is a children’s party and one is infected - all will get it. This is a human right? Question: Does Canada have the experience to provide vaccine to the entire population? Response: Urban yes. Worry is those who are marginalized and remote communities (aboriginals). Canada is a cold climate. Other countries don’t have the capacity for freezers to accommodate billions of doses of vaccines. Dr Harris begins talking about Africa and electricity problems (I watched a documentary about this and it is problematic). Question: Frequency of testing vaccine? We know for now that it is five months effective. Mutation in the virus changes. Vaccine is required for that change. We are still vaccinated by the 1918 virus. It has changed and we are still vaccinated each year.
This lecture was live on facebook however I could not find the link so decided to share my notes with you. I have another about the pandemic from York University that I attended a while ago but it is still relevant. I will get that for you next week. I have also attended a two hour session with our college and will attended another two hours. I cannot share that with you. There are times I am not able to share and that is ok. So please, keep safe. I will not be proof reading this so any errors are mine alone. I have also had to turn down some interesting events simply because of restricted time.
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
The family Body Project: Family - level Prevention of Eating Disorders (notes)
As promised last week this will include my notes from the American Association of Family Therapy I attended. This included one hour of education hours. It was indicated that 13% of young women globally met DSM-5 disorder. Prevention is vital because 80% never receive treatment.
Risk Factors: 1. number of hypocoloric diets and having childhood abuse 2. body dissatisfaction. 3. cultures that emphasize thinness. 4. Family pressure to be thin.
Protective Factors in family content: 1. adaptability and cohesion - ability to change; communicate. 2. Family Meals. 3. Emotional safety/attunement. Able to express emotional needs.
Body Project is an eating disorder program proven to be a most effective program for teens and young adults identified as female. Family based treatment is more effective, so developed this project, from thin - to fit. Increase culture for body acceptance; family connection and communication. Decrease risk factors - thin ideals, body dissatisfaction dieting - the ideal body dissatisfaction dieting and negative affect - Disorder Eating Symptoms. For further information you may look up the project. They involve one parent in this approach. With my previous studies eating disorders were also about control. Some people feel they have no control over their lives but thee can dictate what they eat and when. Record what you eat and when. Take this time to work on yourself. Are you ready to make changes in your life? What do you think?
Friday, 20 November 2020
System Family Therapy and the World
Last week I attended eight hours of education with the American Association of Family Therapy. I do want to report some tidbits here and there for you which I think you may be able to use. The first lecture was about the state of the systemic family therapy and the world. I have difficulty saying “black” and “brown” for people. Life is a circle isn’t it? That includes what is politically correct for the moment. So, I will try to stick to how it is being lectured with some polishing. People who are black and brown skin coloured are more impacted globally than others. Globally they don’t have basic health care let alone having health care needed because of the pandemic. We need to share our knowledge to help others. This first presentation was from a small panel and the book recommended to read was, “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome by Joy Degruy (I believe). One panel member spoke of evil and of course that started a debate. Do I believe in evil? Of course I do which is evident in my writings. Then there was some good people, do evil things and yes there is evil……..What I like about the States is they don’t censor too much. There is a refreshing perspective of opinions. I love that myself. I suppose I didn’t get too much from the first Keynote. Why? Because I live in a multicultural city. I have studied different cultures and religions. So, I shall give you some of me here. The Corona Virus has taken many lives world wide. Still there are those who haven’t woke up and smelled the coffee. I was told that about eight children were standing in a circle at a local park, near a middle school, passing a marijuana joint around after each takes a toke. The adult was too scared to say anything and that I have found to be the case, more often. Some adults are fearing youths because of possible violent retribution. Toronto the good? We had a child walking with his mother who was shot and later died. This beautiful child loved living in Canada, his new home who loved speaking English - guns and gangs. All I believe have been arrested, one was arrested out East. One I believe was already on probation for weapons offences. A policeman,OPP, a veteran of 28 years I believe, was killed. Why? He was responding to an unwanted person call. This happened in Manitoulin Island. It’s a pretty place. I have driven through there and thought it would be a peaceful place to live. Imagine being killed when you are debating retiring? So much sorrow. I love the different cultures with the accompanying dances, religions, and foods. There are different religions, different cultures, different political regimes. There is democracy, socialism, dictatorship. All this shapes people to become who they are. People define themselves differently regarding their own belief system or within their culture. When I see a person I may have an idea of their culture, religion etc…However, what is most important is how they see themselves and what they believe in which may be opposite from what another perceives. There is no doubt that some countries suffer terribly under dictatorship and poverty. The pandemic and global warming affects those living in Impoverished situations first and foremost. Greed has become the norm at the expense of others. In my undergrad we were studying (Analytical writing or reasoning) about the native communities and how their lakes were being polluted. Now years later I hear the same. Why hasn’t it been cleaned up? Why do they not have clean drinking water? This is all important in family therapy. It is important in how people relate within a family. I want to continue with my third hour session next week. It’s been busy, but a good busy. I am looking forward to my Christmas holidays. Tomorrow I will be listening to a lecture from the York Circle which will last an hour and a half. I have more to report next week. How do you perceive others who do not look like you or talk like you or who do not share your own beliefs? Do you consider them inferior to you? Would you help someone if you could? Would it depend on their race? Do you prejudge? Keep safe please. www.silvaredigonda.ca www.redigondapsychotherapy.com
next week
The second lecture I chose was “mitigating our risk for burn out and compassion fatigue during COVID 19: The first responder tool kit. I have already posted the tool kit reference. The rest I have talked to you before. If I am skipping things, it is not because I don’t think it is important, it is because a lot of what I hear has already been known and I have shared it with you. As you know I have an interest in first responders, veterans and others who help people, so scroll down my blogs to find anything relevant in that area. The next hour was “The body project: Family-level prevention of Eating Disorders. I haven’t spoken about this too much so I am going to talk about this next week. Bye for now.
Friday, 13 November 2020
App for emergency persons. AAMFT Conference
"This web app aids those who are deployed to emergency response events in maintaining their own physical, emotional, and social well-being. It provides resources for before, during, and after deployments that help to responders to take care of daily needs, monitor their own functioning, reflect on experiences, and more.
A variety of responders (e.g., physicians/nurses, EMTs, police/fire personnel, behaviorists) will find this app useful. Caring for oneself is essential in order to do this kind of work well.
I wanted to share the above information with you. I was going to try it myself first, but I am assured that this is all legitimate. Yesterday was busy, but today I will have a few breaks with the same amount of four hours instruction. I require 20 hours of continuing education yearly and I was concerned that this year I would not be able to get courses, boy was I wrong. I have had so many invitations, that it is first come, first sign up. I don't accept invites unless it is from my associations or universities. I have checked into some interests and found that they were suspicious, so I don't even bother anymore. Much of what I have attended is not new, however some is and I will want to share with you. Because there is so much information and I still have to share my notes, I will stream line it, like I have above. I have talked to you about trauma, but I never had a kit to help you. I will update you on any information or research. If the States continues providing me with this, I will not divorce them. They are advertizing their universities and maybe today I will be able to visit them during my breaks. Virtual is making it possible for me to attend. My pets are getting older and needier. They have given me such joy and continue to do so, that they are my priority in keeping them feeling secure and happy. This pandemic has allowed me to appreciate the benefits of telehealth and so I shall continue with this stream. Will talk again next week. I am enjoying the conference, though navigating was a trial and error. I shall be more prepared today and in future. Keep safe.
Thursday, 12 November 2020
Two Day Conference - AAMFT tid bits
Remember when I said I was not going to renew my membership with the States? Well, I paid my dues for another year since they offered a two day free conference which begins today. I just can't seem to divorce from the States. It's been another busy week and I have decided to take a few weeks off near Christmas, from the 20th to Jan 4. I don't normally do that because people become very sad during that time. However, everyone is much sadder because of COVID and elections and etc.....so I am going to take the time off and take a break from all this continuous education etc....and get back to my book. I don't want to stop writing because I am busy. I am now 100% on line or telephone though I have not eliminated person to person completely. There is always a window. Normally I do telephone because people don't have a computer or idea how to use one. Technology was not kept up with everyone, even the young. There is always a learning curve and someone always gets missed. I am sorry I am not enlightening you today. I do have to go now. Keep safe, wear your mask and stay 6' away from people not in your household. Reach out if you can to someone who is alone or elderly or sad. A phone call can go a long way. What do you think? www.redigondapsychotherapy.com silvaredigonda.ca (books for fun only)
Friday, 6 November 2020
My new web site has just been completed and is now up and running. www.silvaredigonda.ca
Updates on Hallowe’en, seminars, elections! - Food for thought
Once again it has been a busy week. Even my vehicle is sick and so it is getting treatment as we speak. It is on its last wheels. I told you I would update you on my Hallowe’en experience. This is the first year that I never put out anything, not even a pumpkin though they were very cheap. I didn’t because I did not want to encourage children to go trick or treating at my home. Normally I will get 125 + and that is not counting their parents, dogs (I have treats for them too) etc…This year I put out the sign that I was invisible due to Covid and to help themselves to treats. I had about a total of 10 children in all. There was barely a dent in what I had out. I was impressed at how meticulous each child was as she/he carefully chose a treat. I was also impressed at how no one took the entire bowl. They were so polite and sweet. It was nice to see. Aside from seeing clients, I have also attended meetings, seminars and conferences (I need to send a reminder for a certificate). I have a drawer full of certificates just in case I am asked by my college for proof. I am going to have to think of a better way, rather than keep filling up drawers. Perhaps I shall keep them on a usb stick. Good idea. There has been quite a controversy this year about racism and I did hear lectures on what I wrote earlier about the Oriental community, and also black lives from three different men speakers. I have decided not to share all that. You know that racism is wrong. You know that prejudice is wrong. Who did impress me the most was one man at a meeting as a guest speaker and not an educator. He is a reporter and he spoke about unity. He talked about the Jane and Finch corridor and how the university, York, helps. I remember being told years ago about how gang sexual assaulters would persuade young girls that they shouldn’t bother reporting it to the police because they are even worse. He talked about how newspapers are full of black men in the crime section and not very much in the community pages. As a reporter he was able to influence and he spoke about a florist who gave him a dozen roses and asked that he give 11 away. This was for community spirit. What this reporter did as well is plant a dozen roses and when people walk by his house he will cut off a rose and give it to them to start a conversation. His talk during this meeting had me reflecting on what I can do for my community. My community is not underserved or is it? My community is changing. Someone started a community alert system and conversation and so residents were contacted and of course I am one. They recommend services and if someone doesn’t perform we all know about it. If someone steals or goes canvassing, we all hear about it. It is very proactive and it unites. What I liked about the reporter is that he too unites. With the US elections I wasn’t expecting such a close race. It tells me that this election is very polarized. I completed watching the 9/11 history series and contemplated how connected we all were. I had tears watching the towers go down at the time. I remember how we all stood united. I remember how Canada helped. With the elections in the States, I see the polarized division and only hope that we all unite once again. I love the States. I had actually wanted to work there, but now with my registration, I am no longer allowed to work there for more than a year without jeopardizing my license. Oh well. New York I shall visit once again and Disney World, you are my favourite happy place. The States is my neighbour regardless who is elected. This morning 24 hours news reported that wholesale foods won’t allow their employees to wear poppies. What can I say to that? Have a good weekend. I should be back to normal in my reports next week. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask. Today I am going to finalize my new website with shopify. I will give it a go. It is a Canadian Company and I am able to connect to the post office here which will be easier for delivery costs world wide. The web site for that should be www.silvaredigonda.ca I am now at www. silvaredigonda.com. I shall keep my American site for advertising my psychotherapy services. I am adding a calendar for psychotherapy as well, but I won’t be able to provide many appointments. I have no time to write my book. It is still a 20pages. Have a good weekend. Be safe. Keep your distance and wear your mask. This pandemic is very serious and very real. Bye for now.
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