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Saturday, 17 October 2020
Exodus continues Theology notes
Intent of God is to being everything in life. Book of Job can be presented as terrifying God. Love of adults can be very challenging. Job - example of brother in law - fight and then what is for supper? Sacrifice son - challenge to surrender. Biblical stories are meant to present as with our greatest desires and greatest fears; not meant to emulate. Child needs to face fears with good coming on top. Concentrate on two things. 1. Figure of Moses - What happens to Moses, happens to people. 2. Theme of resistance - of people, pharaohs. Pharaohs people and Moses resist. Unlike Abraham and who is already married with Sarah. Yes had a father - we enter his story as an adult with his birth which says something about birth of a people. The Sinai Covenant is the start of a people. They make a commitment; has a response as what God has done for them. They multiplied, threat/ Hebrew boys thrown into the Nile. Moses even though he grows up in Egypt, he has compassion and leadership both to protect. Moses flees to the desert which suggests Moses’ leadership is based on a call from God. Ywah is a none name. I am who I am. I will be what I will be. The Divine name is revealed. Name is not a name. Moses and Israel - out of water. Moses encounters burning bush in the desert and so to people in the desert - fire/storm. Volcanic eruption and storm and both come together in image of lightening. Let’s try to explore why Pharaohs resist. Why the phase, God hardens heart. God hardens Pharaoh’s heart. Two verbs being used 1. Strong heart and 2. heavy heart. Pharaoh’s heart is hardened not by God. What dominates is that Pharaoh’s heart is hard. While for God hardening is at the end of plaques. Interpreted that God is giving them a chance to change and greater plaques are sent. All have to do with life and death. Notice magicians - First blood in water - no remorse. Frogs - want them removed. He revealed the hardness of his heart. 3rd gnats - magicians, therefore this is from God. 5. Life stock, 6. boils - has sinned but takes it back. 7. I have sinned - I know you do not yet fear the Lord. 8 - Locusts - Adults, but not little ones. 10:17 Forgive my sin. 9th darkness - everyone but not flocks and herds. 10th - First born 12:31 rise up and go. Letting them grow. With each plague, depth of human resistance to life. Solomon later interprets the plaques as the mercy of God. Why ten plaques? Each step reveals 1. God’s powers, 2, hardness of heart. A plaque is meant to illicit conversion. It shows the hardness of heart. He revealed the hardness of heart. Temptation - better to be a slave than liberated (Exod 16:3). This address is the covenant of Abraham - rest in the promise. Sinai covenant - struggle every day. God is the one who accompanies over the river Jordon < Weight of emphasis on Israel by giving their amen. King gives grant to loyal servant. God - Abraham. God wants human to co-operate Sinai Covenant, not simple obedience. Resistant is what is what is happening in crossing of Red Sea - God is the one who did this. They had to stand still. There is still a task. Massa means testing. The events in the desert depicts their resistance. Think of how a parent shows more responsibility for making a decision.
After flood - animals consumed without blood, to show respect of the animal. Genesis - prior - both animals and people ate vegetables. Blood represents blood of God. Genesis - Trinity - Let us. Write them scripture. Psalm 22. New Testament writers reaching back for contemporary society and who gave voice to what Jesus Christ experienced. Next for theology is Conquest Joshua 1-6, 24, Judges.
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