I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Thursday, 30 April 2020
Hi.....You still there? www.silvaredigonda.com
Well I have been busy though it feels I am still on holidays. I have three webinars within the next three days, I have completed much of my paperwork and this morning I even spent a hour or so getting back to writing my book. I have two on the go. One is what I promised to write for a friend of mine who died last fall. I have put that one on pause. I returned to my first book which I stopped writing because it was too spooky and depressing and I thought it might be good to take another look at it, since it is spooky and depressing times. Many people are confused about the pandemic and some think it is a punishment from God. What if...??????????????? Well remember what I write about is fiction ......but what about a nice horror book for you. No blood or gore. I know that many are tired of that. Maybe a bit of blood.......... I am returning to Word on the Street this year and so I need to get motivated to write so my one fan doesn't think I have given up on writing. It does feel good when I get the same people visit me each year. One is a writer and I bought a book from him and it is funny with a setting in the States. I am still writing about Canada, Toronto. After all that is where I live. This year Word on the Street will be held for two days so if you don't get me Saturday, you will get me Sunday. I am going to wait to give you the dates because I didn't record it in my calender yet. With this pandemic, I don't know if it is a go, but I paid for my spot and so I am game. I have my own table to stay six feet away from people and maybe I will buy a hockey stick to stick my books out. Who knows? It's all good. Anyhow, it did feel good to get the juices in my brain working again this morning. I also got good news. A friend of mine doesn't have the COVID 19 beast, when I thought he did. This was such great news. Saturday is supposed to be nice here with 18 degrees and sun. I have one webinar regarding procrastination in book writing, or words to that effect, but that will be early evening. So, my excitement is back. I did book too many webinars and I want to cut that out. I did read a book regarding Mia Farrow's bio. Interesting. I never watched a Woody Allen film. I have been watching movies though and I thank my provider for giving me so many additional free ones. So many people have shown us their positive side during this pandemic and I suggest focusing on the good, rather than the bad. I have to cut it short because my webinar should be starting soon and I have one more thing to do before that. If you want to read one of my books, don't be shy. It's at www.silvaredigonda.com. You can download the book of course at a price but I am worth it. I wish you all a warm weekend. This virus shall pass. I am pleased that I can finally grow my hair again without a stylist trying to cut it all off. Why do they do that and for outrages prices at that? As for myself, no man has never let me cut his hair. I have no idea why not. That is on my bucket list. Later..........
Thursday, 23 April 2020
How are you doing? I am fine. Bringing you up to date with what I am up to. Some tips. Religion anyone? Nova Scotia; my sympathies. Toronto Zoo donations?
First I want to extend my sympathies to the people of Nova Scotia and all those who were affected by this tragedy considered the worse massive killing in Canada. I often hear people telling me how they want to retire in Nova Scotia and also have a wonderful neighbour from there. They want to go there because the people are friendly and the area is beautiful. So, it is quite sad when a couple who retired there was killed. Many more were killed by the man who went over the bend. The Prime Minister had asked not to name the killer or show his photo and this was ignored. The intent is well meaning but people need to know and understand and the more information is hidden, the more frustrating and confusing it may be. That this happened out East is what has disturbed many. It can be expected in the big bad city, but not in the beautiful peaceful area out East. Grieving is also difficult during normal days, but during this pandemic where people need to keep social distancing, people will grieve differently. People need to talk about how they feel and I hope they open up to each other. I hope they consult with their chaplains, therapists and community. Canada grieves with them for such a great loss.
Now on a lighter note. How do you feel about the pandemic? I actually feel like I am on an extended holiday and I was trying to figure it out? After all I have been working hard. Is it because I am not seeing people in person? It has to be that. It is also because though I am a very social person, I have had to restrict it in my physical persona. How has this been for you?
I have incorporated my on line practice and I intend to keep it (as well as face to face when we open up the city). Right now I have asked the Lawyers in the States, how I can extend my practise to the States. After all I am among my more than necessary associations, a clinical fellow with them. Marriage and Family therapists are recognized in many States. I understand the complications of the law here and how an electronic practise operates here in the different provinces and their regulations, and how to keep up with that side of the house. I am covered and have done a lot of research in that department with also the help of one of my associations. I charge $130.00 a session and many may think that is a lot, but there are also many who thinks it is not. One night before this pandemic and I was out dining with a friend, he brought it to my attention that a previous fellow student was charging 200 a session (who has less qualifications). I advised him, that I am aware that people at times qualify others by what they charge. I continued that anyone can afford my prices if they can afford to eat out. That is my intent, that people can afford me. They may be able to afford me weekly, bi-weekly or monthly but they can afford me. I live in a city where there are many free resources. However, I have a private practice. I can charge whatever the economy can bear. Right now that may be questionable to some who are reading this.
With people suffering from mental illness, this pandemic is making it worse, because many resources have shut down. However many are also and slowly developing an on-line presence.
Here are some numbers to assist you if you need the resources. Get the help you want if you need it.
Toronto Residents can call 211 for mental health support numbers
Ontario Price Gouging Hot line 1-800-889-9768
Those experiencing crisis may contact crisiservicescanada.ca
Children may call Kids Help Line: 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT TO 686868
Seniors Help Line: 416-217-2077
Senior Safety Line: 1-866-299-1011
Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 1-866-863-0511
Frontline Workers Support: Contact ConnexOntario at 1-866-531-2600
Post Secondary Student Support Line: Good2talk at 1-866-925-5454
Hope For Wellness Helpline: Indigenous People may call: 1-855-242-3310
Support for Indigenous Women: Talk 4 Healing at 1-855-554-4325
COVID 19 Questions? Call Toronto Public Health 416-338-7600
Symptoms? Contact your Health Care provider or Telehealth 1-866-797-0000
for Breathing issues or other severe emergency symptoms call 911
As for myself, my rate has not risen this year but it will next year. For more info about me, check out my web site. www.redigondapsychotherapy.com
Yesterday, I ventured out to do groceries. I had completely run out of fresh vegetables and fruit and needed to stock up once again. I had ordered from Costco Online and received my three packages from the five I ordered and I want to see if I get the other two before I order from them again. They showed photos of all that I had ordered coming but it hadn’t. Today I received two more photos of the same item I had already ordered. Now I am going to wait to see if I receive what I actually ordered. If so, then I shall order from them again and realize that not everything comes at once, the photos are not reliable, the delivery is not reliable but it eventually comes intact. If you call it takes one hour for someone to answer, and if you send an email, you have an automatic response that does not answer your actual question. Yes, everyone is busy and I do understand and that is why if I actually get everything, I am ok with it. I also have a security camera for proof. I am sharing this with you in case it happens to you so you are prepared, unlike I was.
I did go through to the Harvey’s drive through. They are now open from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. I loved it when they extended the hockey stick right into my car so I could tap my card and pay for my wonderful veggie burger, onion rings and fresh black coffee. The only problem was that by the time I disinfected my frozen and cold products and had them go into the fridge, my food was cold. Next time, I will eat it all either at the lot or as soon as I get home. I can always leave the items in the car with this cold weather. I really recommend Harvey’s. It never disappoints and the hockey stick well that is so Canadian which Harvey’s is.
I have also had invitations on line from my Associations and Universities. I have to now decide which to attend on line. I attended the one about navigating the pandemic for the health field with York University and I will be attending another with York University next week, Psychological health in the work place. I took health psychology and I remember the Psychologist speaking about how he examined work places for issues that arose and his findings. I found him quite interesting. He also gave a fifteen minute relaxation technique for us in class and handed it out. I use it to this day for clients who are extremely stressed. It works for most, however not for those suffering extreme anxiety. With those, I have them practise breathing to calm them down or use a tad of mindfulness for them to calm down and to practise on their own. University of Toronto also send out an invitation to us alumni for a module which will last about six hours. I registered but haven’t heard back. The best about all this, is that it is being provided for free and I can use it for education hours. I did pay for a two hour education for “Couples that play together, stay together.” That is on next Friday. I talked about play and couples last year which was discussed with one psychologist who was doing research on the topic at that Guelph University seminar I had so much fun at. I have to slam on the breaks because I am doing too much. So I have to turn down invitations. The American Association of Family Therapy also offered three free courses, but I have already heard one speaker for an entire day here at a conference. The other two, I again have experience with. As you know I am always trying to grow and learn more which at times is difficult because there is a lot of repetition. So, whenever I get the opportunity for some new research or advancement, I am in. I have also been attending a weekly one hour gathering on line with the Canadian Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. We discuss self and client care. It is wonderful connecting with therapists across Canada and seeing ourselves in our environments with our children poking their heads in and waving or our pets sitting on our laps or being invited in. This is much less formal than our gatherings at conferences. It is all rather fun and I continue to make this weekly session a priority. I was also invited by another association to do something similar but I can only do so much and had to decline with an explanation. I normally stick to what I start. This group also wants to start a reading event, but I already belong to “The Sister of Crime” (which men also belong to). We are all writers and so I am going to attend their webinars as much as possible. I had to stop writing because of all these changes which left me with little imagination time. They are offering two webinars which I am really interested in. One will be with a Forensic Psychologist and another will be about how to be motivated to write in the pandemic. I really need to get that in somehow. Word on the Street may be cancelled this year, however, if it is not, it will be a two day event. York University has shut down it’s annual show case for two years. This was decided before the pandemic. There are new people in charge and with the new, the old ideas go out and new ideas come in. It’s all good, though I shall miss selling my books there. If you are interested in buying or downloading my books, feel free to do so. I always appreciate feedback. www.silvaredigonda.com
I have pretty well brought you up to date. I have skipped religion so here goes. This Saturday at 4:00 pm there real be a live broadcast of Ramadan (Muslim Religion). You can sign up on line or just go to the site to watch it live at the time I gave you. The site is VIRTUALRAMADAN.CA . As for myself being Roman Catholic, I have been watching the Pope providing mass from the Vatican. He is a Jesuit and I studied with the Jesuits. There are also virtual masses being provided by different churches, my own included, but I like sticking with the Pope. Someone told me that there are churches in the States that are encouraging their parishioners to assemble in person in certain churches and that they will be protected by God. This is not true. Just think that God gave you free choice. That means he gave you a brain and allows you to think for yourself and make your own choices. You can suffer the consequences of that choice. So for now, stay well. Eat well. Decide what you want to do with this time. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask. Oh, I almost forgot. The Toronto Zoo has asked for donations. It costs one million dollars a year to feed these beautiful creatures who bring such joy to not only to us living in Toronto but to all the tourists. Usually the parking fees and entrance fees cover the expenses but the zoo has been closed as is everything else around here not essential. The animals need to be protected from the virus as well. Please if you can afford it, donate some money. You can donate on line or call them and do it on the phone. That is one place I want to return to once this pandemic pauses. Take care. Have a good week. Stay strong.
Thursday, 16 April 2020
A 99 year old British veteran shines - Thought of the day
I saw him on the news last night and again this morning. He was slowly but steadily walking around with the use of a walker. British Veteran, 99 years old Capt (Retired)Tom Moore has raised 21 million dollars for the United Kingdom Health Workers. What a champ. He deserves another medal to add on to the ones he has. He had promised to walk a hundred laps in his backyard, which he completed with his walker. I salute you sir. What an amazing man. He raised the funds on social media. I have noticed that in Toronto so many have stepped up to help others. Even though some people are still shooting each other and killing each other, as well as those taking criminal opportunities at the cost of others, there are those who are shining through all that mess. The pandemic has brought the best of us to shine. So, if you are thinking you can’t do much, think of Capt Moore almost 100 years old who is still giving. Why not think of him as your mentor when you are feeling helpless and alone. There is a light, you just need to see it, even if it is a flicker of hope. Why not spend a few minutes today to jot down some notes of what it is you would like to accomplish? Take a baby step. It doesn't have to be for anyone else. You need to take care of yourself first. What is one thing you can do for yourself today for self care? If you can, what is one thing you can do for someone else? It doesn't have to be big. It can be just reaching out to the phone to call someone. What do you think?
Monday, 13 April 2020
Public Health Canada and the corona virus - Thought of the day
I have cut and pasted a reference for you below. Even if you are not in Canada, you may look at some the recommendations which is reliable world wide. This virus is a world effort to combat. I am sure that for many Easter was a time of reflection and hope but for many others it was a time of great sorrow. Hopefully, you live in a country which is taking care of your needs. Hopefully you live in a country which is providing you with food and the medical resources that you need. This is a time for us to unite. We have so much brain power in the world. This is a time, not to compete, but unite. In educational psychology which is slow in the uptake, we were made aware of how competition sets us back, if people strive for all the attention and want to be the first. By blending our brains together, we can grow and be better. I am sure that this will pass, as it has in the past. I do hope we have learned from this and be more prepared for the future. We need to have more respect for nature and each other. Your thought of the day? How have you been set back by what is happening? How have you grown? I wish you well.
Thursday, 9 April 2020
All set up for an electronic practice - Happy Easter
I am all set up. I now have an on-line practice. I still part take in phone therapy for those who fear technology of any kind. I gave myself a deadline and I made it. Now I can slow down as I bring my web sites up to date to include the electronic practice. I just finished being on a webinar that York University provided and it appears that the public is still not up to date on all the facts. I provided resources on previous blogs for legit resources. It can be quite confusing for people. Listen to people who are qualified. There are a lot of opinions - stick to the science. When I hear the “new normal,” I cringe. I cringed when I heard it the first time. This is not the new normal. This will pass. Remember that as you adapt your lifestyle to control this pandemic. Stay home (you can be outside in your backyard etc). Maintain physical distance please. Let’s all work together on this please. I want to wish you a wonderful holiday. Worship from home. There are many services on line and on u-tube. Think of communion as a spiritual communion. I am hoping to spend some time in the sun if it doesn’t snow, read a book, watch some movies and spend time with family/friends virtually or in spirit. Take the time to allow yourself to relax. Limit your exposure to news. It is good to be abreast and up to date but not to the point that your are overwhelmed. Take care of yourselves please. I value every life out there so much. I am watching CNN, CTV, CP 24, and CBS, to keep on top of what is happening out there, but to an extent. My heart bleeds for New York City. I love that place so much. Regardless of the politics, I love my Southern neighbours. I had before all this happened planned to take a mystery tour to the States. The only reason I didn’t book it was because I couldn’t get through. When this is all over I will book it, but it is obvious that this will take quite some time. I have lots of faith that we will get through this and I hope that we will learn from this. We need to really get serious about working things out in the world. We need to take science seriously and global warming serious and we need to vote for those who help up along that direction. This is not a time for bullies to be in control. We need clear heads and those who can work together. We need to get priorities in its proper order. I am happy in how my country is dealing with this. I don’t want to see leaders fighting to make themselves noticed. I want to see connection and colaborative action to help us all go through this. I celebrate Easter. I have one tiny Easter bunny and two eggs (chocolate) left. I will try to hold off til Sunday to eat it. I want to be mindful that there is so much suffering out there. So God bless you all during this holy time. I am calling it a day!
Tuesday, 7 April 2020
Bringing you up to date with services and my adapting to the pandemic
I am in awe of how quiet my street is. Saturday I went for my walk when people normally are not up and there was just enough of sole walkers to be able to maintain my social distance. I have seen people I didn’t know lived in the area. The city is not built for social distancing. Even though there weren’t many people out walking, I still found myself walking on the roadway to avoid getting too close. That is why it is difficult for me to go out and so I have begun a twenty minute work out tape. My body tells me it is out of shape by the crackling I hear and feel. My work has always led me out and about and now my work has me sitting and sitting and more sitting. Not too much as changed for me. I still get up at my usual time and go to sleep at my usual time, something I try to motivate clients to do, to build a natural clock for their bodies. I am still aware of my coffee breaks and lunch breaks and sometimes I call it a day, early and sometimes I need to work later. All in all, it is pretty much how I have been working except that now I have decided to do all my work on telephone or electronic until the pandemic is over. It is safer for all. For the past two weeks, I have been reading and researching everything about building an electronic practice. One of the questions I have asked is if this is something temporary or just until the pandemic is over? I have decided to keep it all. This has also given me something to think about as I review all my associations. As you know I dropped my title of Pastoral Counselling because the name had changed to Psycho Spiritual Therapist. However, I am still an associate. Should I stay or should I go? What are the benefits and is it worth the expense? I am with the American Association of Family Therapy? They are expensive and associated with the Ontario Association of Family Therapy. Should I stay or leave? I have sent them an email to determine if I am able to have American clients on my platform which will be compliant with them. As a Registered Psychotherapist, I am able to practice in Ontario. Not all provinces are regulated but with time, that should happen. I have written before in my blogs how in the past anyone more or less could provide therapy without qualifications, but no more. I was horrified when I learned that in my undergrad. There are still competitions where one thinks they are better than another. I remain amused by that. Isn’t that a common trait? In the past companies provided EAP programs covering psychologists and Social Workers and some have remained in that mindset. It is the employer who determines what the client is covered for and so one insurance company or EAP program hired by the company will provide only what that company wants. Not everyone is aware of who is regulated now and what can be extended. We have sheets to hand out to people who may not be covered by one association, but I have never handed one out. I don’t believe that clients should fight for causes, but our own associations and perhaps the government to point out what regulation is and what it entails. The Colleges are there to protect the public. I would like to see this extended to all services. There should always be ethical concerns for all areas of work, especially during these days. Some provinces are specific of what platform they don’t want. I have chose a platform that has all the requirements for psychotherapy in Europe, Canada and USA. I know that if I leave Canada to provide my services to another country, I cannot stay away and still keep my registration for more than one year. I know that regardless of the platforms I am using, I need to know if the state, province, country allows it and if my college is ok with it. I need in top of that to know, what the duty to report are, and if that is in conflict with anything. Since I have a private practice, I am mindful that I can only do so much. My own self care is the most important concern, because if I am not mentally or physically healthy, I cannot certainly help anyone else. One of my associations, the Canadian Association of Family Therapy has been most helpful these couple of weeks since the Corona Virus has changed everything. It is this Association (CAMFT) has the only recognition for Canada for family and couple are therapists. Not everyone knows that. We meet up on-line on a weekly bases across Canada and ensure we are all ok and we are up to date on what we need for our clients. I have also signed up for a two hour course with them “The Couples that play together, stay together.” I talked a bit about that last year where I attended Guelph University, for a seminar. You can read about that in previous blogs. I have also signed up for an one hour webinar with York University - The role of the Patient Navigator in the Global Pandemic. So, I am still working as I normally do without the fun attached. I love learning and keeping up to date. I also love the social part of it, as many of us do. So, with this pandemic I have had to change and adapt. Don’t we normally do that when something confronts us and forces us to change? If the pandemic did not happen, I would not have continued with telephone counselling nor would I have started an electronic practice (Ok, it is not up and running yet but I should be practising with it very soon). I want it up and running soonest of course for clients. I am looking at next Tuesday. This platform is more elaborate than I needed, but I would rather over do it than the opposite. I need to provide the best I know. This has been a cramming time. However, this will permit more options for people. I will continue with face to face, once the pandemic is over. It is the most secure. I will continue with the telephone (land line) because not all people are comfortable with computers (telephone is more secure than cell phone). I think the electronic practice may allow me to spend more time in a warmer climate. Imagine if I can go South in the winter? Possibilities is what I can explore now as I look into the ethics and regulations. If this pandemic had not occurred, I would not be exploring all these new options. I would not be experiencing all these new ways of communication and socialization. How is the pandemic affecting you? Do you have enough food, shelter? Are you safe? Has any of this given you the opportunity for some reflection and hope for change? What do you think? www.redigondapsychotherapy.com
Friday, 3 April 2020
Cut and pasted for you from York University Bulletin - Managing your emotions around COVID-19
8 tips for managing your emotions around COVID-19
March 31, 2020coronavirus, COVID-19, York University psychology clinicAva Baccari
York University students at Glendon CollegeThe COVID-19 pandemic is challenging all aspects of our daily lives and so change is required; and yet change is one thing that most of us find difficult to accept. Humans are creatures of habit and now, as all of our daily routines are disrupted, emotions such as worry, fear, sadness, and loneliness seep into this experience as we try to keep ourselves safe from an imminent threat. Below, are some of the common reactions that you might be having in the midst of this pandemic, and some suggestions about how to manage them.
It's important to recognize that individuals can experience a wide range of reactions–so there's no right or wrong in terms of the particular feelings you may have. What is important is being able to bring a sense of perspective so that negative emotions don’t escalate beyond an ability to manage them. For many of us, keeping this sense of perspective will be a challenge and so those individuals also have to practice self-compassion–the opposite of being critical of oneself.
Some of the common reactions you may experiencing right now could be:
• Anxiety, worry, panic
• Anger
• Feelings of loss or grief
• Hyper vigilance to your health
• Social withdrawal
• Skepticism or bravado/excitement
Here are some strategies to help you manage.
1. Acknowledgement and evaluation. It's important to acknowledge whatever emotion you are feeling and evaluate its usefulness: “It's understandable that I am worried or sad or don’t want to get out of bed given this pandemic, and is this emotion/behaviour helping me?”
For example, a little worry can be very useful because it might help you to follow the important guidelines to wash your hands and not touch your face, and to keep two metres away from others when you must go out in public. However, a lot of worry that leads to panic attacks or hyper vigilance is not helpful and needs to be countered.
Think about what you might say to a friend that would assist them to find the strength to counter these unhelpful thoughts and gain some perspective.
2. Find activities to complete that you have control over, and can give you a sense of mastery or effectiveness. Intentionally engaging in activities such as household chores, listening to music, or watching a TV show, can counter the negative emotion propelling you on a downward spiral. “I am going to help myself stop worrying by watching my favourite TV show.”
3. Develop a “worry/sadness” box. This is another useful strategy to help you develop control over negative thinking. You can have an actual box or imaginary one. The idea is to write down the thought(s) circulating in your brain that you can’t get rid of, and imagine putting them in a box as a way of creating some distance. You can go back to the thought at any time, or you can simply use the space created by writing down the thought and moving onto other activities.
4. Adopt a mindset of gratitude. Research has indicated that identifying three things each day that you are grateful for can have a positive impact on mood.
5. Practice mindfulness. There are guided meditations on YouTube that will help you focus and break the worry or sadness spiral. Walking meditations can also be useful; to do this on your next walk, consciously pay attention to what you are seeing and have an inner dialogue about it. "I see a black car; the sidewalk has a big crack; the grass is getting greener." This will keep your thoughts focused in the here and now, and not on worry or sadness.
6. Control how much media you consume. Particularly if this is a trigger for starting the worry or sadness cycle.
7. Watch how you speak. Our language impacts how we feel, so pay attention to your inner dialogue and see if you can replace descriptors like “awful", "terrible", or "scary”, with “interesting" or "not helpful”. Self-compassionate language falls in this category: “I know that I am worrying a lot and I am trying to take small steps to counter it.”
8. Keep connected. We are social beings and the accurate phrase for how we should handle this virus is: “physical distancing with social connection.” Our social contacts can provide support, encouragement and distraction, so please remember to reach out.
Remember, change is hard. Set small goals for yourself as you try to manage your emotions during this difficult time, and be kind to yourself.
Louise Hartley is the Director of the York University Psychology Clinic.
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Thursday, 2 April 2020
Thought of the day
There is a lot of strife among families. Much of it has to do with one person feeling wronged from the other. I work with this in family therapy. Emotions are very powerful and normally it takes a few sessions to delve beneath all the hurt. Why not spend some time today thinking who you are not at peace with? Have some self examination and reflection. Perhaps you may think of reaching out and letting the person you are struggling with know that you do love them. Sometimes that is enough to begin a healing process. You may call the person and say something like, "I just wanted to let you know that I love you." There is no need to say but, however etc......Just say the words you feel in your heart. I still remember a woman at the cemetary during the Christmas season anxiously waiting for a sister she had fueded with. She was hoping that her sister would visit the grave. She just wanted a glimpse of her. Yet, she wouldn't connect because she had lost hope. Hope is always there, you just need to reach out and re-ignite it. During this time if you wish to ask a question or say something you feel will help others, feel free to say so. Kindness is needed during this time. What do you think?
Wednesday, 1 April 2020
Domestic Abuse
As I am watching the news this morning on CP 24, what I see scrolled is the following: "France is relocating women by their partners into hotels as domestic violence spikes 30% since lockdown." This pandemic is exactly the ripe conditions for abusers. Their partners are isolated and become under their complete control. I have heard many nightmarish stories from survivors of abuse. It is difficult for those being abused to get help. There is embarrassment, shame, low self esteem etc.......Both men and women suffer abuse from both sexes. This extends to children and pets. Anxiety also increases for the abuser during these time as it does for all, but self management is fragile. Remember that this abuser is merely a man or woman who is abusing because he or she can. The unknown may be scarier than living with the abuser. No one deserves to be controlled, emotionally or physically or financially abused. Abusers are in all realms of society. They are physicians, police, military, politicians etc..........The abused are also in all arenas of society. They are professionals and everyday hard working people. The abuser will make you think that this is your fault. The abuser will in attempts to isolate you, discourage you to communicate with your family and friends. Take this time to understand that you have power over yourself. You just may not know it yet. You have come to believe that this is your fault because the abuser has told you this. This is not love. This is not passion. This is brutal control. What do you think?
Thought of the day - self care
When I was on an ethics course last December, one question we were asked, was this: I invite you to imagine you are in the forest. You are walking and then see a bench where you sit down. You have the choice of sitting next to anyone of your choice. Who would you sit beside? I am going to suggest that who ever you decide to sit beside, think of what questions you would ask? Have a conversation. What do you think?
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