I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Saturday, 29 February 2020
Brrrrrrrr baby it's cold outside
My sibling is in Florida, enjoying nature, the water and the heat. I am sitting here waiting to work and after ensuring my walkway is clear of snow, am watching my neighbours removing the snow as well. I want to go see the Invisible Man but don't think I will be going anywhere. It wouldn't be too bad if it was always cold but there is quite a flux in temperature this year. Next week it should be 6 and raining. Now, I am wondering how, as you know I would like to move to Niagara, but I have also been watching the weather in Orlando. My qualifications allows me to work in the States as well as Canada. Now how can I work that out? My college allows me to practice one year out of my country. Of course I still have commitments and cannot move from Toronto but as always it is nice to keep my options open. When you have many options, I believe it is more challenging, however, it makes it all the more interesting. I really, really, want to sit outside and drink my morning coffee as I see the sun rise in blissful but not too hot days. I am good in the 20's which Orlando has. Why Orlando? Because I am a Disney Nut. Will I abandon my clients in Toronto? Of course not. I will just have to spread my wings and open up to HIPPA on the Internet or/and have a good long distance plan. Hey how about cold months in the States and summers here? For now, it is a dream that has removed my mind from the blistering cold, which gets deadly. My favourite city of course is New York, but I may has well be here weather wise. So, talk to you soon. People are still walking their dogs, but my pets are nice and warm and cozy napping away, enjoying the warmth within these walls. Good talk.
More Fraud attempts - Be careful. These people want to scam you.
I wrote you earlier without response from you. I contacting you for a business transaction concerning fund (Ten million five hundred) deposit of a deceased client, a national of your country who used to work with an oil servicing company as a contractor. I am the accountant manager of the bank and his account manager. Upon Your Reply. I Will Give You Details on How the Business Will Be Executed.
Mr. Mumelter
Friday, 28 February 2020
Tiresome fraud attempts - Don't fall for it.
Here is my latest of several. Have a good weekend. It is freezing here.***********
Dear Friend,
I am Richard nana, a lawyer and personal attorney to the late business man from your country who has a similar surname with you, I request your consent to present you as the next of kin with the following relatives in order to continue the release of his unknown deposits to you which is estimated at $ 3.5 million.,
Kindly get back to me if you can handle this transaction with me.
Barrister richard nana
Thursday, 27 February 2020
Attempted Fraud - Don't get fooled by this
Last year Canadians were scammed for millions of dollars. The amount of suffering that people endure because of scams is most unfortunate. If anyone volunteers to give you money for whatever cause, the objective is to get yours. It is unfortunate that people will try to tug at the hearts of people with these stories. Be aware, if it is too good to sound true, it probably is. This email was sent to me as well as many others. I do not post each one I get because they are simply too many. Have a nice weekend. Talk next week.
I am Mrs. Rossio Palacios, my doctor said I have few weeks to live due
to my breast cancer since 2015. I am a very wealthy woman but I am
never generous to the poor and less privilege people, so now I have
decided to help the less privilege.
But I cannot do this by myself because of my health situation, I tried
to do this by myself due to short life time cannot allow me to do it
alone, because I can die at any time according to the physician.
Please I seek your consent to help me carry out this my heart desire
so that my spirit will be at rest when I die.
Please get back to me if you are willing / capable, OK
I wait for your urgent and positive respond.
Mrs. Rossio P etc....
Tuesday, 25 February 2020
Last notes (I believe) from my Abnormal psychology .........(note book 3)
Social network can work positive or negative eg. Meeting a couple. Woman is dying from lung cancer and smoking, with husband’s support. Suicide encouragement - negative. (Since this lecture assistant suicide is legal). Biological Approaches - The question as to why Stressors tend to effect different people in different ways. Salier saw general things, but all types of conditions are different in arousal patterns for different states - A clear response to anger and fear can be easily missed. Lacy’s work in the 60’s - very specific responses.
Immune System: Skin >wood sliver breaks off inside (skin) > fragments break off>antigen.
Immune system sends out cells. Looks at shape and does two things - 1. encapsulates the antigen. 2. Secretes enzymes which degrade the invaders. Anti bodies produced to kill (scavenge) the antigens. Now bacterial/virus as opposed to wound. 1. First recognizes antigen, not part of the body (as do with all proteins) - then as before. Then stores a picture of this (so to speak) and next time antibodies shape specific for this antigen. Stress inactivates the immune system, one of biological approaches. If people are stressed - activity in immune system are reduced. Cancer - when cells starts producing antibodies, if immune system is repressed, people don’t have the benefit of this system. Another class of disease - Auto immune disease eg. polo. Recognition mechanism is a bit faulty. Immune system has forgotten it is part of own body, therefore immune system destroys healthy body tissue - paradoxically x cells as well by stress. Regarding head injury. Some people incorrectly say that to have brain damage one must be non conscience. Empirically - cut corpus callosum in epilepsy - provides learning experience- if fire for a minute and repeats….nerve fibre goes to the other side of corpus callosum - after a few months bilateral response because other side learned - cut corpus callosum - prevent secondary. He poked the brain while patient was awake to figure out how it worked. Eg. If extensive brain damage and no loss of consciousness. Diagram : Brain shake by bang of head - if no shock wave - does not pass out. When test patient - attention, memory, planning, emotional instability. Studies more recent - possible brain damage without unconsciousness. Soplosky -depicts that when people/animals are stressed, a tremendous increase in excitatory amino acids and stress hormones called Gluco Corticoids cells of the hippocampus (memory control centre) and the connections it makes with the frontal lobes. Hippocampus states is an important store for short term to long term but not stored there. Directs other cells to convert to short term to long term. Frontal lobes contribute to memory as follows; Hat, cow, pencil etc….. Easier to remember four classes of items such as clothes, tools, spices; animals. ^ not recall } recognition , no internal ^ cues to help retrieve search. Frontal lobe does this. Gluc Corticoids seem to gravitate to the two parts of the brain and do their damage. What has this got to do with functioning? Neurophysiological malfunction in schizophrenic drugs or not. (I have completed book 3 of notes of Abnormal psychology. The rest of my notes are a review for a test which I won’t place here. I am sure it would be boring for you. Next week I shall continue with the Theology notes and then decide what is next from my notes for you. Perhaps a course I took in Masculinity and Man. That was a Social Science course which was the easies course I ever took. How would you like me to share that with you? Til then. Have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Catch Up
January was a busy month and this month started so, as well but I can now slow down and return to balance. I do have a paper war but by now you understand that. Next month I shall be attending a course which should be interesting. It will be about the most common major physical contributors to anxiety and depression. Of course as usual I will be sharing the information with you. I hope to learn something new. I have found that sometimes what physicians consider psychological is actually not, but a physical ailment which has not been diagnosed. I also have a hobby of writing for fun and that has taken a rear ride unfortuantely but allas I cannot do it all. Family first, clients a close second with minimal interference and the rest is pie. Self care of course is always paramount. If you are helping others, I encourage you to balance your life. Sometimes, you have to say no. Practice it. I went to see Hedge Hog which was rather fun. I was surprised to see more adults watching the show than children. My inner child is thriving. I loved it. Silly fun. So have fun. www.redigondapscyhotherapy.com www.silvaredigonda.com
The New Missal continues (theology)
The Roman rite has always progressed in essentially the same forum. The Eastern literagy has very many site requirements. The ritual demands that the space be a certain way. If it is held elsewhere things have to be brought in. As monasteries form and develop you have more donors asking specifically for them and their families. There is a crises. You can’t say all the Masses in one alter and still have the Mass for the rest. So you get more than one alter, to pray for the world. That slight change in the Monastic Cathedral Church is going to provide a shift. The private collapses in some cases all for one person. All the books (prayer of readings, prayer, etc..) are placed in one book. Here you get the Missal, the one book for the celebration of the Eucharist. It is a secondary thing. It is going to become very significant at a great cost. The Germanic sense of the Holy is going to have an effect on Christian Churches. The introduction of the Rood screen, you are re-creating of the Holy of the Holy of the Temple. Does two things: Monastic community for the faithful - separating parishioners and community. It is also a focus of instrument architecturally. It is not a wall. It is a phase of - can look through it and focus on the Eucharistic. There is clearly now a separation. Something has become broken. The response - the Gothic turn - high Middle Ages. Own prayer practices eg. the Rosary, their own way of praying. The Priest now is saying all the prayers, readings himself. No one else is doing any of the ministry himself. What has happened is the private Mass is being moved to the central Mass. Music and preaching are now the only points that intersect orally. This Gothic Cathedral is intentionally an expression of world order. How do you unite them? You put it in one cosmic order. The relationships are outwardly expressed. What was in the meal is now in the space. Building < > visual arts < Ritual > (all interactive). * Prayer facing - facing towards the Alter. All of us - facing with the people toward Christ.* There is a sense of the music having a beauty in itself. The Architecture - what it does is it advertises itself. As the Gothic develops, every single arch is advertised in all of its complexity. Its the beauty itself that gives praises to God, building and music. *This is very important because it will become a shift. To be continued with the late Middle Ages goes to the Italian Renaissance. Next week back to psych notes.
Friday, 7 February 2020
Fraud - Don't fall for it. I post this to make you aware of fraudsters
Hello Associate,
How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family? I hope
this mail finds you in an excellent condition of health. But if you do
not remember me, you have received an email from me in the past
regarding a multi-million-dollar business proposal which we never
concluded. I am using this opportunity to inform you that this
multi-million-dollar business has been concluded with another Merchant
who financed it to a logical conclusion.I thank you for your great
effort towards our unfinished transaction, due to one reason or the
other best to known you at that time.
Due to the effort, sincerity, and trustworthiness you showed during the
course of the transaction, we want to compensate you with your
percentage and show our gratitude to you with the sum of Eight hundred and fifty
thousand United States dollars.I have left an international
certified bank draft for you, worth USD 850,000.00 cashable anywhere
in the world. My dear friend, please contact my other Lawyer, Mrs
Belinda Harmon, so that she will release the draft to you. At the
moment, I'm very busy and will like you to accept this token with good
faith as this is from the bottom of my heart. Below is his contact information.
Therefore, you should contact her and ask her to release the draft to
you because have instructed her to do so.
Best Regards,
Mr. Paul Renata.
Excerpt from The Internet Murders
“The paramedics soon arrived, and everyone moved out of the way to give them space to work on the woman, who was swiftly provided with proper bandaging and moved into the ambulance headed to St Michael’s hospital.
Cory answered all the questions asked by the black officer, who looked too sophisticated and polite to be in the police uniform. “Just call me Philip. Do you mind if I call you Cory?” Cory didn’t mind. He was tired and confused.
The short officer went to talk to Cory’s friends, who were starting to sober up because of what they had witnessed, but remained too confused to make any sense of the night.
“Can you describe him?” Philip asked.
“No, it was too dark, just a flash.”
It didn’t take long to be obvious that none of the information was helpful except that it had to be a man or a powerful woman to send the girl flying out the door.
Tomasso finished off with the stripper drunks. He looked up at the entrance to the building and began looking for cameras. Nothing. How could there not be a surveillance camera in this day and age? How does that happen? He[…]”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.” iBooks. www.silvaredigonda.com

Saturday, 1 February 2020
FRAUD - tiresome but people fall for this all the time. Should you get this, just delete it.
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