I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Scams galore This one is new for me......impersonating the FBI I believe is asking for trouble
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Unit on Africa case (filed IIA-8902-F2) regarding seized Funds of Foreign Individuals and Companies 2010-Date.
Attn: Beneficiary of Fund!
This email is reaching you from the office of Special Agent in Charge (Michael J. Anderson) in Charge of Chicago Division field (CFO) USA.
Thank you for your email message with content noted. Sir, this is to affirm to you that my office have received and noted your email message for immediate assistance.
You are advised to kindly follow the instruction below and fill-out the plain form as directed and send back to my office for further information and discussion on the release and recovery of your funds.
Note, once we have received your full information, we shall contact you with further details and also intimate you on your funds release process.
Fill out your personal details on the below plain form.
Complete Name: ---------------------- Country of Origin: --------------------------------
Present Address: ---------------------- Date of Birth: ------------------- Sex: ------------
Marital Status: ---------------Occupation: ---------Tel/Mobile: ----------------
Kindly attach a Valid I.D copy (D/L / Int'l Passport)
The attached I.D badge is for Special Agent in charge, Michael J. Anderson.
Distributing or Editing is highly prohibited. This I.D badge is attached for your view only
Signed By,
Special Agent in Charge,
Michael J. Anderson,
Criminal Investigations Division,
Crimes & Fraud Unit
CFO (Field office)
United States of America
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Fraud, Fraud, Fraud, It does get tiresome. Don't get fooled by these people who gain from the loss and suffering of others.
Dear xxxxxxxxxxx
Your 2018 tax refund is now available - Don't miss your payment!
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• the link expire's on 31 August 2019.
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• A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons, for example submitting invalid records or applying after deadline.
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Amount: $683.15 CAD
Description: Payments from CRA Canada.ca
Transaction ID: 716F29C3A2BFF568E-26497128CA-2019
Date: 27 August 2019
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Yours sincerely
Canada Revenue Agency
Please don't reply to this email; it's been automatically produced from an address that can't accept incoming mail.
Monday, 19 August 2019
Precious Blood Catholic Church in Scarborough
It has been a while since I wrote about my visiting churches. Sometimes the sermons are difficult to listen to, so it was refreshing to visit Precious Blood at 1737 Lawrence East. The mass began with us being asked to greet each other. I turned to my left and a man provided me with a sincere warm smile. I looked around and the smiles continued. I thought this was a wonderful start. We got to actually see who we were sitting with. The sermon was also inspiring. The Pastor spoke of poverty, how it will increase (don’t I know it), and provided a talk about a region in South America which has so much poverty. The Bishop (correct me if I am wrong) helped the poor which the politicians liked, however when he held them responsible for the poverty, they did not like that (my words; not his). His sermon made me think about how clergy has been killed not only in South America but other parts of the world when trying to help their poor and repressed. My heart went to the people of Hong Kong and my thoughts went to China telling us we should mind our own business. I think not. What I liked about the sermon was that it stimulated thought. We were not told about what to do or what to think. We were left in thoughtful poise. I looked up at a photo of Fr Pio at the front right side of the church, who loved the poor. He bore the stigmata. I watched a documentary about him and a film and recommend it. After mass there was coffee and treats, which I love. I noticed the Pastor speaking to everyone. What I also noticed for the first time in my case that there was no request for money for the treats. I can’t remember that. Nor, is coffee and treats available at all churches which is a shame because it brings the community together. Often those who cannot afford treats may be left behind. I thought they had a wonderful selection and I noticed one woman with about four children and was pleased that regardless if the woman could afford it or not, she and her children could enjoy their treats. I left the parish feeling refreshed and wishing there were more of this substance. It is a lovely big church with lots of parking. I also learned something at treat time. One of the Italian women I met, told me that Victoria Park separates East York from Scarborough. The Church is on the South side, just East of Victoria Park. If you are wanting to become a Catholic, they have studies there for that and I would definitely recommend that church. What do you think? (Theology is a definite interest for me. People who go for therapy range from a variety of religions, spirituality and cultures. I am so fortunate to be exposed to so many interesting people and ideas).
Thoughts and update
I cannot believe that summer is coming to an end, especially since with humidity it will be in the thirties and my air conditioner will be running. I was reading one of my retirement associations periodicals and they were requesting information regarding personal experiences regarding the flu shot. I was rather disappointed because they have access to so much updated information by going directly to the sources who teach this. I thought back to my courses and remember studying this. I thought it would be in my blogs and so I read my titles and realized that I am not there yet. I also noticed that about five years ago I thanked my readers especially those from the States (my highest readers) for their dedication, etc…..and that I was stopping to blog. Obviously I didn’t. I got to see the titles of what I was writing about and it was rather a refresher. I have written so much for people to get info. They are merely tid bits but always useful information. I am rather very structured and to find all the technical information of how the flu shot works is not my mandate. I don’t know what the hysteria is all about. You are shot with dead viruses which the little armies in bodies respond to, and fight it. It is dead so it does not harm us, however, our armies will recognize it when it faces the real thing and then slam bang….It saves lives. Of course we don’t always know what new strains will be coming around so we will get sick by that. I am still writing about the new missal (RC theology) and my psych notes. I paused on both to write about the Guelph Conferences because I found it so interesting. In my first year of university, we were forced to take about four courses which I would not have taken because it had nothing to do with psychology. I thought it was a waste of time. It was not. I had to take a natural science, a social science and two others which I chose as (critical )writing with reason and critical thinking. The social science topic I selected was “man and masculinity” (the easiest course I have ever taken and rather fun. My humour would get me into trouble with the prof who didn’t share my sense of humour. He was an ex minister and divorced three times. I found that in itself amusing. My chuckling and laughter is what got me into trouble. However, I did like him and I think he did not mind me either, though I did anger him at times. The natural science was about health. All these subjects have only enhanced me as a therapist and a human being. Whenever I was exhausted about psychology, I would take a break and take an English course because that was my favourite subject. Hence, my love of reading and writing. It is my hobby because I certainly am not making money with that and if you are not making money, I am told it is a hobby. What can I say? I am not going to write back to the person who is asking hundreds of people I believe about the flu shot. I think that is too easy when you have all the resources you can go to. I would like to say go interview an expert and report what they say. However, that would sound condescending. So, I shall refrain from the obvious. Now back to us. Years later I am still blogging and getting all my notes in here and shedding them afterwards. The entire conference may not have anything to do with my profession, however, what I am learning effects people. And what effects people is something for me to take note. I have still to write update info regarding farmers and about coaching. I was going to skip that because I am counting my education hours and have to prepare for my submission to my college. I have to supply records of my education hours, topics and times, dates, people seen, what I call essays but they don’t etc……….It is not difficult but it is very tedious and time consuming. Do I wish I could avoid it? Of course. But the college is there to protect the public and the public does need to be protected. Now, hopefully slowly because nothing is rushed nowadays (that is what the politicians are saying about our daily shootings in Toronto area - it takes time, which is a start from the annoying “we are safer than………..) Enough about that. So I will continue with the last sessions of the conference and then move on to the next seminar, I attended which was about self care. I practise that with a passion. I have to also watch my web stuff which I find boring. I might as well live in Timbuktu (which is a real place, you know?) I prefer live with lots of interaction because I thrive among people. So enough about all this, I am just bringing you to date with the thoughts I have this morning. Don’t hesitate to ask me questions regarding psychotherapy. Thanks again for reading my blogs. What do you think?
Monday, 12 August 2019
Can we use bugs as drugs (conclusion)? by Professor Emma Allen-Vercoe, Dept of Molecular and Cellular Biology Continues notes. Guelph Conference
Can we add beneficial microbes back? Probiotics from the drug/health store? Generally it is very safe and defined. Industry is poorly regulated. Effects are modest at best. There is much hype but little scientific proof.
Faecal transplants? Have shown great promise in treating gut infections. There are many unknowns. It is difficult to figure out the therapeutic effects. It is rather disgusting. A hybrid study? Instead of stool, why not use pure microbes, isolated from the gut of a healthy person? Major barriers to cultivation are low abundance and fastidiousness. Someone needs to take the first step. There is a new framework being developed in what Prof Emma Allen-Vercoe considers in research the stability, diversity, functionality, and strain interactivity - The needs of the interactivity of the ecosystem. It needs to be commercialized; Needs of the patient: oral preferred. Coming soon - Met - 2 is a new first class biologic drug - lyophilized, standardized, ecosystem for oral delivery; Clinical c. difficile. Faecal transplant is already a thing and Canada Health is concerned about it. Regarding advertisement: Yoghurt probiotics - no. www.probiotic chart.ca has a list of all evidence that are legitimate. 99% sold is all rubbish. Read the small print.
Friday, 9 August 2019
Sunday at Indigo was successful. Long day ................busy times
I love book events and if you would like to invite me for a reading, or signing please don't hesitate. I consider this fun and meeting new people has always been interesting. Selling my books at Indigo, Yorkdale was fun as per usual but also very interesting, because it was a rather quiet venue. Probably the most quiet. I am usually where large groups gather such as the university or Word on the Street. This was rather a warm atmosphere. I was near a rack of towels which I noticed was a hit. I got to see some habits people have when choosing towels. People seemed very relaxed as it should be in a book store. I also noticed that each person who bought my book was equally male/female, and each represented a different culture, religion or spirituality. This is what I love about my city. We learn so much about each other in special moments. I often speak of leaving Toronto which I cannot right now due to commitments. Niagara Falls is my objective which is becoming more achievable. People there also flock from all over the world to view the magnificent falls. As a relative told me, Niagara has a small town atmosphere with a lot to do. Having a daily walk and viewing the falls while stopping at Tim’s for coffee is a retirement dream. However, after being on my third career, will I really ever retire? Probably not. Why? Because I actually love what I am doing. However, if I ever do retire from providing therapy, I will only have more time to write and so again retirement may work for some, but not for me. I have been more busy than usual this summer which is quickly coming to a close. The Toronto exhibition is coming to town and that marks the end of summer which kept me too much indoors. Global warming challenges me. I seem to not tolerate extreme weather. I am fortunate that I have air conditioning and realize that I need to be constantly aware of how the poor suffer. I am seeing more of it as well as an increase in crime. After the book selling and feel free to order one if you wish or download an e book (for a fee of course at www.silvaredigonda.com) I went to see a movie with a friend, “Once upon a Time in Holywood” It was not my movie choice but I believe in taking turns. I don’t like violence and found some portions a bit disturbing though the crowd cheered. I also didn’t know enough about the cinema past, to distinguish fact from fiction. The audience was an older crowd as well. We later went to Diary Queen and at midnight I was still there. I marvelled that I felt very safe out that late in the open, enjoying the lovely evening. With all the shootings in this city which is only getting worse, you just need to be in the wrong place that could be anywhere. Of course within the same place where I thought was very safe there were bullets flying within the same week. That is another reason for wanting to leave my beautiful city. It is not the same place where I grew up in. Today the Mayor and Premier will be talking about the violence and so I hope that something will actually be done. I have tired hearing from the Mayor and Chief of Police how we are the safest city among so many others. Accepting the new normal only prevents change, to get back to the real normal. Is Niagara better? Not according to people wanting me to stay here. However, we do have everything here and I am spoiled. I know it. I love it. So, that was one busy day of a busy week. My days are busy and my dreams are busy. I thought it would be nice to dream about sleeping. Now, it is time to slow down and to get back to balance. I actually love my life and where I am at in this time of it. So, if you are interested in my three books, I am an email or call away. Or, if you are interested in buying any, check out my web site.
www.silvaredigonda.com www.redigondapsychotherapy.com How was your week? What do you think?
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Can we use bugs as drugs? by Professor Emma Allen-Vercoe, Dept of Molecular and Cellular Biology Continues notes. Guelph Conference
How can lifestyle impact? During birth along the vaginal canal - breast milk carries a lot of microbes. Also sugar, proteins are very important for the baby - certain sugar is also food for the microbes. After the age of three, micro is set. What we do that interferes. Caesarean delivery - microbes different. We chemically preserve our food. Not all these things are bad. C section can save a life. Germs terrify people. We quickly get to work on exterminating our microbes. Hygiene hypothesis - we are preventing colonization by being too clean. Missing microbiota hypothesis - We are disturbing proper colonization across generations through eg. antibiotic use. Antibiotic use (especially in early childhood may be problematic. Many studies have shown: gut microbiota changes significantly with antibiotic use. Which is unfortunate because it saves lives and are one of the miracles of modern medicine. but we have failed to understand the full consequences of their use. The additional impact of the Western diet which is rick in refined food (take out all the fibre) low in fermented food, complex carbohydrate; fibre. Refined foods are easily broken down - starving them. Worry about - artificial sweeteners and colour have the potential to do much harm to the micro to actually contribute to obesity instead of what is was thought. Why do some drugs work miracles in some patients and do nothing for others? Answer - We have been focusing on the wrong genome. It is hard to predict how the microbiota will respond to perturbations. eg. of diseases associated with altered microbiota diversity. Inflammatory bowel disease, infant colic, eczema, autism, colorectal cancer, allergic asthma, celiac disease, obesity etc… What have we done? How do we fix it? Can we add beneficial microbes back? to be continued next week..........
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