I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 31 July 2019
and More Scam Alerts for you.......(we really need to do something to catch these people because they cause harm)
"I am in the military unit here in Afghanistan, we have some amount of funds worth $16.500.000.00 USD with Gold that we want to move out ofthe country. My partners and I need a good partner we can trust. It is risk free and legal. Also send your whatsapp number"
My response:
prizac@iess.gob.ec" has been added to your blacklist.
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
SCAM, SCAM, SCAM (tiresome) For Professionals and other services providers
The below is an email scam I received which is not uncommon. I know that therapists from other countries read my blog. This is something which first came to my attention about seven years ago. Someone contacts you. They claim to be a professional of some type, needing therapy because where they live it is a problem to find someone. They provide you with a bunch of dates and then they insist that they want to send you funds for that. Years ago they sent me a money order which I had informed them not to, since I do not take payment in advance. They actually sent funds exceeding the amount for the entire sessions. I found this all suspicious, brought it to the bank and they thought it was legitimate. I insisted it was suspicious and the person called a bank out West and guess what? They had this big ring of fraud. I was informed that if I had cashed the money order they would have had all my banking information. I guess these guys are not used to honest people. I wonder why? So, if you get something like this, please remember this blog. It is so unfortunate that fraud is becoming so common. I am all for policing the sites and protecting the public. Note below:
I sincerely apologize for the delayed response, I have been very busy. Thank you for your response. I would have called you, but I will need to get a international calling card to do so, which is hard to find. I will make sure I explain what i need in details in this message. My name is xxxxxxxx, I am years old, i'm a Canadian living and working in Mexico.
I have been working and living with my family in Mexico since 2012, I'm a xxxxxx, i won xxxxxxx contract in in Mexico in 2012. I always spend 3 months at home in Canada every year for our vacation, We will arrive in Canada on the 15 of September to 15th of December 2019. I would have loved to do the counseling here in Mexico, but language barrier is the problem. The 15 of September to 15th of December 2019 in Canada will give me opportunity to seek for the help i needed, I have been battling with xxxxxxxx for aboutxxxxxyears, I think it's the right time to seek for a professional help.
I need 10 appointment sessions. Like i said above that, i will be in Canada between 15 of September to 15th of December, that will be 13 weeks, i will suggest the following schedule for 10 appointment sessions with you;
Week 1: 2 sessions (Please select 2 days and time you like for this week)
Week 2: 2 sessions (Please select 2 days and time you like for this week)
Week 3: 2 sessions (Please select 2 days and time you like for this week)
Week 4: 2 sessions (Please select 2 days and time you like for this week)
Week 5: 2 sessions (Please select 2 days and time you like for this week)
Two session per week is fine with me, but we can do one session per week if that's what you prefer/recommend. This is just my suggested schedule, you can choose other weeks out of the 13 weeks to complete my 10 sessions, if you can't complete my 10 sessions within the first 5 weeks. You can start my appointments at any week you prefer within the 13 weeks, just go ahead and spread the appointments as your schedule permits within the 13 weeks and let me know. My schedule will be totally flexible when we arrive in Canada, so any time of the day or evening you choose will be comfortable for me.
I just looked up your location, your location is about 6 miles away from our residence, so coming for my appointment on time will be very convenient for me.
Please, it is Very Important for me to know the total cost of 10 appointment sessions Including any other extra fee that may be included. Send me the schedule you prefer and the Total cost for 10 appointment?
Thank you very much."
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
The Internet Murders Meet and Greet Indigo Yorkdale

Friday, 19 July 2019
Can we use bugs as drugs? by Professor Emma Allen-Vercoe, Dept of Molecular and Cellular Biology University of Guleph Conference
Her question to us, I presume was rhetorical, “What is your microbiome and why is it so important?” - Human health depends on microbiota health. We are super organisms of human and microbial cells. We exist on a delicate balance. There is more bacteria living in your gut than there are people on the planet. The human microbiome project indicates the human boy has 100 trillion. How human are we? reference human - .70 Kilograms, 20-30 years old, 1.7 meters tall. - 30 trillion human cells; 39 trillion bacterial cells. A very healthy sample of the population. Bacterial cells are much smaller than human cells. Like a finger print you also have a poo (feces) print. Biodiversity in the gut is important. High diversity of species: - robust ecosystem - balance - functional redundancy - - high gene count - Resistant to damage. The bacterial community in your gut remains stable from weaning to old age. Older - immune system is effected. What do microbes do for us? - regulate the immune system - helps to extract energy from foods, controls potential pathogens - makes some essential metabolites including vitamins and cofactors - improves intestinal function - removes toxins and carcinogens - as important as a liver. How can lifestyle impact? answer will be provided next week.. To be continued next week.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend. It has been busy with work and play and paper war. This November I have to submit all my hours to my college of the work I have done. I also want to take a mini vacation. I will have to skip one conference I really wanted to attend regarding couple therapy but hopefully I can see it on the web when I return. I require 20 education hours a year but I am sure I surpass that every year. I have made my holiday a priority this time. Of course I shall tell you about that. It will be in the States. I do love it there and it is so close. Til next week… I thank you for reading my blogs. If you ever have a question do not hesitate to ask. Any errors that may exist are my own and never the speakers. I have big shoulders.
Friday, 12 July 2019
The New Missal - theology notes continues...............
….Israel is still in exile. Living in the new land but still in exile. The belief of the day in exile is still paganism. God is about to act and intervene and once again be Israel’s King. The escatol is coming. So what about Jesus’ celebration of the last supper? Brings it all to a climax. The new exodus is happening through “me” - The action in the meal through the code. Exile is not in the future but through “me”. Twelve around him. Holy week - Jesus the new centre; not the temple. Jesus identifies the bread, part of exodus and oneself. Bread - body his own. Not only his biological, but his existence and predicts his dying which is offered. As the host is being broken, his death is happening. The death of Jesus is the protector like a chicken protecting its’ chicks (mother uses wings to cover chicks) alive under wings. “Do this in memory of me.” After Easter, the people knew that there is a new Israel. Freed by exile. The how do you know? Poured out the spirit - people speaking out in tongues. Not a victory over paganism but over sin and evil - the real thing. Jesus has let evil do the worse to him knowing that God will protect him. God vindicates the Just. This new community source of the world for everyone. Setting the seal - the washing of the feet - putting the poor and the sinner at the centre. A new communal order. Articulating what Israel has always done. Easter is the vindication of the history. The Kingdom has happened but not as expected. Jesus causes himself to be seen in the meal. Eg. At the burning bush - recognized in the breaking of the bed. They are living and dining now in the reign of God. This is very evident in the Orthodox tradition. Our mana from heaven. Final thoughts - death just a death but Jesus chooses to make in that execution to the Father for us. All of this meal and sacrifice indicates Mission. Not isolated from the world - ascending out.
to be continued…………Next week continuation of Guelph University conference
Tuesday, 9 July 2019
From Crayons to Perfume - To Sir With Love
I have been so fortunate to have known wonderful men and Chief Elliott, was definitely one of the best. Not only was he intelligent, nurturing and dignified, he was a gentleman. My mother once said that she noticed all the men I had as friends were gentle. She was right. I never cared for the loud mouths, arrogant men who demeaned others due to their own frustations and inferiorities. We all have to tolerate people we may not choose to socialize or work with because that is the nature of life. However, when we surround ourselves with people who are positive, and generous in spirit, we are fortunate. Chief Elliott was one of those men. Chief Elliott was a man's man. I don't think there has ever been a time, that he asked something of me and I did not comply. Though I have been retired many years since working for him, he could still pick up the phone and ask me to visit a sick military man and I would respond immediately. He never asked for himself and I suppose he knew that if he had I would have responded immediately. I knew Chief Elliott when he was the youngest Chief. He was offered his commission and he declined. He led men and women with dignity. I was very green when I met Chief Elliott. He is responsible for grooming me into who I have become. He is not alone in that. I have been fortunate to have been groomed by others. None who have ever showed any disrespect or treated me any different than he would have a man. I knew that if we were sent into a fight, I better stand my ground. I knew if my partner bled, I better be bleeding. I knew that when doing my work, he would support me 100%. How many can say that? Goodbye my old friend. You shall certainly be missed, especially by me. You were one of the greatest in my life. If anyone who knew him wants to know about his funeral arrangements please let me know and I shall forward the email I recieved which contained the information I have pasted for you. To Sir With Love. I salute you.

Friday, 5 July 2019
Guelph Conference - Campus Therapy Dog Program

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