Monday 19 March 2018

Scam Alert

Hi, On a weekly basis there are attempts to scam me and it gets rather tiresome and time consuming. It also takes up too much of my time. A few weeks ago a neighbour came to see me and let me hear the voice mail on her cell phone. It was a man's authorative deep voice saying that if she didn't pay a certain sum, for I think it was revenue Canada, the police were going to come and arrest her. Yah, yah, yah........I informed my client that the police would never call and leave a message like that. These scams can be very disturbing for some. These people are after your money whether you have any or not and people regardless of education etc.....provide that money out of fear. Fear is my business and so I will start copying some of the stuff I get so you have an inkling of what to expect. I have also been having calls claiming to be from google asking me to press 7 or 9 to continue or naught. I called google in the States and saw them here at the HOme show. I provided them with the number and also reported them to the do not call list. Please do not press these numbers when you are asked. Hang up. So, note the below. Very tiresome, but when I get lemons, I like to make lemonade, so here is a tip from me to you. I am still doing my taxes and am seriously thinking of hiring someone next year. I may be ripping myself off. I will write another blog as promised this week about lonliness. I have also been reading more about veterans pertaining to the USA and us here. So, have a good week. And thank you for reading my blogs. This letter is notifying you of the death of my client. I am contacting you to inform you that a notice has been given by the bank that if no one comes forward for the claim of the assets of the deceased that it will be marked as ownerless and subsequently claimed by the Government. I found your name in some of the documents of the deceased and traced your email through an advanced search.I am contacting you because you bear the same last name with my late client.I want to know if you are in anyway related to my late client. Please respond with your full name and contact telephone number. Best Regards, William Ryan Esq

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